The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 85: New Sumo Challenge


"For the time being, I can't win. Www!QuAnBen-XIaoShuo!Com" Park Zhonghuan's smile was very calm: "I will win in the future! But now, he should be the number one recruit in the new military camp."

"The number one recruit in martial arts? Park Zhonghuan, you have stayed in that small place in Hanzhou for too long. You don't even know how big the sky is."

The door was violently pushed open, and a fat man like a mountain of flesh squeezed in.

"New sumo?" Park Zhonghuan jumped out of bed with a sneer: "I don't welcome useless fat pigs here. Get out immediately, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Fat pig? Really? You're welcome? Okay!" The man like a mountain of meat smiled: "Come on. You new taekwondo toads sitting in the well in Hanzhou and watching the sky, do you really think that Pei Chengjun is the god of martial arts? It's just rubbish..."

"Seeking death!" Park Zhonghuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He couldn't use his big move in the small space, so he directly kicked out with a crisp side kick like a big gun, and it stabbed out!

Insulting the Hanzhou Martial God is something that no Hanzhou warrior can bear. Having been taught by the Hanzhou Martial God since he was a child, he cannot stand others insulting the God in his heart!


The war leg pierced directly into Roshan Man's abdomen like a spear. A smile appeared on Park Zhonghuan's lips. Even a cow would be kicked to death by this kick.

"Is this your power?" Roshan Man's disdainful voice sounded.

"you… "

Park Zhonghuan wanted to pull his leg, but found that his fleshy belly suddenly squeezed, tightly trapping his leg.

"Boy, today I want to show you the new sumo giant spirit palm."

Roshan Man's big hand smacked down like the palm of a giant spirit god in mythology and legend. Park Jong-hwan was shocked and crossed his arms in front of his chest.


The window glass in the room was completely shattered. Park Jong-hwan spun in the air and flew out of the broken window. He fainted on the spot.

Win in seconds! Just one fight and you win instantly!

Park Zhongxun looked up at Roshan Man in fear, as if he was looking at the devil in the temple.

The Roshan man looked at Park Zhonghuan with disdain: "Qin Fen? The first martial arts recruit? I, the new Sumo Gang Benwu, will let you know who is the real first martial arts recruit.

In the quiet hospital, suddenly an entire window of the house shattered, and the sound immediately caused bursts of hurried footsteps in the corridor.

Park Jong Hwan. That's the special care ward. If something unexpected happened, many people would be affected.

The little nurse trotted away and reached the special care ward. She quickly reached out and pushed the door open, feeling the feeling of her palm pressing against a soft object.

This is? The little nurse looked up and realized that what she was pressing on was not the door, but a person's back.

Is this also a soldier? Looking at the meat-like figure under the military uniform, the little nurse looked surprised. I have never seen such a fat soldier in the military camp. He must weigh at least 150 kilograms, right

"Beautiful lady, what can I do for you?"

Gang Benwu turned around with a polite smile. The huge and thick body made a way to the room, waking up the sluggish little nurse.

The broken windows and shards of glass were falling from the windowsill. The wind blew into the room and the curtains were dancing. Park Jong-hwan, wearing a hospital gown, was lying quietly on the green grass outside the window.

The nurse looked blankly at Park Zhonghuan outside the window, and then looked at Gang Benwu who kept smiling at the side: ""

"Ms. Nurse." Park Zhongxun interrupted the nurse's call. His face was very serious and his voice was low: "This is a competition between warriors. If my brother loses, I can't blame anyone else. Calling the hospital guard will only damage the integrity of our new Taekwondo." . Okay, go and ask someone to move my brother to another ward."

The little nurse looked at Park Jong-hoon in disbelief. Nine out of ten people in the federation practice martial arts, but not many have such thoughts.

After being stunned for a moment, the little nurse turned around and quickly left the room. The world of these so-called young masters was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

"Gang Benwu, don't be happy either." Park Zhongxun looked at the man who looked like a mountain of meat: "My brother is still injured. There is nothing to be proud of in defeating an injured warrior."

Gang Benwu's mouth was majestic, and his expression was a little proud, but also a little disdainful: "I didn't use my full strength against him."

With a proud tone, Gang Benwu turned around and squeezed his fleshy body out of the door.

Several medical staff passing by were a little surprised when they saw Gang Benwu leaving. The man who looked like a mountain of meat moved without any signs of slowness and labor. He walked very fast. In this corridor where echoes are easily heard. There was no sound of his footsteps at all.

"Qin Fen? Can a person whose name he has never heard of be able to become a master?" Gang Benwu walked out of the hospital and tilted his head and smiled: "Is it the 2nd Battalion and 3rd Company of the 75th Regiment? It seems to be in this direction."

