The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 637: baby


At the prom venue, accompanied by soft or intense music, pairs of men and women swayed their bodies on the dance floor, releasing their emotions to their heart's content at the graduation prom.

Laura sat on the edge of the dance floor. After once again rejecting a girl's invitation, she grabbed her hair a little irritably. After spreading the hair tied behind her head, she moved to the edge again until she faded out of the crowd. After she could see Gwen on the dance floor again, she nodded with satisfaction.


Suddenly, she seemed to notice something, and she frowned and moved her gaze.

"What's going on? I feel wrong?"

Laura murmured in confusion.

Just now she seemed to feel a prying gaze passing over her body.


There are so many people here, maybe someone is paying attention to her secretly and wants to invite her to dance

"So annoying!"

Laura screamed irritably, but she didn't know that the sight just now was not from the dance floor at all, but from Mike hundreds of meters away.

Mike sat in the car several hundred meters away, looking at Gwen and Peter on the dance floor with his super vision, his expression a little ugly.

damn it!

Although he was mentally prepared, seeing his Gwen and her boyfriend dancing on the dance floor still made his old father feel uncomfortable.

It felt like the cabbage that I had finally raised was being humped by a pig.

No, it's not a pig, it's a bug!

Now, he didn't like Peter at all.


Raven smiled and nodded Mike's head.

"Damn it, I'm going to chop off that kid's hand!"

Mike suddenly growled.

Ruiwen was startled and said nervously: "What's wrong?"

"That kid actually touched Gwen's face!"

The corners of Raven's eyes twitched, she pressed Mike down on the seat, and said helplessly: "What's the matter? Just be normal!"

Mike: "!"

What's this

Ruiwen said angrily: "If they confirm the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, this is normal behavior!"

Mike said angrily: "But I just feel uncomfortable looking at it..."

"You are Gwen's father, and this will never change at any time, but you cannot interfere with Gwen's normal choices because of this. She has grown up."

Raven said softly to Mike.

Mike snorted: "But who knows whether she made the right choice."

"You know it, Mike."

After a moment of silence, Mike frowned and said, "I don't care! Anyway, that kid doesn't have my recognition now!"

Ruiwen chuckled: "Okay, okay, you have the final say on this kind of thing."

Listening to Raven's tone of voice, which was like comforting a child, Mike glared at Raven, chuckled, and said faintly: "Don't worry, I will examine that kid carefully."

Raven smiled helplessly and couldn't help but sigh for Peter's future.

With a burst of soft music, the graduation dance of Zhongcheng Middle School came to an end with the dancing of the young men and women still unfinished.

Peter held Gwen's hand and walked on the school playground, feeling the surprised eyes of pairs of eyes. He felt as if he was stepping on clouds with every step he took, giving him a light and airy feeling.

"Peter? Where are you taking me?"

Gwen asked doubtfully. Although she was still a little shy, her face had returned to normal.

Peter came back from that strange feeling and couldn't help but blush when he saw them walking out of the playground and about to enter the grove, the school's love sanctuary.

"Well, I didn't bring you here on purpose, I..."

Peter hurriedly explained.

In a holy land of love, there will naturally be no shortage of intimate contacts.

Thinking of this, Peter blushed.

The more I explain, the more I feel like he has a purpose.

Looking at the expression, Gwen couldn't help but laugh, reached out and pinched Peter's face, and said with a smile: "If you had the courage, you wouldn't have taken so long to confess to me."

Peter smiled awkwardly.

"Let's go."

Gwen looked at the time and said, "I have to go back, Laura is still waiting for me."


Peter nodded.

Today, he took the most important step in his life, and more importantly, he got Gwen's response. This already made him very satisfied. He also needed some time to calm down his excited emotions.

At this moment, a creepy cry for help came from the woods not far away.

Peter's face tightened, and when he was about to rush in, Gwen held Peter's hand.

"Someone shouted for help!"

Peter said nervously, looking into the darkness.

"I know."

Gwen responded calmly and said with a strange expression: "But don't you feel a little strange when you hear this cry?"

Peter was startled and listened carefully.

"Help, help..."

It was like a child, and it was like an electronically synthesized voice. The direction it appeared was forward, but close to the ground.

A small child


A strange feeling arose in Peter's heart.

If he listened carefully to this voice, why would it make him feel uncomfortable

He looked at Gwen, who nodded to him and said, "Go and have a look."

Now that they have heard it, they cannot pretend that they heard nothing.

The two walked towards the woods, and Peter grabbed Gwen's hand without any hesitation, vaguely blocking Gwen behind him.

Gwen was slightly startled.

Although she didn't need Peter's protection, Peter's actions warmed her heart.

Remembering that Peter did the same thing before confessing his love, Gwen couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth.

Soon, the two of them came to a small tree looking for the sound.

Perhaps because there was a graduation party tonight, there was no one in the woods tonight, and it seemed unusually quiet. And because of this, the voice that kept shouting for help seemed particularly permeable.


Peter looked under the small tree doubtfully and asked doubtfully.

"It should be right."

Gwen looked at the turned soil under the tree, her eyes slightly cold.

Could it be that someone really buried a child here

If that were the case, she would never let the murderer go.

When Gwen bent down and was about to dig out the pit below, Peter grabbed her hand and said, "Let me do this."

Gwen glanced at Peter, and when Peter's cheeks turned slightly red, she smiled slightly and nodded.

Peter seemed to be greatly encouraged. He waved his hands repeatedly and dug out the pit in just a moment. However, when the two of them saw what was in the pit, they couldn't help but shiver.

In the not very deep hole, there was a doll whose neck was cut in half, its limbs were torn off, and the wires were exposed.

At this time, the doll was mechanically opening its mouth and shouting for help.

Perhaps aware of Gwen and Peter's gaze, the doll twisted its neck that was about to break, and with a crunching sound, turned its head to look at the two of them.