The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 129: - spring hunting


I am actually going to participate in the spring hunting at the end of March!

Until Wen Momo left, Nangong Yue's heart was still ups and downs.

Mother Wen's visit this time is to pass on the Queen Mother's oral order to let Nangong Yue participate in the royal spring hunting ten days later.

The royal spring hunt is held at the end of March every year. For many people who are martial artists, the spring hunt is a major event in a year. The emperor himself came from a family of military generals, and he also fought with the late emperor when he was young, so he was good at martial arts but not good at writing. The emperor often took the opportunity of spring hunting to test and teach those military officers, guards, and noble children from the family of generals, so spring hunting It has always been a bit political, and the ministers and even the princes will try their best to perform in front of the emperor in order to leave a good impression.

She also participated in the royal spring hunt in her previous life, but at that time, she was only eligible to participate in the spring hunt with Han Lingfu, who was still the third prince at the time, after she got married. And now, I am not yet eleven years old!

But thinking about it again, in this life, since I have been conferred the title of county lord and received the attention of the empress, I am indeed qualified to participate in the royal spring hunting.

Nangong Yue collected herself and walked towards Rong'an Hall. I want to participate in the royal spring hunting, according to the rules, naturally I need to tell my grandmother Su.

As soon as she entered Rong'an Hall, she saw Su waving happily to her: "Sister Yue, come quickly."

"Grandmother." Nangong Yue politely saluted Su Shi before walking slowly to her side.

Su's face turned into a flower with a smile, took Nangong Yue's hand, and said earnestly: "I just heard from Wang Momo that the empress has specially sent Wen Momo over to ask you to attend the Royal Spring Festival in ten days' time. Hunting. This is an honor that even your uncle doesn't have, you have to act cautiously, don't let down the empress's heart."

"Yes, grandma." Nangong Yue blessed Fushen, and responded gently, "Granddaughter remembers grandma's teachings."

Su patted Nangong Yue's hand with a smile on her face, and said kindly: "You go back and prepare well. If you need anything, just send someone to talk to grandma."

Nangong Yue acted flattered and said, "Thank you, grandma."

Su's smile deepened, "Why are you being polite to grandma." She said loudly, "Yukou, bring the piece of brocade from my storeroom and bring it back to Miss San."

"Thank you grandma!" Nangong Yue thanked Su Shi, and after a while, Yukou took a piece of brocade, and after Yimei stepped forward to accept it, Nangong Yue said, "Then granddaughter will leave first."

"Go." Su waved his hand lovingly.

After leaving Rong'an Hall, Nangong Yue returned to Qianyun Courtyard, knowing that her parents probably also knew that she was going to participate in the royal spring hunting.

Of course Lin is very happy that her daughter can participate in the royal spring hunting, which means that her daughter has won the favor of the royal family, and it will be of great benefit to her daughter's marriage in the future. But as a mother, she still felt a little worried. After all, Nangong Yue was the only one on this trip, and because Nangong Yue had never learned how to ride a horse, she was afraid that something might happen to Nangong Yue who tried to ride a horse in the hunting ground.

"Sister Yue, you don't know how to ride a horse. When you get there, don't walk around casually, and don't try to be brave enough to go to dangerous places!" Lin taught earnestly.

"Mother, I know, I will be careful." Nangong Yue held her mother's hands, trying to relieve her nervous mood.

"Oh!" Lin suddenly thought of something, and whispered, "Sister Yue, you have never ridden a horse before, and you don't have the right riding clothes! No... I have to go and order someone to make it for you right away. One set is definitely not enough, no matter what you need to prepare two or three sets!" Lin counted the time, "I seem to be running out of time, I have to hurry up." She hurriedly called An Niang over, and ordered this and that …

Seeing Lin's busy appearance, Nangong Yue felt warm in her heart. The one who cares most about me in this world is always my mother.

Nangong Mu looked at the mother and daughter with a smile on the side. Nangong Xin couldn't help asking curiously: "Sister, are you going hunting?"

Nangong Yue nodded, seeing a trace of envy in Nangong Xin's eyes, she deliberately said: "Brother, I don't have a hunting dog, can you lend me Dahei?"

