The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 105: -Nick name


The maid of Jiang's mansion led Nangong Yue to Jiang Yixi's courtyard.

Jiang Yixi had been looking forward to it for a long time, and when she heard that Nangong Yue was coming, she deliberately went out of the room to greet her: "Sister Yue, you are finally here." While speaking, only Nangong Yue came into the room.

Jiang Yixi's boudoir is naturally well-decorated, but there is a soft pink curtain hanging between the inner room and the outer room, the murals on the wall are graceful, the brocade gauze is covered, the interior is golden and pearly, and the floor tiles are pierced with phoenix-cut flowers, which is very interesting. .

"My sister is late." After sitting down, Nangong Yue took out a white jade medicine bottle and said, "In order to express my apology to my sister, this will be regarded as an apology." She naturally noticed that the acne on Jiang Yixi's face had disappeared. Disappeared, leaving only a shallow mark, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

"This is... the ointment you gave me last time!" Jiang Yixi opened it and smelled it, and a familiar fragrance came to his nostrils, and he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised.

Nangong Yue smiled and nodded: "Exactly."

Girls always love beauty, even Jiang Yixi couldn't help showing joy, saying: "Sister Yue, your ointment is really good, I have a few close friends who also suffer from acne, if they know that they have this baby, I'm afraid To die of joy."

What Jiang Yixi said was unintentional, but Nangong Yue's heart was moved when she heard it. This acne is indeed a trouble for many young girls. If I can open a shop and sell this ointment, it will definitely sell well in the capital...

Nangong Yue's gaze fell on the red sandalwood table by the window, on which there was a pen and paper, and she asked, "Sister Xi, can I borrow a pen and paper?"

Jiang Yixi naturally nodded in response: "Sister Yue, you don't have to be so polite, please use it."

Nangong Yue got up and walked over, and immediately there was a servant girl who knew and humored her. Nangong Yue took a small pen, wrote a prescription vigorously, and handed it to Jiang Yixi with a smile.

"This is?" Jiang Yixi looked puzzled.

"This is the prescription for the ointment." Nangong Yue said softly, "With this prescription, sister Xi, you can find someone to make the ointment yourself in the future."

"This prescription... I'm afraid it is very precious!" Jiang Yixi was a little at a loss. Such an acne-removing ointment is more precious than a thousand pieces of gold in the eyes of a girl who loves beauty in the capital! She didn't expect Nangong Yue to give it to herself so generously.

"This prescription was researched by myself, and it's just a gadget. Sister Xi, don't worry too much about it." Nangong Yue said lightly.

"Then I will accept it unceremoniously." Now that Nangong Yue has said so, Jiang Yixi is no longer polite. She put away the white jade bottle and Qu Fangzi, and then signaled to the servant girl to bring a box of silk flowers, "Sister Yue, I made this by myself when I had nothing to do. See if you like it, pick a few."

Nangong Yue responded with a smile, and picked a few silk flowers at random... After that, Jiang Yixi gave the rest to Nangong Yue, saying that it was a gift for other girls in Nangong Mansion.

Nangong Yue did not refuse, but readily accepted.

The relationship between the two became much closer. They happily chatted about their daughter in the boudoir, what kind of clothes styles are popular in the capital recently, how to match the embroidery pattern to make it more novel, and what kind of stitches should be used to make the embroidery come out The pattern looks more distinctive.

Having such a chat with Nangong Yue, Jiang Yixi felt suddenly enlightened, for example, it was obviously a simple color scheme, but after Nangong Yue's skillful matching, it became ingenious. And the cat's eyes that she had been embroidering terribly all the time, after Nangong Yue's instruction, immediately became lively and lively.

Jiang Yixi watched Nangong Yue's eyes shine, and happily pestered Nangong Yue to help him draw a few tricks.

Nangong Yue did not refuse, and drew several pictures in a row, which made Jiang Yixi amazed.

After finishing the painting, the two discussed the color matching and stitching for a long time, and then bid farewell. Before parting, before parting, Jiang Yixi also promised to embroider a purse with this painting and give it to her.


The horse's hooves slapped the ground with a "da da da" and drove away from the Duke's mansion.

Nangong Yue slightly raised the curtains and looked out. The streets of Wangdu were as bustling as ever, with the shouts of vendors, the sounds of women bargaining, and the sounds of children playing, intertwined and extremely lively.

Nangong Yue looked at it happily, and suddenly her eyes fixed on a certain place in the front right, and saw a naughty boy pulling a girl's pigtail, and then quickly moved like a cat who stole a fishy smell. ran away.

The girl touched her head, which was so painful from being stretched, her face flushed with anger, and she ran after the boy yelling.

The boy laughed and ran forward, saying something in his mouth, which made the girl extremely angry, but he himself bumped into a young man in brocade clothes who was walking towards him.

The boy lost his balance and almost fell down. The boy grabbed him casually, but he didn't know what he took out of his arms for the boy. The boy happily ran to the girl again, and the two children reconciled in a blink of an eye, and walked away hand in hand.

Nangong Yue's gaze stayed on the back of the young man in brocade clothes for a moment, her brows moved slightly, and she was about to look away, but at this moment, the young man suddenly turned his head as if aware of it.

