The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 626: Little Lamb's Bullets


All attacks are to cover these two cold lights.

At this moment, after the phoenix swallowed the 'sun' of Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, the power of the phoenix in the body was somewhat satisfied, and it relaxed for a moment.

And this moment was keenly captured by the owner of the two cold lights.

Zuihou, captain of the second division of the Gotei 13 in the Death God world, and Namikaze Minato, the fourth generation Hokage in the Naruto world.

Although the two of them are not the strongest, their grasp of fighters is top-notch, and one of them has a special weapon, while the other has mastered a special ninjutsu.

Although everyone was not sure whether their weapons and ninjutsu could hurt them, they still put their hope in them.

Yes, it hurts.

This is what everyone really thinks.

As for killing Phoenix directly, they couldn't even think about it.

The two lived up to the opportunity everyone created for them and captured Phoenix's moment of relaxation.

Sting and kill all enemies! Bee!

The wasp on the fingertips was like a deadly poisonous needle, leaving several butterfly-shaped patterns on Phoenix's body at an extremely fast speed, and then stabbed the butterfly-shaped patterns again before Phoenix could react.

Her Zanpakutō's ability is a two-hit kill. The first hit will leave a butterfly-shaped pattern on the enemy, and the second hit will create an octagonal honey pattern pattern that overlaps and crosses over. , and then die.

Of won't work on people whose spiritual pressure is much higher than mine.

Qingfeng didn't sense Phoenix's spiritual pressure, so he still had some expectations in his heart.

But just when the second attack of the bird was about to hit Phoenix, he felt a feeling of extreme danger.

But at this time, Namikaze Minato, who had entered sage mode, also launched his own attack.

He knows very well that neither the immortal mode nor the Nine Lama mode can threaten the Phoenix, and the only thing that can threaten the Phoenix is the corpse ghost seal!

As Minato Namikaze used the corpse seal, a shadowy figure wearing a white robe, holding a knife in his mouth, and devil horns on his head appeared behind Minato Namikaze.

Phoenix was stunned for a moment and looked at the other party with interest. After feeling the death intention of the shadow and the vague feeling of the other party pulling on his soul, he snorted softly. When Minato Namikaze tried to pull on Phoenix's soul, the bird wasted. He also took the opportunity to click on the pattern on the Phoenix again.

Seeing this scene, the battlefield fell into silence.

Did you make it

Mike sighed.

Just these two things can't cause any harm to Phoenix.

Sure enough, as soon as this thought came to an end, Phoenix's sneer rang out.

"Want to harvest my soul?"

Her emotionless eyes swept over Namikaze Minato, and then she looked at the white shadow behind Namikaze Minato playfully, snorted coldly, and said: "Where does this devil come from, is it worthy of touching my soul?"

As she spoke, the power of the phoenix surged, and light golden flame-like energy bloomed at her fingertips. After directly tearing the white shadow of the shinigami into pieces, she casually broke Namikaze Minato into pieces and turned to look at the man who was quickly The retreating Broken Bee.


With a sneer, the energy from his fingertips flew out, as if passing through space, and appeared directly in Broken Bee's heart.

The next moment, golden cracks appeared on Broken Bee's body, like cracks on a ceramic doll, violently shattering.

"I just think the patterns you tattooed on my body are pretty. You don't really think you can kill me, do you?"

Phoenix murmured, looked at Mike and said, "You don't have the illusion that these trash can defeat or even kill me, do you?"

From the beginning of the battle, except for Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's attack, which made her stand up, she sat firmly on the throne in the air the rest of the time.

In her eyes, these people didn't even have the ability to make her take it seriously. It was simply insulting to let these rubbish fight her.

Mike raised his eyebrows and said, "No?"

This was originally part of his ability, and Mike didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Moreover... his card did not include the ability to defeat the Phoenix.


Phoenix snorted coldly, and with a tap of his finger, the throne beneath him once again turned into yellow sand and fell.

She was really angry at Mike's attitude.

From the beginning of the battle until now, she has not used her full strength, and now...

She looked at the battlefield with disgust, looking at the people who were materialized by Mike's abilities, and she felt impatient in her heart.