Nangong Xin was distracted all of a sudden, and nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, sister, Dahei is very powerful, and I will definitely be able to hunt rabbits for you... But rabbits are very pitiful." He accidentally got entangled .

Nangong Yue hurriedly said: "Brother, I will let Dahei catch a rabbit and bring it back to you, okay?"


The two brothers and sisters talked more and more vigorously, making Nangong Yue gradually look forward to the spring hunt in the near future.

In her previous life, as a concubine and later a queen, although she accompanied Han Lingfu to many spring hunting trips, she either stayed in a camp or in a carriage. In fact, she never really enjoyed the fun of spring hunting at all. At the bottom of her heart, she has always yearned for the feeling of fresh clothes and angry horses, high-spirited...

Thinking of this, Nangong Yue secretly decided that if she had the chance this time, she must learn how to ride well!

The news that Nangong Yue was going to Xishan to participate in the royal spring hunting ten days later quickly spread to every corner of the mansion.

When Mrs. Zhao heard about this, she was very upset for her daughter, but Nangong Cheng was very peaceful and persuaded Mrs. Zhao not to worry about these trivial matters.

As for Huang Shi and Nangong Lin, they were very aggrieved in their hearts. They just felt that all the good things had happened to Erfang, and wished that Nangong Yue would fall off the horse.

Nangong Yue didn't know these things, even if she knew, she didn't care.

In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed, and the day of spring hunting has arrived.

Among the princes, apart from the eldest prince, the second prince and the third prince, the rest of the princes were still young and did not accompany them; among the concubines, the concubine Zhang Guifei had always accompanied her in the car, and the queen was ordered to stay behind, but now Concubine Zhang Guifei has just been Downgraded to the second rank concubine, naturally she also lost this honor. Several concubines were overjoyed and quarreled endlessly over the matter of accompanying the driver. In a rage, the emperor simply took the queen with him; plus nearly two hundred people from the clan, military generals, important ministers, nobles, etc., each of them brought a With many entourages, the whole team looks mighty.

Nangong Yue took the Dahei borrowed from Wen's brother, Yimei and Baihui, and for the first time got into the Zhulun carriage specially made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for her as the county lord—three days ago, the Ministry of Internal Affairs customized it for her. The county lord's warm sedan chair and Zhulun carriage were sent to Nangong Mansion. The red cover, green swan, and four-cornered green edge looked graceful and luxurious, and everyone in the mansion praised them. For the Zhulun carriage, Lin also assigned a driver to Nangong Yue. This incident caused a commotion in the mansion. None of the girls in the whole mansion had a special carriage and driver, but the little disturbance Being easily suppressed by the Su family, after all, Nangong Yue is now the dignified county lord, so it is reasonable to have these equipment.

Just after dawn, the bright red banner waved out of the city. The empress and princes walked beside the emperor's dragon chariot so that they would be ready for orders at any time. The county lord Nangong Yue could only be regarded as a small shrimp in this huge team. Walk in the queue behind with the people from the Duke's Mansion.

The journey was tiring and took nearly two days. It was not until the sun went down the next day that the convoy arrived safely at the Xishan paddock.

The guards who were the pioneers had arrived early, and they were well-trained and set up a large tent at the foot of the mountain. Located in the center is the imperial tent decorated with twelve golden dragons on the top, which is five or six feet high. Although it was built temporarily, it is extremely luxurious and exquisite from the outside to the inside. The queen's tent is close to the imperial tent, and the regulations are smaller, but they are comprehensive.

The accompanying guards surrounded the two large tents like copper walls and iron walls, and their guards were so strict that they would not let a fly go.

The tents of other clans, nobles, important ministers and aristocratic families are scattered around the imperial tent as the center, like stars holding the moon.

As soon as she got off the carriage, Nangong Yue was led into the queen's tent by the maid beside the queen.

"I have seen the empress, the empress is a thousand years old!" Nangong Yue bowed and saluted. After these two days, there was a faint shadow under her eyes, which could not hide her fatigue.

"Yue girl, why do you need to be so polite between us." The queen raised her hand to signal her to get up, and said in a very friendly tone, "You have worked hard for the past two days, and you will go to your tent to have a good rest. Tomorrow Early spring hunting has officially started, and you need to get up early!"

