The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 38: King of Air Combat (revised, click to enter and then refresh the page


"Hello everyone. WWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.COm" Squad Leader Hao smiled, waved his hand and said: "You have all been tired for a long day, please rest. I'm here to talk to Qin Fen."

Find me? Qin Fen was a little confused, was he going to bring up another discussion

"Come to the deck with me and talk."

Captain Hao didn't give Qin Fen time to refuse at all, got up and walked out of the door.

Qin Fen, who was still extremely excited and couldn't really sleep for a while, put on his military uniform and came to the deck.

The sea breeze at night is much cooler than during the day. With the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu traveling throughout his body, Qin Fen can't feel the coldness of the sea breeze.

Captain Hao thought for a moment and asked straight to the point: "Qin Fen, do you have a brother?"

"Ah?" Qin Fen was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Sir, I have it!"

"What's your brother's name?"

Qin Fen hesitated. Squad Leader Hao couldn't do this for no reason. Does he have news about his brother? Or has my brother done something and is now secretly wanted? What information do you want to get from yourself

After thinking about it, Qin Fen laughed again. If his brother was really wanted in secret, it would not be for the soldiers to come forward to inquire.

"Qin Zhan."

"Sure enough!" A smile slowly bloomed on Squad Leader Hao's face. The super recruit five years ago was also called Qin Zhan.

"Squad leader. Do you know my brother?" Qin Fen clearly felt the change in monitor Hao's mood. He asked again and again: "Do you know where my brother is now?"

Captain Hao leaned against the side of the ship casually: "I know this guy. I don't know if he is your brother. But his name is indeed Qin Zhan."

Qin Fen thought for a while. He still took out the photo of the two brothers in his arms: "Excuse me. Do you know Qin Zhan? Is it him?"

Captain Hao's eyes suddenly lit up. He said in a very firm tone: "That's right! It's him!"

"Where is my brother now?" Qin Fen was a little excited. Whether he was going to college or joining the army, his purpose was to find his brother who suddenly left, because he had a reason to find his brother.

Now, clues suddenly appeared, how could he not be excited

"I don't know." Squad Leader Hao shook his head: "He was like a shooting star, suddenly appearing among the recruits and blooming with extraordinary talents. Before the junior officers could submit his information, he disappeared out of thin air."

"Disappeared?" Qin Fen was stunned.

"Yes." Squad Leader Hao took a deep breath: "Your brother is a genius beyond ordinary geniuses. Any gun, artillery, fighter plane, mobile armor, once you get started, you will be the strongest among the recruits, and can reach the level of any professional unit. Ace performance. Not only that, his personal martial arts and understanding of martial arts are not like those of a young man under twenty years old... "

Speaking of this, Squad Leader Hao glanced at Qin Fen: "Back then, the squad leader when your brother joined the army was also a shooting star expert. Unlike you, he challenged the squad leader at that time and knocked him down with three punches and two kicks. In this regard, you are far worse than your brother."

Qin Fen listened to Squad Leader Hao's introduction, and his excitement gradually turned into passion. Anyone will feel an indescribable sense of pride when they hear that their brother is so powerful. The relationship between Qin Fen and Qin Zhan is even better than that of ordinary brothers. That sense of pride makes his whole body tremble.

In order to survive, he joined the army and overheard news about his brother. Qin Fen began to look forward to life in a boot camp in Australia. Maybe you can find more information about your brother there.

"Boy, are you surprised?" Squad Leader Hao looked at Qin Fen: "Strange why I told you this? In fact, it's nothing strange. Strictly speaking, I still owe your brother a favor. If I can't see him, I still have the favor. It's the same with you."

"Squad leader, can you beat my brother?" Qin Fen was a little curious. He could feel that Captain Hao was considered a master among the meteor stars.

"Me?" Squad Leader Hao smiled and shook his head: "Boy, do you know what favor I owe your brother? That is, after I entered the fourth star, I couldn't make any progress no matter how hard I tried. It was your brother who showed me the way, until The advice he gave me today still makes me advance in the field of force.”

