The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 120: funeral


Chug tug tug…

Mike's car emitted black smoke and slowly stopped.

From Need for Speed to Old Farmer Tractor, all you need to do is accelerate the car to 180 and add three excited kids.

The three Clarks sat in the car, looking at each other and feeling a little panicked.

This car...why is it so careless

They just got excited and then they broke

"what to do?"

Charles panicked.

Clark pressed his forehead with a headache.

Eric said nervously: "How to explain to dad?"

Clark took a deep breath and said, "Just say that I damaged the car when I drove it out."

"But it's definitely not because the car was driving too fast." Charles added, "If dad finds out, Clark will be in trouble."

Clark nodded hesitantly, and the two looked at Eric.

Eric scratched his hair in distress and nodded.

"Okay, it's decided!"

The three reached an agreement.

At this moment, a police car blocked in front of them, and a sneering policeman walked towards them.

The three of them patted their foreheads in unison, and Charles said, "Leave it to me, or your driver's license will be lost."


The policeman knocked down the glass window, looked at Clark's childish face, and said with a straight face: "Son, let me see your driver's license."

Clark took out his driver's license and handed it over.

The policeman took it and sneered: "That's awesome. I can't even catch you while driving."

Clark laughed dryly, but Eric showed his head and said, "Thank you!"

The policeman looked at Eric sideways and said, "Do you think I mean to compliment you?"

As he said that, he opened his driver's license and took a look.

"Hey, it's only the first day." The police officer looked at Clark with a sneer and said, "Do you know how dangerous it was to drive like you just did?"

"Sorry." Clark scratched his head and said, "I just felt slow at first, but later I got too excited."

"Then you should calm down, your driver's license is..."

At this moment, Charles stretched out his index and middle fingers and gently pressed his temples, saying: "Officer, nothing happened to us, right?"

The policeman was stunned for a moment and said without hesitation: "Yes, pay attention to safety."

He handed Clark his driver's license.

Clark put it away and breathed a sigh of relief.

After the police walked away, the three of them looked at each other and looked at the smoking front end of the car with expressions of frustration.

Eric said worriedly: "If this car breaks down like this, it will cost dad a lot of money."

Upon hearing this, Clark and Charles also looked worried.

Although their family had a farm and enough money to spend, his father had a hard time raising the three of them.

Children from poor families have long been parents. Although they are not considered poor, it still makes them feel very distressed when they damage a car while playing with it.

"How about that, Charles?"

Eric tilted his head and looked at Charles.

Charles pursed his lips, but Clark said seriously: "Don't even think about it!"

Hearing this, Charles and Eric were relieved.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Clark comforted: "It's probably not a big problem. Let's go home first. Dad should be worried after being out for so long."

Charles and Eric breathed a sigh of relief. Since Clark said it was okay, it must be okay.

"Which one of you is coming?"

Charles looked at the two of them with some expectation.

Eric and Clark looked at each other, reached out their hands in tacit understanding, and played rock-paper-scissors.

"Ha ha!"

Eric chuckled triumphantly.

Clark shrugged indifferently and said to Eric: "You will have a good grasp of the direction in a while."

He got out of the car, stood behind the car, looked around, and when he saw that there was no one around, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Pay attention!"

The next second, Clark exerted force, and the car disappeared instantly.


The two piercing screams seemed to remain in place.

When the car stopped, Charles and Eric felt like their souls were dying.

It was so fast that Eric couldn't control the direction at all, and it was all controlled by Clark alone.

The two staggered out of the car, their faces pale, and they vomited while holding on to the car.

At this moment, Mike came out, looked at this scene, and couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong? Motion sickness?"

Motion sickness


They stun Clark!

The two shook their heads, glanced at Clark, and couldn't help but spit it out.

Clark looked innocent.


Mike noticed the smoking front end of the car and said, "Car?"

"Uh, something's wrong!"

Clark said bravely.

Mike narrowed his eyes and looked at the three of them suspiciously. He noticed Eric's evasive eyes and understood in his heart, "Nothing happened, right?"

The three nodded.

Mike groaned and said, "I won't do this next time."

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Eric muttered softly: "I knew I couldn't hide it from dad."

"Dad!" Clark couldn't help but said, "Well, if you want to repair the car, you can deduct it from my pocket money."

Eric and Charles nodded.

Mike was startled and said with a smile: "It's just a car repair. It doesn't cost much. Our family is not so poor that we need your pocket money."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the house, muttering in his heart.

The child is very sensible and he is very pleased.

As for telling them the true financial status of the family...

Mike thought for a moment and decided to wait until they were adults.

Looking at Mike's back, the three Clarks were deeply moved.

It’s great to have such a dad!


The rain kept falling outside, and the whole world was very quiet.

Mike stood in front of the closet with an incomprehensible expression. He took out a black suit and a white shirt. After putting them on, he stood in front of the mirror and straightened them out.

Fitted suit, tall figure, when Mike noticed more and more gray hair on his temples, he smiled slightly.

He is still handsome, but without realizing it, he is already a middle-aged man.

He tried to manifest panaceas and cultivation secrets, but he couldn't manifest them at all.

He is very capable, but he is not God. Whatever he wants appears.

After all, this ability still has many limitations, and to a certain extent, it is not omnipotent.


Mike counted on his fingers.

How could he survive until Clark and the others got married and had children? He was much better than that guy Howard.

Today is Howard's funeral.

After persisting for more than a year, this guy left this world unwillingly and satisfied.

Before Howard died, he called him, thanked Mike again, and left a gift for Mike.

Thanks, gift…

Mike didn't feel that Howard owed him anything.

For so many years, Howard, as a friend, has been covering up and erasing the information he and the three children inadvertently left behind. Mike was very grateful for this.


Mike turned and walked out of the room.

He was going to see this friend off for the last time.