Since Nangong Yue detoxified the fifth prince in the palace last time, the queen has remembered this affection and treated her very kindly.

Nangong Yue stood up with a smile, and said coquettishly: "Thank you for your guidance, the courtiers will not be polite." The queen is a straightforward person, if she shirks, she will make the queen look down on her.

Sure enough, the queen was very satisfied with Nangong Yue's natural and generous attitude, looked at Nangong Yue carefully, and praised: "Girl Yue, you wear plain clothes on weekdays, but the colorful riding outfit you are wearing today is not too much." How heroic! This young girl should wear more colorful clothes!"

Nangong Yue wore a set of fiery red riding clothes today. The style is the most popular in Wangdu today. It is simple and elegant, and it fits well. It is very easy to move around, and it seems that she has grown a lot. At this moment, she has a bright smile, and her fair skin looks radiant and heroic against the backdrop of the fiery red riding outfit.

"Thank you, my lady, for your compliment!" Nangong Yue was not shy, and intentionally imitated a man and bowed his hands.

The queen was more and more satisfied with Nangong Yue, and said with a smile: "There is an empty tent at the back of the palace, girl Yue, why don't you live in that tent, how about it?"

"Thank you, ma'am!" Nangong Yue was disrespectful, she naturally knew what a great honor it was to be able to live near the queen. She participated in the spring hunting for the first time, and the queen was afraid that she would be at a loss, so she kindly arranged her nearby. This is also a heart of love!

Nangong Yue felt a little warmth in her heart, but she didn't show it, but kept it firmly in her heart.

Coming out of the queen's tent, Nangong Yue lived in a tent behind the queen under the guidance of the maid. Naturally, this tent is much smaller than the queen's, and it is not as gorgeous, but it has all the necessary utensils, and it is considered very thoughtful.

Because it was still early, Nangong Yue decided to take Dahei and Yimei for a stroll around the neighborhood, and asked Baihui to stay and tidy up her luggage.

They came by coincidence. It had just rained near the paddock last night. At this time, the ground was green and green, and the mountains and forests not far away were even more lush. The green all over the sky made people feel that the air was fresh and the scenery was pleasant.

Nangong Yue was admiring the scenery when she suddenly heard a whistle.

Following the prestige, Nangong Yue saw Xiao Yi at a glance! Coincidentally, Xiao Yi was also wearing a red riding outfit, and the bright red color like the sun made him look more handsome and handsome, as handsome as a banished fairy.

This guy still has a very deceptive face! Nangong Yue complained in her heart.

It wasn't just Xiao Yi who came, there was also a horse with snow-white hoofs and night-like fur. Xiao Yi was riding on the horse at the moment, smiling at her in a naughty way.

Because in the paddock, the defense of men and women is also much looser, and Nangong Yue did not avoid it.

Xiao Yi turned over, got off the horse neatly, and strode towards Nangong Yue...Suddenly, a black shadow jumped out in front of Nangong Yue, but it was a big black, its tail was erected high and full of hostility, and its eyes were cold. Staring at Xiao Yi, a low growl full of warning came out of his throat: "呵..."

Looking at its appearance, it seemed that if Xiao Yi took another step closer, it would pounce and bite.

As expected of an excellent hunting dog, Nangong Yue gave a secret praise in her heart, then flicked her finger at Dahei, and said, "Dahei, back off, it's fine."

Da Hei seemed to understand what Nangong Yue meant, and became lazy again. He glanced at Xiao Yi contemptuously, and walked around behind Nangong Yue obediently.

Dahei is so spiritual, Nangong Yue is very satisfied, maybe her brother really found a good dog for herself! Sometimes, this dog is much more loyal and trustworthy than humans! She decided to give Dahei a dog after returning home. Increase meals.

Xiao Yi glared at Da Hei angrily, but said with a smile on his mouth: "Stinky girl, why did you raise such an ugly dog! If you want to raise a dog, just tell me, and I will definitely give it to you A dog that is a hundred times better than this one!" He said, taking a few steps closer to Nangong Yue.

Nangong Yue deliberately smiled and said: "Who told me to be a 'stinky' girl, and I am only worthy of raising such an 'ugly' dog..."

