The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 165: -grace


Yongyang Dachang Princess Mansion was first built in the previous dynasty. It is said that it was the mansion of a princess who was most favored by the emperor in the previous dynasty. Every plant, tree, brick and tile here has a long history and is of great value. After the first emperor conquered the capital and established the foundation of the Dayu Dynasty, he bestowed the most luxurious mansion in the capital to his younger sister Yong Yang who had made great military achievements, which made everyone envious at that time.

A Zhulun cart entered Yongyang Dachang Princess' mansion through the corner gate, and stopped firmly at the second gate. Yimei got off the Zhulun cart, put her pedals on, and helped Nangong Yue down, and Nangong Xin followed He jumped down by himself and looked around curiously.

A beautiful servant girl in blue armor bowed to them and said, "Master Yaoguang, Second Young Master Nangong, this way please."

Nangong Yue slightly lowered her jaw, as if she was running parallel to Nangong Xin, but half a step behind without any trace.

"Ah Xin, Ah Yue, you are here!"

When passing through the Chaoshou Corridor, a girl wearing Yunfei's makeup, brocade brocade gown of brocade, satin, colorful flowers and butterflies, and a bun with a bun, stood there with a smile on her face, and ran towards them as soon as she saw them.

Nangong Xin waved to her and said happily, "Liu Niang, my sister and I are here!"

Nangong Yue nodded to her with a smile and said, "Liu Niang."

"Let's go! Grandma is waiting for you..." Before she could finish the salute, Fu Yunyan pulled her wrist and walked away. Her pace was a little faster, and Nangong Yue also accelerated her pace when she was being led.

The residence of Princess Yongyang is in the Wufu Hall in the main courtyard. In the courtyard where ordinary old ladies live, pine trees representing pine, crane and grass will be planted, and many bonsai will be placed for fun, but here, there is no Any plants are replaced by rows of weapon racks and archery targets, like a small school field, very heroic.

Fu Yunyan led Nangong Yue into the Nuan Pavilion, and before she could salute, Yong Yang waved to her and said, "Come here and let me have a look."

After finishing the ceremony, Nangong Yue walked over in a dignified manner, without any pettiness because she was facing the eldest princess.

There was a hint of satisfaction in Yong Yang's eyes, and he asked gently: "Does your head still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Nangong Yue let her sit on the footstool, graciously allowed her to look at herself, met her gaze, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Princess Eldest, for your concern."

Yong Yang patted her on the shoulder and said: "Call me Yong Yang's grandmother just like Brother Yi."


Nangong Yue blinked, although she was a little surprised, she didn't refuse, and called out with a smile: "Grandmother Yong Yang." Her eyes were clear, neither humble nor overbearing, which made Yong Yang have a very good impression of her.

Yong Yang looked up at Nangong Xin and asked: "This is your elder brother?"

"Yes, grandma." It was Fu Yunyan who answered, two deep pear dimples appeared on her cheeks, and she said cheerfully: "His name is A Xin, Nangong Xin."

Nangong Xin remembered that before she came out, her mother specifically explained that if she didn't know what to do when she arrived at the eldest princess's mansion, she could just learn from her younger sister, so she also took a few steps forward and shouted: "Yong Yang Hello grandma."

Yong Yang smiled, she doesn't like those petty children, but she finds Nangong Xin's familiarity quite pleasing to the eye, she also calls to Zhao Zhao, and asks a few words gently, Nangong Xin answers one by one, clearly and clearly speaking Clear, not a "fool" like the outside world said.

"He's a good boy." Yong Yang praised, and ordered people to bring the meeting gifts that had been prepared, and gave them to the brothers and sisters. The one for Nangong Xin was the safety buckle of mutton jade, and the one for Nangong Yue was the mutton of mutton jade. Yuhuan Ribbon.

The two brothers and sisters thanked her, and Nangong Yue immediately changed her skirt, and the smile in Yong Yang's eyes deepened further.

"Liu Niang, take them to Yihexuan to play." She rubbed her brows tiredly and said with a smile, "Come over and talk to me later."

