The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 81: Anger turned into a will to fight


"I'll come.WWw,QUanbEn-xIAoShUo,CoM"

The calm tone came not from the crowd of recruits from the Third Company, but from behind the Hanzhou recruits.

As the voice rang out, the Hanzhou recruits automatically moved out of the way, trying to see clearly who was speaking.

Who is this person? The Hanzhou recruits were all a little confused. Qin Fen had only participated in the first two group fights once, and the one who performed best was Du Peng. Therefore, the Hanzhou recruits knew Du Peng, but they didn't know Qin Fen.

Park Zhonghuan looked at Qin Fen intently. A warrior's intuition told him that this new recruit was stronger than any of the previous recruits in the third company. Under this silent and calm face, there was hidden anger and powerful power that was about to explode. .

Strong enemy! The hair on Park Jong-hwan's body stood up. Genius is not an arrogant man. Genius also knows what kind of opponents to pay attention to and what kind of challenging crowd to ignore.

Qin Fen issued the challenge and walked towards the third company without saying a word. The people in the third company who were filled with resentment were stunned for a moment, and then they let out a roar with unparalleled momentum!

Qin Fen! Qin Fen is back! A man whose strength is definitely not inferior to that of Du Peng is back!

In Sanlian, Qin Fen is undoubtedly low-key. But among the new recruits of the Third Company, no one would ignore him, who always kept a low profile.

Qin Fen walked straight to Deng Biao and squatted down, looking at the injuries of his comrade. All the bones in his limbs were broken, and the attack was extremely heavy. In addition to the limbs, seven ribs were also broken, and one of them was broken. The root fracture did not mean that seven ribs were broken in one blow.

"It's very serious, it's too much." After examining the injury, Qin Fen's eyebrows twitched several times, and his eyes flashed with a questioning light of "Why bother?"

"Ha... Lao Qin, could you have come a little later?" Deng Biao's voice was no longer as strong as before: "He beat the leader of our second class. Naturally, we, the second class, will take back the blame. If you and Dapeng are here, it’s not my turn to say this.

Qin Fen nodded and stood up from his side and said, "Just rest."

"Okay." Deng Biao slowly closed his eyes. He could hold on until now without fainting from the pain because he believed that a miracle would happen. When Qin Fen appeared, he believed that the miracle would be completed completely: "Remember. Give me a few more blows."

Park Zhonghuan stood still and waited for Qin Fen to speak. After defeating so many recruits in one breath, his momentum had already risen. Any challenging words from Qin Fen would only make his momentum stronger and make it easier for him to take advantage of him during the fight. to windward.

Qin Fen didn't even look at the other Hanzhou recruits who were glaring angrily, but just focused on Park Zhonghuan.

There was no angry expression or vengeful tone. Qin Fen said very calmly: "I fight and I will collect money. Congratulations, you are the first person who does not need to pay me."

Park Zhonghuan was stunned for a moment. He never expected that the person who came here did not issue any challenge at all. The strange words he spoke were a kind of charity from a master to a low hand.

Potential! For a moment, the balance was achieved.

Just because of two simple words, Park Zhonghuan felt his opponent's momentum increased.

"You want to challenge me?"

Park Jong-hwan spoke slowly and looked relaxed. There was an air of unreachable mountain peaks in his words.

Fight for power! This is a fighting method that Park Jong-hwan learned from Bae Sung-joon, the God of War in Hanzhou. Before the war begins, he first uses words and actions to destroy the opponent's momentum and spirit, and then defeats the opponent with a devastating offensive.

At first, he severely damaged several new recruits from the third company. What Park Zhonghuan wanted was to build up this momentum, and then faced Du Peng. Unexpectedly, Du Peng did not come, and an unknown young master emerged.

Qin Fen remained silent, raised his leg and took a step forward. The dragon-elephant Prajna Kung Fu combined with the Shaolin Luohan Fist and the tiger came out. The sound of wind in the sleeves is like the roar of a tiger, hula! Pounce straight on.

Qin Fen was angry before the fight and took a three-pointer more fiercely than usual. The majestic momentum instantly destroyed the momentum that Park Jong-hwan had built up.

Park Zhonghuan did not expect Qin Fen to start the battle without even saying hello. The attack was launched like a sneak attack. He cursed in his heart for being extremely shameless. To be able to seize the opportunity and gain the upper hand.

Fortunately, he is also a young master who is called a genius. In recent years, he has done more actual combat with Pei Chengjun than Qin Fen. I think I am very experienced in my experience. Without any hesitation, the ankles were strong. Flying upside down and playing like a crane, he entered the crowd of Hanzhou recruits within a few meters and used the crowd to neutralize Qin Fen's fierce attack.

Qin Fen didn't expect that Park Zhonghuan, who behaved so proudly, would choose such a method.

The advantage gained by the Butcher's undeclared fighting style was completely destroyed by Park Jong-hwan again at this moment.

Just when Qin Fen's charge failed and he was about to rush into the crowd to pursue him, the ground suddenly trembled! Park Zhonghuan's figure suddenly popped up, his heavy legs crashing like a hammer hitting Qin Fen with a sound of breaking through the air.

Style: Iron hammer in the ground! Modified by the Korean martial arts god Bae Sung-jun, it has an extremely explosive attack technique, the new hammer!

