The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 621: New York, desert


The next day, the super medicine matter was perfectly resolved.

Because they were afraid that this incident would cause a worldwide riot, the specific details were not announced. They just said that the Super Heroes Association solved a crisis that could trigger a worldwide crisis.

In one night, under the control of Charles, the superheroes cooperated with the space gate of Kent Star to solve all the sales channels of the super medicine, and most of the super medicine was recovered, which was considered a perfect completion of the task.

After some forces, or countries, learned about the super medicine, they tried to find the research and development data of the super medicine. Unfortunately, Charles had already destroyed it first and only sealed a backup copy on the Kent planet.

In this regard, Charles did not hide it, but said that the information was placed in the Super Hero Association and sealed.

Although some countries and forces want research information on super drugs, they don't have the courage to ask the Super Hero Association for it.

Because the man behind the Super Hero Society is Mike Kent.

The matter of the super medicine was solved, and Gwen and the others returned to their normal study life.

Another week later, after Oren mentioned the other world again, Mike finally agreed to set off with Oren after seeing Oren's recovery.

Looking at the smiling Mike, Oren thought he had heard wrongly.

"Grandpa, what did you just say?"

"I said, we can go!"

"Very good!"

Oren cheered.

Although he was very happy here during this period, he was always worried about things in the other world.

Now that the matter could finally be resolved, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"When are we leaving?"

Oren couldn't wait any longer.

"Go pack your things, talk to Rui Wen and the others, and then set off."


Oren's voice remained in place, but the person had disappeared.

And disappearing together with him was Little Lamb on the second floor.

A moment later, after Oren prepared the luggage he took with him, he came to the living room.

Mike has already made an agreement with Raven, who is waiting for them in the living room.

"Maybe it's just seconds, maybe it's just minutes, and I'm back."

Mike emphasized to Raven again, but Raven's eyes still flickered with worry.

After all, Mike went to another world and faced a powerful threat that conquered the entire planet.

"Be careful."

Raven instructed.

"Well, don't worry." Mike winked at Raven and said, "You just need to have a cup of coffee and I'll be back."

Raven smiled and nodded.

Oren said to Raven: "Grandma, I will let grandpa come back safely."

Rui Wen smiled stiffly.

She still wasn't used to this title.

"Did you tell Gwen and Clark before you left?"

Raven asked Oren.

Oren shook his head and said, "I didn't tell them face to face, but I left a message."

Raven responded, but Mike's eyes flickered and said, "Clark will go with us."

"What?" Oren asked in surprise: "Dad is going?"


Mike nodded, pinched his chin and said, "It looks like he will be here soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, the space was torn apart, and Clark appeared in front of them.

"Dad!" Clark nodded to Mike and said, "I'm ready."

"Well, you don't actually have to go."

Oren's eyes flickered.

There were some things in that world that he was afraid his father wouldn't be able to accept.

Clark shook his head and said, "I have to go there once, after all, I am your father anyway."

Oren was stunned for a moment, thinking of Clark in another world, his eyes turned red, and he nodded to him.

"Okay, let's go."

Mike said something, and Oren took out his time shuttle. Seeing that Mike also took out the time shuttle, he hurriedly said: "This time shuttle has been improved, we can use one."

Mike was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "So powerful?"

Oren touched his head: "It was under the guidance of my aunt and others that I was able to complete the improvement, but this will consume a lot of energy."

With that said, he started the time shuttle.

Suddenly, a space-time tunnel appeared behind him.

After Oren and Raven said goodbye again, they took the lead and rushed into the space-time tunnel with a backpack.

After Clark followed, Mike blew a kiss to Raven, and rushed into the time and space tunnel with Raven's funny expression.

Another Earth.

This is Oren's world, a world ruled by a strong man.

Yes, that's one person.

That man gained the favor of the Phoenix Force and became the most powerful person on the planet.

This world has already lost a lot of superheroes because of Stars Corporation.

Although because of Mike's arrival, Mr. Marvel, the boss behind the Stars Company, was killed by Mike, and with Mike's help, Gwen took control of the Stars Company.

But Qunxing Company has had such an impact on the world that it has even reached the point of affecting everyone's lifestyle and habits.

Therefore, Gwen and the others could only try their best to fundamentally change the nature of Stars Corporation and make it a real superhero company, rather than a garbage organization that can direct and act on its own for the sake of fame.

To this end, they cleared out a large number of 'superheroes' from Stars Corporation who had no heroic qualities at all, and even sent many people with bad deeds to prison.

Although Gwen and the others strictly supervised these people who were cleared out, and even signed various contracts during the time of Qunxing Company, these people who were cleared out lost their luxurious life after losing Qunxing Company. , after losing the aura of being watched by people, some people turned out to be super criminals, and even established a super criminal organization - Black Hole.

Thus began the long war between stars and black holes.

Until the Phoenix Force appeared and selected its host, the war between superheroes and super criminals was ended.

The host of the Phoenix Force is not a super criminal or a superhero, but a dictator.

She not only suppressed the super criminals, but also defeated all the superheroes, and finally trampled the entire world under her feet.

She is moody and just spreading her fear to the world. She can even completely destroy a city or even a country according to her own preferences.

She and her terrorist legion caused a lot of killings, and even consciously eliminated humans because she hated humans.

She turned the planet into a paradise for her to kill.

In a few years, the entire world has become smoky, riddled with holes, and even the human population has decreased significantly.

The most chilling thing is not her killing, but human beings killing each other.

The world is in complete chaos and the collapse of order has caused mankind to be completely in chaos.

