The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 137: -Climb the bed


After Mrs. Lin took a rest, Nangong Yue winked at Nanny Liu. Nanny Liu understood the meaning and sent her to the gate of the courtyard herself.

Until there was no one around, Nangong Yue quietly handed a prescription to Nanny Liu, and said in a low voice: "Mommy Liu, you don't need to pay attention to the prescription I just prescribed in your mother's room, press this for a while. Zhang Fangzi is going to grab the medicine, please remember that it is this prescription."

When Nangong Yue was at Lin's place, she also prescribed a medicine master in front of the servants. It was just a very common tonic, but the current prescription is used to detoxify Lin's poison. .

In Qianyun Courtyard, Ruyi was bought, and the others didn't know if she was reliable. Nangong Yue didn't dare to take this risk. Except for Mother Liu, she couldn't trust others easily.

Nanny Liu heard a hint of disobedience from Nangong Yue's tone, felt that she seemed to be implying something, and asked tentatively: "Miss San, is there something wrong in Qianyun Courtyard?"

Nangong Yue didn't want to hide it from her, so she said bluntly: "Mother was poisoned."

"What?! The second lady was poisoned?" Even though she was as calm as Nanny Liu, she couldn't help but turn pale when she heard the words, "Third girl, are you sure? How is the second lady now? Why don't I hurry up and write to the old man?" "The old man Liu Nanny is talking about is naturally not the deceased Nangong old man, but Lin Jingchen, Nangong Yue's patriarch!

"Don't worry, ma'am." Nangong Yue calmly comforted Mama Liu, "I studied the notes left by my grandfather, and this is the prescription for detoxification. You follow my instructions to grab and decoct the medicine yourself, and watch me with your own eyes. Mother, drink it. It must not be left in the hands of two people."

Nangong Yue's calm appearance infected Liu Mama, she relaxed her heart a little, and vowed: "Miss San, don't worry, this old slave will definitely do it!" After she carefully put away the prescription, this Then I remembered another thing Nangong Yue said, "Third girl, you just said that the poison was done by the people in Qianyunyuan?" The lowly maid who murdered her master! Who the hell is it? You must never let her go!"

"Mommy, now that I've found out, I won't let her do any harm to my mother." Nangong Yue smiled confidently and calmly, as if everything was in her hands, "It's just that it's too early to startle the snake, and Wait a few more days."

Nangong Yue's calm appearance really doesn't look like an 11-year-old girl, and she has seen all kinds of intelligence and wisdom that she has shown in the past year. After hesitating for a while, Mother Liu said Decided to trust her, and said: "Miss San, I will leave everything to you."

Nangong Yue warned: "Mommy, you must not tell my father and mother about this matter."

Although Liu Mama didn't know what the intention was, but since she chose to believe it, she solemnly nodded and said: "Don't worry, Miss San, this old slave will definitely obey your orders."

Nangong Yue nodded slightly and said, "Go back and look at your mother, I'll go first."

Nangong Yue left Qianyun Courtyard, she has decided not to startle the snake for the time being, so naturally it is inconvenient to change her schedule at will, and now, at this time, it is time to go to Rong'an Hall to pay her respects.

Nangong Yue narrowed her eyes slightly, put away all her emotions, and walked towards Rong'an Hall.

Every morning and evening, there are naturally sisters Su Qingping who are also in Nangong Mansion. Before Su Qingping went out, Su Qingrong came with her maid.

"Second girl," Liurong said to Su Qingrong respectfully, "Please wait here a moment, this servant will report to the eldest girl."

"Our sisters, why do we need such politeness?" Su Qingrong disapproved, ignored Liurong's obstruction, and walked into Su Qingping's room forcefully, while pretending to call out affectionately, "Sister!"

"Second girl!" Liu Rong hastily followed in, and looked at his own girl in embarrassment. The second girl is still as domineering as before, she is the eldest girl's personal maid, but the second girl never takes herself seriously.