This was originally an attack method performed with hands, but now that Park Jong-hwan's genius transformed it into an attack method on his legs, it was a hundred times more powerful.

Qin Fen felt the strong wind hitting his face, his eyes narrowed into a thin slit, and light shot out from them. The forward-moving ankle suddenly rotates, causing the waist to bend, and the shoulders to shake for a moment and the body to twitch slightly. The classic dragon covering the body that has not been seen for many days reappears!

Park Zhonghuan was also surprised to see how Shaolin Luohan Boxing, an aerobics boxing technique used in this person's hands, was so powerful that it was on par with the new Taekwondo that was famous throughout the federation.

At the same time, there was an indescribable strange feeling that surged into his heart.

After regaining the upper hand with one strike, Park Zhonghuan did not bother to study why this aerobics boxing technique was so powerful, and quickly took action to stabilize his advantage, without giving Qin Fen any chance to regain the upper hand.

His shots were like lightning, his body was like a crane's, and he attacked continuously, with a breath of true energy rushing through his body.

Bullet punch, straight punch, penetrating punch, elbow strike, hand knife!

His arms fly up and down like dragons, and his moves are endless. There is always a murderous intention hidden in the legs, and he looks like he is about to use a killing move at any time.

Not far away, Phoenix sat on the trunk of a big tree and remained silent, watching the dangerous battle with a gloomy expression.

Squad Leader Hao was sitting in a hidden corner, his face also a little solemn. Park Zhonghuan's talent surprised him. Although this young man was not as talented as Qin Zhan, but if he were placed at the same time as them, Squad Leader Hao believed that he was no match for him.

With another dragon covering his body, Park Jong-hwan felt like he was going crazy. He clearly had the upper hand, but he couldn't turn the advantage into victory at all. So, no matter how powerful the aerobics boxing technique is, there should be a limit, right? Why is there a vague feeling of being in control of the situation despite having an advantage

It’s not like Park Jong-hwan has never encountered similar scenes. It was only when facing the Hanzhou Martial God Pei Chengjun that he had the upper hand, but the situation was controlled by the opponent.

How could a four-star vs. four-star battle have this feeling? It must be an illusion!

In a moment of distraction, Qin Fen suddenly used the Seven Stars of Progress and suddenly broke into Park Zhonghuan's power. The unpretentious tiger moved out with punches that could almost break the air flow and hit the chest directly!

Park Jong-hwan can be called a genius. His skin is extremely sensitive to airflow and martial arts. In the flash of frightening lightning, his eyes flashed with excitement and joy.

Taekwondo! Hammer!

This time the hammer is no longer a kick technique, but a real boxing technique!

Park Zhonghuan was unable to crack Qin Fen's dragon cover for a while, which gave him a headache. What he was waiting for was the opportunity to meet head-on. New Taekwondo also needed to be used with the mental skills. Instead of choosing the unique mental skills created by Pei Chengjun like several senior brothers, he chose the ancient martial arts iron cloth shirt to equip the mental skills. Law!

Head-to-head! Iron hammer + iron shirt are the most perfect combination! This is the power to sweep everything!

This is a secret of Park Jong-hwan, a secret that few people know!

Park Jong-hwan's eyes flashed with joy. He found that Qin Fen's eyes were flashing with the same joy and excitement!

This is…

There is no time for him to guess why. The opportunity for a head-on confrontation may not come soon next time. He must seize the opportunity!

The moment the fists were about to collide, Qin Fen's throat resounded with a tiger roar, and his fists suddenly turned into sharp palms. The majestic momentum suddenly burst out from his body. Park Zhonghuan's eyes blurred and he saw that Qin Fen seemed to be no longer a human being, but a wanderer! A huge wave in the endless ocean!

Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong forms a turbine rotation. Unprecedented power exploded, and the speed of the palm increased rapidly. The fist of the hammer slid past and hit the wrist joint.


Iron shirt! Before the meteorite, bones could be made extremely hard, but joints could not be perfectly protected! Especially after the addition of turbocharging to increase the power of Violent Fury, it is even rarer to resist it among its peers.

The moment his wrist broke, Park Jong-hwan made a decisive decision to retreat, his steps flying back like a crane.

Qin Fen had long expected this move, and Luohan Buyun also exploded under the turbocharger. His speed was several minutes faster than Park Jonghuan, and the violent wave of palm strikes was completely blasted out without reservation.

Park Zhonghuan raised his arms to block the palm shadows that filled the sky, but he could only block less than half of the attacks. The other waves of anger all hit him.

If the violent and furious tide in the past was the rising tide in the sea, then the violent and furious tide now after turbocharging is a giant wave! Huge waves!

One palm, two palms, three palms! Smashed the protective Qi Jin Iron Cloth Shirt to pieces, four palms, five palms, six palms, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten

The iron palms hit various parts of Park Zhonghuan's body like a tide, directly knocking him away more than ten meters.

After the ultimate move was launched, Qin Fen did not pursue him. He was a little surprised. The furious wave of turbocharged energy even hit the bricks and smashed his head into small pieces. Why did dozens of palms slap on the opponent's body, but there was no trace of it? The sound of bones breaking? Only the sound of bones breaking came from the two arms.

(Quanben Novel Website