The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 60: Fierce battle in Ares Arena


In the distance of the mountains is a continuous forest, lush and green. Beyond the forest, there is a sea of green grass as high as half a man, and the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the earth. WWw. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. Com

The setting sun, mountains, woods, and sea of grass form a unique landscape.

However, such beautiful scenery is the main battlefield for killing in the God of War Arena.

As one of the featured events of Sky Fighting Network, the designers of the program will carefully create different battlefield terrain environments each time, with thrilling cliffs and rugged and tall rocks. There may be hidden murderous intentions everywhere.

Qin Fen squatted on the treetop, his breath completely absorbed into his body, as quiet as a leopard trying to hunt a monkey.

Qin Fen is quite satisfied with this hiding position. The angle range he can see is very wide, and the shelter blocked by the surrounding trees is also very good. However, he encountered the enemy too early. If there is still time, he can use the surrounding plants. , making some props that can better hide the figure. This is also the basic camouflage technique temporarily learned from the camouflage expert Grile.

Moving mountains and filling seas, this is the name of the three-star master not far from the tree.

In order to further stimulate the participants, the God of War Arena provides a name display service so that the person being attacked or killed can know the name of the enemy so that they can seek revenge from the opponent in the future.

Often, after the fight in the God of War Arena, the duel field will be overcrowded. Those who have made enemies in the God of War Arena and have not settled their grudges will have another all-out martial arts showdown there.

Duels are also a matter of saving face. In order to defeat their opponents, people often take various virtual items. As a result, Sky Martial Arts Network will usher in a revenue peak, with a large number of people purchasing virtual items for use in duels.

Yishan Reclamation held a steel knife in his hand, and the blood stains had not completely left the weapon in his hand. It was obvious that he had killed someone not long ago.

The grass under the tree suddenly shook rapidly. The knife in his hand did not stop at all. The cold light flashed past with a solemn killing intent. A hacked rabbit rolled out of the grass.

Qin Fen rolled his eyes slightly. The sword strike just now was obviously a ** sword technique. It seems that people dare to participate in the God of War Arena. I have two brushes in my hand.

Adjust your breathing slightly. Qin Fen couldn't fight many battles. Fight with warriors holding weapons. But it is a rare thing.

Moving mountains and reclaiming seas proceeds cautiously. Just now he had chopped down two opponents who sneaked up on him. The number of people killed, which was originally zero points, became two points.

The God of War Arena was attacked by someone last time. Died three times! This period of time. Moving Mountains and Reclamating Seas has done a lot of research on how to crack the hidden skills. Confidence that nothing hidden from him could do. Face those who are hiding and preparing for a sneak attack. Rather, he took the initiative. You can pretend not to see the other person even if you clearly see them. Attract the opponent to attack. Then suddenly implement a counterattack!

The first two opponents. They were all decapitated swiftly by the sword technique in this way.

Moving Mountains and Reclamating Seas had just entered Qin Fen's attack range, but Qin Fen didn't take action! He is waiting! Although his opponent was not a professional soldier, a warrior's intuition could sense some disguised threats. He wanted to know whether what he learned from Grile would be useful.

The man who moved mountains and reclaimed the sea continued to approach Qin Fen, and soon he was standing less than one and a half meters away from Qin Fen.

No need to wait any longer! The soles of his feet suddenly exerted force, and the branches under his feet were completely trampled with a snap. Qin Fen was like a huge goshawk!

After moving mountains and filling the sea, I heard the sound of branches breaking, and then I realized that someone was hiding above me behind me. I was even more shocked. There was someone lurking at such a close distance, and I didn't even know it!


The mountain-moving cervical spine was shattered by a punch, and his body flew out like a broken sack. Only two words flashed in his mind: "Master!"

An expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action. He has moved mountains and reclaimed seas without even having a chance to look back and see the face of the sneak attacker before being judged to have lost his life by the system. He understands the gap between the two sides, at least between hiding and counter-hiding. The gap is real. It's too big. This sneaker is definitely professional!

His vision went dark, then light appeared again.

Shifting Mountains and Reclamating Seas was immediately resurrected in other locations in the God of War Arena. The two in the data column just now became one.

The change in numbers was not the thing that made him the most angry. It was not knowing whose hands he would die in. That was the thing that made him most angry.

For the God of War Arena these days, I have put a lot of effort into concealment and anti-concealment. I didn't expect that despite being so close, I didn't feel the opponent's presence at all.

Qin Fen was very satisfied with killing the enemy with one punch. This attack was not only well concealed, but also the method of killing was also very good. The Butcher Instructor also included some essentials for killing.


Less than two meters away from Qin Fen's eyes, a person suddenly appeared out of thin air! Before the opponent could react, he jumped up and used the most direct and effective tiger attack to hit the opponent's Adam's apple hard.

This blow was almost entirely a subconscious reaction. After knowing that the other party was killed, Qin Fen realized that he had not seen the other party's name.

After taking care of two of them, Qin Fen quickened his pace and walked forward. Staying in one place and hiding in a sneak attack may reduce a lot of the risk of being killed, but there is no chance of accumulating the most points.

Walking through a small forest, Qin Fen saw no one on the road outside the forest, but there were two people hiding in the trees not far away.

Qin Fen smiled. These two concealers were really amateurs. If Gerile saw them, he would definitely beat each other up with his own hands to let them know what true professional concealment was.

He bent down and picked up two stones the size of a baby's fist. He weighed them gently in his hands. With a flick of his wrist, the two stones spun at high speed and flew out like bullets.

Bang bang...

The two people on the tree didn't expect that they would be exposed so easily. They hurriedly took action to block the stones, and used the power to turn over and jump down from the tree.

Qin Fen rubbed his feet, and the man was already chasing him. He raised his hand and the fierce tiger of Shaolin Luohan Fist came out.

Before the two of them could stand still, Qin Fen had already arrived in front of them. The Shaolin Luohan Fist driven by the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu struck directly with a tiger-beating gesture, hitting the opponent's hurriedly crossed arms.

The three arms collided, making a dull sound.

The man who was attacked only felt his arms and legs weaken at the same time, and he knelt directly on the ground, his head meeting Qin Fen's knees.

This time there was a crisp sound of bones breaking, and the man's entire face was shattered. His body flew three feet away like a broken sack. Qin Fen's score in the data column increased again.

(Quanben Novel Website