Su Qingping was inserting a sapphire-dotted emerald bead hairpin into her hair. When she saw her coming in, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, but she immediately covered it up by getting up. She went up to greet her and said, "Second Sister, you're here." She tried to hold Su Qingrong's hand affectionately, "I'm going to say hello to my aunt. Did Second Sister come here specially to be with me? "

Su Qingrong avoided Su Qingping with a quick step, and looked at Su Qingping's room with great interest. The wardrobe, tables, chairs, and dressing table in this room are all made of high-quality pear blossom wood. Look at the color It is obviously matched with the engraver.

A hint of envy flashed in Su Qingrong's eyes, and her eyes fell on Su Qingping's dressing table. She saw that the dressing box above it was not covered, and there were all kinds of exquisite pearl flowers, hairpins, earrings, etc. in the box. etc jewelry.

Su Qingping secretly thought something was wrong, and was about to go forward and close the dressing box, but it was already too late, Su Qingrong took a few steps forward with bright eyes, and sat unceremoniously in front of Su Qingping's dressing table, taking a look I took a fancy to one of the hairpins with jade carvings and phoenix patterns, and I picked it up with great joy, and after admiring it carefully, I put it down reluctantly, thinking: It's a pity that she hasn't reached the age of Ji... After my sister came to Nangong Mansion, she really got a lot of good things!

Su Qingrong is very clear about what jewelry Su Qingping originally owned. What Su Qingping's biological mother left her back then were only some outdated and cheap jewelry. How can these jewelry be exquisite and expensive? These things must be from her aunt The Su family rewarded Su Qingping.

The daughter of the same father also called Su Shi "aunt", so she should have her own share of these things!

Thinking of this, Su Qingrong's eyes were quickly attracted by a string of blue tourmaline bracelets. After picking it up and playing with it, she put it on her left wrist. The fair skin seemed to be glowing.

The more Su Qingrong looked at it, the more she liked it, so she pretended to be naive and said to Su Qingping: "Sister, this blue tourmaline bracelet is really beautiful, can I lend my sister to wear it?"

Su Qingping's face froze, and she thought sarcastically in her heart: Borrow? There are borrows and repayments, but once it is in your hands, it becomes yours. When did you "repay" it!

When she was in the Su Mansion before, Su Qingping also complained to her father about this matter, but her father only thought that she was narrow-minded. As an older sister, it would be so good to give her younger sister a piece of jewelry! So many pieces of jewelry!

From then on, Su Qingping never counted on her father again, and she would gain wisdom through a fall, and always locked the jewelry box tightly from now on.

If she was still in the Su Manor now, Su Qingping would not give Su Qingrong a little face, but this is the Nangong Mansion. If news of her quarrel with Su Qingrong spread, even the Su Clan would be quite displeased with her! And if she still wanted to stay in Nangong Mansion, she had to rely on the Su family.

Let's be patient for a while. Su Qingping said to herself in her heart, so she could only act like a sister, she grabbed Su Qingrong's hand and said, "This blue tourmaline bracelet looks really good on my younger sister's hand, so I'll give it to my younger sister. "

Su Qingrong was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Su Qingping, who was always "stingy", to be so generous now, but after thinking about it, her sister is about to climb a high branch, so how could she care about such a small thing!

Su Qingrong touched the bracelet happily, and said: "Then I would like to thank my sister." She held her arm affectionately and said, "Let's hurry up and say hello to my aunt."

Su Qingping forced a smile, and went to Rong'an Hall with her, not to mention the depression along the way.

And this kind of depression lasted for more than a day, because of the arrival of Mrs. Liu and Su Qingrong, Su Qingping's mood became worse day by day... In addition to paying respects to Mrs. Su every day, she also had to pay her respects to Mrs. Liu.

But these are all good, what Su Qingping can't accept the most is her half-sister Su Qingrong who has little knowledge.

After Su Qingrong got the man's blue tourmaline bracelet, maybe she tasted the sweetness, and always came to Su Qingping's place with excuses, looked left and right, and fell in love with this necklace for a while, and this pair of bracelets for a while.

Su Qingping had nothing to do with her, so she could only smile and give those things to her, and watched Su Qingrong leave with her precious jewels through gritted teeth.

Su Qingping was so annoyed by Su Qingrong that she could only get some comfort every day when she heard that Mrs. Lin was still in poor spirits. But soon, even Lin's sluggish appearance couldn't make her happy--


Liurong trotted into Su Qingping's room with a anxious face, sweating profusely, and shouted: "It's not good!"

