The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 142: -guard


"It's unreasonable! It's unreasonable!"

In Fengluan Palace, the emperor paced back and forth anxiously in the main hall. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he said sharply: "In our great prosperity, there are tens of thousands of refugees living in foreign lands. It is really ridiculous and sad to spread the news!"

The emperor had already lost his temper here for a while, but the breath was still held in his chest, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

The queen walked up to him, caressing his back gently and slowly with her bare hands, and said softly: "Your Majesty, please calm down."

"How can I not be angry!" The emperor's face turned blue, and he laughed back, "The refugees from Huaibei went north to the capital for nearly eight hundred miles, and passed countless towns along the way. These local officials seemed to be blind. A person went to the court alone! They were not discovered until they entered the territory of the king's capital, don't you think this is ridiculous?!"

"Your majesty, the officials below are not good at doing things. You can beat or punish them. Don't take your anger out on yourself." The queen said with a worried face, "Although I don't understand the affairs of the previous court, I know that you are This pillar of Dayu, you must not fall down."

The emperor couldn't help feeling a surge of warmth. He took the queen's hand, patted the back of her hand and said, "I know, but I'm just angry! You don't know, queen, that the rioting of the refugees has become a bandit." , Burning, killing and looting all the way! But I am sitting on this golden palace, knowing nothing about it! I really... hey."

The queen said softly: "Your Majesty, it's not too late, you..."


While the queen was still talking, a crying female voice came from outside Fengluan Palace. The queen recognized who it was, and couldn't help but frowned slightly, but she didn't show it on her face. The emperor was already irritated, and suddenly became more irritated, angrily said: "Huai Ren, drive her away!"

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

Eunuch Liu hurriedly opened the door and left, and after a while, he turned back and said with some embarrassment: "Your Majesty, it is Concubine Zhang who is begging to see you outside the palace! She said there is something urgent, and it concerns the safety of His Highness the Third Prince. Please be sure to allow her to have an audience with her." !"

"Little San?" The emperor frowned slightly, and said impatiently, "What's wrong?!"

The empress observed her words, and persuaded gently: "Your Majesty, why don't you meet with me, maybe my sister Concubine Zhang really has something urgent."

The emperor finally nodded, waved his hand in a bad mood and said, "Let her in."

Eunuch Liu finally heaved a sigh of relief and stepped back. Not long after, Concubine Zhang ran in crying. Her eyes were red and her temple hair was slightly disheveled. Before she could salute, she threw herself at the emperor's feet, crying Said: "Your Majesty, you must save Xiaosan!"

Concubine Zhang was crying like pear blossoms and rain. If the emperor was in a good mood, she would love to coax her, but now, no matter how she looked at it, the emperor felt that it was inappropriate. A dignified second-rank concubine was like a street shrew.

There was a hint of displeasure in the emperor's tone, "What's going on?"

Concubine Zhang wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and said with a choked voice: "Your Majesty, today Xiaosan took Changdi's King Cheng to Cuiwei Mountain in the eastern suburbs. The concubine heard about the riots of the refugees, so what should I do if I accidentally hurt Xiaosan?" !"

The emperor frowned slightly, but he remembered that he had asked the third prince and Xiao Yi to take King Cheng around.

"Sister Concubine Zhang." The Queen asked from the side, "Is there anyone else traveling with the Third Emperor and His Highness Prince Cheng?"

Concubine Zhang thought about it for a while, and said: "Xiao San and the concubine mentioned that there are also Prince Xiao from Zhennan Palace, Brother Jun from Qi Palace, and Young Master Mo from General Dingguo's Palace. The rest of the concubines are Not sure anymore…”

The emperor's complexion became even more ugly, not to mention that Xiaosan was his flesh and blood, if something happened to Chang Di's King Cheng, the two countries that had finally calmed down the war for more than ten years might go to war again; It is a very important proton. If he dies in the capital, wouldn't it be an excuse for King Zhennan to rebel? This is the eldest son Mo, who is also the direct son of the third generation of Dingguo General's Mansion...

Why did you choose to travel today?!