After saying that, Gang Benwu took a big step away. He quickly disappeared outside the hospital gate and went straight to the location shown in the information to wait.

After several days of investigation. Gang Benwu knew that Qin Fen would mysteriously disappear for a period of time every day after military training, and would use this quiet path as the only way back to the barracks at dusk.

Look at the sun in the sky, it's still a little early.

Gang Benwu sat on the ground with a golden sword, quietly waiting for Qin Fen's arrival.

With the development of the times, sumo wrestling, a fighting technique without gorgeous fighting scenes, and the need to maintain a bloated figure, is completely opposite to the popular aesthetics and has long since declined.

With the rapid rise of ancient martial arts and new martial arts, the few people who originally focused on sumo wrestling have also turned their attention to new ancient martial arts, which has accelerated the process of eliminating sumo, a Japanese martial art.

Almost overnight, sumo wrestling has retreated to the edge of the historical stage, and the situation is very embarrassing. Just like Taekwondo, which was also about to be eliminated at that time, a person appeared in the sumo world: Jiro Hashimoto!

He integrated several ancient martial arts with sumo wrestling, and several new martial arts with sumo wrestling, creating today's new sumo, and once again saved the sumo fighting skills that were on the verge of extinction. come over.

New sumo has once again returned to the fighting arts, which is something that everyone involved in sumo fighting skills can celebrate.

However, now the new sumo has not risen with its return to the world of fighting skills, or has been liked and paid attention to by a large number of people like the new taekwondo.

Compared with the new Taekwondo, which is dazzling with fists and kicks during combat, the new sumo wrestling is much less enjoyable to watch. Coupled with the new Taekwondo training, it helps to build a good figure. Training in new sumo wrestling will cause your body to be seriously out of shape.

In this way, even if the new sumo's fighting skills are good, not many people will pay attention to it or join it.

This time, the reason why New Sumo agreed to join the army through the most common channels was because he wanted to get a good place in the military skills competition for new recruits in the future, and take the opportunity to attract more people's attention, so as to promote New Sumo. Let it become one of the mainstream fighting skills.

The young masters who came hidden among the recruits were originally waiting for the moment of selection to show their strength.

As Qin Fen stepped on the young master among Hanzhou's new recruits, he suddenly rose to prominence. The blooming, which was supposed to be delayed, begins to advance.

As the only member of the new sumo entering the recruit camp, Takeshi Steel naturally didn't want to let this opportunity pass. How strong can a recruit from a small island be

defeat him! Meet the challenges of young masters of other fighting styles, stand at the top and defeat them one by one, and promote the new sumo!

Gang Benwu suddenly found that the light of the sun was getting softer and softer. This was what happened when the sun was about to set. He also slowly recovered from his meditation, waiting for his opponent who might appear at any time.

Qin Fen was very tired today. If anyone thought it would be easy to train with the second gun king of Wannian. Qin Fen didn't mind letting that person go and see the training ground where he learned about Renhuan.

Today's training is not about shooting, but about gun assembly and modification.

As an ordinary army recruit, as long as he can accurately hit the gun target, it is already a good achievement. If he can skillfully dismantle the gun and assemble it, it will be an excellent achievement in firearms.

Qin Fen's gun assembly is not like other recruits who put all the parts of a gun in front of you. You just need to assemble it quickly.

Wannian Lao Er's gun master training. Nature has its own unique side.

Today, Qin Fen has thousands of gun parts in front of him, ranging from small guns that can only hold one bullet to heavy machine guns that require at least two soldiers to operate. The special armor-piercing bullets can even destroy the oldest mobile armor. Pierce it.

of these weapons. There are many gun models that are very similar. It can even be used even if it is installed incorrectly.

Just like that. There may be some errors in the flexibility of using the weapon, so you can assemble it just by looking at it. It is almost impossible to assemble these guns perfectly within the specified time. For a recruit who has joined the army for a month, it is an even more impossible task.

However, this impossible task should not be a problem in the eyes of the gun king.

In his words, not only Qin Zhan can do it, but he can also do it not long after he joined the army. This can be regarded as basic training.

In order to be looked down upon by the gun king, Qin Fen could only use all his energy to fight with this gun king.

After assembling thousands of guns, the gun king gave Qin Fen a new task: to combine the parts he thought were most suitable from the thousands of guns into a powerful firearm.

After the gun was modified, the gun king began to comment on Qin Fen's considerations for improvement when assembling the gun, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the modified gun. If modified, the performance would be better.

Although he was tired, Qin Fen did learn firearms knowledge that other recruits who joined the army could not learn in their lifetime.

(Quanben Novel Network