"What's going on?" Su Qingping had just sent Su Qingrong away, and was about to sit down and rest for a while, when she saw Liu Rong's bluffing, feeling displeased for a while.

Liu Rong took a deep breath, and hurriedly lowered her head and said: "Girl, Mrs. Xuan Ping Hou sent someone to send a Geng Tie. Madam, Madam has already accepted it." After she finished speaking, she didn't dare to look up at all, almost Dare to imagine how the girl will react.

It is conceivable who this gengtie is for, even if you don't say anything about it.

Su Qingping was so overwhelmed by the sudden news that she couldn't recover, her feet went limp, and she fell into a chair in embarrassment.

"Girl!" Liu Rong looked at Su Qingping worriedly, after all, the fate of the master is also related to the fate of this slave!

"..." Su Qingping didn't speak, her face became as pale as paper, and she was burning with anxiety. Although her plan was being implemented steadily, judging by the current situation, she might be forced to marry before Lin Shi went crazy. up!


Su Qingping paced restlessly in the room, she didn't know what to do...

She is not willing to just marry into the Xuanpinghou's mansion like this, the only person she likes is her second cousin... Since they don't make her happy, then she can only rely on herself!

Su Qingping pursed her lips. She walked to the desk, wrote down the names of several herbs, and solemnly handed them to Liu Rong, saying, "Liu Rong, go out and buy these herbs for me! Don't let anyone find out." .”

Liu Rong didn't dare to think about the use of these things for her own girl, so she took them with a low eyebrow and said, "Yes! Girl."

That afternoon, Liu Rong bought back the medicinal herbs that Su Qingping asked for, and quietly brought them into the mansion.

Then, Su Qingping closed the door tightly and started messing around in the room...

She thought she was doing it without anyone noticing, but she didn't know that their every move was being watched by a pair of eyes.

Lily, who came back from outside the mansion, reconciled with her cousin Baihui, and the two walked lightly into Nangong Yue's room, blessed her body and saluted: "Third Miss."

Baihui first reported: "Third Miss, Mrs. Xuan Ping Hou sent Geng Tie here today. After Liu Rong told Miss Su Biao about the news, Miss Su Biao ordered Liu Rong to leave the house quietly. The maid asked Lily to follow quietly. Six faces." These days, Baihui has been secretly monitoring Su Qingping, reporting Su Qingping's movements to Nangong Yue from time to time.

Lily's lively eyes sparkled with light, and she continued: "Third Miss, Miss Su Biao sent Liu Rong to buy herbal medicine today, and Liu Rong specially distributed five medicine shops to buy it." With a smug smile, "However, the servant has been following her closely, and even asked those drugstores to find out."

She presented a list full of words to Nangong Yue.

Nangong Yue took the list that Baihe handed over, and glanced at it with a smile that was not a smile. It said the names of the herbs that Liurong bought in five pharmacies respectively. Which pharmacy did Lily buy those herbs from? It's all marked.

Nangong Yue saw the effect of these medicinal materials at a glance, she lit the candle with disgust on her face, and burned the list to ashes.

Baihui stepped forward and opened the window of the study, and a gust of cool wind blew the ashes away without leaving any traces.

Nangong Yue sat facing the window in silence for a while, then stood up expressionlessly and said, "Daddy is coming back soon, let's go to Qianyunyuan..."

Lily and Baihui responded unanimously: "Yes, Miss San."

When they arrived at Qianyun Courtyard, Nangong Yue hid the exhaustion and disgust on her face, and talked with Nangong Xin with a smile on her face. When Nangong Mu came back, the family went to Rong'an Hall to pay their respects, and then went back to Qianyun Courtyard to sit together for dinner.

Eat without speaking, sleep without speaking.

Although the meal was very quiet, everyone was very happy. Nangong Xin not only ate two big bowls by himself, but also secretly fed a lot of food to Dahei and Xiaobai at his feet... Lin has already said that he More than once, and later followed him.

After dinner, the maids brought tea, and even Dahei and Xiaobai each gave a small pot of water.