The emperor became more and more upset, he pondered for a moment, took out a gold medal and handed it to Eunuch Liu, and said: "I have ordered Liang Zeng, the leader of the Vanguard Battalion, to take people to Cuiwei Mountain to welcome back the third prince and King Cheng and his party! Hurry up!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Eunuch Liu hurriedly took orders and left.

Due to the refugee riots, the soldiers of the Qianfeng Battalion had already been on standby outside the palace. So as soon as the emperor's oral order was delivered, Liang Zeng, the leader of the vanguard battalion, ordered 300 cavalry and rode his horses to the east gate.

The torrential rain in the capital had stopped at this time, hundreds of horseshoes galloped past, mud and water splashed everywhere they passed, and pedestrians all gave way!

This large group of people slowed down in front of the east city gate, Liang Zeng was about to order the soldiers guarding the gate to open the gate, but he saw that there seemed to be a dispute between a group of people and the soldiers guarding the gate.

Liang Zeng had the emperor's order, so he held up the gold medal on his horse and shouted loudly: "This commander is ordered by His Majesty to go out of the city. Who is making noise in front of you!" With hooves on, the momentum is compelling.

"This subordinate has met Commander Liang!" A school lieutenant in charge of guarding the city stepped forward and saluted, "This subordinate was ordered to guard the city here, but Master Nangong insisted on leaving the city with a team of guards. Dispute!"

"Master Nangong?" Liang Zeng squinted his eyes thoughtfully. Although military officials and civil officials didn't have much contact with each other, how could he not know about the famous Nangong Mansion. All I saw was a gentle and elegant man in green robes came out from the shadow of the city gate, bowed and said: "Nangong Mu has met Commander Liang."

Liang Zeng's eyes paused on Nangong Mu, and he remembered that the other party should be the second child of the Nangong family, and he was studying Nangong Mu in the sixth-rank cabinet.

Liang Zeng asked straight to the point: "Why did Mr. Nangong leave the city?"

Nangong Mu had heard about Liang Zeng, and felt that he might be able to go out of the city with him, so he explained: "Commander Liang, my daughter Yaoguang County Lord and niece are with Mingyue County Lord, Liushuang County Lord and others today. Several noble ladies went to Cuiwei Mountain for an outing, but have not returned yet. Now that the refugees are fleeing outside the city, I am afraid that something will happen to me, so I plan to go to Cuiwei Mountain to bring them back. I also ask Commander Liang to allow me to leave the city!"

Cuiwei Mountain again?!

Besides, Princess Mingyue and County Princess Liushuang were accompanying her! Liang Zeng frowned. If something happened to these noble ladies, it would cause a storm in the capital. But now there is really no time to report back to the emperor, it seems that we can only cut first and play later. Thinking of this, he quickly made a decision and said, "Master Nangong, Mr. Liang is going to Cuiwei Mountain too. Why don't you go with Mr. Liang?"

Nangong Mu was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly bowed and said: "Then I will be disrespectful, thank you Commander Liang!" After finishing speaking, Nangong Mu mounted his horse again and ordered the guards to follow Liang Zeng with him.

"Open the door!"

The East City Gate slowly opened, and a group of people galloped out mightily...

The rescuers were rushing to Cuiwei Mountain without stopping, while the sons and girls who were far away at the foot of Cuiwei Mountain, Qi Wang's Bieyuan, were pressed by the bandits every step of the way, and they were about to lose their strength.

They in the flower hall heard the fighting and clamoring outside, and their faces turned pale.

At this time, it seemed that even the passage of time had slowed down, and every sound of collision and shout was enough to make the hearts of the people in the hall jump.

Even Jiang Yixi, who had always been calm and composed, began to fidget a little. Nangong Yue held her cold hand and comforted her softly: "Sister Xi, it will be fine, but they are just bandits. The guards are well-trained and highly skilled in martial arts. Besides, our family knows about our trip to Cuiwei Mountain. If we don't go back later, someone must come out to investigate. Once they know the situation here in the other courtyard, they must Will come to our rescue! We just have to hang on a little longer..."