Xiao Yi choked for a moment, touched his nose in embarrassment, and soon winked nonchalantly: "Stinky girl, your medical skills are really good. It's only been half a month, and Qian Moyang's right hand can already eat with chopsticks gone."

"It's natural!" When it comes to medical skills, Nangong Yue is not modest. Seeing no one around, she whispered again, "It turned out that these people had to help you because of your grandfather's order, but after this catastrophe, they must have been somewhat convinced by you, why don't you hurry up and strike while the iron is hot." Subdue them, and return to the southern border in the future, and you won't be alone!"

"Smelly girl, you are so right!" Xiao Yi also imitated Nangong Yue in lowering her voice, but her tone was a bit exaggerated, "Since you helped out with an idea, then a good person will do it to the end, and help me too." He stared at Nangong Yue with a pair of dark eyes.

"Find out your own affairs." Nangong Yue said angrily. She kindly reminded him that he did climb up the pole.

"I don't have any other friends in Wangdu." Xiao Yi looked at Nangong Yue pitifully, as if she was being oppressed by her stepmother.

He was really embarrassed to say it! Nangong Yue's mouth twitched, "Isn't Mr. Chen your friend?"

"Tell me about that kid." When it came to Chen Quying, Xiao Yi curled his lips angrily, "Recently he was sent to the Imperial College by his father to study, so it's hard to see him once!" Said, "Anyway, if you don't agree to help me, I will pester you and not leave!"

"You..." Nangong Yue was a little speechless. Does this mean that she is kindly looking for trouble for herself? This big trouble is considered to be attached to herself, isn't it

"How is it?" Xiao Yi looked at her triumphantly, "If you don't agree, I will pester you every night from now on."

Nangong Yue rolled her eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Then you give me this horse, and I will promise you." She pointed to the handsome black horse beside Xiao Yi, very greedy, although she was very greedy for the horse. I don't know much about Zhishu, but I know that it is very rare to have a horse of this quality.

"This..." Xiao Yi was a little embarrassed.

Now it was Nangong Yue's turn to gain the upper hand, calmly said: "What? You can't even part with giving away a horse, it's really dishonest!" As she spoke, she turned around and wanted to leave.

Xiao Yi grabbed her hand, with a somewhat silent expression: "Yueying is the only descendant of the horse Wuyun Treading Snow that my mother rode back then. I can agree to anything else you want, but this No match!"

It turns out that this dark cloud treading snow has such a special name - Yueying.

Xiao Yi's mother passed away many years ago, so Nangong Yue naturally didn't want to win people's favor.

Nangong Yue was originally joking, so she took a step back and said, "Forget it, a gentleman does not take what others like. Although I am not a gentleman, I am not a villain anyway. I don't want your horse anymore. Why don't you teach me?" Riding a horse?" After a pause, he added, "In the future, if there is anything you need to help with, I will never hesitate to define what I can do."

"It's a deal!" Xiao Yi said with bright eyes, "You wait for me here, I'll be over in a while!" After speaking, he turned around and left in a hurry, even Yueying stayed behind, as if he forgot that he was riding a horse here.

Nangong Yue, who also stayed in the same place, couldn't help looking curiously at Wuyun Treadxue, who was obviously a famous horse. It also looked at Nangong Yue docilely with its big brown eyes, and flicked its long ponytail briskly.

It looked too gentle, as if calling Nangong Yue to touch it.

Nangong Yue couldn't help but stepped forward, touched it tentatively, and felt a little strange in her heart: Isn't it said that famous horses have their own temperament? Why is this horse so docile

Seeing that Yueying's character was so gentle, Nangong Yue dared to touch it a few more times.

At this moment, Xiao Yi walked over leading a smaller horse with snow-white fur.

"It's so beautiful!" Nangong Yue couldn't help admiring. The white horse was indeed extremely beautiful, its snow-white fur even reflected a pale golden light in the sun.

Xiao Yi really forgot that he left Yueying here, he stared blankly at the horse beside Nangong Yue, and said with some hesitation: "You just... touched Yueying?"

Nangong Yue pursed her lips, and said deliberately dissatisfied: "Can't you touch it?" Xiao Yi is not such a stingy person.

