The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 112: New stunts from the King of Obscenity


It was already ten past ten when Qin Fen returned to the hotel. After taking a shower, he sat in front of the open computer and casually tapped on the keyboard to enter special characters one by one into the notepad. WWw. QuAnBen-XIaoShuo. COm.

Even if you are on vacation, you cannot completely forget about your tasks. Although there is no venue for watching the concert, you should still calculate in advance the parts that may be used when assembling the gun.

After learning that the terrorist Zajad possessed a biochemical beast and could exert certain strength, Qin Fen had to reconsider the power of firearms. The speed and power of using the biochemical beast that day are still vivid in his mind.

If he wanted to be able to kill with one shot while not attracting attention while shooting, Qin Fen needed to make careful calculations based on the experience he gained from the last battle.

With his fingers beating on the keyboard, Qin Fen chose the heavy sniper based on the m82a1 as the main body for modification. This gun has a total length of 1,448 millimeters and a caliber of 12.7 millimeters. It weighs 12 kilograms. With an effective range of 1,830 meters, although the former "King of Heavy Snipers" has stepped down from the throne, its powerful lethality has not diminished.

Qin Fen selected a few more parts and made small adjustments to the m82a1 to improve the firearm's continuous shooting capability. In this way, a slight sacrifice in the power of the gun could only be made up for by bullets.

M8 depleted uranium bullet, a bullet whose core is made of depleted uranium alloy, has a density 2.8 times that of steel. Not to mention the second-level biochemical beast fusion stage, even if he is wearing light power armor for jungle warfare, he is one kilometer away. distance can also be completely penetrated by one shot.

"Let's take another look when we get to the venue to see if there is anything else that needs to be adjusted." Qin Fen didn't even design a pistol this time, in order to directly use a heavy sniper rifle to kill Zajad.

After a little preparation, Qin Fen took a shower and went to bed. It’s so easy to have a few days off, and I can get together with some old friends tomorrow.

"Boy, we meet again..."

The familiar voice, Qin Fen didn't need to open his eyes in his dream to know that the owner of the voice was Zeng Yicheng, the King of Obscurity.

Before he finished speaking, Qin Fen clasped his legs slightly, suddenly exerted force with his right foot and launched a sneak attack with a chokehold.

Facing this wretched king, if you give him the initiative, there will be no chance of a comeback tonight. Qin Fen knows this very well. Hearing the sound, he immediately chose a nasty sneak attack.


Zeng Yicheng's round face with a plump body bloomed with an appreciative smile. His already thick throat suddenly swelled in an instant, and the veins crisscrossed his neck. In an instant, it became like a bodybuilder's thighs, shiny and filled with fierce strength.

Qin Fen's finger joints snapped twice, and the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu quickly moved his middle and index fingers, and the two fingers suddenly expanded at a high speed to exceed the thickness of the thumb. Stab the opponent's jaw straight, the most difficult part to practice.

The smile in Zeng Yicheng's eyes remained unchanged, he just lowered his head and opened his mouth. Those teeth that looked like they could crush steel bit Qin Fen's fingers, looking like he was eating sausages.

The top master actually bites someone? Can you be more obscene? Qin Fen closed his fingers and turned into a fist, hitting Zeng Yicheng's mouth with a roaring fist wind.

Break your mouth full of teeth! How do you bite? Qin Fen's eyes flashed with cruel light. He must not be polite at all when fighting with this wretched king. Being polite to him is cruel to himself.

The King of Obscurity turned his neck again. At this moment, his thick neck seemed to have no bones at all. He twisted it sideways and bit Qin Fen's wrist.

He is worthy of being the king of obscenity. He can achieve such an effect just by standing still and using just his mouth.

In the blink of an eye. Both sides are changing their moves faster and faster. Qin Fen's moves were sometimes fierce and sometimes wretched, barely on par with Zeng Yicheng who used four-star combat power.

I fought for two hours at a stretch. Qin Fen's physical strength began to decline. He had to concentrate 100% of his energy and strength every second to fight against such a master. That kind of consumption is comparable to a real battlefield in a moment of life and death.


A foot kicked Qin Fen in the face. The body-protecting power of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu was instantly concentrated on his face, causing him to take half a step back. Another foot kicked him at the base of his ear. This was extremely difficult to exercise. Location.

Thump thump thump…

Qin Fen took four or five steps back this time, and finally almost sat on the ground.

Qin Fen's face felt hot for a while. In normal battles, this place was one of the key points of defense. It was really embarrassing to be kicked here today and lead to defeat.

