The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 107: -farce


Tao'er was frightened, she kept shaking her head, she had tears and snot flowing from her nose, she no longer had the slightest beauty, but made people feel disgusted. But she didn't have this understanding, instead she thought she looked at Xiao Yi pitifully, hoping to win a little affection from him.

But Xiao Yi's cold eyes shattered Tao'er's last hope...

Tao'er's heart was full of despair, at this moment, she regretted extremely, regretted that she should not have followed the concubine's instigation, deliberately seduced Xiao Yi in the study, and even committed false accusations after the seduction failed. After all, he is the son of the world, and he will not be pleased by the prince, but it is easy to deal with her, a little slave!

Despair was like countless poisonous snakes entangled her neck tightly, Tao'er felt that the whole world was full of despair and darkness, and there was no way out at all. She collapsed to the ground softly, her eyes were empty...

And from the beginning to the end, Xiao Yi didn't even glance at her.

The news that Tao'er was sent out of the house reached Xiao Fang's ears in less than a stick of incense.

At that time, Xiao Fang was proud of the success of her scheme, and she was in a good mood to dress up in the mirror, but she did not expect such a news to come back. Shocked, the eyebrow pencil in her right hand trembled, leaving a mark on her face. There was a black trace.

Her close maid, Bright Eyes, quickly fetched the handkerchief, and gently and carefully wiped it clean for Xiao Fang.

Seeing that her face had returned to its original innocence, Xiao Fang asked the messenger again: "You mean that Tao'er was sold to a brothel by that boy before she had enough time for a cup of tea?"

Xiao Fang couldn't believe his ears, Xiao Yi dared to do this! How dare he slap himself in the face just like that!

Thinking of this, Xiao Fang almost gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Yes." The woman naturally felt Wang Hao's anger, and lowered her head even more.

Xiao Fang's complexion instantly darkened, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes. Speaking of which, that Tao'er was originally the servant girl in Zhennan Wang's study, and she was quite pretty.

She still remembered that one of the maids serving her meals suddenly caught a cold, so she asked Taoer to serve her temporarily, and only served tea and water.

Unexpectedly, Tao'er accidentally spilled the tea while serving the tea... Xiao Yi took another look at her.

Because of this, Xiao Fang thought that Xiao Yi has reached the age of knowing people, and if Xiao Yi can be addicted to women from now on, wouldn't it be of great benefit to him!

In this way, she deliberately recruited Tao'er, promising Xiao Yi's future aunt's position, and asked her to follow her plan.

Afterwards, she deliberately praised Xiao Yi in front of the prince, who had recently made progress and often read books in the study, which caused the prince to send someone to call Xiao Yi over, intending to test him; Sharing the same room with Tao'er, the prince witnessed Xiao Yi's "absurd" behavior with his own eyes; the prince was really furious, and he took the whip without thinking about it; Tao'er pushed to Xiao Yi's side and let her be his eyes and ears...

Obviously everything was arranged in a smooth manner, and the Taoer passed the Ming road and was given to Xiao Yi in the name of the prince and himself. How could Xiao Yi dare to sell it at will! He even sold it to that kind of Wait a minute!

This unexpected move caught Xiao Fang severely by surprise.

Thinking of Xiao Yi's usual idle appearance but occupying the position of the son of the eldest son, and thinking of his brother Luan who studies hard all day long, but can only be the second young master of the palace, the more Xiao Fang thinks about it, the more satisfied he is. Difficult to level.

Why can such a waste be the son of the prince, inherit the throne in the future, and become the majestic king of Zhennan. But his brother Luan won't get anything, and his future grandson will get nothing.

The more Xiao Fang thinks about it, the more angry he becomes, and the more he thinks about it, the more he hates him. He was overwhelmed by Da Fang in his boudoir, so in the future, his brother Luan will still live by looking at that bitch's son with winks?!

No, absolutely not!

The hatred in Xiao Fang's heart was so high that he wished he could eat Xiao Yi alive on the spot to make room for his son. However, the last assassination failed again! That old guy surnamed Cheng is a useless trash at all!

Xiao Fang's nails were digging at the palm of his hand... After a moment of silence, he returned to his usual gentleness and elegance, and asked, "Bright eyes, where is the prince now?"

Bright eyes quickly replied: "My lord is in the study."

"The pigeon soup in the kitchen should have been cooked."

"Princess Wang, it's already healed, and it's warming up now."

Xiao Fang nodded in satisfaction, changed into a Su embroidered Yuehua brocade shirt again, asked Ming Mou to carry the food box, and went to Zhennan Wang's study.

When the young servant guarding outside the study saw the princess coming, he hurried into the study to report, and after Zhennan King agreed, he respectfully invited Xiao Fang in.

Xiao Fang took the food box from Ming Mou's hand, moved lightly with lotus steps, and entered the study with great demeanor.

"My lord." Xiao Fang called softly, her voice was so charming and charming, it was indescribably touching.

"The concubine is here." King Zhennan couldn't help smiling when he saw Xiao Fang.

