The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 141: -riot


Like Cuiwei Mountain, the capital at this moment is also bathed in heavy rain.

Lily was idling in her room, looking at the heavy rain outside the window, thinking in her heart: I don’t know if the third girl and sister Baihui have found a shelter from the rain...


A small stone flew in from the window suddenly, Lily raised her hand to hold it reflexively, put her right hand on the window frame, and jumped out of the window nimbly, only to find that the person who came was an acquaintance.


This wormwood entered the mansion earlier than she and Baihui, so it turned out that the young master specially placed it in the Nangong mansion to deliver news for him and the third girl. After Ai Cao entered the mansion, she worked as a third-class maid at the Jingzhe Residence, and now because the Jingzhe Residence is temporarily closed, she has also been transferred to the Yaoyue Residence.

Ai Cao would not come to see their sisters if there was nothing to do, so when Lily saw her, she asked straight to the point: "Young master, what are your orders?"

Ai Cao nodded, and handed a bamboo tube to Lily, "Young Master has sent a letter, Qingyue Tea House said it is urgent."

"Urgent? Wormwood..."

Lily still wanted to ask her clearly, but Ai Cao turned around and left without hesitation.

"Why are you walking so fast..." Lily murmured back to the room. She looked at the bamboo tube hesitantly, logically the son's letter is naturally for the third girl, but the third girl is not in the mansion now, and the son said that it is urgent, should she open it and read it first? Or should she not?

Holding the bamboo tube, Lily suddenly felt like a hot potato. If she knew that she should go out with the girl with the cheek, now this problem can be left to Sister Baihui to worry about!

She walked around the room several times, but couldn't make up her mind. In case I see something that I shouldn't see, will I...

She accidentally thought of the jokes in the play, and felt a chill in her neck.

But what if it's really urgent and it's about human life

Lily gritted her teeth, and opened the bamboo tube resolutely, and took out the letter paper inside.

Seeing this, her entire face turned pale!

The disaster in Huaibei, the disaster money was corrupted, starvation was everywhere... The refugees went north!

Every word, every word is bloody, which makes Lily's heart skip a beat. Most importantly, according to Young Master's estimate, the refugees from Huaibei who went north may arrive at the capital in a few days!


The third girl and sister Baihui are still outside the capital city!

If the third girl was in the mansion, although this letter would make Lily indignant, it would not be so anxious! This king is surrounded by thick walls, and tens of thousands of imperial troops can be deployed. If the refugees in this area dare to make trouble, they will If you hit a stone with an egg, I'm afraid you won't even be able to splash a little water!

But it happened that the third girl left the capital! If the luck is really so bad, and encountering those rioting refugees, Lily doesn't think that the three girls can be kept safe with the power of Baihui alone!

No way! You have to go to the eastern suburbs! If something happens to Miss San and Sister Baihui, Baihe will never forgive herself for the rest of her life!

No matter what, it's better for the third girl to come back quickly!

Lily made a decision in her heart and rushed out of the house as fast as she could.

Lily ran to the stable in one breath, pulled out the Dawan BMW that the emperor gave Nangong Yue, ignored the obstruction of the stable boy, jumped on the horse, and left the house.

Lily rode her horse galloping on the streets of Wangdu in the rainstorm. On this rainy day, there were many fewer pedestrians on the road, which was beneficial for her to ride her horse.

The rain soaked Lily's face in an instant, and the raindrops flowed down her cheeks and into her neck, but Lily didn't care, and arrived at the east gate in just half a stick of incense.

However, the situation ahead was somewhat beyond her expectation, she quickly pulled up the rope to slow down the horse.


It was still late at this time, but the East City Gate had already been closed, and a row of soldiers in armor stood on the top of the city wall, each with a serious expression and a murderous aura all over their bodies.

What exactly is going on

Lily was stunned for a moment, jumped off the horse neatly, grabbed a passing aunt, and asked politely: "Auntie, what's going on? Why is the city gate closed now?"

The aunt was stunned for a moment, and said anxiously: "Little girl, you don't know yet! A large number of refugees outside the city are approaching the capital. I heard that they are already more than ten miles away. Now the soldiers and horses of the five cities The official of the Si has ordered the city to be closed, and no one is allowed to enter or leave!"