The two brothers and sisters agreed, and Fu Yunyan couldn't wait to take them out, but at this moment, Nangong Yue hesitated and asked, "Grandma Yongyang, are you feeling unwell?"

"Old problem." Yong Yang said indifferently.

"Can Yue'er check your pulse?"

Yong Yang asked with great interest: "Can you still diagnose pulse?" Then, she stretched out her hand, she didn't expect this little girl to diagnose anything, she was just curious.

"I learned a little bit from my grandfather." Nangong Yue replied with a smile, and gently caught her pulse with three fingers.

Gradually, she frowned tightly, and said with some uncertainty, "Grandma Yongyang, please give me the other hand."

Yong Yang narrowed his eyes, concealing the sharpness in his eyes, and said to Fu Yunyan: "You take Brother Xin to play first, and Sister Yue will talk to me later."

Seeing this, Fu Yunyan asked worriedly, "Grandmother, are you alright?"

Yong Yang waved his hands with a smile, and said: "I don't have anything to do. Go quickly... I will bring sister Yue to find you in a while."

"Okay then." Fu Yunyan walked out hesitantly, until she left with Nangong Xin, Yong Yang waved away the serving maids, leaving only one maid Tang, and then handed the other one to her. Nangong Yue.

This time the pulse diagnosis took a full cup of tea, and when she withdrew her hand, Nangong Yue's expression was very serious.

She didn't know when the eldest princess Yongyang passed away in her last life, but she definitely didn't live long, and now, she even diagnosed a severe poison on the pulse of this kind princess, and even more than It has been a day or two, and it is still a mixture of several types of poison. I don't know if the effect of fighting poison with poison has been achieved, the poison has reached a certain balance in her body, so it didn't attack immediately.

Seeing Yong Yang's expression, Nangong Yue was almost sure that she knew it herself.

Nangong Yue did not evade, and said bluntly: "Grandma Yongyang, you are poisoned."

Yong Yang nodded slightly, and smiled indifferently: "Your medical skills are good..."

Nangong Yue met her gaze and said seriously: "Grandmother Yong Yang, please give me a bowl of your blood."

"Master Yaoguang." Mother Tang next to Yong Yang interrupted suddenly, and said anxiously, "Do you have a way to detoxify?"

"I don't know." Nangong Yue shook her head, and said down-to-earth, "So I need some blood. Only when I find out which poisons Yong Yang's grandmother has been poisoned, can we talk about how to detoxify..."

"No need." Yong Yang resolutely refused.

"But... the poison in your body has reached a balance now, but there is no guarantee that it will always be like this. As long as there is a slight error and the poison explodes, it will really be..." Nangong Yue bit her lip, and she didn't finish her sentence, but her words The meaning in , is obvious.

"Princess." Mother Tang persuaded anxiously, "Let Lord Yaoguang take a look."

"No need."

Yong Yang waved her hand, her character is stubborn if you say it nicely, and stubborn if you say badly, once she made up her mind, no one can change it. She stood up, not caring about the poison in her body, and said softly to Nangong Yue: "Let's go, let's go and see what they are playing."

Nangong Yue was helpless. Although she was a doctor, she also had confidence in her medical skills, but if the patient didn't cooperate, she couldn't help it... Facing Nanny Tang who was trying to wink at her, she thought for a while and nodded softly. nod.

Nangong Yue followed Yong Yang out of the Wufu Hall. The garden of the Princess Yong Yang's mansion is truly unique in the royal capital. As soon as she entered the garden, she saw a small lake surrounded by lush pines and cypresses. Houses were faintly exposed in the forest. When crossing the path, a little maid who stood guard at the intersection said with a blessing, "Your Highness, Miss Six took Mr. Nangong to Yunlan Pavilion. Miss Six asked the servant to talk to you here."

"This child." Yong Yang smiled and shook his head, "He must be harming my fish again. Girl Yue, we are also in Yunlan Pavilion."

Nangong Yue responded with a smile, and followed Yong Yang to another path, heading towards Yunlan Pavilion.