Lin picked up the teacup, smelled it, took a sip, and praised: "Ruyi, this Biluochun is very good, is it the new tea of this year?"

Ruyi's complexion changed slightly, and she hurriedly said: "Second Madam, have you forgotten? The third lady bought this for you."

Lin was stunned for a moment, stroked his forehead and said, "I'm really getting old, and I'm getting more and more forgetful... Ah!" She suddenly exclaimed, the teacup slipped from her hand, and with a bang, the teacup fell on the table, and the tea splashed on the table. On Lin's body.

Nangong Mu hurriedly put down the teacup in his hand, took the handkerchief from the handmaiden, wiped off the tea on Lin's hand himself, and asked worriedly: "Ruoyan, what's the matter with you recently? ? Why don't you change another doctor...or ask an imperial doctor to come back and have a look?"

The Nangong Mansion is not qualified to use an imperial physician, but there is a county head Yaoguang in the Nangong Mansion. Given her rank, she can naturally invite an imperial physician.

Lin looked at her husband with nostalgia, and with a sweet heart, she replied with a smile: "I'm not a child, how can I hide my illness and avoid medical treatment! I'm fine, husband don't need to worry, besides, Sister Yue has already seen it for me, Just say you need to rest!"

Nangong Xin was busy teasing Dahei and Xiaobai at first, upon hearing this, she immediately raised her eyes to look at Mrs Lin, frowned worriedly, and said, "Mother, are you sick?" Without waiting for Mrs Lin's answer, he stood up I'm going to pull her, "You have to lie down on the bed and have a good rest... Be obedient!"

Lin was dumbfounded by her son, so she finally calmed him down and assured her that she was really fine.

"Father, brother, you don't have to worry about it." Nangong Yue said with a smile, "Mother is fine, just take the tonic I prescribed every day and rest more!" She is not in a hurry, mother is like this now, It is one of the necessary processes of detoxification, and it will get better slowly.

Nangong Yue deliberately put the accent on the word "rest". Nangong Mu thought that his wife was just tired, and persuaded her: "Ruoyan, I know you have worked hard for your fourth brother's marriage recently. If you are tired because of it, It's not worth the loss, if there is any troublesome thing, just teach the servants."

"I see, my husband!" Lin's cheeks were flushed, like a young girl in love, extremely shy and sweet. But they have been married for more than ten years, the husband has never taken a concubine, and the husband and wife are still so affectionate, which is indeed worthy of her sweetness.

Nangong Yue's heart was also full of warmth, she took Nangong Xin's hand, and made a "silence" gesture to him, and the two siblings quietly retreated.

After sending Nangong Xin back, Nangong Yue went back to her Black Bamboo Courtyard, asked Yimei to wash her up, then took out her grandfather's travel notes from under her pillow, and began to deliberate carefully.

Nangong Yue has read this travel notebook many times these days. Although this poison is carefully recorded in it, there is no clear solution, and some are just some conjectures made by her grandfather, so Nangong Yue needs to spend a lot of time. The effort to consider the prescription. It would be fine if it was someone else, but the person who was poisoned was Mrs. Lin. The so-called caring leads to chaos, Nangong Yue must deliberate and deliberate, be cautious and cautious, otherwise Nangong Yue will never forgive herself for a slight omission!

It wasn't until midnight that Nangong Yue wrote down the prescriptions that Lin should use next in small letters under the dancing candlelight, and then she took a sigh of relief and fell into a deep sleep.

Early in the morning, Nangong Yue, who had dark circles under her eyes, handed the new prescription to Nanny Liu, and went to Lin's house to check her pulse.

After drinking the medicine for a few days, Lin's pulse condition has improved a bit, which made Nangong Yue believe that her prescription was correct, and she also felt relieved.

"You child, you told me that I was just a little tired, and forced me to drink medicine every day!" Lin said reproachfully, but the smile in the corner of her eyes revealed her true mood. After all, this is the daughter's filial piety, no matter how bitter the medicine is, she will be happy with it.

Nangong Yue smiled and said: "Mother, this medicine has the effect of regulating health, even if you are not sick, if you drink more, it will be good for your body!"

Nangong Yueyan laughed and talked with Lin Shi, and when Nangong Xin came, the three of them went to Rong'an Hall together.