"What?!" Lily exclaimed in disbelief. Unexpectedly, the son's letter just arrived, and the refugees from Huaibei have rushed to the outside of the capital city! The third girl and Baihui are still in Cuiwei Mountain! What if the refugees riot... Lily can't think about it.

What can I do now

Lily is very anxious. She has only been in the capital for a few months, and she usually stays in the Nangong mansion. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is not familiar with the place, but her biggest helper is thousands of miles away in the south of the Yangtze River! What should I do? good

She looked at the city gate again, and was convinced that she had no way to force her way in, so she had to get on her horse and turn around. She had to reply quickly and inform the second master of the matter.

Now we can only rely on the strength of the Nangong family!

At the same time, Nangong Yue, who was far away on Cuiwei Mountain, still knew nothing about the refugees going north. She was anxiously waiting for news from Nangong Cheng in the Yuewei Pavilion.

The time has passed for a stick of incense, and it is still raining heavily outside.

Seeing that Han Huaijun and others had not returned for a long time, Nangong Yue could no longer hold back the anxiety in her heart.

"Yimei, Baihui, let's go and find Big Sister!" Before she finished speaking, she rushed into the rain curtain with two servant girls.

Xiao Yi, who never left her mind, also followed without saying a word.

"Sister Yue!" Jiang Yixi stretched out her hand to stop her, but she was still a step too late, Nangong Yue had already run away. She frowned, and immediately made a decision in her heart, "Wait for me, I'll go with you too." As she said that, she also planned to rush out of the pavilion, but before she could do so, she was anxiously stopped by her personal maid .

"Miss, it's raining so hard, the road outside is wet and slippery, you can't go!"

Jiang Yixi was blocked like this, and when she raised her eyes to look again, Nangong Yue was nowhere to be seen, so she had no choice but to give up.

The rain curtain was like weaving, blurring Nangong Yue's vision. The visibility was already extremely bad, not to mention being in the mountains at the moment, surrounded by tall trees and lush shrubs and weeds, which further hindered the vision.

She could only look for it while shouting: "Big sister..." I hope Nangong Cheng can respond after hearing it.

"Big girl..." Yimei and Baihui also called out.

Xiao Yi followed closely behind them, while searching around, he kept his attention on Nangong Yue.

The torrential rain soon soaked all the clothes of the four of them, their temple hair was wet against their foreheads, and the corners of their skirts and the hem of their robes were splashed by the muddy and dirty water on the mountain path, but Nangong Yue could no longer care about it. Difficult to move forward in the torrential rain.

"Big sister! Big sister!"

Nangong Yue's voice was covered by the sound of the rainstorm, but she still did not give up, let go of her voice and continued to shout.

I don't know how long I have been looking for, Nangong Yue's voice is slightly hoarse, but I still haven't seen Nangong Cheng, and even Han Huaijun and Cheng Wang who went out to look for someone didn't meet a single one.

Nangong Yue became more and more anxious. She wiped the rainwater off her face and stopped.

She told herself to calm down, it would be bad to be too anxious.

"Stinky girl, look here." Xiao Yi's voice brought her back to her thoughts. Nangong Yue followed the sound and saw that he was pointing at a big rock with a strange shape and looking at herself with a smile.

Nangong Yue was startled for a moment, and then she came to her senses.

She remembered this stone! Because at first glance, it looked like a squatting big black, so she took another look at that time.

She quickly stood at the original position, glanced towards the top of the mountain, and suddenly saw the Yuewei Pavilion standing between the hazy rain curtain and the forest.

Nangong Yue said affirmatively: "I remember that it probably started to rain heavily here. Everyone was rushing to the top of the mountain. Maybe they got separated from Big Sister around here. Let's look around here..."

She looked around, and accidentally slipped her foot, and her whole body fell forward involuntarily.


She cried out in surprise, Baihui hurried forward, trying to hold Nangong Yue, but she was a step behind Xiao Yi, she saw that his left arm pulled hard, and Nangong Yue was pulled over, his right arm wrapped around her waist Waist, encircling her whole body in his arms.