On the other hand, Fu Yunyan and Nangong Xin had already arrived in front of the Yunlan Pavilion, and she was happily introducing to Nangong Xin: "Ah Xin, this is the Yunlan Pavilion. Grandma raised a lot of fish in the lake, and some of them came from the southern border. It’s a tribute from a small country, and the scales on its body are golden yellow, very beautiful! Let’s go and have a look!”

Nangong Xin's eyes lit up, she nodded hurriedly and said, "Okay! Okay!"

The two walked into Yunlan Pavilion, leaned on the railing to look at the fish in the lake, and saw a few golden fish swimming leisurely in the lake at a glance. The servant girl on one side brought the fish food with keen eyesight, and threw down a large amount of fish food, all the fish surrounded them, and Nangong Xin exclaimed in surprise: "This fish is so beautiful!"

Fu Yunyan said generously: "If you like it, I will ask my grandmother to send you some!"

Nangong Xin's eyes were as bright as bright stars, and he asked, "Is it okay?"

"Of course." Fu Yunyan said without hesitation, "You gave me a lotus lantern last time. This is a gift in return. Grandma will definitely agree."

Nangong Xin was extremely happy, with a bright smile on his face.

The two chatted and laughed and fed the fish for a while, and when they were about to leave the Yunlan Pavilion, Nangong Xin suddenly noticed a painting on the stone table of the Yunlan Pavilion. The two walked over curiously and looked at it carefully.

The picture shows a group of refugees in ragged clothes. They are supporting each other and walking forward. All of them have numb eyes and no hope in sight. Weeds are overgrown on both sides of the road, and three skinny people are dragging an even smaller child into the pot, and not far from them is a dying mother, her hand is stretching out to the child... At the end of the horizon, there is It was the setting sun that seemed to imply a hopeless future.

"The painting is really good..." Fu Yunyan said involuntarily, "Just looking at it makes people feel very sad."

"Don't be sad." Nangong Xin said comfortingly, "Why don't I change it!"

"Ah Xin, will you still change the painting?"

"Yes!" Nangong Xin nodded, and said confidently, "My sister said that I did a good job!"

He tilted his head and looked at it for a while, then he had an idea in his heart, and asked Fu Yunyan: "Liu Niang, do you have cinnabar?"

"No." Fu Yunyan shook her head, and immediately, her eyes lit up, she took out a small jar of lip gloss from her purse, and said, "Is this okay?"

Nangong Xin opened it, looked at it, and hurriedly said, "Yes!"

He took some lip balm from the small jar with his little finger, wiped it on the setting sun two or three times, and said, "It's done!"

"So fast?" Fu Yunyan hurriedly looked over her head.

After adding a few touches of red, the setting sun became as dazzling as the morning sun against the black and white background, and the artistic conception of the whole painting also changed suddenly. In the original painting, those skinny and dazed refugees , as if walking towards hell step by step. But now, the setting sun has turned into a rising sun, and the refugees are moving towards the rising sun, adding hope to this miserable atmosphere, making the watchers feel that as long as they persist, they will finally welcome the bright sunshine.

Just a few changes can bring such an effect, Fu Yunyan couldn't help his eyes lit up, and praised: "Ah Xin, you did a great job!"

Nangong Xin said without humility: "My sister also said the same."

"What's so good to change?" A majestic voice rang out, and I saw a man in his thirties, wearing a black brocade robe with dark patterns and a white jade belt around his waist. He, Fu Yunyan immediately greeted An with a smile, "Uncle Huang." This person is the emperor of the Dayu Dynasty.

The emperor glanced at Nangong Xin sullenly, and asked, "What are you two doing here?" While talking, he took a few steps forward, and his eyes couldn't help but stay on the painting on the stone table.

This painting was brought by the emperor. The lingering aftermath of the refugee incident a few days ago has not faded away. In the early court today, a censor sent this painting, which made his heart depressed to the extreme. After the court, because he knew Princess Yongyang would invite some children to come over to play today, but she simply didn't bring anyone with her, and just came in incognito. He thought he was going out to relax, but he brought this painting with him like a ghost.

