The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 149: - show off


Nangong Yue knew that the more she forced Yuan Yuyi at this time, the more counterproductive it would be. She thought for a while, looked at the ball under the quilt, sat down on the edge of the bed with a smile, and asked: "Master Liushuang, I remember that His Royal Highness has a white cat. I remember that it seems to be called Xue. ball?"

Yuan Yuyi was stunned for a moment, wondering why Nangong Yue suddenly started talking about cats, but she still didn't make a sound.

Nangong Yue said with a smile: "I happened to see it at the second gate on the day of Fang Yan, and it was round and cute, just like my cat, by the way, my cat is also a white cat, almost one year old It's half over, with one gold and one blue mandarin duck eyes, very pretty. I wonder how old your snowball is?"

Yuan Yuyi's lips parted slightly, and at this moment, she heard a "meow--", the arched ball in her quilt moved, and then, a small furry head came out from under the quilt, green and green. His eyes looked at everyone innocently, as if to say, who called me just now


Yuan Yuyi finally spoke, she hugged the chubby snowball, put it on her lap and stroked the top of its head, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. She has always liked Xueqiu, and after she was injured, only Xueqiu would not look at her strangely.

Only when she was with Xueqiu could she feel more at ease.

Yuan Yuyi's maid could not help but break out in a cold sweat. Although His Royal Highness the Princess loves Xueqiu, she will never allow Xueqiu to sleep on the bed, but because the county lord loves Xueqiu, sometimes the maid will turn a blind eye when she sees her With one eye, who would have thought that His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess would catch him right away today.

However, at this moment, Princess Yuncheng was not in the mood to argue with the maids. She only saw a smile on Yi's face and a gleam of light in her eyes the moment she saw Xueqiu. Princess Yuncheng gave Xueqiu a credit, thinking about ordering the kitchen to reward Xueqiu.

Nangong Yue looked at the snowball on Yuan Yuyi's lap, and said with a smile, "Mistress Liushuang, can I have a look at the snowball?"

Yuan Yuyi didn't speak, but handed the snowball to Nangong Yue. Nangong Yue grabbed the snowball with one hand, and pressed on its swollen belly with the other, with a serious expression.

"Meow--" Xueqiu cried out uncomfortably, struggling desperately, Baihui was afraid that it would scratch Nangong Yue, so she hurried forward and grabbed it neatly.

Nangong Yue pressed Xueqiu's stomach a few more times, and then said to Yuan Yuyi: "There are some bugs in Xueqiu's stomach..."

When Yuan Yuyi heard this, she looked at Xueqiu worriedly.

"Don't worry." Nangong Yue said gently, "It's nothing serious. When I get back home, I'll make some pills for you, and you take it, and it will expel the bugs the next day, and then you'll be fine. "

Yuan Yuyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Nangong Yue curiously. It was obvious that Nangong Yue just pressed Xueqiu's stomach a few times, and knew that there was a worm in Xueqiu's stomach? In matters of the courtyard, the owner of Yaoguang County always seems to be so different. At that time, she fought hard with the owner of Mingyue County, at that time she advised everyone, at that time she vowed to guard the guest courtyard without shrinking back, at that time...

The last scene that came to Yuan Yuyi's mind was when Nangong Yue healed the arrow wound for Zhennan Wang's son Xiao Yi, the bright red blood splashed on her cheeks, but she remained calm!

In an instant, the extinguished spark in Yuan Yuyi's heart was suddenly ignited again, she stared at Nangong Yue in a daze, and after a while, she asked: "County Lord Yaoguang, you really have a way to cure the bruise on my face?" Scar?" After a pause, she asked again, "Remove the scar on my face?" Just two sentences seemed to have exhausted all her strength.

Even Princess Yuncheng looked at Nangong Yue with burning eyes, showing a glimmer of hope.

Nangong Yue didn't intend to give Yuan Yuyi false expectations, and she replied truthfully: "Master Liushuang, I have to see the wound on your face before I can be sure."

Princess Yuncheng couldn't help showing disappointment.

Yuan Yuyi stretched out her hand to touch her right cheek again, complex struggles flashed in her eyes, then she became firm again, and finally said: "Okay."