"Smelly girl, are you alright?" Xiao Yi's voice reached Nangong Yue's ears, and even through the rain and mist, the hot air from her breath still sprayed on her fair and small ears.

"I'm fine." She struggled a little, stared at the palm still on her waist, as if saying, you can let go of your hand.

Xiao Yi naturally noticed Nangong Yue's movements, but he didn't let go, instead he said with a smile: "Smelly girl, it's raining heavily and the ground is slippery, let me support you."

"Xiao Shizi." Baihui couldn't stand it any longer, she stood up and said, "It's better to let the slaves help the third girl."

Xiao Yi glared at Baihui unhappily, although he still wanted to "help" for a while longer, but thinking that it would be bad if outsiders saw it, he obediently let go.

Xiao Yi looked at the bad weather and thought to himself that the weather is not beautiful. If it was a sunny day and he and the stinky girl were walking in the mountains, how perfect it would be! But then he thought, if it wasn’t for the rain , Maybe I haven't had the chance to get along with the stinky girl like this alone...

It doesn't seem like they are alone together! Xiao Yi couldn't help but glared at Yimei and Baihui, these two girls are really a sight!

The four of them carefully searched forward for a while, Xiao Yi's ears moved suddenly, he stopped, pointed his right hand forward to the right, and said affirmatively: "Over there, I heard movement over there!"

Nangong Yue listened intently, but heard nothing except the sound of rain. But she knew that Xiao Yi's martial arts were strong, and her hearing was definitely better than her own, and she also believed in his judgment, so she said to Yimei and Baihui: "Let's go over there and look for it."

"big sister… "

"Big girl..."

This time, they finally heard the response from the front. Although the voice was faint, it was indeed the voice of the fragrance of books and fragrance of ink... Slowly, in the rain, several vague figures came towards them, getting closer , and it became more and more clear that Nangong Cheng was in it.

Nangong Yue finally breathed a sigh of relief, hurried up to greet her, and shouted: "Big sister!"

Nangong Cheng was being supported by her two personal maids, Shuxiang and Moxiang, walking with a limp, her skirt was slightly damaged, as if she had been caught by a tree branch, and her hair was a little messy , although the appearance looks a bit embarrassed, it seems that there is no serious problem.

What surprised Nangong Yue was that King Cheng was with them! Presumably it was King Cheng who found them.

King Cheng walked behind the three of Nangong Cheng, keeping a distance of two or three feet from them, seeming to be respectful of etiquette.

"Xiao Shizi, sister Yue, it's all my fault. It's raining so hard, so please come out and find me." Nangong Cheng said shyly.

"Big sister, what are you talking about!" Nangong Yue hurried forward to hold Nangong Cheng's hand and said, "We are sisters, why should you be so polite!"

"Miss Nangong is too polite." At the moment Xiao Yi was gentle and polite, and there was nothing inappropriate in his behavior.

Nangong Yue's eyes fell on the corner of Nangong Cheng's skirt, and she asked worriedly: "Big sister, your feet..."

Nangong Cheng looked at his right foot embarrassingly, and explained: "I walked in a hurry earlier, and accidentally sprained my foot, so I got separated from you. Fortunately, His Royal Highness Cheng Wang found me just now, otherwise I would have walked away at this time. I still don't know what to do!" Nangong Cheng's cheeks flushed slightly as he said that.

The rain covered up the shyness on her face, so Nangong Yue didn't notice it. She saluted Cheng Wang Fu and said, "Thank you, Your Highness Cheng Wang, for finding my eldest sister. Yaoguang thank you here."

"The county master is polite!" Cheng Wang smiled heartily. His appearance was as gentle as a Dayu man, but when he smiled, he was somewhat heroic like a Changdi man. "It's just a little effort!"

Under the heavy rain, it is indeed not appropriate to thank you so much, Nangong Yue stopped talking, but said to Nangong Cheng: "Big sister, let's go to the Yuewei Pavilion first, it's almost time, I guess other Those who went out to look for you should also go back, if they don't see us, they will definitely be impatient."