The guidance given five years ago is still a guiding light now? Qin Fen didn't know whether to say that his brother was too powerful, or to suspect that Captain Hao's qualifications were too poor.

"Boy." Squad Leader Hao patted Qin Fen on the shoulder: "Since you have joined the army, at least you can't embarrass your brother, right?"

Qin Fen nodded subconsciously. Even if he wasn't as stunning as his brother Qin Zhan, at least he couldn't do something too ordinary.

"Very good." Squad Leader Hao laughed: "Boy, your brother challenged the commander back then, shouldn't you do the same?"

Qin Fen stared blankly at Squad Leader Hao, who had a kind smile on his face. If it weren't for the fact that he could tell some things about Qin Zhan rightly, he would have really suspected that this man was fabricating lies to lure him into a fight.

"You should have the strength of a three-star, right?" Captain Hao jumped off the side of the ship and stretched out his hand: "Don't worry! I will fight you with a strength that won't exceed that of a three-star, how about that?"

The excitement after the air battle has not subsided, and the passion for hearing about his brother's deeds has not stopped. Qin Fen is a little moved.

In order to make money these days, those who play on Sky Martial Arts are all two-star players. With the reaction of three-star players, playing with two-star players is indeed a bit boring.

"good… "

As soon as Qin Fen said the word "good", Captain Hao's fierce hostility and his men pounced on him almost at the same time. The military uniforms roared under the blow of the sea breeze. He opened his arms and kicked his waist, and the vertebrae in his back undulated. Continuously, the strength traveled along the muscles and bones and reached the hand. The five fingers clasped the joints tightly and the air rippled. Manager Zhang's Shaolin Tiger Claw hand was used from Squad Leader Hao's hand, and the power was completely unparalleled.

The attack was almost like a sneak attack, forcing Qin Fen to be unable to dodge or attack again. He had no other choice but to resist.

To fight a tiger, use the tiger's posture!

Qin Fen stepped forward and bent his knees. In his movements, he reproduced the attitude of Shaolin's hard bridge and hard horse. The bones on his back exploded repeatedly, and the strength went straight from the spine to the raised arm. The arm was like a mountain axe, shaking away all the resistance in the air. Smash down and choose Hard Shake.

Squad Leader Hao's eyes gleamed brightly. Qin Fen smashed his tiger-clawed hand with one arm, which was the least strenuous point. If he was hit, he would suffer fractures or even be disabled! The tiger claw hand wants the momentum of a tiger, and the power of the change of moves will be weakened in the middle. The Hunyuan energy in the body is spitting out quickly, and the claw speed is increased by half a minute to avoid the weak point.

The claw arms clashed, and the air seemed to explode, making a muffled sound of muscles colliding. The air flow against Todoroki created a spiral force. Their arms were like broken water pipes, and they were instantly soaked with sweat. The clothes covering their arms made two hisses, and the relatively strong sleeves were slightly torn. .

Captain Hao is older and naturally has more profound skills. In comparison, Qin Fen is much younger.

However, Dragon Elephant Prajna is extremely powerful. Qin Fen has never used all his strength since he entered Samsung. The first time he used all his strength was during the passionate orgasm. The muscles in his entire arm were bulging and beating faintly, instantly maximizing his explosive power.

Captain Hao's claw seemed to be caught on the granite, and a slight pain came from his palm. He raised his eyebrows at the same time. This weakest point was not completely avoided, and Qin Fen gained the upper hand with a punch.

Captain Hao took a step forward with his right foot in an arc, without swaying his body. He retracted the tiger claw and stretched it out again. It was the tiger-shaped turnaround in the Shaolin Tiger Claw!

The light in Qin Fen's eyes skyrocketed. He punched out and felt as if the bones in his body were completely relaxed. He shouted in his heart, "Comfortable!" He moved his body to perform the Shaolin Horse Step. He stepped forward with his legs like a galloping war horse and unleashed the most ordinary blow. Black Tiger spoke with all his heart.