Today is the first day of the new year, after Mrs. Zhao invited Ann, he went to the White Dragon Temple outside the royal capital, while Mrs. Lin went to the flower hall to take care of the errands at hand.

In the past, after lunch, Mrs. Zhao should come back, but this day, she didn't come back slowly until evening.

Tired for most of the day, not only did Zhao's face not show any signs of fatigue, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of joy, as soon as he came back, he went to Su's Rong'an Hall excitedly.

"Daughter-in-law greets mother!" Mrs. Zhao first greeted Mrs. Su, and then couldn't wait to get to the point, "Today, my daughter-in-law went to Bailong Temple and met Mrs. Pingyanghou."

"Oh?" Mrs. Su was still unhappy at first, thinking that the wedding of the fourth child was coming soon, Mrs. Zhao was still outside for a long time before coming back, Mrs. Su even wondered if Mrs. Zhao was dissatisfied, so she did this on purpose Performance.

Now after listening to Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Su finally let go of her grievances, and looked at Mrs. Zhao thoughtfully, "Boss, daughter-in-law, you are talking about Mrs. Pingyanghou, the mother of Princess Mingyue?"

Mrs. Zhao nodded proudly, "After meeting in Bailong Temple today, Mrs. Pingyanghou unexpectedly came over to talk to her daughter-in-law, and even asked about Brother Sheng!" She couldn't hide her joy.

Su Shi didn't speak, but the speed of turning the beads in his hand became faster involuntarily.

She naturally understood what Zhao Shi meant. Now that Princess Mingyue is about to get married, Mrs. Pingyang Hou asked Brother Cheng at this time, and the implication was self-evident.

Marquis of Pingyang is the cousin of the current emperor, and Mrs. Marquis of Pingyang is the younger sister of Concubine Liu... and Princess Mingyue Qu Jiayue is even more favored. The good news came that Xiao Kun, the former king of Zhennan, repelled the Nanman army. Since then, the territory of the Dayu Dynasty has finally quelled the war.

The first emperor was overjoyed because of this, and felt that Qu Jiayue was a lucky star, so he decreed that Qu Jiayue, who was just born at that time, be the princess of Mingyue. It is a great honor to be a princess of the first rank. Even if it is a prince, only the eldest daughter will be given the title of a princess of the first rank when she gets married.

For such an honored and favored princess, Su Shi was naturally a little moved, but then remembered the Liu brothers and sisters who were still living in Nangong Mansion, and couldn't help but sighed.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhao was a little anxious. Seeing that the eldest son could find a high-ranking in-law, but the mother-in-law's attitude... She was really unwilling, and couldn't help but peel off the thin window paper, "Mother, I think Mrs. Pingyanghou probably wants to get married with our Nangong Mansion!"

"Confused!" How could Mrs. Su not understand what Mrs. Pingyanghou meant, but she could only pretend to be confused if she understood, "Don't forget that Mrs. Liu is living in our mansion. If the matter is not resolved, you can go Mess with Mrs. Pingyang Hou, let others think about our Nangong Mansion? Don’t say that the in-laws are not formed, but the enemy’s family is formed!"

"This..." Zhao concluded for a while. She has never liked that Liu Qingqing, and has never regarded her as her future daughter-in-law, but the marriage contract is still there, which cannot be deceived at all.

It's really not reconciled! Su Shi and Zhao Shi were thinking at the same time in their hearts, but neither said it out.

Although that Miss Liu was outstanding in looks and talent, but after all the family was in decline, how could the Su family be willing to let their most precious grandson marry such a woman who was of no benefit to the family.

After all, she was not reconciled, Su groaned for a while, and said: "Boss wife, if you have a chance, go and find out what Madam Pingyanghou has said, don't mention that brother Cheng is engaged..."

Mrs. Zhao agreed immediately.

Unlike Liu Qingqing, once Brother Sheng marries Princess Mingyue, his official career will be much smoother!

Now I can only wait for the opportunity, hoping to "encounter" Mrs. Pingyanghou again!

But before he could "encounter" Mrs. Pingyang Hou, the day of Nangong Cheng's wedding came.