"Third sister, what you said is true." Nangong Cheng nodded quickly and said, "It's time to go back and report everyone's safety."

"Big sister, it's difficult for you to walk now, so let Baihui carry you."

"Thank you, third sister."

Nangong Yue gestured to Baihui, and Baihui stepped forward and carried Nangong Cheng on her back easily, with Shuxiang and Moxiang helping her on both sides, and they turned back to Yuewei Pavilion just like that.

After a while, the rain gradually weakened, and when they returned to the Yuewei Pavilion, the torrential rain that came and went quickly stopped. After the rain, the sky is as blue as washing, the air is fresh and sweet, even filled with a faint fragrance, and occasionally there is the sound of ticking water on the branches and leaves of the trees, it is so peaceful that it is impossible to tell that this place was ravaged by heavy rain not long ago .

"Miss Nangong!"

"Miss Nangong is back!"

The girls in the pavilion were relieved to see Nangong Cheng and Nangong Yue come back together.

Jiang Yixi and Qu Jiayue went up to greet them directly, and asked with concern:

"Sister Cheng, are you okay!"

"Sister Cheng, did you sprain your ankle?"

Baihui put Nangong Cheng to sit down in the pavilion, and Nangong Cheng said apologetically, "I made everyone worry about me! I'm fine, I just sprained my ankle a little."

Jiang Yixi breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: "It's fine, it's fine..."

"Sister Cheng, why are you being so polite with us!" Qu Jiayue took Nangong Cheng's hand affectionately and said, "It's all because the rainstorm came too suddenly, and you didn't want to. Don't be so reluctant to come out and meet with us in the future because of this." I'm having fun!"

Nangong Cheng naturally hurriedly said "no".

The princess's attitude today is really too weird! Now, not only Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi, but even Yuan Yucha and Han Qixia looked at Qu Jiayue a few more times in surprise.

While speaking, Yuan Yuqia suddenly stood up, turned in a certain direction, and said softly: "The third cousin is back."

Everyone followed her gaze and saw that the third prince Han Lingfu was walking towards the pavilion with several guards, and beside him were Ji Shuxuan and Chen Lang.

"Your Highness, Third Prince, please forgive the inconvenient ceremony..." After Nangong Cheng and Han Lingfu pleaded guilty, they thanked the two princes one by one.

After a while, Han Huaijun and Mo Xilin also came back with their respective staff.

Seeing that Nangong Cheng returned safely, they all breathed a sigh of relief. This came in good spirits, and at last it did not end in disappointment!

The sudden rainstorm made everyone a little embarrassed, and then lost the interest to continue the outing.

Not only were the clothes of the young masters who went out looking for people completely wet, even the girls were half wet before entering the Cuiwei Pavilion to hide from the rain. Therefore, Han Qixia thoughtfully suggested: "Third cousin, His Royal Highness Cheng Wang, Xiao Shizi, and a few young masters, my royal father has a separate courtyard at the foot of Cuiwei Mountain, why don't we go there for a short rest, what do you guys think? "

Obviously her elder brother Han Huaijun was also there, but Han Qixia seemed to have completely forgotten his existence and sent invitations to others on her own. Nangong Yue couldn't help but frowned slightly, and glanced at Han Huaijun, and saw that his face didn't change at all, as if he was used to such a situation.

"Then thank you Miss Han."

These sons and daughters have always been well-clothed and well-fed, and they have never lived a hard life, so they can no longer stand the wet clothes on their bodies, so it is best to go to Qi Wang's other courtyard for a change of clothes and take a rest.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Han Qixia ordered a royal guard to go to the other courtyard first, and let the servants in the other courtyard get ready.

After the guards of the palace took orders to leave, everyone also set off to go down the mountain.

The road down the mountain was as difficult as everyone expected. After the rain, the mountain road was full of mud. After walking a few steps, the girls' dresses were splashed with mud and water, and they looked in a state of distress. Naturally, the young men were not going anywhere. , but after all, he is a man, so he can barely get along. After finally arriving at the foot of the mountain, the girls sent their personal maids to the carriage, brought back a set of spare clothes, and then went to another courtyard at the foot of Cuiwei Mountain in Prince Qi's Mansion.

