The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 649: A table of delicious food


Peter stood outside Mike's house, nervously arranging his clothes, even though he had done so eleven times along the way.


Peter took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

But when his finger was about to touch the door, it bounced back like an electric shock.

Although he had been working hard to cheer himself up and build up his mind, at this time, he was still uncontrollably afraid, thinking of what his Aunt Mei said to him.

Patting his cheek, Peter arranged his hair again and said carefully: "Peter! Come on! You can do it! You won't die!"

Even though he said that, it was difficult for him to think about the moment he opened the door and saw two red rays of light shooting towards him, or a pile of metal pricking him with holes, or a The sneering bald head turned him into an idiot, even a child, turned him into the size of an ant, and casually crushed him to pieces.


The more Peter thought about it, the more frightened he became. Looking at the door in front of him, it felt like the whole world was sneering at him, telling him to give up this arrangement and Gwen.

"No! Impossible!"

Peter clenched his fist and growled.

If you want him to give up on Gwen, you might as well let him die!

Thinking of this, Peter finally knocked on the door without hesitation.

And the moment he knocked on the door, Mike, Clark, Eric and Charles sitting in the living room, as well as little Lamb who was holding Clark's neck and acting coquettishly, turned their heads in unison and looked over.

At this moment, a cold light seemed to flash in the eyes of the five people.

"Ha! Here it comes!"

Mike sneered, lowered his crossed legs gently, and said, "I'll open the door."

"No, I'd better go."

Clark smiled slightly.

"I go!"

Eric said, standing up.

Charles looked at the two of them and waved his hands: "Hey, you better not go, you look like you are going to eat people."

He stood up with a smile, but the next second, a big hand pressed on his bald head and pushed him onto the sofa.

"Sit tight! I told you, I'm going!"

Eric strode towards the door.

Charles snorted softly, and the power of his mind quietly appeared, holding Eric in place.

Charles stood up leisurely, dusted his clothes, and muttered: "Without a mind-shielding helmet, why are you and I so arrogant?"

Eric: (╬ ̄俣)


Mike sighed and said, "You are still talking nonsense, Clark is already at the door."

Two people: "!"

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, little Lamb couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahaha, you are so stupid!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he quietly disappeared from the place before receiving warnings from the two people.

Charles and Eric curled their lips and shouted as they walked towards the kitchen: "Qin (Hela)! Let's help!"

When he heard the shouts of the two people, Mike looked strange.

Who would have thought that the Goddess of Death and the Phoenix would now be helping in his kitchen

At the same time, Clark had arrived at the door, even using his super speed without leaving a trace when he came.

Clark stood at the door, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he saw Peter outside the door. Seeing Peter's face full of worry, Clark smiled slightly and opened the door.

The next second, Peter's whole body was as tight as a stretched rubber band.

"K, Mr. Clark!"

Peter greeted quietly, feeling extremely nervous.

Oh my God, is Superman the first person I face

Peter swallowed nervously.

Clark smiled slightly at Peter and said, "Don't be nervous."

Hearing this, Peter was stunned, and his nervousness eased.

After hearing this, he felt something in his heart...

"Nervous in the back."


Peter's heart suddenly stopped for a moment, and then started beating like a motor.

"come in."

Clark made way for the door, and Peter walked past Clark, but couldn't help but look up at Clark.

Clark smiled, but Peter vaguely saw two shaking red light spots.

Unable to hold back a shiver, Peter cheered himself up and when he saw Gwen, he felt his whole world light up.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, facing the sea...

Peter felt warm all over his body, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Gwen looked at Peter and suddenly coughed slightly.

Peter immediately asked nervously: "What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable there?"

Gwen was furious and gave Peter a wink, telling him to pay attention behind her.

Peter blinked, suddenly feeling the bone-chilling chill coming from behind, and his face instantly turned pale.

He controlled his body with difficulty and turned around slowly, and then saw the five people with their arms folded and looking at him with a smile.

Mike Kent, Clark Kent, Eric Kent, Charles Kent, and Lamb Kent.

He silently recited the names of five people in his heart, and his heart felt colder with each name that passed by.

"He smiled so silly just now!"

Lamb curled his lips and couldn't help mumbling.

Peter: “…”

"Lamb! Don't tell the truth!"

Charles looked at little Lamb reproachfully, but used his ability to click thirty-two likes in little Lamb's mind.

Eric looked at Peter and suddenly sneered: "Boy, you know that Gwen is my only sister, right?"

Peter nodded nervously.

"Haha!" Eric patted Peter on the shoulder and pointed at the three Clarks: "If I had to choose between killing the three of them or losing my sister, I would not hesitate to choose to have the three of them killed!"


The corners of Clark's and the other three's mouths twitched.

Hearing this, Peter stammered nervously: "I, I will work hard to kill them."


Mike and the four others all looked at Peter.

Peter: "!"

Damn it, he seems to have said the wrong thing.

