The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 622: Get used to being surprised


Superman, evil superman

Hearing Du Zhuo's name to Clark, the three of them were stunned for a moment, and Clark was even more confused.


How did he become a devil

The man named Du Zhuo stepped back in horror and even threw out a handful of seeds.

On the way to Clark, those seeds turned into thick vines, twisting towards Clark with their fangs and claws.

Clark's eyes flashed, and when he was about to dodge, little Lamb snorted, opened his mouth, and spit out a ball of hot flames, turning the vines into ashes.

What ability is this

Mike was speechless.

Little Lamb's abilities seem to be too numerous to count.

Oren flashed and appeared next to Du Zhuo, pressing his shoulder and saying helplessly: "He is not a black superman, he is... a superman from another world, here to help us."

Du Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered Oren's mission this time. He smiled helplessly and said, "Sorry, it was a subconscious reaction."


A look of helplessness flashed in Oren's eyes, and then he said: "I'm going to take them to see my aunt. By the way, how long have I been away?"

"It didn't take long, about an hour."

Oren nodded.

It took a little longer than he thought, but it was still within the expected range.

"Let's go."

Oren nodded to Mike and the others, and left with the three of them.

Looking at Oren's back, Du Zhuo sighed, his eyes filled with pity.

This kid has been very sad because of the Black Superman incident. He just...


He slapped his mouth.

"Damn it, why did I mention it?"

On the other side, Oren was walking deeper into the base with three people.

Keep going.

This base is built in the desert and is protected by an energy barrier that can be camouflaged, making it very secretive.

The area of the base is not large, with only more than 300 people inside.

But these three hundred people are all warriors with superpowers, or talents with various specialties.

The leader of this base is Gwen.

As for the black superman mentioned by the man named Du Zhuo just now...

At this point, a sad look appeared on Oren's face. After sighing heavily, he slowly said: "Yes, Black Superman is my father Clark."

Mike narrowed his eyes and said, "What happened to him?"

Oren gritted his teeth and said, "He and my mother were controlled by Phoenix."


Mike groaned and said calmly: "I know."

Being controlled, using the psychic abilities of the Phoenix Force host to control Clark did not surprise Mike.

"Let's go meet Gwen."

Mike said calmly, and Clark looked stern.

He knew... his father was angry.

Oren nodded, looked at Mike carefully, and said: "Auntie... it's a little different from before, for a while..."

"I understand, lead the way."

Mike nodded lightly, and a pressure that frightened Oren quietly appeared from Mike.

A moment later, when Oren knocked on Gwen's door, and after the three of them heard Gwen's voice full of vicissitudes of life, Mike breathed a sigh of relief.

Listening to the voice... Gwen's situation was much better than he imagined.

But when he opened the door and saw Gwen, his eyes suddenly shrank and he rushed to Gwen at a speed that was almost teleporting.

Gwen's eyes were dazzled, but she wasn't nervous at all, because her spider-sense didn't sound an alarm.

After she saw the person in front of her clearly, excitement appeared on her face unconsciously.


A trembling word emerged from her throat, and her eyes turned red instantly, as if she had been bullied in school as a child and then threw herself into Mike's arms, stepping her face into Mike's arms.

Mike gently stroked Gwen's head, listening to Gwen sobbing quietly in her arms, and patted Gwen's back distressedly: "Oh oh oh... don't cry, don't cry, daddy is here, daddy is here."

Suddenly, Gwen cried even harder.

Looking at this scene and looking at Gwen's current appearance, Clark's eyes turned cold.

What happened to Gwen? How many grievances have you suffered

Oren looked at Gwen's appearance, but a smile appeared on his face.

It had been a long time since he had seen his aunt release her feelings so unreservedly.

This feeling of dependence...

Auntie should be very happy.

Gwen's long-standing grievances and pressures were all released in her cries.

After a moment, Gwen let go of Mike, looked at the wet marks on Mike's chest with some embarrassment, and said, "It's a little out of control."

Mike gently wiped the tears from Gwen's face and said, "There is nothing to be embarrassed about in front of dad."