"My concubine specifically ordered the kitchen to cook pigeon soup for the prince, and the prince has a taste." Xiao Fang opened the food box and took out the steaming pigeon soup for King Zhennan to enjoy.

"Please trouble the princess." Zhennan Wang's smile became more and more obvious. This is the reason why he likes Xiaofang.

When King Zhennan finished his bowl of pigeon soup, he saw Xiao Fang on the side looking at him, hesitating to speak, but when he took a closer look, his eye circles seemed to be slightly red.

"But what happened?" King Zhennan put down the soup bowl.

"I don't know if I should say it right or not!" Xiao Fang's eyes became more and more red, and she wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, "Today I gave the peach to Brother Yi. I don't want Brother Yi After changing hands, I sold the peaches, and... even sold them to the kiln." When it came to the kiln, Xiao Fang blushed, ashamed to speak.


Zhennan Wang slapped the desk heavily with his palm, and the anger in his heart rose up, and he roared: "This rebellious son is really lawless!"

"Tao'er was proposed by my concubine to send Brother Yi to be a roommate. Brother Yi did this... concubine..." At this point, Xiao Fang suddenly choked up, tears streaming down his face, as if he was too sad to speak .

But her unfinished words made Zhennan Wang think about it: yes, it was indeed Xiao Fang's suggestion to send Tao'er to Xiao Yi, but he himself nodded in agreement and spoke to the Nizi himself. Now that the rebellious son is doing this, is he also dissatisfied with his father

Thinking of this, King Zhennan's complexion seemed to be coated with ink, it was frighteningly dark.

Seeing this, Xiao Fang was secretly delighted, and hurriedly added another fire.

"My lord, we have only been here in the capital for a long time, and now there is a matter of selling maidservants to enter... that kind of place, you said, if someone else finds out..." She said with a worried face, "Will it be harmful to the reputation of the palace?" Unfavorable, let the palace bear the reputation of being harsh on the servants?"

The king of Zhennan was so provocative by her, his forehead was so angry that the veins popped up, and he said: "This unfilial son! He will do things that will damage the face of the palace."

Xiao Fang persuaded hypocritically from the side: "Hey, brother Yi is still young after all, I'm afraid it's just a momentary impulse... The prince will see brother Yi later, tell me carefully, don't use the whip like last time."

"No, this rebellious son, if you don't beat him, you won't be successful, and if you don't beat him, he won't have a long memory." Zhennan Wang was furious when he heard it, and he got up suddenly, pulled out the whip hanging on the wall, and rushed out of the study with big strides.

Seeing this, Xiao Fang pretended to be worried and stepped forward to stop him: "My lord, my lord, calm down, brother Yi must not have done it on purpose."

But with Xiaofang's strength, there is no way to stop King Zhennan, let alone, she had no intention of stopping him, and finally let King Zhennan leave the study and go straight to Hanzhuxuan.

Looking at the back of Zhennan Wang Yuanqu, Xiao Fang couldn't help feeling complacent.

Last time the prince's whip slapped the little beast's face, it would be great if he could be whipped to death this time!

Xiao Fang almost couldn't laugh out loud, she suppressed her smile, turned her face like flipping through a book and changed into an anxious expression, trotted to chase out of the study, and kept shouting: "My lord, brother Yi My son is still young, don't..." She acted like a loving mother in front of the servants.

Zhennan Wang rushed into the Hanzhu Pavilion angrily all the way, cursing and saying: "Nizi, come out for me!"

After a while, Xiao Yi came out slowly. He naturally knew what his father was talking about, but deliberately pretended to be innocent and said: "Father, why are you so angry? Who gave you?"

"Besides you, a rebellious son, who else is there!" Zhennan Wang whip pointed at Xiao Yi, and said angrily, "This king asks you, your mother and concubine kindly gave you a maid, why do you dare to sell it?"

Xiao Yi still looked like he was fooling around, as if he just remembered, "Oh, that maid, since it was given to me, what to do with it is my business, isn't it? Irrelevant!"

"Brother Yi, even though that's what you said. But Tao'er is just a weak woman. You sold her to such a dirty place, didn't you force her to die?" Xiao Fang finally said belatedly. Arrived, a look of compassion.

"You are so vicious at such a young age, if you don't discipline him now, you will have to in the future." King Zhennan couldn't suppress the anger in his heart anymore, and whipped towards Xiao Yi.

A trace of ridicule flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes, and he dodged Zhennan King's whip with a single dodge.

Seeing this, the King of Zhennan became even more furious and said: "Nizi, you still dare to hide, let's see if I won't beat you to death." With that expression and tone, he simply regarded this son in front of him as an enemy.

Xiao Yi firmly remembered Nangong Yue's entrustment to him, even if he couldn't fight back, he could hide. He decided to carry it out to the end, and go to the stinky girl to ask for a reward in a few days.

Seeing Zhennan King coming with another whip, Xiao Yi dodged again, and exclaimed deliberately: "Father, if you like that Taoer, you can go to the kiln and buy him again. Come back. I believe that the concubine mother will never stop you!"