The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 19: of the first episode The new martial arts warrior who assists in boxing [vote for recommendation]


"Service.WWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.Com" Inzarota continued his simple question.

"Army." Qin Fen finally stopped eating.

"High." Inzarotta raised his thumb.

Song Jia was stunned for a moment, then nodded in understanding and laughed. She couldn't tell that this Qin Fen also had a cunning side, and he actually chose a type of military that was difficult to use in contemporary warfare.

If a war really breaks out, when the army is used, Qin Fen may have reached the time to retire and will continue to stay in the army.

"Then you need to spend more time practicing." Lin Liqiang sat up straight and reminded him seriously.

"I will."

Qin Fen nodded. Although modern warfare has entered the era of guns and even battleships, the importance of martial arts has not weakened at all. On the contrary, large-scale wars are relatively difficult to occur, and are more caused by local and small-scale frictions. , the importance of martial arts is even more reflected.

The use of battleship bombardment marked the coming of real war. But the small friction before was more about the army fighting the enemy's army with guns and artillery.

For a person who knows martial arts, his reaction speed, movement speed, and gun in his hand are all very changeable.

A soldier who knows martial arts and has undergone military training can single-handedly defeat a group of soldiers who have only received military training but do not understand martial arts. After all, there are too many differences between the two sides in terms of movement speed, judgment, and reaction speed. There is also often a huge gap in physical strength and strength.

Ordinary soldiers can use guns. Light individual combat rocket launchers can also be used. But some are relatively heavy-duty. A powerful individual combat rocket launcher. But not ordinary soldiers can resist earthquakes. Exist with ease of use.

These are powerful heavy individual combat rocket launchers and other weapons. The user must only be a warrior with good strength.

It is precisely for this reason. All soldiers must practice martial arts. He only started training in order not to join the army and his combat effectiveness would not be able to keep up. Only then will the Sky Martial Arts Battle Network and the free public martial arts place appear.

certainly. In addition to small-scale friction, the Army has also been involved in military affairs. Special training is also available. Become a force behind enemy lines. A way of fighting to carry out beheading operations. Also responsible for the task of suppressing bandits. As well as developing missions to explore new planets.

Today's army is a bit useless. But it is an indispensable military unit. Whether it's a small area of friction. Still a beheading operation. and occupation ground work late in the war. Still can't leave the Army.

Four are young. Qin Fen woke up from his deep sleep again. The mood is also very good. As we chatted, we entered the night.

Thinking of the fact that they would have to go to class tomorrow, and after hearing what Lin Liqiang had asked for time off to avoid cheating in class the next day, the four of them left the McDonald's restaurant, which was already empty of customers, and went home to rest.

After sleeping for many days, Qin Fen once again entered a state of excitement that made it difficult to fall asleep.

Back in the room, he remembered that he had been sleeping for a week and had not done anything to earn money. Today he had another big meal. Qin Fen decided to go to the Sky Martial Arts Battle Network to watch a few battles and write a manuscript to earn money. After counting the money, the columns of the provincial newspapers were also snatched away.

Put on your helmet, enter your ID, and enter the Sky Combat Battle Network.

Free Area 11, Colosseum 11.

As soon as it went online, nearly a hundred challenge letters were bouncing in the mailbox. Qin Fen was stunned for a moment, and then quickly browsed the challenge letters. One-third of the challenge letters came from Ru Zhen, and almost all the remaining challenge letters were from me. Complete strangers.

After being stunned for a moment, Qin Fen immediately understood the origin of these letters of challenge. It should be the video from the last forum.

In the global Sky Combat Battle Network, receiving hundreds of challenge letters is nothing. Really famous masters can receive thousands or even more challenge letters every day, but Qin Fen is still a little satisfied. A handful.

After only two games, it was not easy to receive nearly a hundred letters of challenge.

"Thirty-six hours!" Ruzhen's angry roar came over the communication channel: "You finally showed up! I thought you didn't dare to go to the battle network! Fight with me again!"

"You can't beat me." Qin Fen said calmly: "I have three stars."

"Three-star?" Ru Zhen's personal voice was very surprised. After a moment of silence, he said again: "Then you suppress your combat power and fight with me again with a two-star combat power. I will turn on the anti-cheat device. As long as you are strong Enter Samsung and you will lose immediately.”

"Then you can't beat me." Qin Fen was full of confidence when he spoke. After being trained by Guangren, he was confident that if he hadn't broken through and entered the three-star level, then he would definitely have a place among the top thirty masters of the two-star level.

"..." Ru Zhen was silent for a while in person. These days, he also found someone to help him carefully study the video of that time, but the final conclusion was as Qin Fen said, it would be a waste of time to fight again.

"I know." Ru Zhen's voice sounded a little discouraged, and he continued: "That's why I'm looking for help to fight you. If you can beat him, I'll give you a hundred dollars!"

"I'll fight." Qin Fen agreed without thinking. He came here just to make money. Since someone gave him money, why not fight

"You go to the center of the venue first." Ru Zhen came in person and said, "The person I called will be here soon."

A few minutes later, the helper I was looking for appeared.

id fights again in the world, with the new martial arts Liangyi Thunder Sword, with a record of 2,642 wins, 49 losses, and 15 draws.

Amazing winning rate! Qin Fen raised his eyebrows. What surprised him more than this astonishing winning rate was his opponent's new martial arts.

Liangyi Thunder Sword, this is not a free martial art that the state openly teaches, but a skill that requires real money to purchase and learn from the first level.

Qin Fen also knows some about this set of exercises. It belongs to a very strong new martial arts. Relatively speaking, practitioners need to spend a lot of money. He just doesn't know what the procedures for practicing the new martial arts are.

First of all, these two thunder swords are not just ordinary swords, but two high-tech magnetic swords that can remotely sense flying!

The user needs to undergo special surgery to install a remote sensor of the flying sword in the body, and then undergo a relatively short period of practice before he can initially complete this set of martial arts.

The most distinctive feature of the Liangyi Thunder Sword is that it can control two thunder swords to fly and attack out of thin air, just like those flying sword-wielding immortals in Xianxia novels. Moreover, when it reaches a certain level, it can also carry cultivators to fly in the air.

Extremely fast, it is difficult to distinguish the true and false trajectory of the move, hitting the enemy thousands of meters away! This is the biggest feature of the Liangyi Thunder Sword.

ps: Well, one update only contains one chapter of 2,000 words. I’m not happy about it, and everyone should be unhappy after reading it. Let’s continue with the method of throwing out two chapters. Although this way of attracting recommendation votes is not as good as updating one chapter at a time and getting more votes in two times, Gao Lou still thinks that this is more kind and it will be more enjoyable for everyone to watch.

Recommended votes~~~ Come all~~~ Come all~~~ Come all. New book list~~~Important things

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