Sitting in this Yunlan Pavilion, he couldn't help opening the painting again, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt chest tightness and irritability, so he went out for a walk, but he didn't expect to see these two children ruining the painting when he came back. Time is a bit irritating, but now...

The emperor stared intently at the painting, especially at the sun with a tinge of red. After a long time, he seemed to find his voice and said, "Wonderful! It's really wonderful!"

Disasters from heaven, corrupt officials, refugees going north... Although the world is not satisfactory, it does not mean despair. The Dayu Dynasty was only a few decades old. Although there were still refugees and starvation, the life of the people was much better than before.

The Dayu Dynasty is like the rising sun on the drawing paper, making the emperor believe that one day, the world will be unified.

"Wonderful!" The emperor clapped his hands and praised, "Who changed this?"

Fu Yunyan said proudly, "It's Ah Xin."

"It's me!" Nangong Xin also raised his hand and said, "Uncle Huang." Naturally, he didn't know that the person in front of him was the emperor, but he only heard Fu Yunyan call him "Uncle Huang", thinking that his surname was Huang, so he just called him that.

The emperor was stunned for a moment by his address, thinking that this child really didn't recognize his birth, so he didn't blame him, but asked gently: "What's your name, Zhen... I don't think I've seen you before." He heard that the little aunt only invited a few children from her own family over today, and he didn't seem to have seen this child with his uncle and siblings.

Nangong Xin grinned and replied, "My name is Nangong Xin."

"Nangong... Are you a child of the Nangong family?" The emperor asked after thinking for a while, "Who is Nangong Yue?"

Nangong Xin raised her head and said, "It's my sister."

The emperor remembered that Nangong Yue had asked her for a thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum for her elder brother. She seemed to have mentioned that her elder brother was mentally deficient, and he felt sorry for it for a while. Looking at it now, although this child named Nangong Xin is somewhat innocent, he is not as "stupid" as imagined, especially the painting... This kind of artistic conception cannot be changed by anyone casually !

"Is this what you thought of yourself?"

Nangong Xin's clear eyes were not stained with any impurities, and she said softly, "Yes. The sun represents hope. As long as there is hope, all difficulties can be overcome!"

The emperor praised without hesitation: "The reform is very good."

Nangong Xin frowned and said happily, "Thank you, Uncle Huang."

"Apart from painting, what else do you know?"

"I can know a lot." Nangong Xin said with fingers, "I can memorize a lot of books, I can ride a horse, I can count, I can play the piano... But my sister asked me to learn Xiao, so that I can play with her in the future." .It's just that daddy hasn't taught it yet, so I don't know how to play it yet." He said, and he smiled shyly.

Nangong Xin's answer made the emperor even more surprised, and he couldn't help asking: "What books have you studied?"

"Young Learning, and Mencius's Test Classics." Nangong Xin said shyly, "However, Daddy just taught Mencius, so I still can't memorize a lot."

With the intention of testing him, the emperor suddenly said: "The chaos begins, and the universe begins.... What's behind it?"

"When the air is light and clear and floats up, it is the sky; when the air is heavy and turbid, it is the earth."

"Before you lose, you win..."

"It is said that the east corner of the lost, the mulberry and elm harvested; the end of the matter is about to be accomplished, and it is said that the mountain is nine feet high, and all achievements fall short."

"What is the difference between those who do nothing and those who cannot?"

"With Mount Tai surpassing the North Sea, the speaker said 'I can't', it is sincere..."

The emperor showed a satisfied expression. Although Nangong Xin was born in a scholarly family, it is not difficult to memorize "Children's Learning" and "Mencius", but the child in front of him has a weak mind. It's not easy for people to do this. Thinking of this, he became more and more curious. And when Nangong Yue came with Princess Yongyang, she saw the emperor and Nangong Xin asking and answering, and they were very harmonious.

Nangong Yue couldn't help being startled. Since she was reborn, she has been treating her brother for almost two years. Acupuncture plus decoction, in fact, her brother has recovered. Not only her memory, but also her insight and understanding have been greatly improved. However, her elder brother has been "trapped" at the age of five for many years. Even if he is recovering now, it is impossible for him to grow up to be thirteen all at once. Nangong Yue has been mentally prepared for this, and she has to wait.

