The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 630: Saul's Spooky Lunch


New York, Mike's house.

In the kitchen, Thor showed Mike some of his newly learned cosmic specialties, which made Mike wonder what this guy was doing.

However, give it a try...

Don't tell me, it's not bad.

"How about it?"

Sol looked at Mike with expectant eyes, like a child waiting for praise from the teacher.

Mike looked at the colorful slices of fresh meat made of a kind of luminous material, and remembered the taste just now, and said slowly: "If you ignore the weird appearance of the ingredients, and just consider the taste itself, it's not bad, even some taste. Very peculiar.”

Thor chuckled and said, "I have seen a lot of strange but delicious food this time. I must let you experience it."

"No need to..."

The corners of Mike's mouth twitched.

You should keep these things for yourself.

Seeing Sol's puzzled face, Mike said helplessly: "Have you forgotten that besides taste, what else is needed in a dish?"

Color, fragrance, shape and meaning…

Thor was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Isn't it good-looking? Colorful luminescence, I remember those aliens like it very much."

Mike looked at Sol speechlessly, then patted Sol on the shoulder and said: "You already said, those are aliens, and they are different from our aesthetics. When cooking, you have to look at the target."

Thor groaned and agreed: "That's right!"

Immediately, he looked at the dishes in front of him that were emitting a strange blue-green light with embarrassment, and said, "Are these dumped?"

Mike said calmly: "It's all done, let them try it."

Good guy, how can we let him eat alone

Everyone must enjoy the visual impact and know what flash cuisine is!

"Okay!" Sol said happily: "Then I'll prepare the next dish!"

As a cook, Thor felt a little unhappy when he saw the dishes he had carefully prepared being thrown away.

These ingredients are all collected by him from various planets in the universe. They are very rare delicacies and are his heartfelt wishes.

Mike responded and left the kitchen.

"What is Sol making that's delicious?"

Gwen asked curiously.

"A prince from Asgard is actually cooking now. What a fool with no future!"

Loki said harshly.

Gwen blinked: "In other words, you won't eat for a while?"

"Eat? Why not?" Loki sneered and said proudly: "He is Thor, the prince of Asgard. I am the only one who can cook for him..."

After a pause, under the gazes of Mike and others, he hurriedly added: "And you are qualified to enjoy it."

Mike and the others nodded.

Suddenly, little Lamb curled his lips and stabbed Loki in the heart.

"Asgard, the prince of Asgard, where is Asgard now?"

Little Lamb muttered in a low voice: "I haven't even had a chance to see it!"

Loki: "..."

do not talk!


Gwen couldn't help laughing, and smiled at Loki: "Children's words are innocent, don't take them to heart."

Loki's eyes twitched: "I don't dare to take it seriously."

"now it's right!"

Gwen nodded, stood on tiptoes and patted Loki on the head.

Just like when Loki was a 'little kid'.

Loki was stunned for a moment and snorted slightly, but a smile flashed in his eyes.

"What did you say?"

Thor popped his head out of the kitchen and asked curiously.

"No, they are all looking forward to your cooking."

Mike said with a smile.

Sol chuckled and said, "Wait!"

After saying this, he returned to the kitchen, and then some weird colors and blood-curdling screams floated out through the kitchen door, making everyone who was looking forward to it look at each other and shudder.

"what is this… "

Gwen trembled and listened to the cry that sounded like a baby, and said in fear: "Thor wouldn't cook a child, right?"

"Eat, eat children?"

Little Lamb's face turned pale.

Loki's face also looked a little ugly, but what he was thinking about was...

Thor, this bastard, wouldn't do anything weird to mess with him.

Raven looked at Mike with a hint of fear and whispered, "Is it really okay?"

"should be no problem."

Mike forced a smile.

He thought that the glowing flesh was outrageous enough, but he didn't expect that there would be something even more outrageous.

He suddenly didn't have so much confidence in what Sol brought out in a while.