The chief steward of the other hospital had been waiting at the door for a long time, and when he saw a group of people coming, he quickly arranged for them to go to the room one by one to take a bath and wash their hands.

After they all changed into clean clothes and drank a bowl of steaming ginger soup, everyone felt as if they had finally come back to life.

As soon as Nangong Yue finished drinking the ginger soup, she went to the next room to find Nangong Cheng. At that time, Nangong Cheng had just finished washing and grooming. When she saw Nangong Yue entering the room, she wanted to get up, but she held her down.

"Big sister, how is your foot? Let me take a look for you."

"Third sister, thank you very much." Nangong Cheng was also worried about his foot injury, so under the service of Shuxiang, he took off his shoes and socks for Nangong Yue to watch.

Nangong Cheng's ankle was a little red and swollen, and her ankle was swollen like a steamed bun. If she lightened it, she would frown in pain.

"Big sister, be patient a little bit." Nangong Yue touched the bones carefully, and then said with a sigh of relief: "Don't worry, big sister, there is nothing serious, it should be caused by a sprain, at most it will be two days of bad walking, Take good care of it and you will recover soon. Let me bandage it up for you first." Nangong Yue asked Yimei to ask someone from the other hospital for a white cloth, took out the wound medicine she had with her, and put it on for Nangong herself. medicine.

As soon as the ointment was applied to his feet, Nangong Cheng felt a burst of coldness, and the pain eased a lot. After the dressing was finished, she put on her shoes and socks again, tried to walk two steps, and found that although she still had some pain when walking, it was much better than before. She was very happy and thanked Nangong Yue repeatedly.

"Third sister, thank you so much today." Nangong Cheng was really grateful, thinking that Nangong Yue came out to find herself in the rain, and just now healed her foot injury herself. Although the sisters usually seem to have a good relationship, Nangong Yue was able to do this for herself today, which surprised her.

Nangong Yue smiled slightly, not thinking it was a different place, and said: "Big Sister said that, she is offended, we are sisters in the same house, how could I abandon you?"

"Third sister." Nangong Cheng touched Nangong Yue's hands.

After the two sisters spoke a few more words, a maid from another courtyard came to invite them to the flower hall for lunch.

Because of Nangong Cheng's inconvenient legs and feet, Nangong Yue asked the maid to deliver the meals to Nangong Cheng's room, and went to the flower hall by herself.

When he came to a fork in the road, it happened that Mr. Han Huai walked over from another small road.

When walking by Nangong Yue, Han Huaijun stopped and said in a low voice: "Master, you'd better pay more attention to sister Ling!" Let go, and asked with some puzzlement: "Mr. Han, what do you mean..."

"Actually, I found Sister Ling just before you, but King Cheng was there at the time, and there seemed to be something wrong between the two of you, but it was raining too much, so I might not have seen it clearly. A woman's boudoir is the most important thing." , It was inconvenient for me to go there at that time, and there are too many people here after all, please pay more attention to the county master." Han Huaijun's voice was very low, almost only Nangong Yue who was beside him could hear it.

This world is harsh on women, no matter whether he has misread it or not, Han Huaijun still thinks that he should remind her, lest there will be misunderstandings, or even accidentally hurt her.

Nangong Yue's face was a little solemn when she heard this.

Big sister and King Cheng? No way? The two of them are just two-faced fate, right? Thinking of this, Nangong Yue solemnly thanked Mr. Han Huai: "Mr. Han, thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention to it!"

Han Huaijun is not a talkative person, even if he has already ordered, he doesn't need to say more, he nodded slightly to Nangong Yue, and the two parted ways, and went to their respective tables for dinner.

Nangong Yueshi finished her meal without knowing the taste, and the girls went back to take a rest for a while, and made an appointment to leave for home at a moment after Shen Shi.