On the eighth day of August, lanterns and festoons are hung up and down in Nangong Mansion, with red and green hangings.

Today's Nangong Mansion is completely different from last year's Su family's birthday. Nangong Qin and Nangong Mu were successively appointed by the emperor, and his daughter Nangong Yue was even more loved by the emperor and empress. She was canonized as the head of Yaoguang County. Establish a firm foothold in the royal capital in the new dynasty!

Nangong Cheng's marriage was the first major event after the Nangong family came back to the capital, and the guests attending the wedding banquet were full of people and it was very lively.

Nangong Cheng and his four girls specially put on bright red clothes of one color, with a little cinnabar dotted between their foreheads, even Nangong Xin put on the bright red clothes Lin specially prepared for him, and stood with Nangong Yue, as if that The golden boy and jade girl in front of the Avalokitesvara Seat looked like a golden boy and a jade girl, and Lin was overjoyed to see it, so he couldn't help asking Nangong Mu to draw the two brothers and sisters and save them until the end of the year.

The wedding schedule was carried out in an orderly manner under Zhao's leadership. Although Nangong Cheng might not be happy in his heart, it was his day of great joy after all, and he didn't dare to make any mistakes. After all, it represented the dignity of the Nangong family.

As soon as the auspicious time came, he greeted the bride from the Han Mansion in a red sedan chair. Along the way, the bridal sedan chair was jolted, the gongs and drums were loud, and it was very lively, attracting countless crowds of onlookers.

Nangong Cheng was originally handsome and slender, but after wearing this red groom's robe, he could be regarded as a handsome and majestic groom, and passers-by couldn't help sighing: "What a handsome gentleman!"

"What a blessing this bride is!"


After knowing which two families held the wedding, they all said with emotion that they were worthy of a famous family. Many passers-by even followed the bridegroom's team to the gate of Nangong Mansion. The center of attention.

After the sedan chair stopped, it was the groom's official three arrows, and then the bride got off the sedan chair, crossed the brazier, crossed the saddle, and went to the lobby to worship with the groom's official.

One bows to heaven and earth, two bows to the high hall, husband and wife bow to each other, and after the ceremony is completed, they are sent to the bridal chamber.

Everyone sighed, only Su Qingping scoffed at the beauty of a man and a woman.

The Nangong family is a scholarly family, and the etiquette they perform is also the ancient etiquette of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, so they don't like to make troubles in the bridal chamber, and only let the bride stay in the new room alone, which makes many guests who want to watch the excitement feel uncomfortable.

As the second master of the mansion, Nangong Mu greeted the guests in the front hall, and was also given a lot of wine, making him a little tipsy.

At this moment, Ruyi, the maidservant in Lin's room, walked over anxiously from the back hall, and whispered in Nangong Mu's ear, "Second Master, the Second Madam is not feeling well, so I asked my servant to call you back. have a look!"

Nangong Mujiu woke up immediately. Lin's spirit has not been very good these days, so he didn't doubt it, and said worriedly: "How is the second lady? Is it serious?"

A trace of jealousy flashed in Ruyi's eyes, and she replied softly: "Second Madam feels dizzy and has no energy."

Nangong Mu was very anxious. After pondering for a while, he quietly disappeared into the crowd and whispered to Ruyi, "Go and take me there!"

"Yes, Second Master!" Ruyi lowered her head to hide the gloom in her eyes, but her voice was still respectful.

Ruyi took Nangong Mu through the garden and walked towards the East Wing, while explaining: "Second Master, Second Madam suddenly became dizzy, because the East Wing is closer, so the servant brought Madam here to rest... This is the room!" As she spoke, she gently pushed open the door.

"Ruoyan!" Nangong Mu walked in anxiously without thinking too much.

As soon as he entered, Ruyi quickly closed the door and locked it.

Thinking that her plan was successful, Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief, she is the son of Nangong Mansion, if someone finds out that she did such a thing, the whole family will be affected, so she can't help being nervous.

With a sigh of relief, Ruyi was about to go back to the banquet, and waited for the right time to bring Mrs. Lin over. But at this moment, she heard a slight laughter behind her.