Jiang Yixi forced a smile on Nangong Yue, and said, "I hope so!"

Nangong Yue smiled at her, then looked at Nangong Cheng on the other side, stretched out her left hand to hold her right hand, and asked with concern: "Big sister, are your feet okay?"

"Third sister, I'm fine." Nangong Cheng replied calmly, but her slightly trembling hands still exposed everything.


Suddenly, Yuan Yucha, who was sitting not far away, stood up, stared blankly at the window, and moved his lips slightly: "This is..."

Everyone looked over involuntarily, and saw that the western sky was dyed blood red like the setting sun, which made people feel vaguely ominous.

At this moment, a woman rushed over with a panicked expression, and said tremblingly, "His Royal Highness, the princess, the eldest girl, the big thing... the big thing is not good! There is water in the west courtyard!"

"What?" Han Qixia was shocked, her face turned pale, as if struck by lightning, she was speechless for a long time.

Han Lingfu hurriedly asked, "Where is the west courtyard?"

Han Qixia said tremblingly: "The west courtyard is the closest courtyard to here, it is adjacent to the guest courtyard, and it is on the west side..."

Han Lingfu looked serious, and said in his mouth: "That is to say, this fire will burn here at any time?"

How could a girl like Han Qixia know, she hurriedly looked at the old lady, who nodded her head and said: "Yes. The third prince..."

"It's absolutely impossible for the west courtyard to leak for no reason..." Han Lingfu made the worst guess, "Could it be that the bandits have captured the west courtyard?"

"Yes, yes." The woman said in panic, "Those thieves are already approaching the guest house, and the eldest son is still outside, leading someone to block him..."

The woman was talking incoherently, but no one was in the mood to listen. They were all stunned by the bad news. They thought that although these bandits were powerful, they were still in this other courtyard, and there were still many There will be no serious problems with the guards of the palace, but now even this other courtyard is about to be breached!

The flames outside the window unknowingly increased, the heat wave intertwined with the air, and the scorching breath continuously invaded the nostrils, making their breathing quicken accordingly. These unbearable heat waves are enough to indicate that the fire in the west courtyard is getting closer and closer to them...

Can't sit still!

Nangong Yue lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, she stood up, and said loudly: "Everyone, please forgive Yaoguang for proposing that we can't wait like this any longer, otherwise, even if the bandits don't rush in, we are likely to die. Trapped in the fire! I think we need to go out and see for ourselves what the situation is like before making a plan! See if we want to break through or stay behind." The situation was urgent, and she couldn't care less about the titles.

"What you said is easy!" Princess Mingyue said sternly, "Just rush out like this, I'm afraid we will meet those bandits head-on before being burned to death by the fire!"

When she said this, Han Qixia and Yuan Yuyi also nodded in agreement, but Jiang Yixi showed a look of contemplation, seriously considering the feasibility of this suggestion.

During this silence, Xiao Yi's clear voice sounded, "I think the county lord's idea is good. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it's better to take the initiative." Then, he looked at Han Lingfu again, raised his eyebrows and said, "Three His Royal Highness is highly skilled in martial arts, and has received awards from His Majesty many times during the spring hunting, with him, he will definitely protect us from the bandits."

If he could go out, who would be willing to stay in the flower hall and be this trapped beast

For a moment, all the girls turned their attention to Han Lingfu, as if he was their only hope.

Nangong Yue twitched the corners of her lips, but she didn't speak, but she was very satisfied with Xiao Yi's behavior that made Han Lingfu unable to get off. With Han Lingfu coming forward, he didn't worry about not being able to convince others.

Han Lingfu was in a very irritable mood. He regretted that he should not have brought King Cheng to Cuiwei Mountain. When he was worrying about how to get out of trouble, he didn't want Xiao Yi to suddenly bring the topic to himself. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he didn't make any statement in front of so many people? Besides, the Lord Yaoguang was right. Now that he is trapped in the flower hall, he just listened to some servants about the situation outside. In return, not being able to control the overall situation always makes him a little uneasy.