"Of course not!" Xiao Yi quickly defended himself, "It's just that Yue Ying has a violent temper, and has kicked and injured many grooms over the years. I'm afraid you will be hurt by it."

"Really?" Nangong Yue was a little suspicious, and touched Yueying's big head again, but it still didn't move.

"This is impossible!" Xiao Yi muttered to himself in disbelief. Yueying has been with him since he was born, and he only recognized him since he was a child. Even his father didn't give face, and even kicked him when he was in a bad mood... I don't know why it is so docile to Nangong Yue today, could it be sick?

Xiao Yi tentatively touched Yueying's mane, it snorted loudly, almost spraying on him with saliva.

Nangong Yue was so teased that she covered her mouth and laughed: "It seems that Yue Ying likes me more!"

Xiao Yi patted Yueying on the head twice, and said with a sad face: "You have no heart, I provide you with food, drink, and housing on weekdays, and I also send someone to take care of you, and I will personally provide you with food and drink. You choose a wife, and you treat me like this..."

Nangong Yue couldn't help being amused again, her eyes crooked like crescent moons.

"Huh! Little heartless!" Xiao Yi patted the horse's back heavily, and Yueying neighed softly, and also rubbed against Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi pouted triumphantly at Nangong Yue, then pointed to the white horse next to him and said, "What do you think of Bai Xue? It is very docile, and it is perfect for beginners to practice riding."

Nangong Yue followed his gaze to look at the white horse, and found that besides being beautiful, it was not too big. As Xiao Yi said, it should be more suitable for beginners like her to practice.

She walked up to it, touched it lightly, and saw that there was still a purse of maltose hanging beside the saddle, so she took it off and fed it one. This horse is indeed extremely docile, with no bad manners and temperament, even the eyes are very docile.

Xiao Yi asked for credit and said: "Smelly girl, am I good to you? As soon as I knew you were going to participate in the spring hunting, I specially picked this horse and brought it here as a gift for you." Pat it lightly.

"Practice is practice, I may not be able to accept this horse." Nangong Yue said with a little regret, "If I take Bai Xue back, how do you ask me to explain it?"

Xiao Yi thought about it carefully, yes. I can only make a compromise and say: "Okay. I will raise it for you first."

"Hurry up and teach me how to ride!" Looking at this beautiful horse, Nangong Yue was eager to try, "Should I just sit on it and start running?"

"No..." Xiao Yi's cold sweat was frightened by Nangong Yue. The stinking girl is usually calm and composed, but now when she encounters something she doesn't understand, she is really impulsive... a little cute.

He hooked the corner of his mouth and said: "You sit on it first, and I will lead you around twice!"

"Okay..." Nangong Yue pursed her lips regretfully. She had been longing for the free and easy feeling of flying horseshoes, and it seemed that she could only take it step by step...

Xiao Yi carefully helped Nangong Yue get on the horse, found a secluded place and led the horse around again and again, reminding Nangong Yue from time to time to keep her chest up and her abdomen relaxed. When walking and running fast, her calves, knees and inner thighs Clamping the horse hard, leaning forward, the buttocks and the saddle seem to touch each other, and follow the horse's running rhythm...

They thought that no one else saw this scene, but they didn't know that the maid sent by the queen had a panoramic view of it all.

The maid turned around and hurried back to the queen's tent, leaned over and whispered something in the queen's ear.

"They?" The queen was a little surprised. As far as she knew, Nangong Yue and Xiao Yi should rarely have any chance to meet each other.

The queen pondered for a while, thinking about it, Nangong Yue was beautiful, and Xiao Yi was also a rare handsome man; Nangong Yue was the daughter of the Nangong family, and Xiao Yi was the son of the Zhennan Prince, so they were a very good match. And look at their childhood sweethearts now, it's really a beautiful thing! She suddenly thought of marrying them, and murmured: "They are quite a match..."

"Your Majesty." Nurse Wen leaned over slightly from the side, and said, "I remember that His Majesty once said that he intends to let Zhennan Prince's heir become the Lord, so as to deepen the connection between the royal family and Zhennan Prince's Mansion..."

"Really?" The queen thought about it carefully, and remembered that the emperor seemed to have said something similar.

But... the empress slightly curved her lips, it's hard to say whether the matter of the Lord Shang will be completed or not.

