The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 123: Model (imitation) dad


Host: Mike Kent.

Newbie gift: Assassin time.

Ability: Embodiment of memory fantasy.

Current ability level: Lv3.

Current upgrade progress: 90%.

Son: Clark Kent (Kryptonian).

Son: Eric Kent (mutant, awakened).

Son: Charles Kent (mutant, awakened).

This is Mike's current ability.

It's not far from Level 4.

He is looking forward to what changes will happen when he reaches Level 4.

More importantly, judging from the rewards he received when upgrading his abilities, if he guessed correctly, he might get a character's permanent ability.

This was what he was really looking forward to.

After logging out of the system, Mike stretched, drank the cold coffee, and walked into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Mike picked up the phone that was thrown aside, looked at the new text messages on it, and smiled.

Raven's text message.

Since the Hellfire split, she has been working alone. She only sends messages to Mike from time to time, or makes phone calls to talk about her situation. If she happens to be near New York, she will do it together and have a good time in ** Have a chat.

However, there are not many such opportunities.

After replying a message to Raven, Mike threw his phone next to the pillow and went to bed.

The next day, Mike woke up the three Clarks early. After eating something casually, the family drove to New York.

Along the way, Eric and Charles seemed excited, while Clark seemed a little distracted.

Mike glanced at Clark in the passenger seat and said with a mysterious expression of comfort: "Don't worry, there will definitely be a dance partner to invite you tomorrow."

Clark nodded dully, looked out the window, and said with some confusion: "Aren't you going to buy clothes?"

Mike smiled and said: "You are about to graduate, and I have prepared a graduation gift for you."


Charles and Eric put their heads together.


"You'll find out soon."

Mike smiled mysteriously.

After a while, Mike stopped the car in front of a car dealership.

Clark was stunned for a moment and looked at Mike in surprise: "Dad? Isn't this the gift you mentioned?"

"Car shop?" Mike teased: "You're overthinking it, your gift is inside!"

"Wow! No way!"

"Dad! You are too partial!"

Eric and Charles exclaimed and looked at Clark with envy.

Being able to have your own car is definitely a very popular thing in school.

Mike glanced at the two of them: "When you graduate, I will give you one as well."

Charles' eyes lit up and he said, "Then I can graduate now!"

He had already taught himself all his high school courses.

"Oh, you are such a clever little kid!" Mike laughed. When Charles was proud, he changed the subject and said, "Then you must have a driver's license first."

Charles patted his forehead, speechless.

He is only fifteen years old and can't take the driver's license test yet. It won't be until next year anyway.

Eric also sighed helplessly.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly!"

Clark's depressed mood no longer existed. He urged and dragged Mike into the car dealership.

Because Mike made an appointment in advance and had already checked out several car models in advance, after Clark selected the car model and color, and Mike paid the money, the car was neatly picked up.


Charles circled around the car, patted it, and smiled at Clark: "How is it? I just said the yellow one looks good."

Eric nodded and said, "I agree."

The appearance of the car is very youthful, and with the yellow color, it looks full of vitality.

He turned to look at Clark and said, "Quickly try it!"

Mike tossed the key to Clark.

Clark took it and walked quickly to the car. Eric pulled away Charles, who had already walked to the passenger seat, and sat on the passenger seat amidst Charles' helpless rage.

"Do you want to get in the car?"

Eric showed his head, smiled at Charles and asked.

Charles gave him the middle finger.

Mike frowned: "Charles?"

Charles smiled coquettishly, opened the car door and sat in the back seat: "Let's go!"

"Sit down!"

Clark warned, and drove away amidst the screams of the two people.


Mike shouted, looked at the car that had disappeared from sight, smiled and shook his head.

After waiting for a while, Clark drove the car back. Looking at the happy expressions of the three of them, Mike knew that he had bought the right car.

Next stop, buy clothes!

Mike glanced at the rearview mirror and looked at the car following him. When he saw the three of them talking and laughing happily, he looked at his empty car again and couldn't help but muttered: "No one is there." Conscience, when you have a new love, forget about the old love.”


The old father sighed and shook his head sadly.

When they came to a specialty store, the three brothers bought a suit each. They looked very eye-catching standing together. With the encouragement of the three, Mike also bought a suit.

When the four of them stood together, the shopping guide's eyes were shining and he couldn't help but say: "So handsome."

"Have vision!"

Charles said with a smile, but was slapped on the head by Mike.

"Check out."

Mike said something, and after the four of them changed their clothes, they walked out of the store with their clothes.

Since he came to New York, Mike decided to have a good time and went to Chinatown to buy some spices.

When he finished all these things and returned home, it was already evening.

After the three boys finished dinner, they went upstairs to sleep with various moods. Mike looked at Clark's back and smiled mysteriously.

He will definitely make this child the brightest cub tomorrow.

the next day.

Entrance time to the ball was at half-past six in the evening, and at four o'clock Charles and Eric began to dress up.

They combed their hair, put on their suits, and put on their corsages. Even though they were only fifteen years old, they looked like seventeen or eighteen-year-olds.

"Clark! Clark!"

Charles rushed into Clark's room and saw Clark still dragging his feet to change clothes, and said, "Hurry up, we have to arrive early!"

Clark buttoned up his buttons leisurely, looked at the time, his eyes twitched, and said: "It's only five o'clock, don't worry, it won't be too late."

They already have a dance partner, but he doesn't have one yet, so what's the rush...

I don’t know what to do if I go there.

But no matter how procrastinating he was, it was over by half past five.

Eric and Charles dragged Clark out of the house and drove Clark's car to the place where the dance was being held.

"Drive slower!"

Mike shouted, watching the taillights turn into two spots of light until they disappeared from sight, then turned around and closed the door, flipped his palm over and took out a card.

Name: Mystique.

Character introduction: A woman who is ever-changing and no one knows her true face.

Note: Guess who I am

That's right, it's Ruiwen's ability.

Raven's ability is very practical, but her power level is not high. After she materializes, she can maintain it for a long time, which is enough for a few dances.

Mike looked at the card in his hand and murmured: "I'm almost touched by my actions. I'm such a model dad..."