The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 618: action


Found the target

Hearing this, Robin was startled and used all his strength to try to pull his hand out of the mysterious man's hand in front of him, but the other man's palm was as if it were made of iron and could not even move.

Robin said in fear: "What do you want to do!"

"I just want to ask you something, please cooperate with me."

Luke said politely, but his eyes were on Robin's hand in his pocket. He was relieved when he saw that the other person had no chance to take out the super potion.

He didn't want to see someone whose body exploded after taking super medicine.

This is the only clue they can find now.

Robin said angrily: "I don't know anything! Let me go! Otherwise I won't be polite!"

"Sorry, miss!"

Luke said seriously: "This matter is very important because it concerns the lives of many people."

"I really don't know anything!"

Robin quibbled, pretending to be pitiful, and said to Luke: "Please let me go? I'm just a little black girl who doesn't know anything."

Luke shook his head and said, "Just a few simple questions."

At this moment, three figures appeared from the dark night.

Robin looked at the visitor, fear flashing in his eyes.

Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and Dark Devil, and this one in front of me...

She looked at it again and confirmed Luke's identity.

It's purification!

These are all superheroes who have recently become famous.

Super hero…

They found it!

no! My escape! I get caught and I'm screwed! Who will treat my mother then

Robin gritted her teeth, and under Luke's surprised gaze, she opened her mouth and bit down the super medicine that had been in her mouth.

A golden nebula-like light bloomed in Robin's mouth.

Luke's eyes narrowed and he cursed angrily: "Fake!"

The golden light rushed into Robin's body, as if it was lighting up her body, and wonderful changes occurred in her body.

The next second, she screamed, a pair of black wings stretched out from her back, her hands and feet turned into sharp claws, and her face was covered with black feathers.


She screamed, her strength surged, and she threw Luke away, then flew into the sky with her wings and left quickly.

"I'll chase him!"

Harry shouted, the flying skateboard sprayed out a large amount of flames, and was about to rush forward.

"Wait a moment!"

Gwen hurriedly stopped Harry, shot a line of spider silk at Luke, who was also on the flying skateboard, stopped him, and said, "Stop chasing him!"

The two looked at Gwen in confusion.

Peter said helplessly: "Don't push the other person, otherwise if the other person swallows a lot of medicine, what happened last time will happen."

Luke and the two were stunned.

"But I haven't had time to put the tracker on her yet."

Luke said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter."

Gwen smiled slightly and said, "I already know who she is."


Several people looked at Gwen in surprise.

Gwen pondered: "When I heard her name, I thought of a person. Now after meeting her, my guess has been confirmed."

"Who is it?"

Luke couldn't help but ask.

"Robin, the cashier who works at the supermarket nearest to us and likes to sing."

Gwen explained with a smile.

"Why am I not impressed?"

Luke looked confused.

"Because you don't often go to the supermarket to buy food." Gwen rolled her eyes and said, "Let's go and go directly to her house to find her."

The three of them nodded and left quickly with Gwen.

On the other side, Robin, who transformed into a half-eagle, fled the scene and used his ability to fly rapidly.

Although flying itself was a pleasant thing, she was not happy at all now and was in a state of panic.

She's been found by a superhero, and she's finished!

She only has one thought now, and that is to go home and hide!

Although she knew this business was dangerous, she didn't know it could attract superheroes.

Superhero, that's a superhero!

It was the first time that she was so close to a superhero, but she didn't expect that she would become the superhero's enemy!

Speaking of which, she is still a fan of Spider-Man.

After shaking her head to get rid of all the confusing thoughts in her mind, Robin counted how long her ability would last and landed near her home.

After a few seconds, her powers disappeared and she returned to her original appearance.

Robin felt a little scared as he watched his clawed palms return to their original appearance.

Why is her ability like this

Too ugly.

Also, her clothes and shoes were ruined. Does this need to be such a waste every time she transforms

Robin looked at his clothes with some distress, and after looking at the surrounding environment, he quickly ran towards his home.

When she got home and closed the door, she pressed her hand against her rapidly beating heart, feeling as if she was exhausted.

What happened today was the first time he encountered it.

"Is it Robin?"

A weak voice sounded. Robin patted his numb legs and responded hurriedly: "It's me!"

With that said, she walked towards her room.

And when she opened the door, her whole body froze in place as if struck by lightning.

She saw four people sitting in her room. The moment she opened the door, they all looked at her.

She almost fainted.

"You're back, Miss Robin."

Gwen stood up with a smile on her face.

Robin took two steps back, feeling the urge to run away.

However, she suddenly thought of her mother, so her legs seemed to be growing on the ground and she could no longer move.

"Talk to us, you don't want your mother to know what you are doing now, do you?"

Gwen whispered, as if she could read Robin's mind.

Robin took a deep breath, strode into his room, closed the door, and said, "What do you want to know?"

She had no choice.

At this moment, Gwen pointed to the chair opposite and smiled: "Relax, I know your situation, Robin."

Hearing this, Robin was stunned for a moment, and Gwen continued: "You are a kind girl. You work three jobs a day for your sick mother. You like singing, but you gave up for your mother. Your dream, and even what you are doing now, is just to help your mother raise money for treatment."

Robin pursed his lips and fell silent.

The Spider-Woman in front of her was right, but what surprised her was that the other party knew it in such detail.

At this time, Gwen changed the topic and said: "But, do you know? These things you sell will hurt other people."

Robin gave a wry smile and said, "I can't help it. My mother's time is running out. I can't just watch her die."

"That is to say, as long as your mother's disease is solved, you will stop doing this, right?"