Thinking of this, Han Lingfu made a decision, he stood up, and confidently said to the people present: "With me here, nothing will happen to you!"

Since the third prince said so, it was decided at this time. As Nangong Yue expected, no one raised any objections.

Now that the decision has been made, don't waste any more time. Seeing Han Lingfu leading the way with two guards, he said fearlessly, "Everyone come with me!"

"His Royal Highness the Third Prince is indeed a young hero!" King Cheng praised, drew his sword and paralleled Han Lingfu, and said, "I can't lose to Your Highness!"

Both the third prince and King Cheng behaved in this way, and the other three children of the aristocratic family couldn't be too cowardly, so they hurriedly followed up, and together they protected the female relatives at the rear.

The most eye-catching one was probably Xiao Yi, he was not at all moved by Han Lingfu's heroic behavior, and he still followed behind in a carefree manner.

Chen Lang, Mo Xilin, and Ji Shuxuan looked at Xiao Yi contemptuously, and thought to themselves: This son of the Zhennan Prince is really useless as rumored, no wonder he is not welcomed by the Zhennan King! Promising younger brother, every time he mentions the name "Xiao Yi", it's like a mouse has seen a cat, and he doesn't know what to be afraid of him.

Xiao Yiquan turned a blind eye to all the disdainful gazes. He seemed to be walking with the female relatives, but he was closely guarding Nangong Yue's side. No matter how careless the expression on his face was, his right hand was always lightly touching the hilt of the sword, ready to make a move at any time.

For Xiao Yi, other people's eyes and thoughts are irrelevant, the most important thing is only one person - Nangong Yue. In such a chaotic situation, to ensure everything is safe, he must not be careless. As for the others, whether they are dead or alive, what does it matter to him? He doesn't care what they think!

Nangong Yue looked at Xiao Yi who was guarding beside her, and a warm current surged in her heart. I thought: Anyway, with Han Lingfu leading the way, Xiao Yi doesn't need to go out to be a hero at all.

A group of people came out of the flower hall, only to see the flames burning in the west, most of the west courtyard had been set ablaze, like a hell of fire, and the sound of weapons being handed over could be heard endlessly...

The courtyard they are in at the moment is located in the southwest corner of the other courtyard. It is specially used to entertain guests, and it is also called the guest courtyard.

At first, Han Huaijun fought against the enemy at the main gate of the other courtyard, and wanted to expel the bandits from the other courtyard. However, after all, this is just another courtyard, and the guards stationed there are limited, making it difficult for him to assign enough manpower to guard the entire courtyard. And the raiders were too scattered. Although Mr. Han Huai guarded the main entrance, they broke into other courtyards from various directions such as the side door, the back door, and the corner door...

In desperation, Mr. Han Huai made a decisive decision, resolutely gave up other places in the other courtyard, and concentrated all the manpower in the guest courtyard.

And not long after he retreated to the guest courtyard, the west courtyard was breached by bandits. After setting off a fire to vent their anger, the bandits attacked the guest courtyard in two ways from the main entrance and the side entrance.

Han Huaijun was attacked from the front and back, and when he was exhausted, the side door was knocked open. Fortunately, he found it in time, and he allocated half of his men to resist, but even so, some fierce bandits broke in, and even began to become more and more…

A lot of corpses were dumped in the yard, including bandits, guards, and even some women and servants, which proved how fierce the battle had been here. Most of the surviving Weis also suffered some injuries. Even Mr. Han Huai had an obvious cut on his shoulder, and the blood stained his shirt.

There was an unpleasant smell of blood in the air.

As soon as this group of people came out of the flower hall, they immediately became new targets for the gangsters. It is unknown where this group of gangsters got the bows and crossbows. There was a sound of breaking through the air, shooting towards them like a torrential rain.

"Protect His Highness the Third Prince!"

I don't know who yelled, the third prince's bodyguard hurriedly retreated and surrounded Han Lingfu. At the same time, he swung the sword in his hand fiercely, "Bang! Bang!"

