The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 16: of Episode 1 Doing Grandmaster’s Things Casually


"Open it for me!"

In the dream, Qin Fen roared wildly and grabbed the front paw of a saber-toothed tiger that had been extinct for many years in reality. His arms suddenly spread apart, and the strong saber-toothed tiger's forelimbs were torn off!

Qin Fen's chest heaved violently after he kicked the saber-toothed tiger's body away. Several jackals around him flashed alert eyes, but they did not dare to attack him. WWw,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,CoM

Looking at the suddenly transformed prairie and the various ferocious creatures around it, Qin Fen no longer knew what to say.

On the surrounding grass, there were more than a dozen corpses of various weird beasts lying on the grass, including leopards, tigers, saber-toothed tigers, and even wild boars.

Unlike the beasts in the zoo, the beasts here are full of true animality. According to Guangren's explanation, if he is injured and dies here, then Qin Fen's brain will default to his own death.

To put it simply, if Qin Fen dies here, real life will be gameover.

He didn't know whether what Guangren said was true or not, but Qin Fen didn't dare to take the risk and try it. He only has one life, and he knows this very well. He is not the kind of person who is so fanatical about scientific experiments that he is willing to sacrifice his life for experiments.

"Killed the tiger! So what's next?" Qin Fen threw away the tiger leg in his hand and glanced around majestically: "Indian elephant? Or just a mammoth?"

"The Mammoth Colossus is the experimental subject of the second and third part." The light man appeared in front of Qin Fen again: "Now we will carry out the final training of the first part, environmental simulation training."

The moment the words reached Qin Fen's ears, Qin Fen's eyes suddenly went dark. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly found that there were more than a dozen burning pain spots all over his body. He was lying on the bed of an old and dilapidated house. .

The two men beside the bed were wearing coarse clothes. A child wiping his nose. Looking at him with curious eyes.

"You're awake." A woman wearing ancient coarse cloth said. He came to him carrying a chipped porcelain bowl: "It's these two children. They found you injured on the roadside. Come. Have a sip of porridge..."

The porridge in the chipped porcelain bowl was very thin and steaming with heat. More bitter green leaves. Qin Fen is wondering whether he has traveled through time like the protagonist in a fantasy novel. He heard Guangren's mechanical voice ringing in his mind.

"The final training of the first part. Pass the conditions. Destroy all enemies. Or survive for twenty-four hours."

Qin Fen knew that he had been put into a strange scene by the light man again. Just like the prairie before. Only this time it's more like role-playing.

All enemies destroyed? Qin Fen was a little curious. What enemies are there? Could it be that the dozens of weapons on his body caused injuries? Was it caused by the enemy

Although the porridge was a little dry and difficult to swallow, there was also a feeling of hunger in my stomach. Not sure if it was true hunger or a feeling created by light people, Qin Fen still drank the porridge completely.

"Thank you." Handing back the porcelain bowl, Qin Fen subconsciously thanked him, and suddenly felt a little funny. This was just a simulated scene created by Guangren. Why did he need to thank the other party? It seems that the scene that Guangren performed is too real.

"Have a good rest." The woman took the porcelain bowl, sighed softly, turned around and walked out the door: "I don't know when this time of war and chaos will end."

War and chaos? Qin Fen vaguely guessed what was going on during this training, and he reluctantly sat up with his hands on the edge of the bed, exploring the power within his body.

Qin Fen was a little surprised, how did Guangren do it? He actually sealed more than half of his power, and his current Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill is only at the level of one star.

"Brother, do you know martial arts?" The eyes of the older boy lying beside the bed showed great expectation.

"..." Qin Fen paused, then nodded slightly: "I know a little bit."

"Can you teach me?" The older boy suddenly became excited.

"Teach you?" Qin Fen was confused.

"Yes." The boy replied seriously: "As long as you learn martial arts, you can become stronger. You can protect my mother and other people in the village!"

There was nothing to do and he was waiting for the special training to begin. Qin Fen nodded: "Okay, I will teach you a set of formulas and mental techniques."

Qin Fen found it very difficult and tiring to practice the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique taught by Guangren. After thinking about it, he simplified the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique open to the country to make it easier to learn, and taught it to two children. boy.

The power of the simplified Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu will become weaker. Looking at the serious expressions of the two boys, he shook his head. The scene created by Guang Ren was too real.

Feeling a little rusty, Qin Fen got out of bed and walked out of the room. He felt uncomfortable facing the four walls. Only two children were left in the room to exercise seriously.

Qin Fen didn't know that if what he did casually was seen by the top experts on the earth, they would be shocked and speechless. Modifying and simplifying martial arts is almost equivalent to creating one's own martial arts. Except for those at the master level, no one would be interested in it. What can only be accomplished by a person with extraordinary understanding of martial arts, a two-star martial artist can do it easily. This can only be described as a miracle.

The village is a bit desolate, with a population of only a few hundred. People's lives seem to be very poor, and everyone greets them friendly when walking on the street.

Time soon reached noon, and Qin Fen returned to the place where he first woke up. The two children were already sweating profusely and looked very tired, but they still continued to exercise.

Qin Fen's eyes lit up. Although the martial arts had been simplified, it was still a heavy load for the children. Did Guangren create such a scene to illustrate something through the persistence of the two children? What a child can do, should a senior high school student be able to do it

"Xingba, it's time to eat." A woman's voice sounded outside the house.

(QuanBen Novel Website