The spring hunt really started on the second day. When the morning star appeared on the eastern horizon, all the princes, clan relatives, ministers, and noble children who participated in the spring hunt gathered in front of the emperor's tent.

The emperor looked at the subordinates with high spirits, and said in a loud voice: "Going on a hunting tour is about hunting and martial arts. My Dayu Dynasty was built on horseback. The first emperor was invincible because of the martial arts of the generals and soldiers under his command. You are full of blood, and you should not forget your roots! Today, let me see how brave and good my good man of Dayu is in fighting! I will give a big reward to the one who wins the first place in today's hunt!"

It can be said that the young children below are full of enthusiasm, the so-called "learn the arts and martial arts, and be like the emperor's family", they are all eager to enter the paddock immediately and wantonly kill to show their abilities.

After some routine and cumbersome ceremonies, the emperor gave an order, and those bloody men jumped on their horses, and took their servants to the mountains and forests, leaving only billowing yellow smoke behind. The front of the tent area suddenly became quite empty.

Nangong Yue also got on the horse, but as a beginner like her, she naturally didn't want to compete with these people, and just walked the horse slowly on her own.

When women participate in spring hunting, they mostly stay in the tent, and at most occasionally ride a horse and walk slowly for a few laps and take a walk. Few people actually followed to hunt.

"County Lord Yaoguang is still here." A clear and gentle voice came to Nangong Yue's ears, but it made her feel cold.

This voice is too familiar to Nangong Yue, she will never forget it!

Nangong Yue's face was gloomy, but she returned to normal in the blink of an eye, and she controlled the horse to turn backwards slightly stiffly. Three or four feet away, the third prince, Han Lingfu, was dressed in a snow-white riding attire, and he was riding a vigorous white horse. Known as "Prince White Jade".

He smiled slightly, his smile was warm and his eyebrows were clear, which made people feel good when they saw him, but Nangong Yue was not included.

No matter how disgusted she is in her heart, Nangong Yue will still do enough on the surface of etiquette. She evoked a faint smile and said: "Yaoguang pays homage to His Royal Highness the Third Prince, please forgive Yaoguang for being rude!" He said, "If you don't have good riding skills, you won't join in the fun. Why is His Royal Highness the Third Prince still here?"

"I don't like fighting with others, so let's go hunting later!" Han Lingfu still smiled gently. He was punished by the emperor to think behind closed doors because of his brother's illegal salt sale. The emperor reprimanded him for not knowing people, but Han Lingfu knew that the emperor was still suspicious of him, which made him have to be more careful in the future...

A gloom flashed in Han Lingfu's eyes, but then they were as noble as moonlight.

If you don't like to fight, where did you get the throne in your previous life! Nangong Yue sneered in her heart, how blind she had to be in her previous life to not see the true face of this person!

Han Lingfu was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't notice Nangong Yue's fleeting ridicule. He was planning a plan in his heart, Nangong Yue was deeply loved by the Queen, so naturally he couldn't let it go. If Nangong Yue is subdued, he will have another channel to know the news from the queen. This is the reason why he condescended to talk to Nangong Yue at this moment.

As for Nangong Yue's healing of the fifth prince... Han Lingfu didn't care, a girl in her teens, even though she was skilled in medicine, how much thought could she have

Nangong Yue didn't want to get entangled with Han Lingfu, so she said, "Yaoguang is not good at riding and shooting, and she plans to go back to the tent to rest. I wonder where the third prince is?"

Han Lingfu naturally understood what she meant, and his face froze for a moment. It was the first time in his life that he was ordered to leave like this. Han Lingfu suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and quickly recovered his usual gentleness on his face, and said: "Then why don't I send the county magistrate for a ride?"

"Third Cousin!" Accompanied by the sound of "da da" horseshoes, the bright and beautiful appearance of the princess of Mingyue Princess Qu Jiayue came into their eyes. Today was spring hunting, so she naturally put on a riding outfit, the pink riding outfit mixed with gold threads shone in the sun.

Han Lingfu's eyes flashed, and he smiled brightly, "Mingyue, aren't you with the second emperor brother?"