Nangong Yue smiled slightly, and was actually relieved in her heart. It was finally worthwhile for her to make such a detour. She stood up and said to a green-clothed maid in the room: "The light in this room is too dark, please draw the curtains and open the window, miss."

Han Mei, a maidservant in green, didn't dare to call the shots. She glanced at Princess Yuncheng's eyes, and then she responded, "Yes, County Lord Yaoguang!"

Yuan Yuyi's body froze for a moment, but she didn't make any objection.

Han Mei drew the curtains and opened the window, and the warm sunlight streamed in instantly. The room suddenly became much brighter, and even the air seemed less gloomy and oppressive.

Nangong Yue walked to Yuan Yuyi's right hand side, leaned over and said, "Then, Lord Liushuang, I will remove the gauze for you now."

Yuan Yuyi nodded stiffly, Nangong Yue first carefully untied the knot at the end of the gauze, and then gently removed the gauze round and round.

When the last layer of gauze was removed, the wound on Yuan Yuyi's right face was exposed to the light. In an instant, Yuan Yuyi's body was as stiff as if it had been frozen instantly. She hardly dared to look at Nangong Yue's face, but Seeing that Nangong Yue's body was bent even lower, her body movements were still as usual, nothing unusual.

Yuan Yuyi slowly looked at Nangong Yue's face, the other party's expression was extremely focused, as if she was looking at something extremely important... There was no disgust, no embarrassment, no disgust in her eyes, which made Yuan Yuyi relax involuntarily .

At this time, Nangong Yue couldn't pay attention to Yuan Yuyi's expression at all. Her attention was all focused on the wound on Yuan Yuyi's right face. With the treatment of the imperial physicians, the wound has basically healed and scarred. But the scar was red, swollen and slightly convex, extending from the ear to the corner of the lip, and covered with a layer of black ointment, which was really shocking.

The maids in the room almost held their breath, fearing that Nangong Yue would bring another bad news.

Nangong Yue raised her head and said to Han Mei: "Miss, please go and prepare a basin of clear water and a piece of clean white cotton cloth."

"Yes, Princess Yaoguang!" Han Mei took the order and left, and after a while, she came in with a basin of clear water, followed by a little maid who was carrying a mahogany tray with two folded boxes on it. White cotton.

After putting the water basin aside, Nangong Yue took a white cotton cloth and wetted it, then cleaned Yuan Yuyi's face herself, looked at it carefully for a while, and then raised her head solemnly.

Seeing this, not only Yuan Yuyi, but even Princess Yuncheng and Mrs. Sun's heart sank, and their heartbeats accelerated.

Nangong Yue said slowly: "This injury has dragged on for too long, and it is impossible to fully recover."

Yuan Yuyi's body trembled violently, her eyes dimmed. Princess Yuncheng's heart was on fire, and she felt that her struggles these days and today's groveling seemed to be a big joke!

However, Mrs. Sun heard another meaning from Nangong Yue's mouth, and hurriedly asked: "County Lord Yaoguang, to what extent can you restore Liushuang's face?"

When Sun said this, Yuan Yuyi couldn't help but a little light flashed in her eyes, and even Princess Yuncheng temporarily suppressed the anger in her heart.

Nangong Yue took a quick look at Sun, and continued: "This raised scar can be removed, but there will still be some marks on the face of Liushuang County Lord, probably." She looked halfway around the room, Fixing on the little girl who came in with a mahogany tray just now, she waved her hand and signaled her to come over, then took the girl's hand and compared it to Yuan Yuyi's jade-like skin, then nodded and said , "It's probably a trace like this girl's skin color." The green-clothed maid was a little whiter than Yuan Yuyi, which meant that a faint white mark would be left on Yuan Yuyi's face in the end.

Yuan Yuyi's eyes widened, and in an instant, she seemed to come alive! Princess Yuncheng couldn't hide her joy, and the maids around her were all relieved.

"Such marks should be covered with powder. After the wound is healed, if the county lord needs it, I can also prepare a special cream for the county lord. But..."

