The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 620: You still have to go to school


A gentle man turned into a beast in front of Gwen and the others.

The man who transformed into a monster was three meters tall, with black hair all over his body, and a pair of terrifying fangs. He looked like a standing...

"Wild boar?"

Gwen whispered, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and she and Peter looked at each other. The four of them nodded to each other. When they were about to attack, with an excited howl, the wild boar monster lowered its head and rushed toward them.

Boom, boom, boom!

The wild boar monster trampled on the ground, leaving footprints full of cracks. White steam came out of its nose and crashed straight towards them.

Just when the two sides were about to collide, Gwen jumped up, Peter rolled over, and several threads of spider silk shot out from their spider silk launchers, falling on the monster like a net, and Lu Gram and Harry also slid past the monster, and they yanked on the web, joining Peter and Gwen in their efforts.

In an instant, the charging wild boar monster stopped.

Although this wild boar monster looks strong, the four of them are not vegetarians.

The wild boar monster howled hard, but the four Gwen quickly exchanged looks. After Harry and Luke held the wild boar monster, Peter and Gwen rushed towards the wild boar monster.

The spider silk launcher was adjusted to spider web mode, and a large number of spider webs flew towards the wild boar monster.


The wild boar monster laughed wildly, and the hairs on his body stood up one by one.

The spider sense sounded an alarm, Gwen and Peter shrank their eyes and said: "Hide quickly!"

The two hurriedly moved out of the way, while Luke and Harry crossed their arms to cover their faces.

The next second, the black spear on the wild boar monster shot out like bullets.

Ding ding ding!

The armor-like suits of Black Wirehair and Luke made a crisp sound, and the armor that could withstand ordinary bullets actually had fine scars.

The two of them were shocked and hurriedly moved away.

The long black hair was like a dense rain, covering everything around it with holes.

A few seconds later, the black arrow rain stopped. Gwen and the others looked and saw that the wild boar monster had broken through the spider silk blockade, and enemy reinforcements had appeared.

Looking at the dozen enemies, Gwen and the others looked cold.

"It needs to be solved as soon as possible!"

Gwen whispered, but as soon as she took action, the hair on the wild boar monster stood up.

Seeing this, several people hurriedly hid behind the bunker.

"Hahaha! A bunch of bugs!"

The boar monster smiled mockingly.

At this time, Luke said calmly: "I'm going! I'll beat him until he can't even recognize him."

"Huh?" Gwen was stunned for a moment and said, "Is he a mutant?"

"My feelings tell me... yes!"

Luke's lips curled up in a cold arc.

After years of practice, his ability can be controlled independently and its range has increased. He can also vaguely sense whether the opponent is a mutant.

"Okay, leave it to you!"

Gwen nodded to Luke opposite, her eyes flickered, and she smiled: "Then let's see who of us can solve more problems!"

"Ha! It must be me!"

Harry grinned, took a bomb from his belt, and threw it.

The bomb rolled quickly along the floor, and red light spots flashed rapidly on the bomb.

The wild boar monster cursed angrily and hurriedly got out of the way with his men.


With a crackling sound, flames and black smoke emerged from the bomb, splashing everywhere, as if the entire space was engulfed in flames.

At this moment, the four Gwen figures broke through the flames like four sharp arrows and appeared in front of the enemy.

The wild boar monster narrowed its eyes and said: "Attack!"

As he spoke, the hair on his body stood up again, and the guards around him dropped the super medicine in their hands into their mouths.

Most of the security personnel who can work on this ship can take super medicine, and as the super medicine is thrown into their mouths, those security personnel show various super powers.

At this moment, Luke rushed straight towards the wild boar monster, while the three Gwen rushed towards the security personnel.

Luke's eyes flashed with coldness, and he sneered as he watched the long black hairs on the wild boar monster's body that were about to be launched.

"Purification field, open!"

The invisible force spread out around him with him as the center. Although the diameter was only a few meters, it was enough!


The wild boar monster was stunned for a moment.