Solve her mother's illness

She looked at Gwen in surprise, as if she thought of something, her whole body became excited.

"Yes, as long as you cooperate with us, I will help you buy cancer treatment medicine."

If she remembered correctly, this drug seemed to be a drug that was only launched by Future Technology Company some time ago. Because of its high cost, it was quite expensive.

"Do you know the price of that medicine? You..."

With that said, Robin closed his mouth.

This was the only opportunity in front of her, and she couldn't let the other party give up this idea.

The other party is a superhero no matter what, so he probably won’t regret it...

Thinking of this, Robin quickly said: "My medicine was given to me by a man named Newt. He is responsible for distributing medicine to us people. As for who he serves, I don't know, because I do this job." It’s only been two weeks.”

"very good."

Gwen nodded and said, "So, can you lead us to find him?"

Robin shook his head and said, "Every time he gives us medicine, she will notify us. His location is not fixed every time."

"When is the next time?"

"Five days later, he gave us medicine once a week."

Robin replied obediently.

Hearing this, Gwen and the others looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, then let's keep in touch at any time."

Gwen said something, and after leaving her contact information, she wrote down Robin's contact information.

"Besides this, is there anything else you want to tell us?"

Gwen asked tentatively.

They would not wait in vain for five days.

They will try to find each other.

Robin thought for a moment and said, "I remember Newt mentioned something about Genesis, but I don't know what it means."

This is the same as saying nothing.

Gwen looked helpless and could only say: "Notify us if there is news."

Of course, they don't completely trust Robin either.

I will still keep an eye on Robin these days.

Robin nodded hurriedly: "Okay, I'll let you know as soon as I have news."

After a pause, she said sheepishly: "That medicine..."

"I'll buy it for you after this thing is over."

Harry said calmly, looking rich and wealthy.

A smile appeared on Robin's face unconsciously, and he said gratefully: "Thank you!"

"No, you should thank yourself."

If Robin wasn't a kind person, Gwen wouldn't even consider helping her.

"By the way, where are your medicines?"

Gwen asked Robin.

Robin took out a pill bottle from his pocket.

The medicine bottle is still half full.

"There are fifty pills in one bottle. He gave me three or two bottles. In addition to this bottle, I also have two bottles." Robin took out the other two bottles from under the bed and said, "He said only one bottle at a time. Give me three bottles, and unless I buy a certain amount of medicine, I can get more medicine from him."

Gwen took the half bottle and said, "Give this to me. I'll take it to others to study. You keep the rest for yourself. During these few days, you have to stay normal as if nothing happened." ,Do you understand?"


Robin nodded and looked at the half bottle of medicine in Gwen's hand with some distress.

She spent a lot of money to buy these medicines, so it was really distressing to just give them half a bottle.

However, after thinking about the promises made to her by the four Gwens, she could only bear it silently.

"Be careful in your actions in the next few days. The police have noticed you."

Gwen said something to Robin, and after Robin nodded in surprise, he led Peter and the three of them out of the window and left quickly.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past five days, Gwen and the others took turns looking at Robin. There was nothing unusual about Robin, but he was living a normal life according to the requirements of the Gwen and the others.

Working part-time, and selling medicine...

However, Gwen and the others have made a note of these medicine sellers. When the incident is over, they will take back the medicines they sold, if they have not used them...

According to time, tonight is the time for Newt to give medicine to Robin and the others.

It is not accurate to say that it is distributing medicine. It should be more accurate to say that it is distribution.

These guys, Robin, were the distributors, and Newt was the middleman.

While Gwen and others were waiting, Robin finally sent them the address, and Gwen and others, who had been waiting near Robin, immediately followed Robin and started taking action.

Robin walked in the dark night, humming a happy song.

Now, her mood was completely different from the first time she met Newt.

Now that she has four superheroes behind her, she feels extremely safe!

Moreover, she is now a partner of justice, and she is now acting for justice.

It feels completely different!

Robin hummed happily and arrived at the place Newt had agreed upon. While others looked at him like they were fools, he warmly greeted a few drug distributors and walked into a very ordinary-looking room. in the bar.

At the same time, in a dark corner not far from the bar, Peter whispered to the others: "Robin has gone in, I need to follow him."

"I will go with you!"

Gwen said, holding a spider silk in her hand and sliding it from Peter's head.

Peter nodded.

The two of them are agile and can sneak in silently, which is comparable to that of Kingsman.

"Luke and I are waiting outside and can provide support at any time."

Harry spoke.

At this time, he and Luke were standing on the roof of the building not far from the bar. As long as Gwen needed them, they could take action at any time.

"Robin's surveillance footage is normal. There's some noise in the bar. I'll give you the latest on Robin's situation."

Mary Jane, who was sitting in the RV, said calmly, her face turning red from time to time as she watched some scenes flashing across the screen.

"Okay, then Peter and I will take action!"

Gwen said something and nodded to Peter. The two of them jumped lightly on the spider silk and landed on the roof of the bar. Like a big spider, they used their spider senses to fly without anyone noticing. Under the circumstances, he sneaked into the dimly lit bar and, under the guidance of Mary Jane, moved towards Robin's location.

Finally, they saw Newt in Robin's mouth.

Newt has colorful hair and a nose ring.

The two did not alarm Newt.

They are here just to ensure Robin's safety.

After Robin got her share of the medicine as planned, Newt, who was in the VIP room, watched Robin open the door and leave, and was about to let the next person in, when two figures quickly flashed into the VIP room. Just as Newt's eyes widened and he was about to scream, a ball of white spider silk covered his mouth.


The moment his shouts were drowned in his throat, two growing balls of spider silk fell on him, wrapping him into a white cocoon.