But even so, there are still fish caught—a few feathered arrows passed through the protective nets of the guards, narrowly passing by everyone, and one even landed on Qu Jiayue's feet side.

"Ah!" Qu Jiayue screamed with a pale face, and firmly grabbed Yuan Yuyi beside her. At this time, Qu Jiayue could not see the arrogance and domineering of the past.

Han Lingfu took a deep breath, and his face was not very good-looking.

Under the dedicated protection of the guards, none of the arrows had a chance to approach him, but even so, he was deeply aware that it was easy to hide the open spear, but hard to guard against the hidden arrow. If he didn't want to be buried here, he had to choose the safest plan!

And behind him, the faces of Mo Xilin and the other three aristocratic sons were also very pale. They were all pampered and pampered children of the aristocratic family. Although Mo Xilin was the son of a general, he had never been on the battlefield, at most he went to the hunting ground to hunt; And these Chen Lang and Ji Shuxuan are the children of the Wenchen family. Even if they have held swords on weekdays, they are just playing sword dances. This kind of fighting is similar to fighting on the battlefield. The scene where the smell hits the nose and mouth is really beyond their imagination!

"Let's go together." Han Lingfu quickly regained his composure, and said decisively, "At least we still have the advantage of being easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once all these bandits rush in, the situation will be even worse."

Indeed, although the current situation in the guest courtyard is dangerous, it is far from the point where it will fall. You only need to seal the side door and clean up the bandits who broke into the guest courtyard, and you can keep safe for a while. But if these bandits are allowed to break in, there are still so many female relatives here, it is difficult to resist.

Even if Nangong Yue disliked Han Lingfu, he had to admit that he was a man who dared to fight, otherwise he would not be the final winner in the battle for the heir apparent in the previous life.


Qu Jiayue's shrill voice suddenly sounded, she has been doted on since she was born, and she has been spoiled by the wind and the rain, how has she ever experienced such a thing. Her face was pale, and she said willfully: "Why are we waiting here to die, we can obviously rush out!"

Han Lingfu frowned in disapproval, and said, "Mingyue, you said rush? How should you rush?"

"I..." Qu Jiayue was at a loss for words, she glanced around quickly, and suddenly pointed to Mr. Han Huai, who was fighting against the enemy, and said, "He! Anyway, there are still many guards, so let Cousin Jun bring the guards Serve as the rear for us, restrain those bandits, and we will be able to go out!"

As soon as her words came out, many people showed their approval, and even Han Lingfu couldn't help but close his eyes and think.

At this time, there were still twenty or thirty guards in the guest house, and Mr. Han Huai was a person who could block hundreds of people. If they were allowed to hold back the refugees, it might be possible to break out.

Nangong Yue couldn't help but secretly sighed. The gangsters were so fierce. Didn't Han Huaijun make it clear that he would take his life to delay time? Han Huaijun didn't owe them anything! Nangong Yue was about to speak, but someone was one step ahead of her. Han Qixia retorted loudly: "No way! How can I make big brother..."

"Otherwise?" Qu Jiayue couldn't care less, and blurted out, "Could it be impossible to let us all wait here to die? Third Cousin..."

"Going out is death." Nangong Yue interrupted Qu Jiayue, she took a step forward and said, "Princess, don't forget that there are three to five hundred bandits! And now there are only three or five hundred bandits outside the guest courtyard." How many people? Even if we break out of the guest house, can you guarantee that there will be no bandits to attack us? We have so many female relatives here, once they are attacked by bandits, what will happen? It shouldn't be necessary I'm here to remind the princess."

Qu Jiayue became angry from embarrassment: "You...then what do you say?"

"His Highness the Third Prince's suggestion is correct." Nangong Yue tried to calm herself down and said, "Now in the Guest House, we still have the advantage of being easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as we can defend it, I believe it will not take long. There are reinforcements coming to save us!"

"That's true." Han Lingfu no longer hesitated, and directly ordered, "Everyone stay in the hospital with me!"


The young masters and the guards responded loudly and rushed forward with their swords drawn.

Han Qixia glanced at Nangong Yue gratefully, while Qu Jiayue snorted and flung her sleeves away.