While everyone was waiting in panic, Thor came out with a pot of food that looked like waving octopus tentacles, but at the top of each tentacle, there was a dish that looked like an eyeball.

Everyone gasped.

Sol was very satisfied with everyone's expressions and said: "Try it and see, the dancing eyeballs!"

Eyes, eyeballs!

The corners of Mike's eyes were beating wildly.

Is this thing really edible

Sol introduced with a smile: "This is a plant. After cooking, the eyes will open and the branches that have lost their vitality will become active again. It is a very magical cooking material."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be a plant, but luckily... what the hell!

This thing looks terrible! Can anyone really swallow it

Before their emotions could ease, Sol happily walked into the kitchen and brought them two more plates of food.

One plate of meat looked normal but was trembling, even screaming, while the other was filled with colorful slices of meat.

Everyone's faces became even more ugly.

But this is obviously not the limit of their changes.

As Sol brought out the dishes, their faces turned from black to purple and then white again, and when Sol brought out the dishes that were still sobbing like a baby and floating on the white soup, When the fruit looked like a baby's face, everyone's faces finally turned as white as paper.

And Gwen and little Lamb screamed.

Ruiwen also exclaimed: "What the hell is this!"

Loki stretched out his trembling hand and said to Thor: "I haven't offended you during this time, have I?"

He suspected that Sol was taking revenge on him!

"No, no!"

Thor touched his head and said to Loki: "I heard from Mike that you have managed Asgard very well during this period. Although you sometimes make some vulgar jokes, overall it is very good!"

"What do you mean by a vulgar joke!"

Loki glared at Thor angrily, and when he wanted to walk away, he was held back by Gwen.

"Let me go! No one can keep me now!" Loki looked at everyone angrily: "My heart has been broken by Thor!"

Everyone looked at Loki with blank eyes.

Loki glared at himself angrily.

After a few seconds, seeing that everyone was unmoved, Loki turned around and left.

Suddenly, a sneer sounded.

Loki stiffened.

Having lived in this home for a long time, he immediately realized the meaning of this laughter.

"What a shoddy acting!" Little Lamb muttered: "Aren't you just making an excuse to not eat what Sol made?"

Loki froze, then immediately rushed to Little Lamb and said with a desperate look on his face: "Is my acting really that bad?"

It was so bad that even a child could see it!

Little Lamb nodded without hesitation: "Based on the performance just now, yes!"

Hearing this, Loki looked desperate and sat blankly on a chair nearby.

Sol smiled and said to everyone: "In that case, please taste it!"


Little Lamb and Gwen seemed to be petrified, with resistance written all over their bodies.

"Don't worry, it's delicious!"

Thor said to everyone while sitting down with a smile.

This is not a question of whether it is poisonous or not, but it is simply inedible!

"Dad, are we filming some prank show? Or are we participating in some supernatural show?"

Gwen asked Mike dully.

After Gwen reminded him, little Lamb seemed to understand something, pointed at Thor and said loudly: "I know, you must be possessed by an evil spirit! I will expel you on behalf of the Holy Light!"

Following Little Lamb's words, a golden beam of light suddenly fell and hit Thor.

Thor shuddered, screamed in comfort, and then said to the dumbfounded little Lamb, "Thank you! This massage is very effective."

Gwen looked at little Lamb in confusion and said, "When did you have the Holy Light again?"

"Just, when I was playing games, I suddenly woke up."

Little Lamb explained, and said to Mike with a sad face: "Dad, do I really want to eat these things?"

Before Mike could speak, Saul said righteously: "I remember the first thing I learned when I entered this home is that you can't waste time. This is what you taught me."

Hearing this, the expressions of the four Mikes froze.

Good guy, are you taking advantage of them to oppress them

Loki on the side was stunned for a moment and smiled at Mike.


You can't escape either!

At this moment, Thor took off an 'eyeball' and stuffed it into Loki's mouth, saying loudly: "Eat yours!"

