The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 39: Last place and first place


At ten o'clock in the morning, Qin Fen and others finished their pre-breakfast training and walked into the restaurant to eat. Suddenly, the huge troop transport shook suddenly and then stopped moving forward. wWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.CoM

While the recruits expressed doubts, the veteran's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Creams! Your good days are over! We have arrived in Australia! We will reach the deck immediately within two minutes."

After several days of training, the recruits have begun to adapt to the order of appearing somewhere for a few minutes. Everyone threw away their dinner plates and turned around and ran towards the deck.

In the vast ocean, the troop transport ship had already stopped moving forward and stopped quietly, still some distance away from the port.

"Creams, have you seen the continent in front of you?"

"Report sir! I saw it!" The roar of more than two thousand people was still a very shocking thing.

"Very good! Now, I order you to jump into the sea from the rope prepared on the side of the ship, and then swim to the shore!"

Everyone, including Qin Fen, was stunned and swam over? Swimming in the sea and swimming in a swimming pool are completely different concepts.

You can swim a thousand meters in a swimming pool, but you may not be able to swim five hundred meters in the sea. God knows if there are sharks in the sea

"What? Do you have any questions? If you don't want to use the rope, I don't mind throwing you off directly after you put it on..."

Before the officer finished shouting, some people had already begun to leave the team. During this time, everyone had begun to learn to obey orders.

"That's right. The last hundred people to arrive at the shore. No dinner. The last one to arrive at the shore. The whole class has no dinner. The first to arrive. The whole class has dinner. This is the rule of the recruit training camp!"

The words were shouted. The new recruits began to fight for the only ten ropes on the side of the ship. The deck was extremely lively for a while.

Qin Fen was standing far away from the side of the ship this time. Measured a little. He quickly turned around and rushed towards the bow of the troop carrier.

"Old squad leader. Your soldiers..." The camp stood at the highest point of the troop carrier. Very unexpectedly, he pointed at Qin Fen who was moving at high speed: "Is he going to..."

Training for several days. Qin Fen has a full understanding of Jin Gui in his class. He was the last one to finish almost every training session. After each training session. He kept talking. I'm just here to mess around. I just want to get the retirement funds to become a businessman.

Jin Gui didn't have dinner alone. Qin Fen did not object. If it is because of gold, I am ashamed to be the last one. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t have dinner. That would be such a loss!

Standing at the front of the ship, Qin Fen glanced at the sea water below and felt a little trembling in his heart. This was not a platform of a few meters, but a platform of tens of meters. The impact of the free fall would not be felt even by the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu. You have to be able to withstand it.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Fen suddenly heard the sound of high-speed footsteps in the distance behind him. He turned around and saw a smile on his lips. Du Peng, a recruit who refused to admit defeat in anything, had come to jump into the sea with him.

When the Dragon-Elephant Prajna Skill reached its peak, Qin Fen turned over and jumped into the sea. Du Peng, who was chasing him, reached the side of the ship and took a breath of cold air when he looked at the huge height.


Qin Fen plunged deeply into the sea, and Du Peng's mouth twitched slightly, as if he was scolding himself for being timid, and then he jumped into the sea.

"Squad Leader Hao, your soldiers are really capable."

Captain Hao was dumbfounded. When he joined the army, he was known to be brave. When faced with the choice of jumping into the sea or using a rope, he chose the rope instead of jumping into the sea.


Qin Fen, who plunged into the deep sea, popped up his head more than ten meters away from the ship.

In order to make money while working, Qin Fen also worked as a lifeguard at the beach.

As a lifeguard, you must have excellent swimming skills. For that high salary, Qin Fen really put a lot of effort into swimming.

As soon as he entered the water, the Dragon-Elephant Prajna Kung Fu spread all over his body, and his whole body was like a torpedo traveling at high speed, without any intention of saving energy.

The squad leader, platoon leader, and company commander on the command platform all showed a little surprise again. For the new recruits, even if they rely on their internal strength and evenly distribute their physical strength to swim the five thousand meters, it is already quite difficult. Swim five thousand meters like a 100-meter speed swim? It's just like running a 5,000-meter dash on land with a 100-meter sprint. It's simply impossible to complete!

"Old squad leader, you, a new recruit, are too arrogant. We are at least five thousand meters away from the coast, and you use full speed from the beginning? I think you are going to drive a speedboat to fish him out midway."

The person who spoke was the squad leader of the first squad of the third company and the third platoon of the second battalion. He was also the only one among all the squad leaders this time who was the squad leader for the first time: Huang Hao.

"Really?" Captain Hao pursed his lips indifferently: "Are you interested in making a bet? I bet this kid can maintain this speed all the way to the beach. One hundred dollars!"

"It's a bet!"

Huang Hao did not show weakness. He was confident that with Qin Fenhai's current moving speed, he, a squad leader who had undergone several years of military training, would be able to barely do it. A relatively outstanding recruit would never be able to do it.

Du Peng's head emerged from the sea at this time. Seeing Qin Fen's super speed, there was a moment of hesitation between his brows, and then his eyes flashed with concern, and he imitated Qin Fen's fast swimming.

The last recruit entered the water, and the lifeboat followed them slowly, ready to rescue the recruits who had cramps or completely lost their physical strength.

(Quanben Novel Website