The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 83: The fighting heart awakens


The appearance of Fenghuang, Squad Leader Hao and the Gun King did not make Che Shuncai realize Qin Fen's problem. Instead, he misunderstood Squad Leader Hao because his soldiers were beaten. WWw,QuANbEn-XiAoShUo,CoM

"Che Shuncai." Squad leader Hao spoke first: "They can just deal with the juniors' matters themselves. If the soldiers below are beaten, we elders will have to step forward. Then I am not going to interrupt that kid. Hands and feet?”

Che Shuncai remained silent. There were some unspoken rules in the military that must be followed. This matter made a big fuss, but it is not necessarily a good thing. At least the apprentice of Hanzhou Martial God Bae Chengjun was defeated, which indirectly smeared the reputation of New Taekwondo.

After thinking for a while, Che Shun said: "Hao, I understand what you mean. I just want you to put a few words here. If you agree to leave, I will leave immediately. Pretend that what happened today never happened."

Squad Leader Hao nodded. It might not be of any benefit to Qin Fen if the matter escalated: "Tell me about it."

"First of all, if our bastards hit your bastards in the future, can you not intervene at all?"

"Of course." Squad Leader Hao smiled: "Just now, your son defeated so many of my soldiers, and I was watching from the sidelines. Did you say anything?"

Che Shuncai was speechless for a moment. He didn't know when Squad Leader Hao appeared. He only knew that he should have been here for a while.

"Okay! I believe you." Che Shuncai said again: "I don't want too many people to know about today's matter. If the matter spreads too widely, the Military Justice Department may come to visit."

Squad Leader Hao shrugged and nodded. Since the Hanzhou faction wants to cover up this defeat, they should cover it up. Qin Fen still has many skills that he has not yet learned, and premature exposure is not a good thing.

Two Hanzhou instructors helped Park Zhonghuan up with great experience. The Hanzhou recruits followed behind with no morale. Che Shuncai glanced around the third company recruits with hateful eyes, and finally fixed his eyes on Squad Leader Hao: "Remember what you said today, we in Hanzhou may soon have new soldiers coming to teach you how to use force."

Squad Leader Hao laughed and said, "You are welcome at any time."

The lively scene quickly returned to its previous quietness. Company Commander Yan looked angrily at the laughing recruits surrounding Qin Fen.

"You bunch of idiots! You have been injured so much. How can you still smile? From tomorrow on, the amount of training will be doubled."

The new recruits were immersed in the idea of winning. They would usually scream in agony upon hearing such an order, but they rarely agreed in unison.

Captain Yan pushed aside everyone and came to Qin Fen, his eyes full of joy: "You are good, you didn't embarrass our third company."

Captain Yan patted Qin Fen heavily on the shoulder, smiled and left.

That's what the military is like. If you beat someone with another number, he won't be angry, but will feel like you have a bright face and it will make him proud. If the superiors were to blame, the superior would naturally take the matter down and protect his men. If you can't even protect your own men, who will sincerely sacrifice their lives for you? Who will still obey you

It is obviously an unspoken rule similar to breaking discipline, but in the military camp, it is a method that everyone from the marshal to the squad leader has defaulted to.

As soon as the company commander left, Squad Leader Hao and the others also quietly left, leaving only the recruits of the third company.

At this moment, the new soldiers surrounded Qin Fen, and it was not known who started first. He directly hugged one of his thighs, and then the other thigh was also hugged.

The next second, Qin Fen was directly lifted up by the crowd and thrown into the air. Then he landed and was picked up by others, and then continued to be thrown upward.

Excited cheers came out from their throats, and the faces of the recruits lying on the ground were all smiles. The beating was not in vain. Qin Fen earned all his face back in one fell swoop.

After a few minutes of throwing, everyone put Qin Fen back to the ground.

"Old Qin. I have it for you!"

"Old Qin, what was that move you just made?"

"Yes! I feel like you could kill even a rhinoceros with that overwhelming fighting style."

The recruits kept asking me questions. Young people were easy to get along with after this intense incident. Everyone's feelings are increasing unconsciously.

"It's better to send them to the hospital first."

Qin Fen made a suggestion after everyone quieted down.

"Okay!" Brothers. First dismantle the bed board and make a stretcher. "

Defeated Park Jong Hwan in one battle. Qin Fen's popularity and prestige were quickly established among the recruits of the Third Company.

In the past few days of military training, the recruits have also acquired some of the habits of the army: as long as you have the ability, you are not a bad person! I will obey you!

The recruits started to get busy. Some were taking down bed boards and some were making sheets. The scene was a bit chaotic for a while.

Lin Jia gradually woke up from her daze and looked at Qin Fen's busy back. Who is this man's background? Practicing the free martial arts Dragon and Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, you can modify and guide others to practice the higher-level Jade Girl Heart Sutra, and in a short period of time, you defeated Park Jong-hwan, one of the genius boys in Hanzhou!

wrong! Lin Jia's eyes suddenly lit up. Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu is a free martial art and only the first three levels are publicly available! Qin Fen has a four-star level of strength and is definitely capable of breaking through the third free level and reaching the fourth level.