Ruyi was startled, and turned around quickly, and found Nangong Yue, who was dressed in red, with a cinnabar mole between her eyebrows, who looked like a boy sitting down from Guanyin, was looking at her with a smile.

At this moment, in Ruyi's eyes, Nangong Yue is not a Guanyin boy, but more terrifying than evil spirits!

"Third Miss... you... why are you here?" Although she guessed that the matter might have been exposed, Ruyi still held a glimmer of hope in her heart.

"Why can't I be here?" Nangong Yue's voice was filled with a gentle smile, but Ruyi's heart shivered when she heard it, "You lowly maidservant, do you think I don't know when you do such a thing against the Lord?"

"Miss San, you can't wrong your servant! What betrayal of the master? How could the servant betray the master!" Ruyi forced a smile, but her heart was filled with despair: It's over! It's over now!

"Hey! You still have to be stubborn at this time?" Nangong Yue sighed helplessly and called out, "Baihui, Baihe!"

As soon as the words were finished, two maidservants in green clothes came out from the shadows.

Ruyi's back was covered in cold sweat. When she came, she obviously observed again and again, but she didn't find these two people hiding here.

"Do it!" With Nangong Yue's soft shout, before Ruyi could react, Baihui and Baihe caught her backhanded.

"Ruyi, why don't you tell me the truth?" Nangong Yue smiled, but in Ruyi's eyes, she was more terrifying than evil spirits.

Ruyi said sternly and softly: "What are you explaining? Third girl, you can't just wrong the servant girl! No matter what you say, the servant girl is also the big maid in the second lady's room!"

"The big maid in my mother's room?" Nangong Yue's gentle smile suddenly turned cold, her eyes were like ice arrows, "It's a shame to have a maid like you in my mother's room! Five days ago, beside the rockery in the garden; A few days ago, at the third corner of the Jiuqu Corridor..."

Nangong Yue told the time and place one after another, following her words, deep panic appeared in Ruyi's eyes, which finally turned into despair, and her face also turned a dead gray color.

Nangong Yue smiled, but there was no smile in her eyes, "How is it? Do you still feel innocent now?".

"You... you already know everything, and... you still ask me why?" Ruyi's voice was dry, her eyes were dazed, and she collapsed on the ground. This time, she not only finished herself, but also brought her own family and her younger brother who was less than ten years old. She felt extremely tormented and regretful...

Nangong Yue smiled and handed Ruyi a note. Ruyi tremblingly opened the note...

How can this be!

She widened her eyes in disbelief, and her hands holding the note trembled slightly.

The note was in Su Qingping's handwriting, and it told her to lure Nangong Mu to the Jingzhe Residence, and the note she received clearly told her to lure the second master to the East Wing!

how so

If the note that the third girl gave her now is what Su Qingping really planned to pass on to her, then who wrote the note she received before

Ruyi felt a chill run up her back, and looked at Nangong Yue in awe. They thought their plans were flawless, but they didn't know that all of this had been seen by others!

Ruyi was completely convinced this time, and prostrated herself on the ground: "Third Miss, Ruyi pleads guilty! If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want!"

"You just died like this, what will your family do?" Nangong Yue said casually.

"Could it be that the third girl is planning to let the servant's family go?" Ruyi smiled stiffly. She did such a thing and was caught by the master. I am afraid that even her family members are doomed to be sent to death even if they don't die. Sell.

"It's not impossible..." Nangong Yue stared at Ruyi, and saw a glimmer of light in her eyes amidst the ashes of despair.

"As long as the third girl can let my family go, Ruyi can do anything!" Ruyi said quickly, as if grabbing the last straw.

Seeing that Ruyi understood what she meant, Nangong Yue smiled slightly and said, "What I want you to do is very simple, now hurry up and tell Su Qingping that you have already done what she asked you to do."

"That's it?" Ruyi couldn't believe it. She thought that Nangong Yue would torture her if she didn't ask her to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of fire.

"That's it!" Nangong Yue replied casually, "Believe it or not is up to you!"

"Slaves believe!" Ruyi gritted her teeth and said, besides believing, is there any other way for her to go

At the same time as Ruyi finished speaking, Nangong Yue winked, and Baihui and Baihe immediately let go of Ruyi's hands.