Nangong Yue returned to the guest room, closed her eyes and squinted for a while, vaguely, she seemed to hear some noise outside, so she sat up, frowned slightly and shouted: "Yimei, go out and see what happened? "

Yimei answered and opened the door and went out. After a while, she entered the room with Baihui, and reported solemnly: "Third Miss, it's the maid from the other courtyard who reported that a group of bandits came from the other courtyard. The other courtyard is surrounded!"

"Bandits!?" With Nangong Yue's composure, she couldn't help turning pale when she heard these two words.

The exiles are also civilians, but they are displaced because of hunger and famine. Most of the refugees are still humble and seek life, but there are still some who will become exiles due to various reasons. Such exiles are the most terrifying. The refugees are pitiful, but the bandits are fierce and lawless. They especially hate the royal family, officials and rich people. Once they know that this is the King Qi's other courtyard, they will definitely burn, kill and loot...

But in this other courtyard, there are so many female relatives.

Nangong Yue stood up abruptly, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Follow me to the flower hall."

At this time, several other young masters and girls also got the news, and everyone met near the flower hall, and even Nangong Cheng came over with the support of the scholarly Mo Xiang. Before entering the flower hall, I heard Qu Jiayue's sharp scolding voice coming from inside: "It's nonsense, what do you mean we are surrounded by bandits, our country is rich and the people are strong, how can there be bandits! It can be seen that the crime of deceiving the master is not light!"

Nangong Yue couldn't help frowning, Princess Mingyue really didn't hear anything outside the window, she almost said "Why don't you eat minced meat"!

The mother-in-law who reported the letter was quite courageous, and she replied logically: "Back to the princess, the servants have never deceived the masters. The other courtyard is really surrounded by a group of bandits. It seems that they will soon Going to rush in!"

Hearing this, the girls' looks paled, and they couldn't sit still any longer, you said one by one:

"Then what can we do?"

"Can we leave through the back door?"

"The guards in this mansion should be able to deal with a few bandits?"


Even Qu Jiayue, who was extraordinarily domineering and domineering on weekdays, was pale and at a loss at this time.

Not to mention the girls, even the sons of the aristocratic families couldn't help feeling a little flustered. They grew up in a stable and prosperous royal capital since they were young, and they lived in a prosperous life. They walked in a safe place on weekdays and had never been exposed to such things as homeless riots, let alone not many guards around them now.

No one noticed in the panic, Han Yi took a few steps closer to Nangong Yue, and his position properly protected her within his protection range.

Naturally, Nangong Yue didn't notice that after the initial nervousness, she had calmed down a little now. Unlike other girls, she had experienced all kinds of storms in her previous life. Although she was flustered at this time, her expression did not show the slightest change. Revealed, she pursed her lips slightly, thinking quickly in her heart.

After being silent for a while, Nangong Yue opened her mouth and calmly asked the woman, "Have you guarded all the doors? Except for the main door, all the side doors, corner doors, and back doors must be carefully locked, and the door must be locked. Send someone to guard it!"

The old woman felt that Nangong Yue knew what she knew, and hurriedly replied: "Go back to the county master, the butler has ordered the people to lock the door."

Nangong Yue nodded and asked again: "Then do you know how many bandits there are? Are they carrying weapons? When did they come to this other courtyard?"

A series of questions are well-organized and can't help but attract a lot of attention.

Xiao Yi was even more proud in his heart, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he said in his heart: As expected of his stinky girl, she is really brave enough!

The woman replied respectfully: "If you go back to the county master, there are at least three or four hundred bandits. They probably took advantage of the heavy rain before and came to the Cuiwei Mountain area. As for the others... the old woman doesn't know."

At this time, the chief steward of the other courtyard rushed into the flower hall with a face full of panic. His clothes were a little torn and he looked extremely embarrassed. He told Han Lingfu, Han Huaijun and Han Qixia: "It's not good, Your Highness, Third Prince, Eldest Young Master, Miss, the bandits have begun to attack the other courtyard!"

"What!" When Han Qixia heard this, she didn't catch her breath, she actually fainted softly, and the maid beside her hurriedly supported her.

The situation of the other girls is not much better, their eyes are full of panic, and now they can't think about anything else except fear. Only Jiang Yixi was a little more courageous. Although she was pale, she was still comforting the other girls in a low voice.

