The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 5: The Beginning Chapter 4 The Edge Appears (Part 2)


Ru Zhen, who added the power of the violent elixir to his legs, moved faster. His body suddenly swayed, leaving a faint afterimage on the spot. His fingers with blue electric light inserted into Qin Fen's eyes. His five fingers flicked continuously, leaving behind a faint afterimage. The shadow seemed to have ten fingers flying up and down, and it was impossible to tell which one was the real finger. wWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.COm

According to the regulations of Sky Martial Arts Battle Network, if the user's eyes are penetrated, the user will log into Battle Network for three days, and everything in front of him will be dark. This blow is obviously to prevent Qin Fen from logging into Battle Network for three days, or to spend a sum of money to purchase it. Restoring potion.

Qin Fen was a little surprised. It was just a duel between two people. There was no need to be so awesome, right? Ask me to reduce my income within three days? Anger suddenly surged up, and the 'Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu' instantly spread all over his feet.

The electric finger had already been inserted. At this moment, Qin Fen's ankle suddenly turned, causing his waist to bend and his body to twitch slightly. It was exactly the 'Dragon Covering the Body' in Shaolin Luohan Fist. The fist formed by his right hand was quite satisfactory. After a Shaolin Arhat Fist 'Tiger Moves Out', if I were to touch my chest, I could hear the sound of bones breaking. The person would fly backwards two feet away, with blood spurting out from his mouth. Blue lightning flashed from his body in an instant. His limbs faded cleanly.

Everyone watching the duel was stunned. After I personally took the 'Violent Pill' and used the dazzling electric finger skills, I was defeated in an instant!

Shaolin Luohan Boxing's 'Dragon Covers the Body' plus 'Tiger Moves Out'? !

Someone has pressed the playback of the duel video, confirming once again that I was defeated in person by using the 'Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu' combined with the Shaolin Luohan Fist for thirty-six hours!

How can it be? Shaolin Luohan Boxing is the most basic and common boxing method! Practitioners of both new martial arts and ancient martial arts affectionately call it aerobics in boxing.

A master of talking, who had never fought before, used his limited hard work internal skills, combined with the aerobics in martial arts, to defeat him after taking the Violent Pill, and his strength instantly increased to almost a three-star warrior, and he was killed!

The most important thing is the instant kill! No way? Does aerobics defeat the new martial arts skills that can only be purchased with money

Qin Fen, who won in his first attempt, did not feel the excitement that he should feel after defeating his opponent. He hurriedly transferred 515 US dollars into his bank account and immediately chose to log out.

how come? How can it be? Qin Fen took off his helmet and sat on the bed, feeling lost in thought. Estimated based on previously collected local data. The success rate of defeating someone who has taken the Violent Pill is no more than 50% if I come in person. And at least three hundred moves are needed. Consume the effectiveness of the opponent's violent elixir. The moment the medicine ends. People who take the medicine will experience instant physical discomfort. Seize that opportunity to defeat your opponent!

Even if I were to come in person and not take the Violent Pill. It’s impossible to kill instantly! Qin Fen looked at the moon outside the window. What happened today? Everything seems so unreal? Is the opponent careless? still…

Qin Fen was puzzled. Sky Fighting Network Free Zone 11. I am still in a daze after exiting the battle mode at No. 11 Fighting Arena. What happened in that moment just now. He still hasn't figured it out yet. How could he lose to Shaolin Luohan Fist.

Everyone lost money. They even yelled curses one after another. Running away after winning is the most disgraceful thing to do on the Sky Combat Battle Network. It actually happened to them.

"Come in person! Don't be in a daze. That guy is just lucky!"

"That's right! Otherwise, why would you escape immediately!"

Is it really luck? If I were there in person, I would have a different feeling. Although I disliked this 'talking guru' very much, at the moment before the defeat, he clearly saw 'Thirty-Six Hours''s eyes showing an unusual calmness. This was something he had never seen before. Something I haven't encountered before.

Qin Fen stayed offline for a while, then simply got up and started to practice the 'Shaolin Luohan Boxing' that he usually used for fitness and strength training in the small room, including double elbows, double palm presses, double elbow hugs, cross-hand crosses, and turning over and single crosses. , double winds pierce the ears, turn around and cut like a dragon, double pierce the palms...

After performing the forty-one "Shaolin Arhat Fist" in one stroke, Qin Fen not only did not feel the slightest trace of fatigue in the past, but there was a vibrant force in his body that was constantly beating.

Qin Fen looked at his hands in disbelief. He had practiced this set of 'Shaolin Arhat Boxing' countless times. He was only very proficient in it before, but today he felt like it was natural and smooth.

Recalling the battle scene as if I were there in person, Qin Fen clenched his fists slightly, an uncontrollable excitement rising in his heart. It turns out that fighting is such an exciting thing.

Qin Fen moved his lips without making a sound. He took a deep breath, suppressed the fighting spirit and excitement in his chest, and once again remembered his original intention of entering the sky martial arts battle network.

Manuscript! Qin Fen patted his head. This is one of the sources of money. Although he made a lot of money from gambling today, it was an unexpected income after all. The videos of the two battles can barely be enough to write a manuscript. Let's go to the martial arts first. Download the video.

After logging into the Sky Martial Arts Battle Network again, I heard a rough voice shouting: "Come here in person, don't be in a daze! If this kid dares to go online again, my buddy will challenge him to avenge you..."

Before the caller's voice could finish, a figure shook in an empty seat in the auditorium, and Qin Fen, who had just escaped, appeared again.

Everyone's eyes turned to the person who just shouted, and their eyes seemed to say: Brother, now the person is here, it's up to you.

Qin Fen ignored everyone's gazes, let alone the rough voice, and quickly downloaded the videos of the two battles.

After a brief silence, the rough voice sounded again: "'Thirty-six hours', I challenge you! Fight with me if you dare."

Have a fight! Qin Fen was stunned. The blood that had just calmed down online started to flow again at this moment. The fighting spirit that had been extinguished for a short time surged up uncontrollably again at this moment. The urge to try to fight kept hitting him. Restrained reason.

"I'm here to get the battle video. I'm here to get the battle video." Qin Fen whispered to himself over and over again. If you still have a rest today, then you should save your energy. You have to continue working tomorrow. It's better not to go to boring battles. Care too much.

"Thirty-six hours!" The challenger's voice rang again: "I challenge you."

"Do you have any gambling money?" What Qin Fen said smoothly made him a little surprised. What happened today? He was actually accepting the challenge subconsciously!

ps: It seems a little early to call for votes, but let’s go and see.

(Quanben Novel Website