The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 657: The situation changed suddenly


Charles and Eric looked at each other and shuddered.

If it weren't for Qin...

If it weren't for trying out the power of the Phoenix Force...

They wouldn't fit together with those earrings.

Now let them talk about the feeling of being together

That is asking for death!

The two of them snorted softly and hit Gwen on the head with their fingers at the same time.


Gwen whispered, the microphone-shaped flame in her hand disappeared, and she hugged her head and kept rubbing it.


Little Lamb smiled happily, while Gwen glared at Charles and the two angrily.

Clark looked at his fighting brothers and sisters and smiled softly, as if the family in front of him was everything to him.

"Okay, stop making trouble!"

Raven smiled helplessly, stopped everyone's fight, and whispered to Mike: "If the matter is resolved, let's go back. I also promised Frigga to go shopping with her."

"Yeah, okay."

Mike nodded and said to everyone: "Let's all go back. The Phoenix Power matter is over for now. From now on..."


Suddenly, Jean interrupted Mike's words.

"What's wrong?"

Charles asked nervously.

Qin said with a solemn expression: "They are coming!"


Mike frowned and said, "The host of the Phoenix Force?"

Upon hearing this, everyone present looked very ugly.

"Yes! I sensed them!"

Qin's tone sounded very anxious, because the time and space barrier had been broken, and the Phoenix Power in her body had begun to hum.

Steve said coldly: "How many did you sense?"

Qin closed her eyes and sensed: "Three! And I don't know if more people will come!"


Everyone whispered.

If those people come here with the intention of fighting for the Phoenix Power, then it will bring about a huge disaster.

Charles pressed his eyebrows and considered: "Perhaps, we can try to contact them."

"Peaceful settlement? That's the best outcome we can hope for."

As he spoke, Eric's face turned cold and he continued: "But we must also be prepared to fight."

As long as the other party dares to take action, kill them as soon as possible!

Everyone looked stern.

Clark groaned and said, "In this case, everyone should prepare."


Suddenly, Qin's voice sounded again.

Everyone was shocked.

"What happened again?"

Charles asked nervously, and everyone's hearts were raised.

They all have a bad feeling.

Mike said coldly: "Are there more Phoenix Power hosts?"

Qin nodded, her face looking a little pale.

"how many?"

Steve and Tony asked simultaneously.

Qin closed her eyes and felt: "The barriers of time and space are constantly breaking, three, four, five... more and more!"

At the end of her speech, her voice trembled unconsciously.

As the host of the Phoenix Force, no one knows better than her how powerful the Phoenix Force is.

more and more

This is something that makes people feel fear and despair when they hear it.


Clark whispered, and Charles understood immediately.

Charles tapped his watch, and it unfolded instantly.

In just the blink of an eye, a translucent helmet-like brainwave machine appeared in Charles' hand.

Charles took it and put it on his head.

The power of the soul surged, and Charles's mind began to expand rapidly.

Kent Star, Earth…

With the technological support of Kent Star, Charles' spiritual power has enveloped the two planets.

At this moment, as long as Charles wanted to, he could kill most of the people on the two planets in an instant.

Of course, Charles would not do such a boring thing, and what he wanted to do now was to sense the host of the Phoenix Power and provide the latest intelligence to those present.

Hot, powerful...

Charles instantly sensed several powerful psychic powers, which were very similar to Qin and were both hosts of the Phoenix Force.

"Two in New York! One in London! Two in Kent! Five have already appeared in our world!"

Charles told all the locations he sensed, and at the same time that he sensed the five Phoenix Power hosts, the four Phoenix Power hosts also sensed Charles.

While Charles is using the brainwave machine, although he still cannot control the hosts of the Phoenix Force, the psychic power of the hosts of the Phoenix Force cannot suppress him.

The moment his location was revealed, Clark and the others had already begun to quickly assign tasks, and Jor Al also appeared in the office immediately, ready to open the portal.

"Everyone, take action!" Steve finished arranging the task and said to Mike: "Mike, it's up to you to watch over here. Please support us at any time."

They are only in contact with each other, communicating with each other, and striving for a peaceful solution. They will not fight each other immediately. With Mike's ability, as long as he wants support, he can definitely arrive as soon as possible.


Mike responded, but he had a bad feeling in his heart, very bad.

The next moment, the portal opened and everyone rushed out.

Qin, Hela, Emma, and Eric rushed out of the portal and came to Kent City.

The Avengers came to New York under the leadership of Tony and Steve.

Clark, Hope, and the X-Men headed by Logan came to London.

Charles stayed at the school and was responsible for sensing the location of the hosts of the Phoenix Force.

"Dad!" Gwen looked at Mike carefully and said, "I want to go too!"

"No!" Raven held the restless little Lamb with one hand, and held Gwen's arm tightly with the other hand, saying anxiously: "That's too dangerous!"

"But the brothers are all fighting, and my father will go back to fight soon." Gwen pursed her lips and her eyes became firm: "Although it is dangerous, I am also a member of the family, and I am also a superhero. You can’t just watch from here.”

"But the enemies this time are different from the ones you encountered before. They..."

"That's why I should go!"

Gwen became more determined.

"Mike! Say it quickly..."


Mike touched Gwen's head, a smile appeared on his face.

"Mike! Are you crazy?"

Raven was unusually angry at Mike.

Mike looked at Raven calmly and said, "Gwen is right, you know it in your heart."

"Yes, but..."

Raven murmured, but couldn't find any excuse to stop her, and her hand holding Gwen slowly relaxed.

Gwen turned around and hugged Raven, comforting her and saying, "Don't worry, daddy is watching."

After finishing her words, she showed a bright smile, and after Jor Al opened the portal, she walked out without hesitation.

Looking at Gwen's leaving figure, Raven pursed her lips and murmured: "Mike, they will all be fine, right?"

Mike was silent for a moment and said firmly: "Yes!"