Ruyi stood up, tidied up, and blessed herself, "The slave has gone." She took a deep breath, and returned to normal in a blink of an eye, and hurried to the lobby as if nothing had happened.

Looking at Ruyi's back, Nangong Yue smiled softly and said, "The real show is about to start now!" Then she ordered Baihui, "Baihui, follow quietly."

Baihui took the order and left, leaving only Baihe standing behind Nangongyue without saying a word.

"Lily, unlock!" Nangong Yue asked Lily to unlock the door, then pushed open the door and walked in.

It happened that Nangong Mu walked around the inner room and came out. When he saw Nangong Yue coming in, his eyes lit up and he asked, "Sister Yue, why are you here too? Ruyi said your mother is here, and I'm here I looked here for a long time, but I didn't see a single person... "

"Father, it's really a coincidence that you didn't meet your mother." Nangong Yue explained with a smile, "Mother was a little unwell before, and she rested here for a while, and I gave her a few injections, and she felt better Now, I went to the female guests again! It seems that the road that Ruyi took you is not the same as your mother, so you happened to miss it!"

Nangong Mu wanted to say something else, but Nangong Yue deliberately jumped ahead of him, and said, "But it's a coincidence, I just came back here to pick up things left behind by my mother. I didn't expect to meet you, Daddy!"

Nangong Mu didn't care, and said: "Since that's the case, Sister Yue, you can go back with me!"

Naturally, Nangong Yue should be, and walked towards the lobby with Nangong Mu.

At this moment, Su Qingping knew nothing about what happened in the East Wing. She was sitting at the ladies' banquet with a smile on her face. waiting.

At this time, Liu Rong quietly came to her side, with a hint of joy on his face.

Looks like it's done?! Su Qingping's eyes showed a bit of anticipation.

Liurong leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Miss Ruyi said it's already done."

Su Qingping was ecstatic in her heart, but she forcibly suppressed it on her face. She stroked her forehead, walked up to Mrs. Su, and said apologetically, "Auntie, Ping'er feels a little bored and wants to go for a walk."

Mrs. Su was socializing with Mrs. Yihou's mansion, she just nodded and asked her to leave without paying attention.

"Then Ping'er will leave first."

Su Qingping bent her knees, tried her best to restrain the surging emotions in her heart, and left the decorated lobby with Liu Rong. Although she couldn't wait, she still acted like a regular.

As soon as she left the banquet, Su Qingping took a look around and saw that no one was paying attention to her, so she quickened her pace and hurriedly walked towards Jing Zheju.

This Jing Zhe residence is located in a remote place, except for a few girls when they go to boudoir school, no one will come and go, it is simply the most ideal place, so she specially chose a wing room in the corner of Jing Zhe residence.


Su Qingping gently pushed the door open, and deliberately softened her voice: "Second Cousin, is that you? Second Cousin, if you don't make a sound, Ping'er will take it as your permission to let Ping'er in!"

Su Qingping didn't hear anyone's voice, only heard the heavy panting coming from behind the door: "Huh-huh--"

"Then Ping'er has gone in." Su Qingping walked into the room impatiently, and Liu Rong immediately closed the door.

After closing the door, the unlit room was suddenly dimly lit. Only the moonlight sent light through the translucent window paper, and only the outline of the furniture could be vaguely seen.

As soon as she entered the door, Su Qingping smelled a sweet smell, and the corner of her mouth curled up slightly, everything went well...

"..." She was about to open her mouth to shout again, when a black figure suddenly rushed over from the front right, hugged her tightly, and blew hot breath on her cheeks.

"Hoo--, ho--"

"Cousin!" Su Qingping thought it must be her second cousin, Nangong Mu. She didn't resist at all, but snuggled into the man's arms obediently, letting him move his hands up and down, stroking her chest and buttocks... After a while, her body was covered by that man. A pair of rough palms became hot and weak.

"cousin… "

Su Qingping whispered, feeling very proud: Second Cousin, even if you don't want to look at me more than usual, you are still so enthusiastic about me now! If Lin Shi sees this scene, I'm afraid you will Get mad!

After a while, the low panting of the man and the moaning of the woman came from the room, which lasted for a long time...

-off topic-

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