She wanted to see what Mike Kent's expression looked like after killing all these people, and whether he could still be so calm.

So, she quickly fell from mid-air and came to the center of the battlefield.

The people who were embodied by Mike looked at the phoenix and felt a terrifying force slowly coming to life, making their scalps numb and their hearts feeling like they were being held by invisible hands, making them break into cold sweats. .


If this continues, many people will be crushed and lose their fighting ability.

Thinking of this, everyone took a deep breath, roared, and rushed towards Phoenix.

Phoenix said calmly: "Let's all die!"

As soon as she finished speaking, it was as if a phoenix cry from the depths of her soul appeared in Phoenix Madeline Pryor's mind and spread to everyone's minds at the same time.

The next moment, a pair of golden wings formed by energy appeared behind the Phoenix, and stretched to the surroundings at an exaggerated speed, while the invisible force swept around with the Phoenix as the center.

Decompose, destroy.

This force is unstoppable, and everything that stands in front of it is completely decomposed.

Mike's eyes changed, and when he was about to help Gwen and the others block it, he was surprised to find that little Lamb was standing in front of everyone, pressing his hands on the ground, and using an ability he had never seen before.

This phase

Although he could clearly see Gwen and the others, he couldn't feel their breath or hear their heartbeats, as if they were in another space.

Mike raised his eyebrows, smiled and shook his head.

Even he is a little jealous of little Lamb...

After confirming that Little Lamb helped everyone defend against the impact of the Phoenix Power, Mike dodged and avoided the terrifying ability suddenly released by the Phoenix. At the same time, the four Clarks who were fighting also hurriedly dodged.

If you can dodge it, there is no need to waste your energy fighting against the Phoenix's power.

But those who were embodied by Mike were not so lucky.

They were the Phoenix's main targets, and at this time, in addition to the destructive Phoenix Force, this area also fell under the Phoenix's control.

With the increase in Phoenix Power, the already terrifying abilities of the Phoenix are enhanced.

At this time, the Phoenix Power exploded, and they were fixed in place by the invisible force.

Although some of them are not without resistance, they need a little time, and this time, the power of the Phoenix that destroys everything, is enough to kill them.

Invisible forces invaded their bodies.

The next second, their bodies began to decompose, like gravel weathered by the erosion of time, quietly dissipating with the impact of the Phoenix Power.

Clark, who was flying high in the sky, looked at it from a high place and his eyes darkened.

I saw that with Phoenix as the center, everything was completely destroyed.

Whether it was the people embodied by his father or the sand on the ground.

A huge crater with a length of more than a thousand meters appeared on the ground, with nothing but the phoenix flying in the center.

After a few seconds, the dazzling golden wings disappeared, and the entire battlefield returned to calm.

Looking at the scenery in front of her, Gwen felt heavy.

The Phoenix is so terrifying, that's why it makes them despair.

Even if Phoenix wanted to, it could easily disintegrate an entire city.

Little Lamb swallowed: "Okay, so awesome!"

"but… "

He patted Gwen's leg and said, "Sister, I will protect you!"

Gwen felt warm in her heart, and the bitterness on her face softened, and she said to little Lamb, "Thank you just now."

If it hadn't been for Little Lamb just now, these people...

Gwen smiled bitterly, and unconsciously touched little Lamb again, and suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

This kid is not talking nonsense.

Suddenly, Gwen's spider sense sounded an alarm frantically.

Danger, very dangerous!

Gwen followed the feeling and looked hurriedly, only to see Fenghuang Zhen looking at her coldly, with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes.

Gwen's heart tightened, and her hands unconsciously clenched into fists.

Suddenly, a short figure flew up and blocked the line of sight between her and Phoenix.

"Lamb? Danger!"

Gwen whispered.

Lamb nodded nervously and said, "I know! That's why I'm here to protect you!"

As he spoke, two revolvers appeared in his hands.

The revolver is entirely silver-white, with mysterious patterns on it, and a silver light flowing on it, making it look alive.

That's what Mike gets for 'babysitting' for Odin - death.

Since getting these two handfuls of money, Mike has not used them, and then handed them over to Raven for use.

But Raven had no chance to use them now, so she put them in her bedroom as a collection.