Nangong Yue's "but" made everyone thump again, but Nangong Yue didn't intend to show off, and quickly continued: "But the treatment process will be very painful, and it will cause great harm to you both physically and mentally. Pressure, County Mistress Liushuang, do you want to..." Think again

Before Nangong Yue finished speaking, Yuan Yuyi interrupted her decisively: "I want to be treated! No matter how painful it is, I will also be treated! As long as my face can be cured, no matter how painful it is, I will I can bear it!" This was probably the first time Yuan Yuyi had spoken so much in the past half a month, her voice was still hoarse, but her tone was extremely firm. During the words, her eye sockets were already wet, and a voice in her heart sounded repeatedly: Great, I can still be saved! Great...

Seeing her daughter's appearance like this, Princess Yuncheng's eyes turned red, but she would not show weakness in front of others, she returned to normal within a breath, and asked calmly: "County Master Yaoguang, how do we treat it? If you need to prepare something, just ask!"

"His Royal Highness, the utensils and medicine are ready." While Nangong Yue was speaking, Baihui took the medicine box she was carrying in her hand and opened the lid. Small silver knives and several small porcelain vases. After Nangong Yue asked her to retreat, she continued, "But I still need to ask someone to prepare three pots of clean water that will be cooled by boiling water."

Without the orders of Princess Yuncheng, Han Mei went down to prepare.

Although Princess Yuncheng still looks calm on the surface, there are already mixed feelings in her heart. Listening to Nangong Yue's tone, she was already well prepared. Not only did she know the treatment plan, but she also prepared all the things she needed. Obviously, she had planned to treat sister Yi for a long time, and even carefully planned for it. After thinking about it...

At this time, Princess Yuncheng couldn't help but have a thought in her mind: If she hadn't ignored Nangong Yue's greeting card, how far could Miss Yi's face recover? Whether...

Princess Yuncheng had a rare trace of remorse, she was the one who harmed Sister Yi!

Nangong Yue took out a silver knife with the smallest size from her medicine box, and explained: "To heal the injury of the county lord, you need to cut off the scar on the princess's face, recreate the wound, and then apply my Homemade hemostatic and muscle-building powder, wait for the wound to heal, and then continue to apply the scar removal ointment... "

"Scarring?!" Princess Yuncheng blurted out in surprise, she couldn't hide the pain in her eyes, "Wouldn't it be very painful?" The scar is like peeling... Sister Yi is a golden branch and jade leaf. Growing up under my own pampering, how can I bear such pain!

"Yes." Nangong Yue nodded and continued to explain, "Master, when removing your scar, I will prick your sleeping point with a silver needle to make you sleepy, so you won't have any pain, just wait After you wake up, you will feel a little uncomfortable..." Not to mention the pain of this flesh wound, more importantly, the scar in Yuan Yuyi's heart will be uncovered again...

Yuan Yuyi's pupils shrank, as if she remembered that day in Qi Wang's other courtyard, the pain was like gouging out her heart! In an instant, the scar on her face seemed to start to ache again. Would she have to go through that long, unbearable nightmare all over again

What if it's all just a waste of effort

What if in the end what awaits her is only disappointment


Yuan Yuyi couldn't help but shrink back.


Yuan Yuyi couldn't help touching the wound on her neck. She had already walked to the gate of hell, so why should she hesitate? Since even Lord Yan refused to accept her, was it God telling her that she still Is there a way out

Nangong Yue was neither anxious nor persuasive, and just quietly waited for Yuan Yuyi to make the final decision.

After a long time, Yuan Yuyi finally made up her mind, with a resolute expression on her face, and squeezed out three words from her throat: "I want to be cured."

Hearing this, Princess Yuncheng's eyes were sore, and a layer of water mist appeared in her eyes, which pierced her heart and lungs.

At this time, Hanmei came back to the house again, brought three basins of clean water with her two maidservants.

"County Master Yaoguang, the clean water is ready." Han Mei saluted.

Nangong Yue nodded slightly, and said to Princess Yuncheng and Sun with a solemn expression: "His Royal Highness, Da Furen, Fluctlight needs absolute concentration during the treatment, and no one can disturb it, and please retreat to the outside room. "As she said, she looked around for half a circle, and continued, "Please also let the rest of the idlers leave the house, and only my maidservant is here."

Nangong Yue's request is not too much. Naturally, no mistakes can be made in treating her daughter's face!

