The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 646: Drive them all out


Kent Star.

Kent School for Gifted Heroes.

It was night, very quiet, as if the whole world was sleeping.

Suddenly, violent vibrations accompanied by frightening energy centered on a room in the school and quickly spread to the surrounding areas.

But this terrifying energy only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing again. Just when everyone was wondering, Charles's voice rang in everyone's minds.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem. It has been solved."

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved and continued to sleep.

But in fact…

Charles looked at the pale Qin in front of him, gently hugged her still trembling body, patted her back gently, just like Mike comforted him when he was a child, and said slowly in a soft voice: "It's okay. It’s okay, it’s okay.”

He knew that Qin had another nightmare. This happened frequently in the past month, and this was the most serious one.

Gradually, Qin calmed down under Charles' comfort.

"Charles, I dreamed again..."

The sound of the piano is like a feather blown up by the wind and not falling to the ground for a long time.

"People are being eaten, planets are falling apart, and everything is being destroyed."

At this point, she shrank into Charles' arms with some fear.

"Qin, it's just a dream."

Charles comforted her softly, but there was a solemn look in his eyes.

"Is it just a dream?"

Qin looked up into Charles's eyes and suddenly said: "Don't lie to me, I'm not a child anymore."

Charles kissed Qin's forehead gently and said dotingly: "Yes, yes, not a child."

Qin smiled slightly, then snorted slightly, opened her mouth and bit Charles' arm.

This tone is still the tone of coaxing a child.


Charles grinned and took a breath, his facial features squeezed together.

Qin laughed out loud and rubbed it for Charles. Charles raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction.

"Charles, what I dreamed about this time was a little different from before."

Qin recalled and said slowly: "In addition to the picture of being destroyed by that mysterious power, there is also a clearer message."

"what's the message?"

Charles couldn't help but become nervous.

He knew Qin's abilities, and these dreams of Qin were not just dreams, but dreams with a prophetic nature.

"That mysterious force is called the Phoenix Force, and it is a conscious force. Even... I can feel her calling me, and it will come to Earth in the near future."

"Phoenix Force? Coming to Earth? Summoning you?"

Charles frowned, and seeing Qin's eyes full of worry, he smiled: "Don't worry, let's go home and see what dad says."

Dad, Dad!

Qin's face turned red instantly.

Just now, what he meant was...


Qin blushed and responded.

The day after the dance, Mike's house.

Gwen accepted Peter's confession

The two discover a ghost doll possessed by an evil spirit in the woods at school? And discovered someone's plan to kidnap children using controllable toys

And when they asked Tony for help, Tony found the mastermind behind the scenes and took the lead to solve the target, but he was caught by the mastermind behind the scenes and was forced to be the spokesperson of those dolls, leaving photos that represented shame

What? The mastermind behind the scenes is actually Justin Hammer? And Justin Hammer has extraordinary powers because he signed an agreement with Mephisto

Finally, Mephisto's energy clone appeared and threatened to kill the Kent family

Listening to Gwen's report about last night's situation, Mike's face turned green.

Good guy, I thought you were just going to a dance, but you ended up doing so many things

It's the puppet again, it's Mephisto again!


It's all Peter Parker's fault!

"Dad? What's wrong with you?"

Gwen looked at Mike carefully, fearing that Mike would be angry because she had a boyfriend.

Although her Aunt Raven had quietly told her that her father had been convinced,... she was still a little worried.


Mike smiled and said calmly: "Since you and him have decided to officially date for the time being, then... come and invite him to your house for a meal today!"

After a pause, Mike added in a gentle tone: "Just... noon today!"

Hearing this, Gwen shuddered.

Why do you feel like Mike is going to chop up poor Peter

"Well, Dad, you won't do anything to Peter, right?"

Gwen asked carefully.

"Don't think blindly!"

Mike flicked Gwen's forehead and said with a smile, "Am I that kind of person?"

Gwen looked at Mike with eyes.

Mike: (one_one)


Gwen shook her head decisively.

Mike nodded with satisfaction.


Raven walked downstairs with her cell phone in hand and said happily: "Charles and Qin will be back at noon and said they have something to ask you."

A happy smile flashed across Mike's face: "Humph! If nothing happened, he wouldn't be here, right?"

"That's right! Charles has gone too far!"

Raven looked at Mike, with a smile in her eyes, and said angrily: "Just pretend that he doesn't have this child! I won't let him come now!"

Mike looked at Raven and twitched the corner of his mouth: "Well, this is a bit too much!"

Raven's eyes widened: "It's too much, not too much at all! Just drive all three of them out!"

Hearing this, at some point, little Lamb, who quietly appeared behind Mike, showed his head, clenched his fists and shouted: "Yes! Get them all out!"

Mike's eyes twitched, and he turned around and flicked Little Lamb's forehead with his finger.


There was a muffled sound, and Gwen shrank her neck.

Good guy, this bullet will fall on the forehead of ordinary people, I'm afraid...

Some blood images inappropriate for children appeared in Gwen's mind.


Little Lamb dodged and hid behind Raven, pressing his forehead with one hand and waving the other excitedly: "I still support driving them all out!"

Raven smiled lowly and winked at little Lamb: "You're cooperating very well, son."

Mike stared, looked at the mother and son, and walked out angrily.

"Dad, where are you going?"

Gwen shouted.

Mike paused, opened the door without moving his head, and strode out.

But before the door closed, Mike's voice floated in through the crack in the door.

"Go buy groceries!"


Gwen couldn't help laughing and gave a thumbs up to Raven and Little Lamb.

The only one who could make Mike feel defeated was Aunt Raven.

Raven gently picked up a strand of naughty long hair and smiled at Gwen: "Gwen, call Clark and Eric and ask them to come together at noon today."

"One, come together?"

Gwen pursed her lips nervously.

Come on, everyone, Peter...