The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 118: hansome


Carol was flying in the air, feeling extremely comfortable, like a caged bird that had escaped its restraints.

When Mike was fighting the controlled 'her', she was also fighting against the supreme intelligence in the invisible realm of the mind. Although Mike helped her escape from control very quickly, in this short period of time, she , and gained a lot.

She understood that as long as she wanted to, she could break free from the shackles set by the supreme wisdom and destroy the ability inhibitor.

Her abilities were not given by the Kree, but her own.

As long as she wants to, no one can restrain her!

Thinking of this, she felt extremely excited.

The next moment, when Mike resisted the falling missile and pushed it to other missiles in the air, she also resisted a missile and pushed it high into the sky just like Mike.


Hot rays and photon energy streaked through the air, detonating several missiles. A fierce explosion appeared in the sky like a fire cloud, and Mike and Carol rushed towards the remaining missiles without hesitation.

Boom, boom!

It was like a string of firecrackers exploding, and all the missiles wherever the two flew past were destroyed.


The two passed through the fire cloud and stopped in mid-air.

"give it to you."

Mike said calmly and flew downwards.

There is not much time left for this card. If you want to continue fighting, you have to waste one more card.

Just leave the rest to Carol.

At this time, Carol was unstoppable.

Carol laughed "hey", looked up at the fleet outside the earth, and rushed forward.

Mike landed, with just one minute left.

Clark walked out through the cornfield, and the father and son smiled at each other and walked towards the door of their home.


"Dad, you are great!"

"Clark, you are so handsome!"

Charles and Eric cheered and ran towards the two.

Mike hugged the two of them, and the family looked at Nick Fury and Talos on the side.

The two suddenly swallowed nervously, especially Nick Fury...

He has been punched several times by Mike, and he can still stand upright. He will brag about it again in the future, ah, no, he has the capital to show off.

After all, Mike punched Carol away, but not him. Rounding things off, he was stronger than Carol.

Hmm...nothing wrong!

Nick Fury nodded secretly.

"Are you okay?"

Mike frowned when he saw Nick Fury staring at him stupidly.

It seems that the injuries on his body have recovered, but why does he look a little stupid? Could it be that his brain was damaged

Nick Fury blinked quickly, regained consciousness, and thanked Mike: "Thank you just now. If it weren't for you, I would be dead now."

"Yes, it's still heartbreaking."

Talos added on the side.

Nick Fury twitched the corner of his mouth and stared at Talos depressedly.

Talos was stunned for a moment, thinking that what he said was not quite right, and then added: "The kind that is completely dead."

After saying that, he showed a sincere smile to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury sighed.

Is this alien unable to read his face

"Let's go home first."

Mike said something and rushed home first.

He and Clark were still shirtless now.

"Then Carol will be fine."

Nick Fury asked worriedly.

Mike waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, she will hit those Crees now just like she hits you. There is no difference."

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned. He felt that what he said made sense, but he didn't know what was wrong...

While Mike and Clark were changing their clothes, Carol ended the fight with good news, or more accurately, a surprise.

She found Mar-Vell's laboratory spacecraft and flew back with a small spacecraft from inside.

When the small spacecraft landed, everyone (Nick Fury and Talos) cheered, but the Mike family was very calm.

The spaceship door opened, and she was holding a blue cube in her hand, throwing it up and down, and appeared in front of everyone. Behind her were two Skrulls, one big and one small.

Talos suddenly became quiet, then ran over and hugged the two of them fiercely.

This is his wife and children.

"thanks, thanks!"

He expressed his gratitude to Carol excitedly.

Carol smiled and said: "What you really care about is them, not the core in my hands, right?"

Talos grinned, picked up his child, and kissed his wife gently.

Carol casually threw the Cosmic Cube in her hand to Nick Fury.

Instead of answering, Nick Fury quickly moved back and hid behind Clark.

The scene fell silent.

Carol's mouth twitched and said, "Why don't you catch it?"

Nick Fury: "Who knows if this thing is dangerous, you just throw it over here..."

Mike looked at the Cosmic Cube on the ground, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he chuckled.

This thing is a big trouble.

"Pick it up quickly!"

Carol stepped off the spacecraft and said: "This is the energy core, but it belongs to your SHIELD."

After the Cosmic Cube was salvaged by Howard Stark many years ago, it has been in S.H.I.E.L.D. until Mar-Vell arrived and used it to develop the light speed engine. Stayed in the room for several years.


Gugu popped his head out of the room, staring at the shining Cosmic Cube, as if he had seen something interesting. When Nick Fury went to pick up the Cosmic Cube, he quickly jumped out and put his little paws on the Cosmic Cube. superior.

"Gugu, go aside."

Nick Fury waved his hand.

Gugu stared at Nick Fury fiercely.

Nick Fury knelt down, smiled and raised his hand to touch Gugu, only to see Gugu open his mouth to him.

"You'd better stay away from it."

Talos reminded nervously.

Nick Fury laughed at Talos and said, "It's just a cat. Are you afraid... Damn it!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Gugu's mouth suddenly opened wide, swallowed the Cosmic Cube, and then tilted his head to look at him.

Nick Fury took two steps back, with some cold sweat on his head, and said to Carol: "Sure enough, this thing is dangerous and will mutate the things it comes into contact with."

Carol was speechless.

Talos smiled and explained: "That's an element-devouring beast, not a cat."


Gugu looked at Nick Fury, wagging his tail and leaned over.

Nick Fury stiffened a little, forced a smile, and said, "He won't scratch my handsome face, will he?"

Everyone looked at the increasingly unclear face in the darkening sky, and the corners of their mouths twitched twice.

So shameless...

Carol smiled and said: "Look at it, it likes you very much."

Nick Fury bent down, looked at Gugu for two seconds, carefully picked up Gugu, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Gugu had no intention of swallowing him.