Mrs. Sun waved her hand, and the maids of the Princess Mansion retreated in an orderly manner.

Princess Yuncheng looked at Yuan Yuyi hesitantly. Although she really wanted to see how Nangong Yue healed Sister Yi, she couldn't even guarantee it herself. When she saw Nangong Yue moving on Sister Yi's face Can you control your emotions when using a knife

"County Lord Yaoguang, I will leave everything to you." Princess Yuncheng finally withdrew.

After there were only Nangongyue master and servant in the room, Nangongyue asked Yimei to help Yuan Yuyi to lie down first, and said: "Master, I'm about to start now, please close your eyes... wait until you wake up." Come on, everything will get better slowly."

Nangong Yue's gentle voice seemed to have a strange power, Yuan Yuyi unconsciously relaxed, and slowly closed her eyes.

Nangong Yue opened the purse, revealing a long row of silver needles, picked up one, and with the right strength and angle, slowly inserted the silver needles into Yuan Yuyi's Baihui acupoint, and said softly: "Master, Let's sleep well now, when I wake up, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep for a while."

Yuan Yuyi fell into a peaceful sleep without even moaning...

While speaking, Yimei had already taken out a candle from the medicine box, lit it with a torch, and inserted it into the candlestick.

Nangong Yue picked up the silver knife again, took it to the candle and burned it, then took a deep breath, bent down resolutely...

Nangong Yue carefully cut open the healed wound on Yuan Yuyi's face with a silver knife, skillfully and accurately removed the dead skin and scabs on the scar, without hurting the surrounding intact skin at all... Soon, under the scar Fresh flesh and blood were exposed, and red blood seeped out... Baihui immediately stepped forward to suck the blood away with a clean cotton cloth...

Outside, Princess Yuncheng waited anxiously, walking back and forth, muttering: "Why is it so long?" I don't know how many times she asked, "How long has it been?"

"Return to Your Highness, there is a stick of incense!" A maid replied. But for a stick of incense, the eldest princess has asked at least ten times, and the maids naturally dare not show their impatience, so they can only answer again and again.

Princess Yuncheng turned around again... Finally, she couldn't help but said to Han Mei: "You go in and see how it is? Remember to be careful, don't disturb them!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Han Mei could only respond, but she was very hesitant in her heart. If something really went wrong with this treatment, wouldn't it implicate her

Although she was panicked, she still took the order to go... but she didn't want to take two steps, Princess Yuncheng repented: "Wait, you better not go! In case it affects the county lord's treatment..."

Just as Princess Yuncheng was so entangled in her thoughts, Yimei walked out from the room slowly, and respectfully said: "His Royal Highness, Da Furen, the treatment is over, you can visit the county lord."

As soon as the words fell, Princess Yuncheng rushed into the inner room impatiently. As soon as she entered, she saw two basins of bloody water outside the screen. Although one basin was much shallower than the other, it was shocking to look at!

With so much blood, what a crime her sister Yi has suffered!

Princess Yuncheng only felt dizzy for a while, and almost fell down, and the maid beside her hurriedly helped her.

"What's going on here? Why is there so much blood?" Princess Yuncheng asked tremblingly. The maids in the princess mansion looked at the two basins of blood, their faces paled, and they almost screamed out.

Yimei said neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Highness, don't worry, these are just clean water after cleaning the wound, it looks a little scary, it's okay."

Although she heard what Yimei said, Princess Yuncheng's heart was still fried, and she was very uncomfortable, so she hurried to go behind the screen.

On the contrary, Mrs. Sun glanced at Yimei unexpectedly, in her heart she just felt that this Lord Yaoguang is really extraordinary, even the maids under him are different from ordinary people.

"Sister Yi..." Princess Yuncheng called eagerly, but seeing her daughter was lying on the bed with her eyes closed and the wound on her face had been bandaged again, she turned her head and asked Nangong Yue, "County Master Yaoguang, Liushuang How about now?"

Nangong Yue washed her hands with the last basin of water, stood up and saluted the eldest princess of Yuncheng, and said, "His Royal Highness, the treatment went very well. Yaoguang has already wrapped up the wound for the county lord. The county master should not touch the wound casually, let alone wash it! At the same time, you also need to avoid food, you can only eat some light food." There was a trace of fatigue on her face, and the treatment just now required absolute concentration, so it was even more exhausting.