Loki's eyes widened in horror and he wanted to spit out what was in his mouth, but Thor held Loki's mouth until Loki swallowed it and then let go with a laugh.

Loki looked at Thor angrily, wanting to take out his dagger and stab Thor twice in the waist.

"Doesn't it taste good?"

Thor asked with a smile.

Loki subconsciously licked his lips, and then he felt nauseated.

But the taste left on his tongue told him that it tasted really good.

So, does this thing that looks scary but tastes good really count as gourmet food

Loki's face was confused.

Noting Loki's expression, Gwen and Little Lamb heaved a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately it's not poisonous."

Gwen said quietly.

"But doesn't he look even dumber."

Little Lamb said worriedly: "What if we become stupid after eating it?"

"You've just become stupid!"

Loki snorted softly and suddenly said to everyone: "It tastes really good."

Good guy, we can’t let him eat alone!

Mike raised his eyebrows, chuckled inwardly, and said to Loki: "If you like it, eat more!"


"eat more!"

"I think it's okay!"

Ruiwen and the other three immediately agreed.

Loki's face stiffened.


This is the territory of Mike's family, and he alone is no opponent.

"Okay, don't give in, everyone has a share!"

Thor raised his storm ax and showed a kind smile.

Everyone in Mike looked at a table of shocking dishes and almost burst into tears.

After a while, Mike and the others finished their lunch with difficulty.

To be honest, these dishes are not unpalatable, but they challenge the limits of human vision and tolerance of weird food.

After eating, my tongue and stomach are satisfied, but my heart and head are wailing.

Two contradictory feelings entangled Mike and the others, making them look very sad...

"Then, Loki and I will go back!"

Thor said happily, and with Mike and others waving their arms feebly, he took Loki, who seemed to have lost his soul, to teleport away with the Storm Axe, and returned to the planet Kent.

Watching Sol leave, Mike's family breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure brought by Thor's cooking today has almost reached the level of Hank Pym's smelly cooking.

The four members of the family rested for a while and then slowly recovered.

"I'm going out!"

"I'm going to find someone to play with too!"

As soon as they recovered from the midday shadow, Gwen and little Lamb rushed out the door.

Raven also changed her clothes and went to Peggy Carter's house next door.

Peggy Carter's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the days they play mahjong together become less and less.

For a time, Mike was the only one left at home.

However, Mike also has his own things to do.

He went to the bathroom with a solemn expression, washed his hands three times, and then returned to the living room.

Taking a deep breath, the light in his hand kept flashing, and cards appeared from his hand one after another, and were piled on the table in front of him.

Make cards, then strengthen and fuse them.

This became a daily pastime for Mike.

"I've had such bad luck as Sol today. Things should turn around..."

Mike murmured, rubbing his hands gently, looking at the cards in front of him, his eyes flickering, like a gambler.

"First practice with some low-level cards."

Mike murmured and picked up some cards with lower power levels.

Picking up two cards, Mike used his fusion ability.

Suddenly, the two cards in his hand flew up and turned into two light groups that merged together in front of Mike.

Now the fusion begins, and before the fusion is completed, or before Mike actively ends the fusion process, Mike can throw in new cards.

However, Mike was trying his hand now, so he did not continue to add.

Mike took the initiative to end the fusion.

The next second, a new card appeared in front of him.

Mike took a look and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he threw out two more cards.

Character card, Monkey D. Luffy, and Cyborg Zack.

A few seconds later, a new card appeared in front of Mike.

A bio-demon with Luffy's face...

Mike held the card and felt it. After discovering that the two abilities were perfectly combined, he said excitedly: "Success! You can challenge higher levels!"

As he spoke, he picked up two new cards.

Senju Hashirama (enhanced 3).

Uchiha Madara (enhanced 3).

The two cards turned into a ball of light and merged together. Then Mike thought about it and threw several more cards in.

A few seconds later, a new card appeared in front of Mike.

Mike grabbed the card expectantly.