The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 122: prom


Seeing that his father and two younger brothers were persuading him, Clark was silent for a moment and said, "I'll think about it."

After saying that, he quickly finished his dinner and went upstairs.

Seeing this, the father and son sighed.

Mike gave Charles a piece of meat and said, "Eat quickly. I will go and have a chat with him later. If he really doesn't want to go, I won't force him."

Charles muttered: "I'm still thinking that this time we three brothers may have a chance to participate together."

"You guys?" Mike raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't this the graduation prom?"

"But we were invited by others." Charles blinked and said, "A senior who is about to graduate invited me and Eric."

Eric nodded and said excitedly: "I heard it's quite interesting."

Mike stared at the two of them: "Old cow eats young grass?"

"Ahem!" Charles blushed and said, "Dad, what are you talking about? Nothing will happen. I'm just going to eat and dance."

Eric nodded and said, "If I didn't want to go to the dance, I wouldn't agree to that senior sister's invitation."

Mike looked at the two of them suspiciously, curled his lips for a while, and said, "Don't mess around. I don't want to become a grandpa in a year."

"Dad!" Charles stared at Mike with his eyes widened, and said, "What are you thinking about? It's time to cleanse your mind."


Mike hit Charles on the head with his chopsticks and said, "You bastard!"


Charles covered his head and took a mouthful of rice with a smile.

"Dad, we are going to the dance and we need clothes."

Eric spoke up and added: "It's more formal."

"No problem, when is the dance?"

"the day after tomorrow."

Mike groaned and said, "Then tomorrow, let's go shopping for clothes in the city together."

"Dad! I love you so much!"

Charles smiled happily and winked at Mike.

Mike shuddered and said, "Don't use this against me, I'm not one of those little girls."


Eric smiled and patted the table and said, "Dad, how did you know that Charles used this method to deal with those people?"

Mike shrugged and said, "Don't forget, I raised you all by myself. Before you even opened your mouth, I knew what you were going to fart."

"Ha ha!"

The two laughed, then froze for a moment.

This is... right

"Ahem, hurry up and eat!" Mike knocked on the table and said, "You can clear away the dishes in a moment."

The two nodded.

After a while, Mike finished his meal, walked upstairs, stood at Clark's door, raised his finger to knock on the door, paused with his finger, thought about what to say for a while, and then knocked on the door again.

Clark opened the door and said helplessly: "Dad, you..."

Mike walked in with a smile, looked at the books thrown away, sighed, and said, "You are already so old, have you decided which university to go to?"

Clark has excellent grades and many choices. He has already received offers from many schools.

"I chose a place closer to home."



Clark nodded and said, "It's pretty good there."

Mike smiled and looked at the young man in front of him, feeling very satisfied.

He has a tall and straight figure, handsome facial features, blue eyes and soft black hair. Even though he is handsome, he is also good at studying, polite and gentle in character.

Well, my father is really a good child-raiser.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Karak waved his hand in front of Mike.

Mike came back to his senses: "Tomorrow, Charles and the others will go shopping for prom clothes. You can go with us."

Clark said hesitantly: "Dad, I thought about it and decided not to participate."

"Okay, but you have to think clearly. There is only one graduation prom. If you miss it, there won't be a second time."

"I… "

"Didn't you say that you wanted to experience the life of an ordinary high school student?"

Clark was a little hesitant, remembering that he had not had much contact with his classmates at school, so he bit the bullet and said to Mike: "Dad, it's hard to find dance partners now, most of them have made appointments half a month ago. "


Mike patted Clark on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, maybe there will be a girl in a similar situation to you that day, and you two will just make a couple."

After finishing speaking, Mike saw that Clark was still hesitant, coughed slightly, and approached Clark and whispered: "Could it be that you are afraid of... the murder scene?"

Clark's eyes twitched, his mouth twitched crazily, and he said angrily: "Dad!"


Mike laughed dryly and said to Clark: "Don't worry, there will be..."

Clark blushed and said angrily: "I've already solved it!"

Mike was stunned for a moment, patted Clark on the shoulder and said, "Well done!"

Clark: "..."

"Then it's settled, let's go together tomorrow."

After saying that, without waiting for Clark to object, Mike walked out of the room, closed the door, and then noticed that the room opposite was open a crack, and he crossed his fingers.

Charles and Eric opened the door and walked out with a smile.

"Dad! How's it going?"

"It's done, let's go together tomorrow!"


The two cheered.

Eric said: "On the prom day, the three of us brothers will take over the entire dance floor!"

Charles chuckled and said, "But I won't give up King's position."

Every year at the prom, the King and Queen of the prom are chosen.

Eric crossed his arms with side eyes and said, "Huh, just you?"

He looked Charles up and down and said disdainfully: "Little dwarf!"

Because of personal developmental issues, they are obviously twins, but there is still a height gap between them.

Charles gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's watch it on the prom day!"

His support team is very strong!



The two snorted softly, turned around and walked back to their respective rooms.

A year ago, due to their strong request, the two brothers, who had been in the same room for fourteen years, finally slept separately.

Mike looked at the backs of the two of them, speechless.

One moment they were contracting the dance floor together, and the next moment there was going to be a war

Mike went downstairs, made himself a cup of coffee, returned to his room, and sat at his desk.

With a thought in his mind, a blank card appeared instantly, and then he held the card and began to materialize it.

Two hours later, a new card appeared.

On the card, above the endless frost, stood a man with a lazy look on his face.

Mike put the cards away and carefully looked at the system that he hadn't seen in a long time.

After being almost fooled by the system, Mike will take a closer look at the system after a while. If something new appears and he doesn't notice it, he will suffer a big loss.

After checking carefully, nothing new appeared, and Mike was relieved.