"Everyone, don't panic!" The third prince Han Lingfu tried to comfort everyone calmly, "This is Uncle Qi's other courtyard, presumably there must be guards and servants, but they are just some bandits, there will be no danger! "

"The third prince's words are right!" Chen Lang immediately stood up and echoed, his legs trembling in his robe, "How could this mere bandit defeat the guards of the palace!"

Mo Xilin from the Dingguo General's Mansion also agreed, "That's right, we just need to wait here for the good news." After all, Mo Xilin came from a family of generals, and although he had never been on a battlefield, he was not a coward. , soon calmed down.

Ji Shuxuan also nodded silently at the side, feeling that what the third prince said made sense.

But the other three people have different complexions and don't know what they are thinking.

The girls felt a little more at ease when they heard the words, and they also felt that what the third prince said was true, so they couldn't help showing a look of relief.

Nangong Yue stood aside quietly, she was not as optimistic as Han Lingfu in her heart.

There were three or four hundred bandits, but how many guards could there be in this other courtyard? Even if the servants and the mother-in-law were brought together, they would still be far behind in numbers.

From time to time, the servants of the other courtyard sent news from the outside, and the faces of the people became more and more serious. Gradually, even if there was no servant to deliver the message, they could vaguely hear the noise coming from outside in the guest courtyard. Shouts, door banging, screams... Intertwined together, everyone's hearts hung high.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the sound of knocking on the door seems to be louder every time, making people feel numb. This kind of unknown is obviously more frightening and restless...

As time passed, the outside situation showed no signs of improvement. Even Han Lingfu couldn't help trembling in his heart, but he felt that he was the majestic third prince, how could he be frightened by a few bandits!

He clenched his fists, stood up suddenly and said, "All those who know martial arts stand up, and go out with Ben Gong to see how the current situation is going?"

At the order of the third prince, Han Huaijun and Mo Xilin both stood up and volunteered, "I would like to go with His Royal Highness the third prince!" The guards who were guarding the flower hall also drew their swords and shouted in unison: "I I am willing to follow His Royal Highness the Third Prince!"

The sonorous male voices overlapped neatly, appearing full of vigor, and even the girls' blood boiled a little when they heard it. Only Xiao Yi didn't seem to be able to feel all this. He stood idly by the side, his right hand seemed to be inadvertently placed on the saber at his waist, and his eyes never left Nangong Yue.

Han Lingfu smiled with satisfaction, feeling complacent for a while, only thinking that as long as he goes out, he will surely win.

"Everyone come with me!"

Han Lingfu opened the door first, and he had just stepped out of the flower hall when he heard a "swoosh" piercing through the air, and a stream arrow flew towards him from nowhere, as fast as lightning...


Han Huaijun in the rear shouted loudly, and pulled out the saber at his waist with his backhand, only to see the sword light flash, and with a "boom", split the arrow!

All this happened so fast that Han Huaijun's sword cut off a strand of Han Lingfu's hair.

Han Huaijun was also surprised, and hurriedly pleaded guilty: "The situation is urgent, please forgive me, Your Highness the Third Prince!"

Han Lingfu didn't recover for a long time. He never knew that one day, death would be so close to him.

It wasn't until Han Huaijun knelt down that he reacted suddenly and tried to look calm and breezy, but his expression was somewhat stiff, "No, it's okay... The matter is urgent, cousin, you saved my life. It's too late for the palace to be grateful, how can I blame you!"

After such a change, Han Lingfu, who originally planned to go out to check the situation, hesitated. Although he wanted to show his bravery and determination in front of these aristocratic children, he didn't think it was worth risking his life.

This life is gone, so what great cause can we plan for!

Mo Xilin next to him was used to winking, and immediately said with a sense of humor: "Your Highness, Third Prince, it's too dangerous outside! Your Highness must not be in danger! If something happens to His Highness, how can I let this minister explain to His Majesty!"

What he said was also the truth, if something happened to the third prince here, but they are safe and sound, I am afraid that there will be no good end when they go back! Even their family may be angered by the emperor!

Others naturally figured out this truth, and they all spoke out to dissuade the third prince from taking risks.