Most of the girls stood with their backs against the flower hall, with swords and swords in front of them, and blood splattered everywhere. They had never seen such a situation before.

Nangong Yue glanced around the guest courtyard. There is no doubt that the side door is more dangerous now, so...

Nangong Yue moved, she lifted her skirt and rushed out without hesitation.

"Three younger sisters!"

"Sister Yue!"

Two exclamations rang in her ears, it was the voices of Jiang Yixi and Nangong Cheng, but Nangong Yue couldn't care less about responding to them, and went directly to the side door.

"Miss San." Yimei was so anxious that she was about to cry, she was about to follow, but she was stopped by Baihui, she saw Baihui shook her head at her, and said in a low voice: "It's okay, Shizi Xiao has already followed. "

Yimei looked surprised, "Xiao Shizi?" Hearing what she said, Yimei really found that there was another person beside her girl.

At this moment, Nangong Yue noticed the figure following her from the corner of her eyes, and when she turned her head, she met Xiao Yi's bright eyes. Xiao Yi blinked those peachy eyes at her, his lips moved slightly and said: "Whatever you want to do, just go, don't be afraid."


Nangong Yue nodded vigorously, without any trace of worry on her face.


Accompanied by a loud shout, three gangsters rushed towards her and surrounded her. They were already red-eyed, and they swung their long knives at Nangong Yue without mercy. However, before the light of the knife remained, a sharp edge flashed in front of their eyes, and then they fell backwards. They saw a line of blood on their necks, and the blood flowed down until they died. Their eyes were still wide open, their faces full of disbelief.

And from the beginning to the end, Nangong Yue was not even touched by a hair.

Xiao Yi took a sword flower, and continued to follow her closely with a smile, as if the person who swung the amazing sword just now was not him.

During this long journey, Nangong Yue did not encounter any obstacles, or in other words, all obstacles were no match for that lightly slashed sword. When she finally ran to the side door, before she could take a breath, she took out a small paper bag from her purse.

"Hold your breath."

Nangong Yue gave Xiao Yi a quick warning. She looked at the direction of the wind, raised her hand and threw out the paper bag, and some white medicinal powder spilled out from it.

The wind blew the powder towards the gangsters. The gangsters didn't know what was going on at first, but when they reacted, they felt weak for a while, and fell down softly after only a short breath.

All of a sudden, those dense refugees fell down, and there was a short break.

Nangong Yue gathered herself together, and shouted to the women around her, "Close the door!"

The guards were still fighting with the bandits who broke in, and the rough envoy women finally reacted at this moment, hurried forward to close the side door, and added the thickest door bolt.

It worked!

Nangong Yue couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, she staggered and almost fell, but one hand held her arm, and quickly let go of it.

When Nangong Yue returned to the front of the flower hall, her feet were still a little weak. Apart from fear, she was more nervous. The situation just now was too dangerous. If it wasn't for Xiao Yi's presence, Nangong Yue was sure that she would never survive.

"Three younger sisters!"

"Sister Yue!"

The two girls greeted her anxiously. They both held Nangong Yue's hand worriedly, wanting to see if she was injured. The distance between them was a bit far just now, and they didn't see clearly what happened at all, but they still saw the dangers along the way.

"Big Sister, Sister Xi, I'm fine..." Nangong Yue shook her head, her breath still a little messy.

"Just now you were..." Seeing that she was not injured, the two girls were relieved, and Jiang Yixi asked in puzzlement, "Why did they all fall down?"

Nangong Yue simply explained: "It's a kind of medicine powder I made myself, which will produce the effect of sweating medicine. I was thinking that those bandits are fierce, and we can only stop their attack if we find a way to 'stop' their attacks." Take advantage of the mechanism."

"Although it's a good idea, it's too dangerous." Nangong Cheng said worriedly, "Don't take the risk again next time."

Nangong Yue knew that they were worried about her, so she smiled and said, "I see. Big sister, sister Xi."