The world simply seems to be at the end of the world.

In order to fight against her, some people gathered together, while some people turned to her and became her minions.

But no matter what choice they make, these people just want to survive.

Survival has become a very difficult thing in this world.

New York ruins.

The original bustling city is now in ruins, and the former city that never sleeps has turned into a desert.

This is where the woman known as the Phoenix takes action. She uses the powerful power of the Phoenix to destroy everything here.

At that time, except for a very few people, everything in the city was completely broken down by the power of the Phoenix.

This move shocked the whole world at the time and became everyone's nightmare. What Phoenix did afterwards told everyone that the destruction of New York was just the beginning of the nightmare.

Several years later, some survivors gathered in this desert ruins and built a rebel base here.

The leader of this base is none other than Gwen Kent.

In the desert, a passage that tore apart space suddenly appeared.

The next moment, three figures appeared in the desert.

"came back!"

Oren took a breath of dry air, but a smile broke out on his face.

"What is this place?"

Clark looked at the sand under his feet, frowned and asked.

"New York."

Oren looked around, as if searching for something, and said casually.

But Clark looked at the ground under his feet in shock, feeling his head buzzing.

He tilted his head to look at Mike and murmured: "Dad, New York has become a desert? What's going on?"

"I only know the general situation, but I haven't asked Oren about the specific situation yet. I'll ask later."

Mike was also surprised that New York had turned into a desert.

And from this we can see the power of the Phoenix.

Phoenix force

Mike murmured, and a hint of interest suddenly appeared in his eyes.

I don't know if the opponent can force him to use those cards.

Just as Oren was looking for the direction and the entrance to the underground base, and Mike and Clark were surprised by the desert beneath their feet, a figure floated out of Oren's backpack like a ghost.

While recovering his body, he shouted in surprise: "This is New York? That's right!"


Mike screamed, and the three people's eyes instantly fell on little Lamb.

Little Lamb chuckled and said shyly: "Don't look at me like that, I'll be embarrassed."

"I'm so sorry!"

Mike strode up to Little Lamb, pinched the other person's ears, lifted him up from the ground, and said angrily: "How did you get here! Also, do you know how dangerous it is here?"

Little Lamb quietly used his power to fly in the air, but grinned and said: "Of course I know! That's why I followed! I want to protect you!"

He patted his chest and said loudly: "I am very powerful!"

Mike was stunned for a moment. Just when little Lamb thought that Mike would be moved by his words and was secretly laughing in his heart, he saw Mike's expression change and he sneered.

"Ha, don't think I don't know your little thoughts! Protect us? Most of your thoughts are to go to another world to see it!"

"Ah! No!"

Little Lamb pouted, hurriedly clapped Mike's hand, and shouted: "Dad, let go, my ears are going to fall off!"

"With your physique, it's not possible for your ears to fall off so easily!"

Mike said fiercely, suddenly remembering little Lamb's ability just now, and said in surprise: "What ability did you just have? When did you awaken?"

"I don't know!" Little Lamb touched his head and said matter-of-factly: "It just appeared like that. I don't know when it woke up."

Mike: "..."

Is this still human language

Clark couldn't help but ask: "How much ability do you have now?"

"I don't know either! Do you still want to know how many hairs you have?"

Little Lamb asked doubtfully.

The corners of Clark's mouth twitched crazily.

This sounds like a shame.

However, the meaning behind these words is shocking.

Oren on the side looked at little Lamb with envy and said, "It's really amazing."

Little Lamb puffed up his chest and said: "I said I will protect you! How can I not be strong? Are the people in this world bullying you? Watch me beat him up!"

As he spoke, he waved his fist, turned into an afterimage in front of him, and even let out a sharp roar.

"Stop playing tricks!"

Mike suddenly let go of Little Lamb. After seeing Little Lamb floating in the air, he flicked the opponent's forehead hard.

Little Lamb laughed dryly, fell to the ground in a hurry, covered his forehead, and looked at Mike pitifully.

Mike snorted softly and said coldly: "I'll settle the score with you when I get back!"

Little Lamb grinned, and then he hurriedly covered his mouth.

Seeing such a funny scene, Clark couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Oren returned and said to the three Mikes: "Grandpa, I found it."

Because there were more people brought this time, there were some deviations in the opening position of the space-time tunnel.

"follow me!"

He said something and slowly flew up.

Seeing this, Mike and the other three followed.

A few seconds later, they came to an open space.

Oren took out a mobile phone-style controller from his backpack and pressed it gently. A gap several meters in size suddenly appeared in the empty sand sea below.

Obviously, it was a disguise.

Through the notch, you can see some conspicuous green underneath.

Oren took the lead and flew in, followed by Mike and the other three.

After they passed the gap, Mike and the others discovered that the green colors turned out to be some fruits and vegetables.

Noticing the gazes of the three people, Oren smiled slightly and said: "In this place, because of the difficulty in supply, we have to use every inch of land. This vegetable garden can supply us with enough green vegetables. It was created by Du Zhuo and Hewlett. Reasonable."

While he was talking, a Chinese man appeared in front of everyone.

He has green hair, green eyes, even eyebrows and lips, and looks very healthy.

"Oren! You're back!"

He waved his hands happily, and a seed sprouted quickly in his palm. In just a few steps, it grew into a beautiful flower.

He picked it off casually, letting the rhizome turn into powder in his palm and disappear. He held the flower and walked towards Oren with a smile.

And just when he was about to give the flowers to Oren, he saw Clark, his face instantly turned pale, and he shouted: "It's Superman! It's the Demon Superman!"