Could it be? Lin Jia's eyebrows were slightly raised. Could it be that he was also part of the military region's plan this time? Is that why he keeps a low profile, waiting for the opportunity to explode? Check him out.

Although the relationship between Lin Jia's family members is currently somewhat bad, if he wants to check a person's background identity, he is confident that he can easily do so.

"I said Lao Qin, buy a mobile phone." Deng Biao was lying on the stretcher and said to Qin Fen next to him: "If you have that thing, it will be easier to contact him."

"Huh?" Qin Fen was a little hesitant. The living facilities in the military camp were still very complete, so buying a mobile phone seemed a bit wasteful.

"I'm serious." Deng Biao was injured more than anyone else, but there were no scars above his neck. Although Park Zhonghuan's attack was harsh enough, he still showed a certain amount of respect for this tough guy and did not beat him into a pig's head or anything like that. appearance, preserving the most basic appearance and decency.

"You don't think that's the end of the matter, do you?" Deng Biao coughed a little as he was jolted: "I have a buddy who is very well-informed. He told me that in this military skills competition for new recruits, the higher-ups in the military region didn't want to lose face too much. They used their connections to start from The younger generation of martial arts masters have been mobilized from masters from all over the country. There may not be many people who know the truth about the fact that you beat Park Zhonghuan this time. "

Qin Fen understood the meaning of Deng Biao's words and asked seriously: "You mean, those young masters who were mobilized may hear this news and think that I am demonstrating to everyone this time? They may come Challenge me?"

"Yes." Deng Biao saw that Qin Fen had guessed and didn't hide it: "To be honest, none of us who practice martial arts don't want to be the strongest one. Now that you have hit Park Zhonghuan hard, they will definitely be dissatisfied. Challenges are inevitable."


Qin Fen has one point, no! It should be said that Qin Fen was very excited.

The victory or defeat between fists and feet could change in an instant, and he could not let him have the slightest fear or worry. The battle with Park Jong-hwan ignited ***'s blood. That kind of feeling of fists touching the flesh is a touch that Sky Martial Arts Network cannot completely give.

In the past, even if you had the physical strength, you had to take care of your food and life first. Nowadays, life is completely free of pressure for the time being. The fighting heart that has been weighed down by the heavy burden of life for several years, as several instructors and liquid metal math master Cui Faha join forces in reality, after the battle with Park Jong-hwan, Qin Fen's fighting heart has awakened! The sound of waves crashing against the rocks.

Fierce fighting during the day. Keep replaying it in your mind, and you will have new discoveries and insights every time you play it back. New Taekwondo can become famous because it naturally has its own unique advantages.

Standing up gently, Qin Fen slowly performed the Shaolin Arhat Boxing. A set of fierce boxing techniques was now struck by him like an elderly man, and the speed became slower and slower.

Qin Fen is realizing that the slower the speed, the better he can feel the changes in power, and it is more accurate to know when to exert force. How to maximize your power.

"Setting down after a fierce battle is very important. Is it instinctive to come to the beach to settle down the day's experiences? Or was it taught to him by someone?"

Phoenix had a hint of admiration on his lips in the distance, turned around and disappeared into the night.

On the beach at night, Qin Fen was barefoot. Take off your upper body military uniform. Shaolin Luohan Quan is constantly changing from leap to leap.

Back and forth, Shaolin Luohan punched dozens of times. Qin Fen then stopped using it.

Returning to the barracks, I saw how late it was. It wasn't appropriate to call Song Jia, so I simply chose to send a video email and explain to the other party what happened these days.

Early the next morning, I opened my email and found that Song Jia had just replied to a video email not long ago.

When she opened the email, Song Jia's beautiful appearance suddenly appeared. There was a happy smile hidden in her pouted mouth, and in her pretended expression, the smile on her eyebrows gave her away.

"I'm not satisfied."

"I'm not satisfied."

Qin Fen had already guessed that Miss Song Jia's first words would be this, and he subconsciously said it to Song Jia's voice in the email.

"Well! I'm very dissatisfied with no news for so long." Song Jia repeated her signature mantra again: "However, because you surrendered as soon as possible. I forgive you. I still have this attitude. Very satisfied.”

Qin Fen really didn't know what to say other than laughing. Looking at her image made his heart warm.

"Okay. First of all, congratulations on reaching the four-star level. Keep up the good work! Try to reach the meteor level as soon as possible." Song Jia made a gesture like a meteor crossing the sky: "By the way, how is your biochemical beast egg? Has it hatched? What happened?"

Qin Fen touched the biochemical beast egg in the shape of a necklace on his neck and was speechless. According to Lin Liqiang's instructions, this beast egg should be worn on the body at all times and the energy in the body would be used to hatch it. However, these days, this beast egg has not been Not the slightest sign of hatching.

(Quanben Novel Network