In this way, Han Lingfu naturally stayed in the flower hall.

After a while, the sound of knocking on the door and shouting for killing became louder and closer, as if those bandits would break through the servant's line of defense at any moment.

"Let me take someone out to have a look!"

"Why don't I check..."

Two voices said at the same time, but it was Han Huai Jun and Cheng Wang. The two looked at each other, and Han Huaijun immediately said: "His Royal Highness Cheng is a guest, how can His Highness take such a risk! Let me go."

"That's fine..." King Cheng nodded, and said, "If you need my help, please ask."


Seeing that Mr. Han Huai was willing to stand up, Han Lingfu also heaved a sigh of relief. If it was really King Cheng who came forward, what would be the face of Dayu!

"Cousin," Han Lingfu solemnly instructed, "you must be careful!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Han Huaijun took the bow and arrow, and left the flower hall with a few guards.

The flower hall fell silent again... A moment later, Han Lingfu suddenly said: "The situation is not right now. I don't know when the bandits will come here. If they bump into the girls, it's not right! My palace has Just a suggestion, why don't the girls hide in the back room first!"

Han Lingfu's words were thoughtful, and the panicked girls all looked at him gratefully, but when they were about to do what they said, Nangong Yue suddenly stood up, saluted Han Lingfu, and said calmly, "Your Highness, Third Prince, Please forgive Fluctlight for talking too much. Fluctlight feels inappropriate."

Nangong Yue also thought about it carefully, so she heard her say: "Just now that woman also said that there are three or four hundred bandits, and they are likely to divide into groups and attack from other directions in the other courtyard... Yaoguang and The other girls were powerless, and if the bandits really broke into our room, we probably wouldn't even have the strength to fight. Therefore, Yaoguang thought that they would not stay here, so they could help each other more or less. "

A trace of displeasure flashed in Han Lingfu's eyes very quickly, but he quickly returned to his glamorous appearance.

"Hmph!" Before Han Lingfu could speak, Qu Jiayue snorted coldly, glared at Nangong Yue, and said, "Third Cousin kindly let us go in and hide, but you are worrying unnecessarily. I really don't know what you think !"

"The princess's words are wrong." Jiang Yixi groaned and retorted: "I think sister Yue is right, no matter what the princess thinks, I decided to stay here." Jiang Yixi thought, if the bandits really broke in, No matter where he hides, he will die, but it is better to die innocently.

Yuan Yuyi took her hand and echoed, "Sister Xi, I'll be with you too."

Nangong Cheng also responded: "Me too..."

Han Qixia and Qu Jiayue looked at each other, seeing that everyone chose to stay in the flower hall, neither of them dared to get up in the end.

Han Lingfu suppressed the displeasure in his heart, and said apologetically, "It's because I didn't think carefully. Ladies, don't worry, I and the young masters present will do their best to protect your safety."

The other young masters naturally responded one after another, and for a while, the girls' uneasy hearts eased a little.

Nangong Yue didn't want to pay attention to Han Lingfu at all, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Xiao Yizheng looking at her with a smile. For some reason, seeing his smile, her restless heart gradually calmed down.

Anyway, the situation is already like this, and it is useless to worry about it.

Thinking of this, Nangong Yue suddenly noticed that King Cheng had stood behind Nangong Cheng not far away at some point, and was slightly lowering his head, wondering what he was saying to her. King Cheng was smiling, and Nangong Yue's earlobe was reddish. Nangong Yue's heart sank when she saw it, and she couldn't help but think of Han Huai Jun's warning to her. Could it be that the elder sister is really with King Cheng... no

At this moment, the sound of clashing weapons and heart-piercing shouts suddenly came from outside the door. These sounds were so close that they seemed to happen right outside the door.

A bloody smell came along with the wind, permeating the entire flower hall.

"What should I do?" Han Qixia asked anxiously, "Will they rush in immediately?"

Her words made these girls panic even more, Yuan Yuyi's face was also pale, her lips trembling slightly.

For a while, the flower hall became quiet again, and the girls only felt their heartbeats echoing in their ears.

Plop, plop, plop...

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