Qu Jiayue curled her lips angrily, and complained: "Second cousin said he was making trouble for him by taking me with him, and he ran away if he left me! Hmph! You thought I was rare!" After a pause, she looked expectant. Looking at Han Lingfu, "Third Cousin, shall I go hunting with you? You won't dislike me too, will you?"

With Han Lingfu's usual conduct in the world, even if he really disliked it in his heart, he could only say at this moment: "Why, Mingyue, then you go hunting with me." But I was a little irritable in my heart, it seems that today's leader is useless I can only wait until tomorrow...

"Thank you Third Cousin." Qu Jiayue was overjoyed, she seemed to notice Nangong Yue at this moment, a strange taste flashed in her eyes, and she deliberately said, "This seems to be a girl from Nangong Mansion, right?"

Han Lingfu naturally knew the character of this cousin very well, guessed that she was going to embarrass Nangong Yue, so he said to be a good person: "This is the third girl from Nangong Mansion, and now she is the Lord of Yaoguang County appointed by my father!"

"See Princess!" Nangong Yue bowed down, "Please forgive Yaoguang for being a beginner who is learning to ride a horse, so it is inconvenient for him to dismount and salute."

"So it's Lord Yaoguang County!" Qu Jiayue said with a smile, "Yaoguang wants to go hunting with us?"

Nangong Yue responded calmly: "Yaoguang is not good at riding and shooting, so he won't add warts and add troubles to His Highness the Third Prince and the princess."

"Third Cousin, let's go quickly. We're going late, I'm afraid that all the prey will be snatched away." Qu Jiayue said enthusiastically, but she thought in her heart: This Fluctlight finally has self-knowledge!

Han Lingfu smiled at Nangong Yue again, and said, "Master Yaoguang, I will leave first!" After speaking, he turned the white horse under him by controlling the reins, and rode away with Qu Jiayue. Not far away, the prince's guards who were waiting there hurriedly followed, and they quickly disappeared into the forest.

Nangong Yue looked at Han Lingfu's back, and sighed deeply in her heart: Although Han Lingfu is by no means a good person, it is undeniable that he does have heroic talents, such as superb martial arts and riding skills, such as excellent literary talent, such as ... Even though he was extremely impatient in his heart, he still restrained himself and kept a human appearance.

Nangong Yue laughed at herself. If it weren't for Han Lingfu's abilities, how could she have been deceived so badly by him in her previous life, and she was deceived into nothing

Then, she thought of Qu Jiayue again. The last time they met was at the palace banquet. At that time, due to various scruples, she was unable to avenge the "one arrow" of the previous lantern festival, but this time it was really a great opportunity given by God.

This hunting ground is a place deep in the mountains and jungles, which means that there are medicinal materials that can be picked everywhere. If you want to clean Princess Mingyue without leaving a trace, that is really convenient!

The corner of Nangong Yue's mouth could not help but draw a sly smile...

"Smelly girl, what bad idea are you thinking?"

There is only one person who can call her "smelly girl", and there is no need to guess who is coming.

Looking back at Xiao Yi who was beside her, Nangong Yue said angrily: "I didn't think of any bad ideas, you like to come up with bad ideas yourself, so feel free to tell me!"

Xiao Yi seemed to smell the invisible smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, and asked tentatively: "Smelly girl, you seem to be in a bad mood, who offended you?"

Nangong Yue blinked, and the restlessness in her heart dissipated immediately, and she deliberately complained: "You don't know, they went hunting, and I wanted to follow them to see, but in the blink of an eye, they disappeared!"

Xiao Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing: "Haha, they want to compete for the leader, so of course they have to move quickly!" He suggested to Nangong Yue enthusiastically, "Smelly girl, let's go hunting together! Hunting is fun Yes! Look, I've brought you a bow, too."

Xiao Yi ostentatiously took down a bow hanging by the side of the horse. The whole body of the bow was red, and the body of the bow made of blood wood was engraved with exquisite patterns. The pearl-like color is reflected in the sunlight, which is not ordinary at first glance. Even though Nangong Yue didn't practice martial arts, the exquisiteness of this bow made her eyes shine, but she didn't reach out to catch it.

Xiao Yi guessed her scruples, and said carelessly: "When the spring hunting is over, I will keep it for you!" As he spoke, he directly stuffed the bloodwood bow into her hand.