Squad Leader Hao took a breath again. Qin Fen's most common punch was able to display the essence of Shaolin Luohan Boxing in a long and far-reaching way so vividly that it was completely beyond his imagination.

Yi Yuan Jin raised it fiercely again, and the moment the tiger-shaped turnaround shocked Qin Fen's fist arm, Yi Yuan Jin went directly from three stars to four stars.

The first level official can crush people to death, the first level powerful one can stare at them!

Qin Fen's figure swayed and he retracted his fist, his arm being hit with a dull pain.

Squad Leader Hao finally let go of his worried heart. Qin Fen's punch could be said to be the pinnacle of Samsung's strength. The timing was perfectly timed to completely avoid the chance of the black tiger's heart-breaking point being attacked. If he used the power of Samsung to shock That punch was completely at a disadvantage even if it was blocked, and it was no longer possible to fight back.

In violation of the previous agreement, Squad Leader Hao's face also became hot, and he somewhat underestimated the enemy. He thought that his rich experience would give him the upper hand, but he didn't expect that the young man in front of him had such superb martial arts skills, which reminded him again of the Qin Zhan five years ago.

Feeling Qin Fen's condemning gaze, Squad Leader Hao pulled his old face: "What are you looking at? You know, the enemy on the battlefield will not tell you the rules. Believe in the agreements made by others? You are far inferior to this. Your brother!"

Although it was an aggressive lesson, Qin Fen always felt that this was Captain Hao making excuses for violating the agreement.

"Okay! Go back and rest! Tomorrow, you will continue to train twice as much."

"But, I am number one in air combat..."

"You are the squad leader and I am the squad monitor?" Under the ocean night sky, Squad Leader Hao's amiable voice for the first time turned into a superior-to-subordinate tone: "Go and have a rest!"

"Yes! Sir!" Qin Fen walked into the cabin with his chest raised. He kept thinking in his mind, is this the squad leader pretending to be public for personal gain

On the deck of the huge troop carrier, Captain Hao was left alone blowing the sea breeze. It seemed that Qin Fen was defeated in the battle just now, but in fact he knew very well that it was he, Captain Hao, who was really defeated. If he had used it clearly from the beginning Four stars, Qin Fen's superb fighting sense, I'm afraid he can survive undefeated, right

"Qin Zhan, I didn't expect that you two are still two masters. Let me find a few old friends to train your brother as a reward for you."


In the next few days of sailing, Qin Fen became more suspicious. Captain Hao had a grudge against the last defeat.

Every day's weight-bearing training will put on a lot more weight than yesterday's. This does not trouble him. After all, the training equipment on the troop carrier is too little and is not as comprehensive as the facilities in the training camp. Squad Leader Hao also saw that the troop carrier The equipment was not very useful to Qin Fen, and he often thought about how to train him into a new generation of super recruits in the recruit training camp.

In addition to Qin Fen, Du Peng's performance also surprised Captain Hao. I thought that this young man from a military family was just going through the motions at the grassroots level. Unexpectedly, after seeing Qin Fen's weight-bearing training, he did the same weight-bearing training as Qin Fen the next day, and his performance was no worse than Qin Fen's. .

This made Squad Leader Hao very happy. It was not easy for a few good recruits to appear among two thousand people. The chance of a super recruit appearing was not much different than buying a lottery ticket. Two super recruits appear? Such a chance is not much greater than when the Chinese men's football team entered the World Cup many years ago.

Compared with training during the day, Qin Fen prefers air combat at night. After two air combats, Qin Fen began to like this air combat training. He kept exploring ways to apply martial arts to air combat. This special method quickly developed his martial arts sense.

Nowadays, whenever night falls, the recruits will pray not to encounter the rookie of the day, the current "King of Air Combat", in an air battle.

ps: Recommendation votes, recommendation votes, Gaolou is extremely eager for recommendation votes, come with all the recommendation votes.

(Quanben Novel Network