Princess Yuncheng hastily responded, looked at Yuan Yuyi on the bed, thought about the blood just now, and asked worriedly: "Then she now..."

"Your Highness, don't worry, the county lord will wake up soon. That's all for today's treatment, and tomorrow Fluctlight will come back to change the county lord's medicine."

As soon as Nangong Yue finished speaking, there was a moaning sound from the bed, Yuan Yuyi slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were a little dazed, she seemed to be a little dazed, not knowing where she was.

She blinked and her eyes became clearer.

"my face… "

She reached out to touch the right cheek, but Princess Yuncheng quickly stopped her.

"Sister Yi, your wound has just been bandaged, so don't move it casually." Princess Yuncheng said softly, "Master Yaoguang said that the treatment went well, and you will recover soon..." As she spoke, her eyes glowed. Sourness appeared again, and I almost wanted to cry again.

Yuan Yuyi obediently put down her hand, then struggled to get up. Han Mei, who was standing beside her, hastily stepped forward to help her, and then put a lead pillow behind her for her to lean on.

"Sister Yi, how do you feel now?" Princess Yuncheng pulled her worriedly and asked, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Mom, I'm fine, I don't feel any discomfort..." As she said, Yuan Yuyi frowned slightly, "It's just that my face hurts..." But it wasn't as painful as she expected, and it was a little cool.

Nangong Yue explained: "Master, you will feel more pain in the future. After the treatment just now, I applied some painkiller powder on the wound for the Lord, but after two hours, after the effect of the medicine wears off, I was taken The re-cut wound will become more and more painful. I am afraid that the county owner will not be able to sleep tonight. I suggest that the county owner should take a nap first and have a good rest. After the first few days, it will be much better. "

Hearing this, Princess Yuncheng frowned and said, "County Master Yaoguang, can't you apply painkiller powder to Liushuang again?"

"His Royal Highness, this painkiller powder is used too much. First, it is easy to make patients addicted. Second, it will paralyze the skin and affect the recovery of the wound. Therefore, it is better not to use it as a last resort." Nangong Yue took it easy. said slowly.

As soon as she heard that it would affect the recovery of the wound, Princess Yuncheng didn't dare to say anything more.

"Master Yaoguang, I understand." Yuan Yuyi tried her best to smile and said, "No matter how painful it is, I can bear it. Thank you!" This gave her the chance to be a human again... She will not give up easily.

"The county lord should wait for the wound to heal before we come to Xie Yaoguang." Nangong Yue deliberately said in a relaxed tone, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Afterwards, she saluted Princess Yuncheng and said, "Your Highness, Yaoguang will take my leave, and I will come to visit Princess Liushuang tomorrow."

Princess Yuncheng immediately said: "Okay, you go back and have a good rest, I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow." She said to Sun without waiting for Nangong Yue to agree, "Send Yaoguang county master for me."

Mrs. Sun nodded in agreement, and personally sent Nangong Yue to the second gate.

Mrs. Sun wished her well, and said politely: "Princess Yaoguang, please go."

Nangong Yue hurriedly turned sideways to avoid her salute, and returned a half salute: "Ma'am, you are welcome."

Nangong Yue stepped on the footstool and got into the carriage. As soon as she raised her head, she met a pair of smiling phoenix eyes... She couldn't help being stunned, and her movements slowed down for a while, but she heard Yimei's doubtful voice coming from behind. Came: "Third Miss..."

"It's okay." Nangong Yue continued to go into the carriage, looking helplessly at Xiao Yi who was sitting there quietly, leisurely biting the walnut cake. This Xiao Yi, he actually had the nerve to eat her walnut cake! No, he was confused by this guy, what is the problem with the walnut cake now, this is the Palace of Princess Yuncheng, how did he get in here

Yimei and Baihui also got into the carriage at this time, seeing Xiao Yi, Yimei almost cried out, but fortunately Baihui quickly covered her mouth with her hands and feet, and followed Baihui as if nothing had happened: "Come on Uncle Fu, you can go now."

