The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 661: mutation


You are dead!

Listening to Eric's words, the eyes of the two Phoenix Power hosts turned cold, but before they could do anything, a sharp blade quietly appeared and pierced their bodies.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized the horror of this mysterious attack.

They want to resist, but every weapon pierced into their bodies completely suppresses their power, from body to soul, from will to strength.

And the result... was death.

Seeing two powerful Phoenix Force hosts stabbed to death by weapons just like ordinary people, Eric and others were shocked.

"The Phoenix Force disappeared?"

Suddenly, Hela made a surprised sound.

Eric looked at Qin, who also said with a puzzled face: "I didn't sense other Phoenix Powers, they disappeared."


Eric and Hela looked at each other, with a bad feeling in their hearts.

But before they had any more thoughts, they were shocked by the scene they saw in front of them.

They saw an extremely dazzling golden sun!

Golden rays of light flew out from the sun, densely covering the entire sky, rendering the entire sky golden, and spreading into the distance at an extremely fast speed, as if they were going to swallow the entire world.

"Those are the weapons just now?"

Hela was extremely shocked.

She can also summon weapons, but the two sides are not on the same level at all.

You know, just a few weapons killed a Phoenix Force host. Now, so many

Eric smiled slightly, put his arm around Hela's shoulders, and looked up at the discolored sky: "How is it?"

"How about what?"

"Be my woman and my daughter-in-law is not bad, right?"

Hela chuckled: "It seems that I finally made a good choice."

Eric smiled proudly.

Looking at the two of them, Emma picked up her hair, looked at the changing sky, and whispered: "Logan's side should be fine."

At this moment, Qin on the side whispered: "Look, something has changed!"

The three people looked around hurriedly and saw that the weapons that turned the entire sky into gold began to gather together and turned into a flowing Milky Way, extending into the distance, passing through the planet, passing through space, and falling towards the earth.

"It's about to begin!"

Charles, who was observing the entire battlefield, murmured, his eyes full of anticipation.

Qiao El moved his fingers slightly, and a virtual image appeared in the office.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Little Lamb exclaimed, and Ruiwen and others were also shocked when they looked at the virtual image.

I saw that the golden Milky Way was like a waterfall connecting the Kent Star and the Earth. When it fell from the Kent Star and 'smashed' on the Earth, it burst violently and turned into golden 'splashes'.

But those were not splashes of water, but weapons, weapons shining with golden light.

The moment those weapons landed on the earth, they turned into golden light and disappeared.

Weapons appeared one after another, and then flew into the distance, like a large net formed by golden threads, covering the entire earth.

At this moment, all enemies are prey in this net, and the earth is also isolated from the coordinates in the parallel universe by the net endowed with the power of infinite gems, and disappears from the induction of the hosts of the Phoenix Force.

The cracks in time and space disappeared quickly, and the weapons that formed the net became sharp weapons in Mike's hands. Under his control, they shot at each prey.

At this moment, Phoenix Power hosts fell one after another.

The powerful Phoenix Force hosts were killed one by one if they had no power to fight back...

This scene shocked everyone.

One, two...

Mike silently counted the number of enemies with a calm expression, but when he saw the Phoenix Force disappearing one after another, he felt extremely vigilant.

After a while, all the intruders were swept away. When the gap in time and space disappeared, the coordinates of the parallel universe were also hidden.

The crisis came into contact, and everyone smiled after the battle, but Mike had a solemn expression.

Where did the missing Phoenix Force go

He would never believe that these Phoenix Powers would disappear for no reason, because the most perfect host 'Qin' is here.

So, if someone absorbs these Phoenix Powers, what is the other party's purpose? If it was a friendly party, why didn't the battle just happen? If it is an enemy, the other party is hiding and not showing up. Is it because of... me

A series of thoughts flashed through Mike's mind. When no one saw it, several cards appeared quietly but then disappeared.

Mike's eyes flickered, and he fell from the sky with a smile on his face. With a wave of his palm, the attack that enveloped Kent and the Earth disappeared.

When he landed on the ground, Eric and others also fell next to Mike. At the same time, amid the shouts of the superheroes, Jor Al opened the portals one by one and sent them to Mike.

At this moment, everyone looked at Mike with excitement in their eyes.

Mike coughed slightly, his face turned imperceptibly pale, and he said to everyone: "We won!"

Suddenly, everyone cheered.

This battle is difficult, but... luckily they have Mike!

At this moment, everyone was grateful to have Mike in their world.

While little Lamb was happy, he looked at Mike resentfully: "You have solved them all before I even took action!"

After a pause, little Lamb showed a bright smile: "As expected of my dad!"

As soon as the words came out, Clark and the others smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

Because they are also very proud.

Mike looked at the few people and said, "Be sure to take the things I just gave you."

Several people looked puzzled, but still nodded, guessing Mike's intention.

Mike smiled faintly, but his face became increasingly ugly, looking weak after the war.

Noticing Mike's state, Clark nervously walked to Mike: "Dad, are you okay?"

"It's okay. It'll be fine if you rest for a while."

Mike waved his hand, not caring.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed, and Mike pushed Clark aside without hesitation.

In the next moment, energy that was so terrifying that it tore Mike's position into nothingness suddenly appeared.

Moreover, it is not one energy, but five terrifying energies.

Mike's terrifying energy was frozen in nothingness, and his body was like grains of sand blown by the wind, slowly disappearing bit by bit.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.


With a scream of extreme grief, Clark rushed towards Mike first. Eric and Charles' abilities seemed to be out of control, setting off a psychic magnetic storm, and Gwen also instantly transformed into a blue streak. Guangyan rushed out.

Little Lamb looked at everything in front of him, watching Mike slowly disappearing, and stood blankly on the spot.