He felt the strength in his body fading.

No, not the feeling, but actually fading.

Jasper watched as the long black hair on his body slowly disappeared, and his body that had swollen due to the use of the ability returned to its original appearance, feeling a little dazed.

Why... is it gone

Just as a question appeared in Jasper's mind, an ever-expanding fist landed on his eye socket.


Jasper let out a scream, threw his head back, and took two hurried steps back.

"It's you! You made my powers disappear!"

Jasper looked at Luke in disbelief, the excitement and enthusiasm in his eyes turning into fear.

Jasper's arrogance and madness are only things that appear under the premise of ability. As the ability disappears, these emotions also dissipate.


Luke sneered and raised his fist in Jasper's face.

"Didn't you say we are bugs?"

"Aren't you arrogant?"

"Can't you ejaculate?"

"You cum! You hit me!"

Every time Luke said something, his fist would fall on Jasper. If Gwen hadn't asked Luke not to knock him unconscious and if he still had something to ask, Jasper would have passed out happily.


Jasper shouted with blood spurting from his mouth.

But when he looked around and noticed that the guards were almost finished by the three of Gwen, he couldn't help but cursed: "A bunch of wastes, they should be sent to experiments, you... ah!"

Luke's fist fell on Jasper's mouth, causing the other person to swallow all the rest of his words. He fell to the ground with a bang, closed his eyes and fainted.

Seeing this, Luke sneered.

It's okay not to mention the experiment, but when I mention the experiment, I think of the infuriating scene just now.

Luke angrily sat down on Jasper. After hearing the other man's inadvertent grunt, he was slightly startled and sneered.


The battle finally ended when Gwen and Peter pulled the webbing hard and knocked the last two security guards together, knocking them unconscious.

But there are more enemies coming this way.

Hearing the footsteps, Gwen walked towards Jasper and said to Peter and Luke: "Hold the passage."


The two nodded.

Gwen walked up to Jasper with a sneer, asked Luke to pick up Jasper, and punched him in the abdomen.


Jasper's eyes widened and he cried out in pain. Then his eyes were attracted by the flames in Gwen's eyes. He stared blankly into Gwen's eyes and trembled slightly with pain.

After a few seconds, the blue flame dancing in Gwen's eyes disappeared.


She said calmly, and Luke immediately dropped the unconscious Jasper on the ground, and then clicked a few times on the controller on his forearm.


There was a bursting sound, and a large hole appeared in the cabin wall. After Luke picked off a bomb again and threw it into the passage, the four people jumped out of the large hole and left quickly on the flying skateboard hovering outside.

The two firelights left a gorgeous trace in mid-air and fell on the beach.

After the four of them quickly entered the RV, the car started moving again, and Gwen told everyone: "The man just now is called Jasper, he is the project leader of super medicine, and he serves a large biotechnology company. "

"That company has developed a super medicine and is trying to use it to change the whole world. Now it has entered the global testing phase. After the super medicine is perfected and the fatality rate continues to decrease, it will be sold publicly, just like selling a common cold. It’s like medicine.”

"Like selling ordinary cold medicine?"

The four Peters were shocked.

"Yes! Anyone can have superpowers if they want to!"

Gwen nodded.

Peter said with a serious expression: "This will make the whole world extremely chaotic!"

Not everyone has the restraint to control their behavior, especially after possessing powerful superpowers.

"Not only that, after super medicines become popular, this company will also use super medicines to control the entire world."

Super medicine has become popular. After everyone has experienced super medicine and gained power, who is willing to give up the power they have

By then, everyone will be inseparable from the super medicine, and the super medicine is manufactured by that company, which means that everyone will be inseparable from that company, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling the world in disguise.

As Gwen said that, she used the communication ring to open the space door.

This time, they show up directly at Kent School for Gifted Heroes.

The moment they appeared, Charles noticed the arrival of several people, used his power to make them wait for a while, and then appeared in front of their RV.

"Bang bang!"