"The progress is too slow and the strength is too poor." Zeng Yicheng commented simply with a bad look on his face.

Progress is slow? Poor strength? Qin Fen was stunned, how could it be possible

With the growth rate of strength among his peers, Qin Fen is confident that he can still enter the first group. This is definitely not a conceited thing, but an insight gained from studying martial arts.

"Aren't you convinced?" Zeng Yicheng's smile showed that he had already guessed that Qin Fen would have such an expression: "Do you know how much strength I used when I fought you just now?"

Qin Fen frowned and thought, in this special thinking space, unless the other party reports how many stars of strength he has used, it is impossible to judge based on the strength of the aura like the outside world.

"When we first collided, you were forced back by my pure power. You only took three steps back. Based on this calculation, the power you should use is between three stars and four stars..."

Qin Fen was surprised when he made his judgment. The King of Obscurity actually suppressed his strength to a disadvantage in the battle, but the battle was evenly matched. This was very similar to when he was fighting with others outside.

"You are wrong." The King of Obscurity was no longer obscene at this time. He gently shook his fat and short fingers: "I used one-star strength."


Qin Fen began to wonder if there was something wrong with his hearing. He knew very well about the power of one star and two stars. In front of the four-star Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill, let alone one-star, two-star, even a three-star master It's also completely incapable of fighting.

"Why don't you believe it?" The King of Obscurity said lightly: "Recall carefully, how much slower was my speed when fighting just now than you? Also think about how you used your four-star strength to fight against the meteor-star masters outside. "

Qin Fen was stunned. He really wanted to defeat the King of Obscurity before the battle, but now he quit the battle and recalled carefully, he found that the opponent's speed was really only one star peak.

"Then, those three steps back..." Before Qin Fen could finish his words, his own eyes lit up: "Use one star of power to relieve force???"

Qin Fen answered on his own, his Adam's apple squirming up and down several times. He had also done things like attacking a four-star force-discharging master, but that required a precise understanding of himself and the opponent's strength, and at the same time, The power has precise control!

Even so, when the four-star force-removing meteor reached the fifth level, Qin Fen was still struggling.

Although he knew that the King of Obscurity was known as the super master among masters, Qin Fen was still extremely surprised by the fact that one star faced off against four stars.

Especially regarding the precise control of power, Qin Fen has gradually developed confidence after playing against many masters. No one has ever been able to surpass him in the accuracy of power control.

A battle with a difference of one star position requires extremely difficult strength. This kind of thing that should have been impossible to fight with a difference of three star positions was actually accomplished by the King of Obscurity.

"You can't even beat me with one star strength, and you still think you're making rapid progress?" The King of Obscurity was more direct than the other instructors, and his words of attack showed no mercy at all.

Qin Fen stood there in a daze. He had made so much progress in the past few days. He thought that his power control was outstanding at the same level, but now he looks really rough.

"Your foundation is indeed very solid." The King of Obscurity affirmed: "Even when I was young, my foundation was not necessarily stronger than yours. However, this is not enough, far from enough. You are right The aspects of power control and opponent strength control are very weak.”

Qin Fen nodded slowly, adding that his control of power was even more precise. He could destroy the opponent's ability to unload his power at the moment of the fight. It was not a problem to win with the strong and the weak.

Even if you encounter an expert who has just entered the Meteor Star level, you can use the same skills to completely destroy the opponent's attack and win by leapfrogging the level!

control! Precision control! Qin Fen's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. He has been trying to break through these days, but he didn't realize that he still has so many shortcomings. His foundation is not as solid as he imagined.

"But it's not bad." Zeng Yicheng, the king of wretchedness, changed the topic: "You have not completely followed my old path, but you are trying to find your own path. Although it is very rough and has many areas that need polishing, but in the fourth quarter The star strength began to find its own way, and it was already a very small number of people. "

This method of slapping a sweet date... Qin Fen smiled helplessly, it seemed that anyone could use it.

Zeng Yicheng moved his shoulders: "Boy, you have a powerful violent wave of rage, and you also used your own insights to upgrade it. But don't you think you also need a vulgar trick?"

"I've been thinking about it." Qin Fen didn't deny it: "Are you going to teach me?"

"No, no, no..." Zeng Yicheng shook his wrist repeatedly: "My school is different from others. Obscenity sometimes depends on talent. In fact, your talent is good, but you are missing a leader. Really The wretched tricks are not taught, but learned, so I can only give you the simplest direction. Others will never think of the real wretched skills, and they will scold you for being shameless every time you use them. It’s truly obscene.”

(Quanben Novel Network