The coachman responded, and the carriage walked forward with a "da da da".

After returning from King Qi's other courtyard, Nangong Yue asked Lily to secretly send homemade wound medicine to Xiao Yi from time to time, and knew that his injury had almost healed, but she never expected to meet him on such an occasion!

It wasn't until she left Princess Yuncheng's mansion that Nangong Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Xiao Yi weakly, and said in a low voice: "You are too courageous! The sky is bright and the sun is bright, that is the Palace of Princess Yuncheng, so how can you do whatever you want!"

Xiao Yi didn't take it seriously, swallowed the remaining half of the walnut cake in one gulp, and said with a smile: "Stinky girl, what do you mean, I can break into the princess' mansion at night?"

This guy! He dared to play tricks on her! Nangong Yue rubbed the center of her brows, and felt that she was so stupid to be serious with this devil king.

Yimei and Baihui almost burst out laughing at Xiao Yi's words, but they could only bear it with all their might, thinking: Not to mention that Prince Xiao sometimes does things too absurdly and out of line, this is really interesting...

Xiao Yi smiled and said again: "Smelly girl, I know you are worried about me, but don't worry, how could the guard of the ruined princess mansion find me? I'm not boasting, even if it's the inner courtyard of the palace, I broke through …”

That's true. Nangong Yue thought feebly, in the previous life, you just led the army and took the imperial palace directly!

Seeing that Nangong Yue didn't react at all, Xiao Yi felt a little bored, coughed, and pretended to be serious: "Stinky girl, I'm here to look for you this time, because I heard that you were raped by Princess Yuncheng. Pulling the princess mansion, who doesn't know that this Princess Yuncheng is self-willed, domineering, self-respecting, unreasonable... If she dares to be rude to you again, I will not make her feel better." The last time Princess Yuncheng dared Treating his stinky girl like this was all because he was still injured and got the news late, but this time when he learned that the stinky girl had gone to the Princess Yuncheng's mansion again, he rushed over immediately.

There is one thing he didn't tell the stinky girl, the so-called mother's debt is paid by the son, the second boy of Princess Yuncheng's family has been beaten by him for various reasons recently!

Nangong Yue didn't feel impatient at all when she heard him talking, instead she felt warm in her heart.

Nangong Yue didn't interrupt him until he finished speaking, and she asked with crooked eyebrows, "What about Er?"

"This time, I'm here to give Bu a birthday gift!" As he spoke, he raised his right hand and threw a golden-green object over.

Nangong Yue subconsciously caught it with her hand, and saw that what fell into her palm was a pendant inlaid with five opals, each of which was about the same golden-green color, and under the light coming in from the window, the curved A slender luster like a cat's eye pupil appeared on the surface of the gemstone. With the rotation of the finger, the luster opened and closed, just like a cat's eye.

This is a fine Chrysoberyl opal!

This kind of golden green opal is extremely rare in Dayu Country, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is priceless, even in the inner courtyard of the imperial palace, it is likely that you cannot find an opal of this quality.

Could this be left to him by the old Zhennan King

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Xiao Yi show off triumphantly: "Stinky girl, do you still remember the bet we made three months ago? I earned it by my own ability! I heard that this opal came from a very distant place What about Persia, is it rare?"

Nangong Yue froze for a moment, with a look of surprise on her face.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi became even more proud, and leaned his face towards Nangong Yue, and said confidently: "There are still nine months left, and I will definitely earn ten thousand taels of gold!"

At this time, Nangong Yue finally came back to her senses, her smile deepened, not because of this expensive gift, but because "Xiao Yi earned it by himself"! She said with a smile: "Then I will wait for it." …”

Xiao Yi directly regarded Nangong Yue's four words as a compliment, and became more ambitious in his heart, thinking that after nine months, he must get 10,000 taels of gold, no, 20,000 taels of gold to dazzle the blind girl's eyes just do it!

Xiao Yi stayed on the carriage until he was about to arrive at Nangong Mansion, then he quietly left.

After Nangong Yue saluted Su Shi according to the rules, she returned to her yard. She asked Yimei to take out the medicinal materials she had prepared, put them one by one in a small bowl, and pounded them carefully.