Charles smiled and knocked on the RV door.

Gwen opened the car door.

"Hey, good evening, little guys... Hey! Don't pull me!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Leave quickly! Time is running out!"

Gwen said loudly, dragging Charles directly inside.

Charles laughed helplessly and said to Gwen: "Why are you like Eric, always doing things in a hurry?"

"This is resolute!" Gwen rolled her eyes and said: "After this matter is dealt with, there will be time for you to talk nonsense."

Charles laughed dryly and said, "Let's go to Russia."

Seeing Harry and the other two looking at him in surprise, he smiled slightly and said, "I already know what happened from Gwen."

He pointed at Gwen's brain and said to Gwen: "Time is urgent, is it okay?"

Gwen nodded.

The next second, the space door appeared not far in front of them. Gwen stepped on the accelerator, Charles staggered, and the RV rushed over with everyone.

The car passed through the portal, but appeared in mid-air. Amid everyone's screams, it slid across the night sky and landed on the roof of a building.


The car made a roar as if it was about to fall apart, and several people in the car hurriedly grabbed things around them to steady themselves.

"Damn it! Gwen! Where did you set the location of the space gate!"

Charles looked at Gwen in shock and anger.

Gwen chuckled and said: "The rooftop of the target building!"

"You little lunatic! Do you drive like this?"

Charles strode up to Gwen and poked Gwen in the head.

Gwen winked and whispered: "Brother, please save me some face in front of others!"

Seeing this scene, Peter and the others laughed out loud.

Charles rubbed Gwen's hooded head hard and smiled helplessly.

Gwen narrowed her eyes and said, "Brother, you can take action now."

"I still need you to explain!"

Charles said calmly: "I have controlled everyone here just now, and now they are having a sweet dream, otherwise there would be no movement of the RV falling just now."

"Wow! Brother is a professional!"

Gwen didn't hesitate to flatter him and give him a thumbs up.

Charles frowned and said, "He is sleeping on the top floor now."

But the picture is a bit inappropriate for children.

This building belongs to the other party's property and is the other party's headquarters, and the top floor belongs to the other party personally.

In other words, Charles can kill everyone here in one fell swoop.

"Wait here."

Charles said calmly, and with a thought in his mind, he used his ability to control the target to put on his clothes and then walked up to the roof.

A moment later, a middle-aged man wearing pajamas and as strong as a bear appeared in front of the RV.

"It must be him, Andrei Andreevich, the boss of Azshara Biotechnology."

Charles asked Gwen.

Gwen took a moment and nodded: "Yes, that bastard Jasper was the one I saw in his memory."

Charles nodded, his ability invaded the other person's head, and said: "I'm sure, it's him, not a substitute."

As he spoke, he pinched his chin and muttered: "The matter is more serious than what you said, Gwen."


Gwen blinked.

"He has four research bases in the world, and experimental sites are spread over more than a dozen countries. There are already many people who are supporters of super medicine, and..."

He looked at Andre Andreevich and sneered, "He is a remnant of Hydra."


"Does this organization still have members?"

Gwen asked in surprise.

"There are still a few remaining ones."

Charles spoke calmly, knocked on his head, and said to Gwen: "Leave it to me to deal with it. You can go back. It will take some time to completely solve it."

The external research bases and the circulation channels of super medicines all need to be completely eliminated. To eliminate these, one night is not enough. It also requires the cooperation of more people to recover the leaked super medicines.

Although there is no guarantee of 100%, at least most of it can be recovered.

The most important thing is to solve it at the source.

Moreover, super medicine is a thing that will be coveted by many parties. It is best to seal the research data or destroy it directly, and it is best to complete this step before tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Charles immediately ordered Andre Andreevich to leave the only backup of the research data to him and destroy the other data.

Andrei Andreevich turned and left.

Charles smiled at Gwen and the others and said, "Go back to sleep. You have to go to school tomorrow. The Super Hero Association will remember your contribution."

"As you command!"

Several people responded happily.