The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 23: The Beginning Chapter 23 Two-Star Invincibility [Two more recommended votes in a row]


"Be low-key!" Master Feng Zhiyu suddenly raised his voice and shouted to the stands: "Are you interested in competing with this friend? WWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.COm"

Should you be a low-key person? The people in the stands were shocked again. This was the top player on the two-star top 100 record list! He actually came to watch this duel!

People looked in the direction where Feng Zhiyu was pointing. The man in the audience kept a low profile as usual and chose the function of hiding his face, so no one knew what he looked like.

"No." A person should be low-key and shake his head gently: "I can't win."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a nuclear bomb was dropped in the arena, and the crowd went crazy again! The person who topped the two-star top 100 record list actually announced in public that he was no match for Thirty-Six Hours! This is amazing! Could it be said that this newcomer with a record of four wins and zero losses has become an invincible being among the two stars

Many people have begun to regret why they just forgot to record the thirty-six hours of fighting with Feng Zhi Yu Shao.

"I just made a breakthrough today and became a three-star player. Can I also participate in the two-star arena maze to compete for the title of God of War?" Qin Fen suddenly remembered an important question.

"Three stars?"

Mr. Feng Zhiyu was far more surprised than anyone else on the field. The three-star strength suppressed the two-star strength and fought against the two-star strength. It was not as advantageous as outsiders thought, on the contrary! Three-star warriors have sharper vision than two-star warriors, so they can more easily find their opponents' weaknesses and attack them.

However, because Samsung's strength is suppressed, there will be an incongruous incident where the eyes and judgment can keep up, but the body cannot keep up. If the strength is suppressed in this way, the situation will be defeated due to the impact, unless it is a critical moment. Three-star masters no longer suppress their strength and explode with three-star power to defeat their opponents.

For warriors who have just been promoted to three stars, the problem of incoordination is even more prominent! Thirty-six hours later, he was not affected at all, which had to surprise Mr. Feng Zhiyu.

"Yes. But you can only use two-star strength."

"That's it." Qin Fen thought for a while and said, "Then next time, let's go to the place where the God of War title is played in the second star."

A few minutes after getting the acknowledgment that being a human being requires a low profile. The news immediately spread throughout the two-star theater. Qin Fen followed in just one minute. After receiving the challenge letter, his free mailbox was overcrowded.

Seeing Qin Fen's surprised expression. Mr. Feng Zhiyu had already guessed Qi Ba: "Become famous quickly. Of course there is a price. Come to think of it. Now many people want to defeat you. To prove that you are more powerful than being low-key."

"That's it." Qin Fen controlled the system and just deleted all the letters. In the blink of an eye, the mailbox was filled again. Two-star strength is a huge group. Many middle-aged people still have two-star strength. A group that can rival the number of two stars. There is only one group with one star strength.

"Is there any way to let the entire two-star group know the conditions for challenging me?" Qin Fen thought for a moment. I still asked Young Master Feng Zhiyu. In his cognition. At least this feature is not available in the free version.

"Take a hundred dollars and post an advertisement." Young Master Feng Zhiyu and Qin Fen had already walked to the stand at this time: "In this way, some people can see it. After spreading, everyone will know about it soon. If you want Faster, just take 10,000 US dollars and buy a ten-second advertisement in the system, which can be seen by the entire two-star area. "

"Ten thousand US dollars?" Qin Fen curled his lips and said, "It's still a hundred US dollars."

Heartbroken, he took out one hundred US dollars and posted an advertisement according to the method taught by Feng Zhiyu: I am Qin Fen, challengers please bring your own one hundred US dollars challenge fee, otherwise I will not accept the challenge. Note: Those with the highest price will be given priority.

After posting the advertisement, Qin Fen said hello to Mr. Feng Zhiyu and quit the Sky Martial Arts Battle Network.

The release of this advertisement immediately caused some people to criticize!

"This is so arrogant! Who does he think he is? A ten-time God of War winner should keep a low profile?"

"Shameless! There is absolutely no honor for a warrior!"

"Are you so poor? You want a hundred dollars for sparring?"

All kinds of words were filled among the people who saw the advertisement. It was just insults. Many people wanted to become famous quickly. Some people actually issued a challenge to Qin Fen again. It is not bad to become famous for one hundred dollars!

Qin Fen, who was offline, didn't know it yet, but his mailbox was once again filled with challenge letters.

After exiting the Sky Martial Arts Network, Qin Fen recalled the previous battles and reopened his desktop computer to browse military information. Unknown to him, there were a large number of posts about him in the 2-star Forum of the Sky Martial Arts Network.

In addition to discussing combat videos, the content also expresses dissatisfaction with the challenge of payment. Some people even offered to find a thirty-six-hour residence and then take someone to beat him up to vent their anger.

But no matter what, Qin Fen became popular! During the battle with Mr. Feng Zhiyu, he, Qin Fen, accidentally became a celebrity after receiving the recognition from the master with the best two-star record that he should keep a low profile.

Of course, Qin Fen's popularity was limited to the two-star segment. And he is not famous because he is admired by others, but because too many people want to challenge him.

worship? Why should we worship the two-star strong man? If you want to worship, you should worship the top powerhouses. For example, Song Wendong, one of the top powerhouses in ancient martial arts on Earth, is the one worthy of worship.

In a large luxurious house, someone also withdrew from the Sky Martial Arts Battle Network.

"Who is this person called Thirty-Six Hours? Defeat me with one move? Is he a descendant of the Song family who has the title of Earth's Martial God?" The young man frowned and tapped his fingers on the table lightly without rhythm: "This This time, he is much stronger than last time. It seems that I underestimated him too much by using my calculated strength. I will fight with all my strength next time."

"Master Yu, the master of the house has asked you to come over." The door opened, and the old butler stood quietly by the door.

"Oh, I understand." Chen Yu, Feng Zhiyu of the Sky Martial Arts Network, stood up and said as he walked past the housekeeper: "For such a small matter, just ask someone to call me. Why do you need to come in person?"

"Haha..." The wrinkled butler's eyes showed a kind smile: "They are afraid that you will fight with them again. I am old, Master Yu can't bully an old man like me."

"Old man?" Chen Yu shook his head with a helpless smile and left the room. It was this old man who beat him to the hospital during a sparring session with him last month. Anyone who underestimates this old man is seeking death.

ps: The early bird catches the worm, novels that are updated early can get recommendation tickets, and the chapters of Gaolou are updated relatively early, so the recommendation tickets have been collected~~~The recommendation votes have been collected~!

(QuanBen Novel Network