Gwen responded, but suddenly looked at Oren with cold eyes.

Oren said hurriedly: "I didn't see anything, and I can't say anything!"

Gwen nodded with satisfaction, and when his eyes moved to Clark, his eyes trembled.

"elder brother."

Clark looked at Gwen, walked towards her, and praised in a low voice: "You are stronger than I thought, and you are better than I thought."

Gwen laughed and said, "You are still the same as in my memory. It's great to see you like this..."

This was the Clark she remembered.

And that black Superman...

Thinking of Clark in this world, Gwen sighed and couldn't help hugging Clark.

In this world, she has no father. Basically, Clark raised her. To her, Clark is an elder brother, more like a father.

Clark was controlled, and her pain was no less than that of Oren.

Clark hugged Gwen hard.

Gwen looked at little Lamb who was standing aside, looking at her with curious and sad eyes, and asked curiously: "Who is this? Is it your son?"

she asked Clark.

Clark's expression changed and he said hurriedly: "No, no, not my son, he is my brother, my father's son, your brother Lamb Kent!"


Gwen screamed, walked quickly to little Ram, and said in surprise: "You are my brother!?"


Little Lamb nodded vigorously, but his eyes fell on Gwen's mechanical left arm and mechanical left leg.

Yes, the Gwen of this world has her left arm and leg replaced by mechanical limbs.

Although this mechanical limb shone with a strange sense of beauty, which made Gwen feel a little more lively, the first time Mike and the others saw it, they felt heartbroken.

With her short hair, mechanical limbs, and the iron-blooded aura that appears on Gwen from time to time, Gwen in this world is like a sharp blade emerging from the fire.

Little Lamb touched Gwen's robotic arm and said carefully: "It must be very painful."

Gwen was stunned for a moment and saw little Lamb looking at her with distress. She smiled and touched little Lamb's head and said, "I believe you are my brother now."

Little Lamb pursed his lips and suddenly put his hand on Gwen's body.

Just when Gwen was confused, little Lamb's hand glowed with golden light.

Warm, sacred, peaceful…

Gwen felt as if she had fallen into a golden hot spring, feeling extremely comfortable for a moment.

But then, she felt a tingling sensation.

She was startled and looked quickly.

Her broken arms and legs were seen growing outward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her mechanical limbs were automatically released. Seeing the lost limbs reappearing, Gwen's eyes were a little excited.

Mike on the side held his chin and smiled.

Originally, he wanted to help Gwen treat him, but he didn't expect little Lamb to take action.

However, little Lamb is showing more and more abilities...

Although he is used to this situation, he still can't help but be surprised every time little Lamb shows off a new ability.

"Has even surprise become a habit?"

Mike muttered and patted his forehead lightly.

"Thank you! Lamb!"

Little Lamb smiled brightly, patted Gwen on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you!"

"thank you!"

Gwen touched Lamb's head with her newly grown hand.


She has feeling in her hands.

Although the mechanical arm does not affect the battle, it does not feel anything and will occasionally go wrong...

"It's still more comfortable to use with my own hands!"

Gwen sighed and couldn't help but touch little Lamb's head.

It feels really good.

"Auntie, what should we do next?"

Oren asked, looked at Mike beside him, and couldn't help but said: "Do you want to kill him directly?"

"Kill him?"

Gwen rolled her eyes and saw Mike startled beside him.

Maybe it really works.

So, she couldn't help but ask: "Dad, can you defeat Phoenix?"

"I don't know." Mike spread his hands and said, "I've never fought her."

Gwen groaned and said: "We have some video information about her fighting, which may help you understand something, and..."

She licked her lips and said, "Dad, I want to eat what you made."

Mike smiled and said, "Okay, I'll do it for you."

Gwen took Clark and Lamb to visit their base, while Mike asked Oren to take him to the vegetable garden to pick some vegetables.

Oren took Mike to the vegetable garden. After saying hello to Du Zhuo who was watering the water, Mike walked into the vegetable garden.