After little Lamb discovered the two guns, he pestered Raven and promised that he would not use them, so he asked Raven to hand over the right to use them to him.

He liked these two guns very much.

Because these two guns do not need to be filled with bullets.

They themselves contain a large amount of energy that can be restored, and can even absorb energy and compress that energy into bullets. This energy includes but is not limited to physical strength, mental strength, magic power, etc.

Conversely, the more energy absorbed, the more powerful the bullet.

Moreover, these two guns can also be combined into a sniper rifle, and the sniper rifle in this state is called destruction.

The next second, under everyone's shocked eyes, Little Lamb launched an attack on Phoenix.


There was a gunshot, and a bullet was shot from the muzzle of death, flying towards Phoenix at an extremely fast speed.

A bullet

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

What's the use of this bullet

Not only them, but even Phoenix didn't bother to look at the bullet.



The bullet rushed directly through the defense that Phoenix had built for herself using her manipulation of matter and telekinesis, and landed hard on her body.

The next second, blood splattered everywhere.

The scene fell silent, as if even the wind had forgotten to flow out of surprise.


A scream sounded out, and Phoenix looked at Little Lamb in disbelief and extremely angry.

What ability is this? What is that weapon

Although this injury only takes a little time to heal with her ability, this is what she has learned from this battle, no...

To be precise, this was the first time she had been seriously injured since she obtained the Phoenix Power.

She looked at little Lamb, and besides being frightened and angry, she couldn't help but feel a hint of fear in her heart.

At the same time, Mike, who was flying in the air, was stunned for a moment, his eyes flickered, and he couldn't help laughing.

"As expected of my son, he used such an enviable fighting method..."

As he spoke, he flashed and appeared next to Gwen and little Lamb.

"Dad, dad!"

Little Lamb put his hands behind his back in a panic.

Mike laughed and said, "I've seen it all, there's no point in hiding it."

Little Lamb's face fell.

Mike gently played Little Rim's head and said, "How is it? Are you confident to violate her?"

Little Lamb suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "Yes!"

"Then come on."

Mike patted little Lamb's shoulder lightly.

Little Lamb nodded, took out the twin guns of death, imitated the protagonist in the movie, blew the muzzle of the gun, and flew towards the Phoenix.

Seeing this scene, Phoenix's eyes shrank, and the Phoenix Power in his body began to stir.

This is a prelude to her preparations to mobilize the Phoenix Power to fight.

The bullet just broke through her defense, forcing her to take it seriously.

Phoenix gritted his teeth: "Such a little guy..."

"Dad! Why did you let Lamb go! It's too dangerous!"

Gwen said anxiously.

Mike was very calm.

He rubbed Gwen's head soothingly and said, "Don't worry, Lamb is stronger than all of you think."

"Strong ability, but he has no combat experience, and..."

"Don't worry." Mike smiled and said, "Lamb has more abilities than anyone imagined, and several of them are related to combat."

As he spoke, Mike recalled it and said one by one: "Combat experience copying, combat intuition, combat proficiency, combat imitation..."

The more Gwen listened, the calmer she became, and finally said helplessly: "But letting little Lamb go up to fight, I still... can't bear to watch."

"No, you will be very excited soon." Mike winked and said, "Because little Lamb will beat up Phoenix violently."

Gwen was stunned for a moment and said, "That ability just now?"


Mike smiled lightly and said helplessly: "I didn't expect little Lamb to use his ability like this."

"How to use it? What is little Lamb's ability?"

Gwen asked curiously.

Mike looked at little Lamb's back and said slowly: "From birth to now, little Lamb has been awakening his abilities, and the speed of awakening abilities is getting faster and faster. I even suspect that as long as little Lamb wants to, he will wake up every second. They can all awaken their abilities, and now even I don’t know how many abilities he has.”

"He took advantage of the characteristics of the Death Gun and modified it with his own abilities so that the Death Gun could perfectly fit the fighting style he developed for himself."

After a pause, Mike said in a deep voice: "The bullet just now was not an ordinary bullet, but an ability of little Lamb!"

"He stripped away one of his abilities and shaped it into a bullet!"