During the conversation, the situation in the guest courtyard has improved a bit. Since the side door was sealed, no more bandits broke in for a while, and the guards were finally able to concentrate on subduing all the bandits who were still in the guest courtyard.

The main entrance was still being slammed with "bang bang" from the outside, and the flames in the west courtyard became more and more intense. Everyone knew that their predicament had not been resolved.

The sons of the family and the guards are all ready to fight, not daring to take it lightly.

The bandits were still crashing into the main and side doors, and the sound of "dong dong" was like a heavy blow to their hearts, which made people panic.

How long can you hold on

Can we really wait for reinforcements

No one dares to think about it, their only thought now is: hold on! As long as hold on, there is still hope!


At this time, Qu Jiayue suddenly shouted in panic, "They crawled in!"

The girls quickly looked over and saw a few bandits climbing up the wall. It seemed that they wanted to jump over the wall because they could not break through for a long time. However, the guards led by Mr. Han Huai were clearly prepared, and Mr. Han Huai took off the heavy bow behind his back and put on three feathered arrows.

whoosh whoosh--

Three consecutive arrows shot out through the air, and the arrows hit the bandit on the wall without missing a beat. Then, he shouted: "Take the bow!" His voice was quiet, but unexpectedly firm, and he easily infected the surrounding people. People, all the guards put down their melee weapons at this moment, picked up the bows and arrows that had been prepared, and were ready to go.

Once the bandits climbed the wall, they would immediately be greeted by a feathered arrow. After a few times, they seemed to understand that this was not a good way, so they concentrated their energy on hitting the two doors.

Boom boom boom!

The two doors were knocked to the point of collapse, especially the side door. Perhaps because the fire in the west courtyard was getting bigger and bigger, the bandits had no way out, so they rammed even more frantically.

Faced with this scene, for a while, everyone had no countermeasures.

Han Lingfu boosted his morale and said, "My concubine knows that I have come to Cuiwei Mountain today, and she will definitely tell the father to save us, so hold on for a while!" I don't know if this sentence is comforting others or myself. After all, he has not yet been crowned, and it was the first time in his life that he encountered such a life-threatening matter, and he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

Although the two doors of the guest courtyard are solid, they were not built for the purpose of defending the city. During such continuous collisions, a crack appeared on the heavy door bolt, and even the sound of wood breaking could be vaguely heard. We all know that going on like this will definitely not last long.

"Since the door is not strong enough..." Jiang Yixi was not as flustered as she was at the beginning. She thought about it and said, "Then strengthen it..."

"Reinforce it?" Nangong Yue's eyes lit up, and she said, "Sister Xi, you are right, we just need to reinforce it!"

Jiang Yixi nodded and said: "Yes." After speaking, she ordered a few words to her maid, and Nangong Yue also agreed to order Yimei and Baihui.

The four servant girls hurried into the flower hall, and Jiang Yixi explained her intentions to the other girls, and said, "I think, since the main entrance and the side entrance are not strong now, they will be knocked open by those gangsters at any time, why don't we go out on our own?" For reinforcement, use the existing tables and chairs in the flower hall to temporarily make some wooden boards and nail them to the door, which may block some more time."

"This is a good way." Yuan Yu nodded hastily and said, "Sister Xi, I will also ask my maid to move the chair inside..." He gave orders while speaking.

The same was true for the other girls. It didn't take long for all the tables and chairs in the flower hall to be moved out.

Han Lingfu also noticed the commotion here, and after inquiring about it, he was full of praise for the idea, so the princes and guards all helped, and cut off all the four legs of the table and chair with their swords, regardless of their appearance, They nailed them all to the door.

The two doors are finally a little stronger, and they should be able to last for a while.

The bandits hit again and again, unable to attack for a long time, which made them even angrier, and climbed up the wall again.

Han Huaijun and the guards raised their bows and arrows, and the feathered arrows came out of the string and flew out.

Most of the refugees were shot on the wall, but no one was happy because their quiver was almost empty.

The gangsters seem to be aware of this, and they climb over the wall more and more recklessly...


"Bump hard!"

"They won't last long!"