Nangong Yue was so absorbed in making the ointment that she completely forgot that tomorrow was the day Su Qingping would return home.

However, she forgot, and Su Qingping couldn't forget, she didn't close her eyes all night, for fear that the prince would still not come back tomorrow. You know, since she married into Xuanping Hou's Mansion, she has never seen her new husband at all!

On the wedding night, the eldest son Lu Heng did not return all night; during the double court, He Hong was the only one who offered tea to Xuan Pinghou and his wife to recognize their relatives. Su Qingping was afraid that if Lu Heng didn't show up when she returned to the door tomorrow, if she was the only one to return, she would be humiliated.

But fortunately, early in the morning, Lu Heng, who had been missing for two days and three nights, finally reappeared, which made Su Qingping breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, Lu Heng didn't want to come at all, but Xuan Ping Hou couldn't tolerate his son like this. In Xuan Ping Hou's heart, it was one thing for his son to be reckless in the mansion, but if he lost his face outside, it would touch his rebellious scales.

Under Xuan Pinghou's threat, Lu Heng had to compromise and accompanied Su Qingping to Nangong Mansion sullenly.

It was originally a festive event for the newlyweds to return home, but because of what happened on the wedding day, few people in Nangong Mansion welcomed the newlyweds at all.

When Su Qingping and his wife were welcomed into the Nangong Mansion with the return ceremony, and then all the way to the main hall of Rong'an Hall, the whole journey was silent and the atmosphere was extremely strange. Su Qingping felt extremely uncomfortable, but Lu Heng yawned lazily as if he didn't notice it.

After entering Rong'an Hall, everyone has already arrived, Lu Heng and Su Qingping came to Liu Shi first, bowed their heads to her and said: "I have seen my mother!"

Mrs. Liu presented the meeting gift, took Su Qingping's hand again, and said affectionately: "Seeing that the girl can get such a good match, I am relieved. I only hope that the girl will respect her in-laws first and uncle uncle in her husband's house in the future. Do something unethical."

Su Qingping's face was uncertain, she could only nod her head and said: "Yes, my daughter knows."

At this time, Su Qingrong turned to Lu Heng and Su Qingping, and said delicately: "I met brother-in-law, sister."

Su Qingping nodded slightly reservedly and said: "Sister, you don't need to be too polite." Lu Heng presented Feng Hong.

Afterwards, the two came to Su's again, saluted and said: "I have seen my aunt."

"Get up." Su asked them to get up coldly, and said nothing. Obviously, Su Qingping has been completely disliked.

Seeing the alienation in Su Shi's eyes, Su Qingping froze for a moment. Originally, she thought about trying to get along with Su Shi alone in the future, and confide her full of grievances and sorrows, but now, she could only swallow it like this. She lowered her head silently, hiding the resentment in her eyes. Submissively follow Lu Heng to recognize relatives with other people in Nangong Mansion.

After meeting the Changfang family, Su Qingping finally came to Nangong Mu and his wife. Looking at the handsome Nangong Mu, she couldn't help but softly said, "I've seen my second cousin, my second cousin!"

"There is no need to be too polite!" Nangong Mu said coldly, and gave a meeting gift as usual.

Lin didn't want to say anything more to Su Qingping and his wife, but after a polite exchange of greetings, they sat back down again.

Su Qingping raised her eyes to look at Lin, with deep resentment hidden in her eyes, and secretly swore in her heart: If she is not doing well, Lin won't be too!... Wait until the chronic poison in Lin's body breaks out, until she is reduced to a A crazy woman, she will definitely be abandoned by her second cousin! At that time, let's see how she can still laugh! Let's wait and see!

Nangong Yue and Nangong Xin stood behind Nangong Mu and his wife. Nangong Yue has been observing Su Qingping's every move, seeing her expression clearly, and can roughly guess what she is thinking. Nangong Yue laughed secretly in her heart, thinking: If Cousin Ping wants to wait until her mother goes mad, she will be disappointed. Even if she waits until she dies, she will not wait until that day.

Nangong Yue's smile was even bigger, and she took a step forward to salute the two of them: "I've seen uncle, cousin!"