In an instant, Peter's death sickle was placed on his neck.

Fortunately, he is not alone.

He also has Gwen.

"That's enough for you!"

Gwen looked at the people speechlessly: "Don't make Peter nervous! Dad, you should go cook! Clark, sister-in-law asked you to buy fruit, Eric, Charles, your girlfriend asked you to go over and help, Little Lamb…”

Gwen glared at little Lamb: "You go and play while I'm here!"

Little Lamb pointed at Gwen: "You're going too far! Don't you even give me an excuse to get rid of me?"

Gwen: "Huh?"

"I'm leaving!" Little Lamb said angrily, "The days are long!"

Eric and Charles left sighing.

My sister is too young to stay...

Clark smiled slightly, turned and left, a red light looming in his eyes.

Gwen looked at Mike, who was standing there, and pointed to the kitchen.

Mike said faintly: "Cooking! I'm going to cook! Haha!"

Hearing this, Peter felt his heart tremble.

Food... shouldn't be any problem, right

After a while…

A table full of delicious dishes, all in color and flavor.

No one in the Kent family at the table is weak.

Only the trembling Peter sat at the table and looked at everyone carefully.

Nervous, worried, scared...

All kinds of emotions were entangled in Peter's mind, making him feel like he was in a trance.

"Peter, Peter."

Gwen patted Peter's arm lightly.


Peter tried to concentrate.

"Introduce yourself."

Mike said calmly.

Although most of them here know Peter, there are still some who don't, such as... Hela.

Peter nodded nervously and put on a slightly stiff smile: "I, my name is Peter, Peter Parker. Welcome, welcome everyone to my home."


The Kent family all looked at Peter.

Gwen patted her forehead with a helpless expression.

So silly and cute.

Gwen laughed softly, patted Peter gently, and whispered in his ear: "Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you."


Peter responded.

Looking at the two people's little actions, Mike snorted softly.


Of course, this can also be interpreted as jealousy.

Peter hurriedly added: "Welcome to our home, everyone!"


Raven couldn't help laughing.

The corners of Mike's mouth twitched slightly.

Qin smiled lightly and said to Peter: "Don't be nervous, there is nothing to be afraid of, the people here are very nice."

This little guy has been in a state of nervousness since he entered the door, like a tight rubber band.

very good

you sure

Peter looked at the five Mikes carefully, and felt nervous when he saw their expressionless faces.

Hela smiled at Peter: "My child, with all due respect, if you are only at this level, you are not worthy of our Gwen."

Our family

Eric was so happy that he felt as if he had eaten honey. The look in Hela's eyes looked like pink bubbles were about to pop out.


Suddenly, Charles's voice sounded in his head.

Eric raised his eyebrows, and when he was about to say something, Charles chuckled: "You should pay attention to your body."


"You don't really think we didn't notice that your legs are shaking when you walk, do you?"

Hearing this, Eric exclaimed: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

He is not a soft-footed shrimp!

Charles curled his lips: "Regardless of whether it is possible or not, you should be careful. After all... the other party is an Asgardian."

Eric's old face turned red, and when he was about to retort, he suddenly found Mike and Clark looking at him with strange eyes.

Eric coughed lightly and turned his head guiltily.


Raven looked at the father and son in confusion.

Little Lamb's eyes flickered and he exclaimed: "They said... Wow!"

Eric covered little Lamb's mouth.

Little Lamb: (one_one)

"Kid, don't talk nonsense!"

Eric smiled, but his eyes were full of threats.

Little Lamb:o(╥﹏╥)o

I'm just a child, why are you doing this to me

Ruiwen: "?"

Hope looked at the expressions of several people, his eyes turned around Hela and Eric, and a look of thinking flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, stop bullying that kid."

Seeing that Mike and the others were still looking at Peter with unkind eyes, Raven said helplessly, and then said to Peter: "Don't be afraid, they just care too much about Gwen."

After a pause, she looked at Mike and raised her eyebrows: "Right, Mike?"

She gave Mike a wink.

Don't go too far and scare the kid.

She knew Peter relatively well. He was a sensible, polite, and responsible child.

If Gwen's first love was Peter's, Raven would still be able to accept it.

This is much better than the first love of those delinquents and the like.

She and Mike had talked about this.

Although Mike was a little unhappy about this, he also agreed.

She was just reminding Mike not to forget the conversation last night.

Mike sighed inwardly and said, "Peter."

"Yes, Mr. Kent!"

Peter trembled and hurriedly sat down.

Mike said in as gentle a voice as possible: "Don't be nervous, it was just a small test for you."

A little test

Peter breathed a sigh of relief.

Does this mean he passed

"Don't be too happy too early. If you dare to bully Gwen in the future... hum!"

Mike sneered, and everyone at the table looked at Peter.

Suddenly, the air seemed to freeze.

Peter said hurriedly: "No, I won't bully Gwen."

Besides, he can’t beat him either!