More and more refugees gathered in front of the main entrance. Amidst the clamor one after another, they slammed into the main entrance frantically.

Finally, the feather arrows ran out...

Until now, there was still no reinforcements, and the faces of all the people could not help showing despair.


Finally, the main entrance of the guest house could no longer hold on. After a loud noise, the two doors were knocked off the hinges and fell heavily on the ground, raising a cloud of dust...

"Kill! Brothers!"

"Take down this gang of corrupt officials who eat people and don't spit out their bones!"

The gangsters who had already murdered red-eyed poured into the yard like a tide, with no end in sight.

Their eyes were like wolves, staring at the luxuriously dressed girls and young men in front of them, and rushed towards them.

Han Huaijun strode forward and stood in front of the crowd. The long sword in his hand was slashing sharply one after another, and every sword was bound to see blood.

"Brothers, let's get rid of this blue-clothed man first!" The bandits immediately realized Han Huaijun's powerful lethality, and one of them instigated everyone to besiege Han Huaijun together.

But at the next moment, with a flash of silver sword light, a sword pierced through the neck of the talking bandit, and red blood gushed out like a fountain. The gangsters were spattered with blood all over their faces.

These bandits came all the way, and most of them killed ordinary people, so they thought they were invincible and invincible, and they were a little smug. Seeing that his accomplice lost his life so easily now, he was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Han Huai's army was unrestrained, and several swords in a row, all of which sealed their throats with one sword!

Seeing this, several bandits who were rushing forward felt retreating and hesitated to go forward.

And what Han Huai-jun wanted was exactly this kind of effect. With his own power, no matter what, it was impossible to kill these gangsters. Now he could only frighten them with iron and blood to buy enough time for his own side.

He swung his sword horizontally, releasing a wave of evil spirit all over his body, and said: "This is not going to work, everyone retreat quickly! Return to the flower hall!"

Qu Jiayue, Yuan Yuyi and the others in the rear were almost paralyzed the moment they saw the bandits entering the courtyard, and the bloody scene just now made them tremble with fear, their legs almost limp. Now when Han Huaijun let them into the house, they couldn't wait to walk back, embarrassed and panicked, but Nangong Yue didn't move, but asked in a low voice: "Mr. Han, you..." She didn't continue, but the meaning was already It's very clear: Mr. Han, how about you

Han Huaijun didn't speak, but the motionless posture of him standing in the same place has already imperceptibly explained everything, he wants to stay here!

Nangong Yue clenched her hands tightly into fists, and said softly, "Mr. Han, take care!" She would not be able to help Han Huaijun by staying here, and would only drag him down.

Moreover, Nangong Yue also knew that the door of this flower hall would not last long at all. Once Mr. Han Huai couldn't keep it, the whole group of them would surely die. If so, there is nothing to be hypocritical about.

Jiang Yixi beside her bowed deeply and said, "Mr. Han, thank you!" His eyes were full of respect and gratitude.

The two of them are not mother-in-law's character, after speaking, they immediately trot towards the flower hall.

Those who stayed outside the hall with Mr. Han Huai were the bodyguards and the guards of the various mansions. They stood in two rows, and they all clenched their swords tightly.

None of them retreated!

These bodyguards were originally sent by the emperor to protect the third prince and His Royal Highness Cheng. If something happened to the two His Royal Highnesses, they would definitely lose their heads! As for those guards, it is their duty to protect their own sons and daughters. If you escape with a weapon, then going back will not end well, and maybe your family will be implicated.

But if they died in battle to protect their master, their family members could get a lot of rewards anyway, and even continue to be reused by the master.

Seeing that the people in the rear were about to retreat back to the flower hall safely, a meteor hammer the size of a head and full of spikes came through the air with the sound of the iron chain being thrown, and smashed towards Mr. Han Huai like a broken bamboo...

-off topic-

The building snatching activity is over. Anyone who left a message yesterday will have 18xxb, and it will be sent out within today~

Thank you for all those who support the original version, and thank you for those who gave flowers and monthly tickets, so happy! *^o^*//

Flowers: Miyamato sent 9 flowers

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