The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 640: Unexpected person


"It's so abominable! It's so abominable!"

Laura kicked the lamppost on the side of the road irritably, making a muffled sound, not caring whether her leg was injured or not. She looked like she would die or my leg would be broken, scaring away any little hooligan who wandered over. .

A few seconds later, Laura bared her teeth and stopped this meaningless movement, muttering and sitting on the roadside.

"He actually left me and ran away with that springtail kid! He didn't even say a word to me!"

The more Laura thought about it, the angrier she became. She couldn’t help but clench her fists and muttered: “I’m going to tell Uncle Mike about this!!”

She tried her best to pull Gwen out of the whirlpool of love, but the little girl still plunged into it.

"The most disgusting thing is that when she encountered such an interesting thing, she didn't share it with me, but went with that springtail!"


Laura rubbed her hair irritably, jumped up from the roadside, stopped a passing taxi, spoke to the driver, and quickly rushed to the address Laura sent her.

This was the first interesting thing she encountered after coming to this world, and she didn't want to miss it.


"Wait until I see you! I'm going to ruffle your hair! Gwen!"

Laura growled, causing the driver’s expression to change, thinking that he had met a little lunatic.

"Well... she sounds very angry. Is she... okay?"

Peter asked Gwen carefully.

Gwen supported her head with one hand and fiddled with her phone with the other hand, letting it spin on the table and sighed softly.

"Laura... the most you can do is mess up my hair..."

Many years ago, messing up her hair, which she cared so much about, was Laura's punishment for her.

Now... it should be the same.

Gwen murmured in her heart, smiled slightly at Peter, and said, "Here, let's make a ten-dollar bet. Guess how long it will take Tony to take control of those dolls?"

She smiled and raised her finger: "One hour? Or two hours?"

Peter was stunned for a moment and suddenly said: "I can give you everything I have!"

Gwen: "!"

Her face turned red instantly.

"Ahem! I'm making a serious bet with you!"

Peter looked at Gwen affectionately and said slowly: "I also spoke my heart very seriously."

He found that since he confessed his love to Gwen, his love for Gwen was getting stronger every minute and every second, as if it would never end.

Gwen: "!"

This guy is getting bolder and bolder now!

Peter looked at Gwen's expression and saw that Gwen was a little shy, and said confidently: "With Mr. Stark's ability, it can be done in less than an hour!"

"So confident in him?"


Peter returned without hesitation.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gwen's cell phone rang.

Gwen glanced at it and said in surprise: "So fast?"

Hearing this, Peter smiled.

After picking up the phone, before Gwen could say anything, Tony immediately said in a strange tone: "We have found the mastermind behind the scenes, and I have taken control of those toys!"

Gwen was stunned for a moment, looked at the smiling Peter, and said in surprise: "So fast?"

"Quick? Isn't the sooner the better for this kind of thing?"

Tony muttered and said immediately: "I sent the location to your mobile phone. I'll rush there now."


Gwen responded, hung up the phone, looked at the message from Tony, was slightly stunned, turned to Peter and said, "Let's take action."

Peter nodded and went to the inner room to change into his suit, while Gwen took the time to send Laura a message and also put on her own Spider-Man suit.

The two of them stood at the door and looked at each other. After climbing out of the window, they closed the window, jumped down from the air, and left quickly with the spider silk hanging.

Tony, wearing a steel suit, was flying rapidly in the air, but there was a strange expression on the face of the steel mask.

Surprise, surprise, and a hint of mocking smile.

Justin Hammer.

He really didn't expect that this low-level businessman who only made fake and shoddy products would have the courage to make those dangerous dolls.

Control children, take them hostage, and then achieve the goal of collecting large amounts of money

This cowardly guy is so brave now

Tony suddenly thought of this old 'rival' and couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

After not seeing each other for such a long time, he will definitely get close to each other.


After letting out a soft breath, Tony whispered: "Friday, give me something hard!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the legs of his suit began to fuse and transform. After turning into a large-caliber jet, a ball of flames spurted out, drawing a beautiful arc in the night sky before quickly disappearing.

Soon, he arrived at his destination.

It was a building that was very familiar to him.

It was here that the Stark Expo was held many years ago.

Afterwards, a battle broke out here and the place was completely destroyed, but Tony later repaired it and turned it into a venue for long-term science and technology exhibitions.

He didn't expect that Justin Hammer would choose the underground of this venue as his base.

Tony felt a little sick at the thought of this.

He didn't notice it for so long.

Without any hesitation, Tony fell from the air without any pretense. Under the guidance of his smart butler Friday, he rushed towards an open space in the woods. When he was about to hit the grass, the grass separated to the left and right, and a figure appeared. Tony rushed straight in at the door.

On the way here, Tony had already captured the base's security system.

Now that he comes here, it's like returning to his own home.

"Even a ninety-year-old grandmother can break into this security system. I don't know where this bastard got the confidence to dare to attack children."

Tony complained while flying towards the inside of the base.

Along the way, none of the traps that seemed ridiculous in Tony's eyes worked.

In a few seconds, Tony had arrived inside the base.

"This, so much!?"

Tony exclaimed.

In the hemispherical underground space, dolls seemed to be placed on shelves, densely surrounding the entire underground space.

At this time, Tony stood in the center, as if being watched by a pair of eyes, which made Tony feel hairy in his heart, but what followed immediately was anger.

With so many dolls, how many children would have been harmed if Gwen and the others hadn't discovered them

"Justin Hammer! You bastard! Get out of here! I know you're here!"

Tony roared angrily, and the angry screams echoed in the underground space.

"Ha, look who this is?"

With a sinister tone, a man wearing a suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and a smile on his face appeared from a slowly descending elevator.

It's Justin Hammer.