Nangong Xin, who was supposed to be the eldest son of the second wife, stepped forward to salute first, but because Nangong Xin was mentally deficient, Nangong Mu and his wife were afraid that something might happen to him, so they simply asked Nangong Yue to greet them first, which was convenient for Nangong Xin There will be examples in the back.

"Sister Yue, you don't need to be too polite!" When she raised her eyes again, Su Qingping's expression was already normal, and she took half a step forward affectionately to get up to Funan Gong Yue, and introduced to Lu Heng, "Sir, this is my concubine's second cousin The eldest daughter of the first line, sister Yue of Xingsan."

With a faint smile on her face, Nangong Yue straightened up.

Next it was Nangong Xin's turn. He imitated Nangong Yue's appearance and bowed to Lu Heng and his wife in a serious manner: "I have seen Uncle Biao, I have seen Aunt Biao!"

"No courtesy, no courtesy!"

Lu Heng's eyes lit up, he smiled like a spring breeze and stepped forward, helping Nangong Xin to stand up himself.

Seeing that Lu Heng was not rude to others, Su Qingping finally breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to introduce him: "Master, this is the eldest son of my concubine's second cousin, brother Xin who is the second cousin."

"Brother Xin? What a good name!" After boasting, Lu Heng gave Feng Hong to the two of them, and then glanced at Nangong Xin before continuing to follow Su Qingping.

After Lu Heng and his wife met the third and fourth bedrooms, the recognition of relatives was finally over, and they followed Nangong Qin and took Lu Heng to the outer courtyard, followed by Nangong Mu, Nangong Zhi and other men, and the female relatives went to the west. hall.

After sitting down, Su Qingrong looked at Su Qingping, and asked with concern: "Eldest sister, you don't look very well, could it be that your brother-in-law bullied you? If you have any grievances, you should tell your mother."

Su Qingping had a very strong self-esteem, so she was not willing to easily tell what happened to her in the Xuanping Hou Mansion, but said indifferently: "Thank you sister for your concern, there is nothing wrong with it."

At this time, Mrs. Huang smiled ambiguously, and said meaningfully: "It seems that Lu Shizi loves Cousin Ping very much, so we can rest assured."

Mrs. Zhao frowned, feeling that Mrs. Huang was outrageous. Although Mrs. Huang's words sounded like there was nothing wrong with a single word, when put together, it always made people feel that she was referring.

Su Qingping's complexion was blue and white, she felt ashamed, angry and embarrassing.

The female relatives continued to talk, Nangong Yue was really bored, and she didn't want to stay to support Su Qingping, so she left first in the name of going to the Yuncheng Changgong's mansion. And it was not until after lunch that Lu Heng and Su Qingping left Nangong Mansion.

The carriage had only traveled halfway, when Lu Heng suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

The coachman let out a "wow", tightened the reins, and the speed of the carriage slowed down quickly.

After the carriage stopped, Lu Heng raised the curtain and was about to get off the carriage. Su Qingping asked quickly, "My lord, where are you going?"

Lu Heng glanced at Su Qingping coldly: "Xiaoyunlou, why do you have an opinion?"

Su Qingping's face was as white as paper, her lips trembled twice, and it took a long time before she said: "My lord, how can you do this?" She hadn't seen anyone for the past two days, but when she returned home today, she left Nangong Mansion, and he walked out of Nangong Mansion in front of her. She's going to the small restaurant in front of her!

What did he think of her? Su Qingping was going crazy.

Lu Heng looked at her with a look of disgust, and said coldly: "This son has already married you back, and accompanied you back to the house, what else do you want?"

Su Qingping was so angry that her chest heaved and she said: "Then you can't leave at this time, anyway, you have to go back to the mansion with me and see your mother!"

"Okay, okay." Lu Heng shook his hands impatiently and said, "You don't need to bring out my mother to suppress me, this son can go wherever he wants, I advise you to take care of this son's affairs, otherwise ..." He didn't finish his sentence, but the vicious expression was clearly revealed.

The groom naturally listened to the conversation between the two, and was so frightened that he fell silent, wishing he didn't exist.

Lu Heng got out of the carriage by himself and walked away. Su Qingping was so angry that her chest heaved violently, unable to speak for a long time...

-off topic-

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