Perhaps because of Du Zhuo's ability, or perhaps because of Du Zhuo's careful management, the vegetables in the vegetable field grew very well.

After selecting some at random, Mike and Du Zhuo expressed their thanks and left quickly.

Du Zhuo grabbed Oren, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "Is this person the helper you found? How powerful is he?"

Oren chuckled and said: "Anyway, he is very powerful. I have confidence in him!"

"Confidence? The kind of confidence that you can kill Phoenix?"


Oren grinned and left quickly amid Du Zhuo's depressed expression.

"Is this a yes or no?"

Du Zhuo muttered, grabbing his hair frantically.

Meanwhile, Mike has arrived at the kitchen of the rebel base.

His body was like a phantom, appearing in every corner of the kitchen at the same time, cooking food for Gwen at super speed.

In just a few minutes, Mike prepared eight dishes and two soups, and disappeared into the kitchen under the surprised eyes of several cooks.

"smell good!"

Several cooks sniffed and applauded.

"But who is he?"

"Oren brought it to me, it should be fine."

"That's it..."

"I really want to taste what that food tastes like."

At this time, in Gwen's room.

Looking at the familiar dishes placed in front of her, the softness in Gwen's heart was severely hit, and tears seemed to fall at any time.

But she was not a child after all. After taking a deep breath, she regained her composure and said to Mike, "Thank you, Dad."

"Try it, I remember it's your favorite."

Mike smiled and handed over the chopsticks.

Gwen nodded and took the chopsticks.

After just one bite, the memory that had been buried deep in her heart was activated, and a smile appeared on her face unconsciously.

Still the taste in memory.

With a secret whisper in her heart, Gwen looked at the four people in front of her and said, "Don't look at me, eating so many dishes together."


Little Lamb cheered, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and then looked at Mike with questioning eyes.

Mike nodded, and Oren and Clark sat down with smiles.

One chopstick, two chopsticks...

When Gwen found that Mike and the others were picking up food for him, and the food in her bowl was getting higher and higher, she said happily and helplessly: "You guys eat too, don't worry about me, I'm not a pig. I can't eat like this." Many."

As she spoke, she protected her bowl and looked at the four of them warily.

Mike laughed and said, "I know, I won't pinch you."

"I think no one has pinched me yet."

Little Lamb bulged his mouth and picked himself a chili with an angry groan.

"No, isn't it spicy?"

Oren said in surprise.

Little Lamb glared at Oren: "You know it's spicy, why don't you hurry up and pick me up some food?"


Gwen laughed happily and hurriedly picked up food for little Lamb.

Mike glared at little Lamb, but also smiled and gave him a chopstick.

While eating and chatting, more than an hour passed before I knew it.

Suddenly, Clark said: "Aren't you going to let us watch some of Phoenix's battle videos?"

Gwen responded and said, "We were chatting so happily that we almost forgot about the real thing."

With that said, Gwen took out her mobile phone, clicked on it a few times, and called up some video information.

The first video is a video of New York being destroyed.

I saw a blurry figure flying in the air, as if she was adapting to her own strength. She waved her hand lightly, and a building under her feet disintegrated into grains of sand.

Then, as if she had found an interesting toy, she would lightly tap her fingers, and if she didn't touch a place, the things in that place would turn into grains of sand.

From a building to a building, the woman is quickly adapting to her own strength.

At the end, a deep laughter sounded from mid-air, and the woman flying in mid-air spread her arms. With her as the center, everything continued to decompose in circles until the entire city turned into a desert.

Looking at this scene, Mike's eyes flickered, while Clark's face was solemn.

The second video starts playing.

This is a video of a battle. Phoenix is still the protagonist, and the other one is... Clark.

The battle ended quickly.

Clark's speed was terrifying, and the equipment in the video recording could not capture Clark's figure at all.

The first time I saw Clark's face clearly was when Clark appeared near Phoenix.

Clark seemed to be captured by an invisible force, his figure froze in mid-air, then slowly stopped struggling and flew to Phoenix's side.