The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 37: guest


Time is like water.

In the blink of an eye, the three children have already entered elementary school.

Clark is ten, and Eric and Charles are seven.

In the bathroom, Mike looked at himself in the mirror and said dissatisfied: "Why am I still so handsome after all these years? How can other people live like this!"

Mike shook his head slightly, his long and short hair shortening.

"Dad, what did you say?"

Clark opened the bathroom door, his eyes were sly, but he asked seriously.

"Cough!" Mike's face turned red, he clenched his fist and coughed lightly. Mike hung up the towel and said, "What? Is your friend here?"

Clark invited a friend to his home today.

Clark shook his head and said, "No, it's still early."

"Dad, what are you cooking for lunch?"

Seeing Clark's greedy look, Mike knocked Clark on the head with his finger. Seeing Clark's nonchalant look, he said helplessly: "What do you want to eat?"

“Let’s have hot pot!”

Clark said with a smile: "I told her to treat her to Chinese food."


Mike caught the point.

Clark blinked, blushed slightly, and said, "Didn't I tell you?"

Mike held his chin and said, "No!"

"But, well done!"

He reached out and patted Clark on the head.

Clark chuckled.

"Why are you giggling? Go to the kitchen and help wash the dishes."

"no problem!"

Clark responded obediently and walked downstairs. After he walked away, a somewhat teasing voice reached Mike's ears.

"Dad, you are indeed handsome! Handsome, so handsome!"

Mike was stunned, then laughed out loud.

"This kid..."

Mike walked out of the bathroom and headed toward Eric and Charles' room.

After opening the door, the two people lying on the table immediately sat upright and looked at Mike with a flattering smile.

Mike raised his eyebrows and said, "How is it? Have you finished memorizing it?"

Charles jumped down from the chair, raised his chest and raised his head, extended his hand in a salute, and said loudly: "Sir, I have memorized it."

Mike nodded and looked at Eric.

Eric said proudly: "It's so simple. Of course your extremely smart son has memorized it completely."


Mike nodded approvingly, walked to the bed and sat down, saying: "You guys recite it for me, Eric comes first."

Eric opened his mouth and recited: "One one makes one, one two makes two..."

A few minutes later, after the two of them finished memorizing, Mike nodded and said, "Okay, you can go watch TV."

The two cheered and ran downstairs at a sprinting speed.

Mike shook his head secretly.

This damn school doesn't even teach multiplication tables. Every student is given a calculator when they go to school. After leaving the calculator, it takes half a day to even calculate a simple number. How is this possible

Fortunately, these two children have been smart since they were young and can learn everything quickly.

In other words, these three boys really didn't let him worry about their studies.

"Tsk, I trained you well."

Mike whispered and walked downstairs.

Although hot pot is simple, you still need to start preparing.

Half an hour later, when all the ingredients were ready, the doorbell rang.


Mike's eyes lit up and he walked quickly to the door. Clark followed Mike nervously and said to Mike: "Dad, please don't ask anything embarrassing."

"I know I know."

Mike waved his hand casually.


You clearly look like you’re going to ask something! Hey!

Mike opened the door and was slightly startled when he looked at the two people outside.

A middle-aged man, and a girl about the same age as Clark.

Mike glanced at the two of them, quickly stepped aside, and said, "Please come in."

"Sorry for taking the liberty of visiting."

The middle-aged man spoke politely and explained: "This is a bit far from home, and I'm a little worried about Hope coming alone, so... Clark, you won't blame me, right?"

Clark said hurriedly: "No, uncle, I didn't think carefully."

The kid was very polite and made a good first impression.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, walked in with his daughter, and said, "Didn't you prepare a gift for Clark?"

Hope nodded, holding a gift box in both hands behind her back and handing it to Clark.

Clark took it and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome!" Hope twitched the corners of her lips and said helplessly: "Hank insists on coming, he is simply too willful."

Hank Pym's face froze for a moment, and he looked helpless: "This kid..."

Mike glanced at the father and daughter.

"Quick, come in."

Mike greeted the two people to enter, stretched out his hand to the middle-aged man, and said: "Mike Kent."

"Hank Pym, you can call me Hank."


Go to school, make friends, and meet superhero parents

Mike blinked, although he was extremely surprised, but with a smile on his face, he said naturally: "Please sit down, are you used to Chinese food?"

"No problem!" Hank Pym sat down with a smile and said, "I eat it occasionally, I like it very much."

"That's good."

Mike smiled and led the two of them to sit down, and called Eric and Charles who were watching TV. After introducing the two to the father and daughter, he served the dishes, mixed the toppings for them, and finally put a mandarin duck on the table. pot.

He had specially bought this pot from the market in Chinatown.

Gudong, Gudong...

The sharp contrast between the spicy red soup and the fragrant clear soup is very exciting, especially the aroma of the steam, which makes the mouth water.

Mike smiled at the two of them and said, "Try it, I made the base myself."

"My dad's cooking is delicious!"

Charles looked proud.

Mike glared at Charles, but he felt secretly happy, especially after seeing Clark and Eric nodding wildly aside, he felt even more comfortable.

This kid... always tells the truth.

He winked at Charles covertly, and the corners of Charles' mouth curled up slightly.

Hank Pym nodded, picked up the chopsticks placed on the dining table, took out a piece of meat from the clear soup and tasted it, his eyes lit up.

It tastes really good.


Hank Pym praised, and then saw that the father and son opposite him were not eating from the clear soup at all, but had been eating from the red soup. He moved his chopsticks hesitantly, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth. .

It shouldn't be very spicy, right

But when he put it in his mouth, he immediately regretted it.

It tasted good, but he felt like someone had set a fire on his tongue.


I couldn't help but take a breath, seeing Hope eager to try the red soup. While taking a breath, he said: "It's quite spicy, you can eat the clear soup."

Seeing his father sucking in cold air as if he was being burned, Hope nodded hesitantly.

She and her father don't usually eat spicy food.

"Spicy?" Eric raised his head from the bowl, looked at Hank Pym doubtfully, and said, "It's not spicy at all! And a man must eat spicy food!"

As he spoke, he patted his chest.

Hearing this, the eyes of Mike's family and even his daughter fell on him.