Nangong Yue was not pretentious, she took it away, and found that the weight of this bow was much lighter than she expected. It was nimble and light, and it seemed that it was specially made for women with insufficient arm strength.

Nangong Yue tried to pull the bowstring, and asked casually: "Do you want to fight for the leader?" As a famous killing god in the previous life, Xiao Yi will definitely win the title of leader once he makes a move! However, Nangong Yue is very self-aware, he If you bring along yourself, a beginner who will only hinder you, the leader or something, you can basically forget about it.

"Boss, why do you want to fight for the leader?" Xiao Yi shrugged indifferently, and said casually, "I'm not interested in such a boring thing!" He said, beckoning to Nangong Yue, "Follow I'm coming! How about I help you hunt a nest of cute bunnies?"


As a murderous god with a great reputation in his previous life, is it really okay to have such a low self-requirement

But after thinking about it, she understood Xiao Yi's intention. As a proton, he should naturally keep a low profile in the capital. It is normal to hunt some pheasants and rabbits. If he really went to hunt big bugs, black bears and the like, he would be stupid.

Forget it, a rabbit is a rabbit!

Anyway, this is Nangong Yue's first hunting, she can't wait to try this bow, and said excitedly: "Then let's go now!"

Nangong Yue clamped down on the horse's belly in a strange manner, and walked towards the forest at the head of the horse, Xiao Yi hurriedly followed behind.

When she first entered the mountain forest, Nangong Yue couldn't help being a little cautious, but it took a long time to realize that, let alone a large beast, except for a few pheasants passing by from time to time, she couldn't even see a deer, which made Nangong Yue feel a little dismayed of.

It seems that you can only hit rabbits...

"This is just the periphery of the paddock." Seeing Nangong Yue's thoughts, Xiao Yi explained ostentatiously, "Every year before the spring hunting, the guards have already come to clear the paddock, and those large animals and ferocious beasts will only haunt the deep part of the paddock .”

"So it's like this..." Nangong Yue suddenly realized, thinking about it, the camp is right in front, and there are some noble women and relatives in the camp, if the field is not cleared, if any beast doesn't have long eyes and rushes past, it's not Chaos can be described!

"Okay." Nangong Yue quickly adjusted her mentality, "Then let's catch a rabbit, do you know where to find a rabbit? I promised my brother that I will bring a rabbit back to him." Even if Dahei didn't catch it himself , Brother won't care, will he

Xiao Yi was distracted by Nangong Yue's bright smile. He patted his chest and said, "Of course! When I was young, I hunted with my grandfather several times. I'm the best at catching rabbits!"

"Old Zhennan King?"

Xiao Yi nodded, and said reminiscently: "When my grandfather was still alive, he would often teach me kung fu and take me out to hunt. At first, he hunted some pheasants, rabbits and so on. I caught them when I was 5 years old. Had a litter of little rabbits, there were 8 of them!" Speaking of this, Xiao Yi showed off very much, "However, my grandfather said that everything grows in an orderly manner, unless it is for the purpose of covering the belly, you must not hurt the pregnant female animal or the underage at will. little beasts, so I sent the little rabbits back to their dens."

Xiao Yi's voice gradually became a little lower, "By the time I can hunt and kill the wolf with my own hands, my grandfather has already passed away..."

He has always regarded Xiao Fang as his mother, but unexpectedly, Xiao Fang wanted to get rid of him and then quickly.

His biological father, however, could not bear his stubbornness and was ashamed of him.

After seeing all this clearly, Xiao Yi was really disheartened. If it wasn't for Nangong Yue's enlightenment, he might have gotten himself into a dead end.

And now...

Only when he learned that his grandfather had planned for him before he died and had left manpower for him, Xiao Yi finally felt that it was not that no one cared about him.

It's just that grandfather has... never seen him again.

Seeing the change in his expression, Nangong Yue spoke unconsciously, and said softly: "The worst days are over."

Damn girl, is this trying to comfort him

The gloom on Xiao Yi's body was swept away, and a pair of obsidian-like eyes shone brightly.

-off topic-

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Thank you suimou for sending a big bouquet of flowers, and a lot of shiny diamonds~↖(^w^)↗