Caught off guard, Nangong Yue met his eyes, and it really was him!

In the next moment, her pupils shrank sharply, but she saw a long welt on the young boy's exquisite jade face, blood red so dazzling, it was shocking to look at.

Nangong Yue frowned, after not seeing her for a few days, Xiao Yi actually had a wound on his face, what happened

Could it be...

Nangong Yue couldn't help thinking of the assassination that happened to Zhuangzi earlier, and her heart skipped a beat.

When Xiao Yi saw Nangong Yue, he trotted over with a wicked smile on his face.

This guy is not easy to dismiss. Nangong Yue signaled to Yimei to instruct the driver to find a secluded place to stop, followed by Yimei and deliberately sent the driver to the dim sum shop opposite to buy some dim sum. The Heyue Zhai opposite is a dim sum shop with a century-old history. It is full of customers every day, and there is a long queue.

Not long after the coachman left, Yimei led Xiao Yi into the carriage.

Xiao Yi casually sat down cross-legged, meeting Nangong Yue's eyes.

Nangong Yue couldn't help but look at the wound on his face again, and asked, "What's the matter with the wound on your face? Did you fight with someone?" There was a trace of concern in her tone that she didn't even notice.

"My father smoked it!" Xiao Yi shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips and said with a foolish look, "If I was fighting with others, how could I be injured?!"

"King of Zhennan?" Nangong Yue couldn't help but thumped in her heart. The whip of King Zhennan was really ruthless. The whip wound could have passed through the corner of Xiao Yi's right eye. If this was a careless act, his right eye would be ruined! I didn't expect King Zhennan to treat Xiao Yi so cruelly. own son.

Thinking back to his previous life, Xiao Yi finally embarked on the road of killing his father and younger brother. It seems that there was a reason for it, and what happened later that drove him to a dead end

"Huh!" Xiao Yi pouted angrily, and he looks good with this childish appearance, "If he wasn't my father, how could he beat me so easily! Although he is good at fighting, he is good at fighting But it’s nothing more than that, it’s far worse than that with me.” At this point, he suddenly looked at Nangong Yue with tears in his eyes, with a pitiful look, “Xiao Yue’er, my face is so painful now, please help me blow it up. Blow it."

Nangong Yue got goosebumps at the sound of Xiao Yue'er. This brat started to get sick again, it's time to take medicine!

Yimei was even more stunned by Xiao Yi's thick skin, but she dared not speak.

Nangong Yue thought bitterly in her heart: This Xiao Yi, I really don't need to sympathize too much. After talking to him for a few words, he hit the snake with a stick and teased himself.

But looking up at the shocking whip wound in the corner of Xiao Yi's eye, Nangong Yue's heart still softened involuntarily.

Although she didn't know why Xiao Yi was beaten, even if she was a father who wanted to teach her son a lesson, in her two lifetimes, she had never seen anyone slapped on his son's face. Moreover, someone secretly wanted to kill him.

It is really pitiful for a child whose biological mother died young and whose biological father cannot be relied upon!

But this is a family matter in the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, and I am afraid that no one can comment on it except the Holy One.

Nangong Yue sighed, took out two bottles of medicine from the hidden compartment of the carriage and gave them to Xiao Yi, and said carefully: "Use the one with the green bamboo pattern first, it is good for pain relief and wound healing. Another bottle of scar removal , Wait until the wound has healed before applying it, do not drink alcohol or eat spicy things."

Xiao Yi held it in his hand, and curled his lips with a smile: "I knew that Xiao Yue'er would not want me to suffer."

Looking at Xiao Yi's proud mockup, Nangong Yue stroked her forehead and sighed in her heart: I still can't imagine that this brat is the same person as the God of Death in the previous life!

At this time, Yimei whispered outside the carriage: "Third Miss, Master, the coachman is coming back soon..." Of course, the implication was to let Xiao Yi leave quickly!

Seeing that Xiao Yi had no intention of getting up at all, Nangong Yue also issued an order to evict the guest, saying: "It's getting late, I should go home, and you should be careful in the future." He said, "If your father beats you like this again, even if it is inconvenient to fight back because of filial piety, you can always hide."

Xiao Yi was still showing grievances, but when he heard the words, he immediately nodded his head and said pitifully: "Xiao Yueer, what you said is true. I listen to you, Xiao Yueer."

Nangong Yue glared at him pretentiously: "Don't call me Xiao Yueer again."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and he said "I understand" on his face: "So you don't like me calling you Xiao Yue'er, but prefer me calling you a stinky girl!"

The corner of Nangong Yue's mouth couldn't help twitching, and she began to regret her sympathy just now. At this time, Yimei began to urge again: "The coachman has already bought some snacks, hurry up..."

Xiao Yi finally understood the current affairs, and briskly jumped out of the window and left.

After the coachman handed over the bought snacks to Yimei, the carriage started on the road again.

Xiao Yi waited until Nangong Yue's carriage had gone far away, then Xiao Yi looked away, cherishing the two small porcelain bottles in his hands, and wandered back to Zhennan Wang's mansion in the royal capital.