Just like now, daddy started teaching his elder brother "Mencius" only a month and a half ago, and he is already able to talk with the emperor fluently, which was unimaginable in the past!

Nangong Yue's eyes couldn't help getting a little moist.

"Little aunt." The emperor also noticed them at this moment, got up and nodded slightly towards Yong Yang, then said to Nangong Yue, "Yue girl, you are here too."

Nangong Yue straightened her back, bowed her body and saluted: "My daughter, please greet the emperor."

Nangong Xin looked at Nangong Yue, then at the emperor, and suddenly realized: "Uncle Huang, so you are the emperor..." After saying that, he ran to Nangong Yue, and followed suit: "My servant, please greet the emperor." He thought Seeing that my sister is a courtier's daughter, and I am a boy, I should be a courtier.

"Brother." Nangong Yue reminded in a low voice, "You should be called Caomin."

Nangong Xin also lowered her voice and said, "Is that so?"


The emperor looked at them whispering in front of him in a good mood, and said: "Pingshen... Yue girl, your brother is also smart."

Nangong Yue first smiled and winked secretly at Nangong Xin, then said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment."

The emperor thought for a while, and asked again: "Do you have fame?"

"No." Nangong Yue replied, "Brother only picked up the six arts of a gentleman a few months ago."

The emperor was surprised, "How many months?" He thought that the Nangong family's family education was so strict that even a child with a weak mind could be educated to such a degree.

Nangong Yue nodded calmly and said: "Brother was reciting "Youth Learning" when he was injured, and he has been reading "Youth Learning" since then." It's a pity that even a copy of "Youth Learning" was taught for six full years at that time , "It wasn't until a few days ago that Dad started teaching him "Book of Songs" and "Mencius" again."

The emperor couldn't help admiring: "It really is a smart child."

Nangong Yue could hardly hold back her tears. When her brother was injured, she was still young and her memory was not deep. This was the first time she heard someone praise her brother for being smart. She bent her knees and said gratefully, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment."

Nangong Xin followed her and saluted, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"In this case, I will reward Brother Xin with a grace." The emperor thought for a while and said, "Let him participate in this year's children's examination."

The Dayu Dynasty is different from the previous dynasty. Before the county examination, there will be a Tongsheng Examination, which can be regarded as a threshold for selecting students. Only after passing the Tongsheng Examination, can you be considered qualified to take the imperial examination. It can be said to be a very important part. . The registration for the Tong Sheng Examination is usually carried out by the magistrate's government office where the household registration is located one year before the exam. Nangong Xin has already missed this exam, and the next exam will be three years later. Now that the emperor gave such a grace, Nangong Yue was overjoyed.

Nangong Yue doesn't care whether Nangong Xin can pass the test, at least with the emperor's grace, in the eyes of outsiders, Nangong Xin will no longer be a "fool".

She took Nangong Xin and saluted again: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Brother Xin is a good boy." The emperor said with a smile on his face, "You have to take the test well, if you pass the child's test, I will reward you well." After speaking, he couldn't wait to share it with Yong Yang , "Little aunt, come and have a look at this painting."

When Yong Yang came to the emperor, he was careless at first, but after seeing it, he couldn't help being stunned.

"This was presented to me by Wang Yushi in the early dynasty." The emperor said with a smile, "After letting Brother Xin change it, the artistic conception has changed a lot. It's really wonderful."

"It's really good." Yong Yang nodded and said, "However, the Huaibei matter can't be neglected. Although the bandits have been suppressed, the refugees cannot be appeased overnight. The emperor must be careful not to let these refugees be used."

"I understand." The emperor said solemnly, "I want the eldest prince to go to Huaibei."

"Your Majesty, you can decide for yourself." Yong Yang has been away from the court for a long time, and it is enough to mention a few words.

The emperor wanted to say more, but at this moment, he saw a few young girls walking towards this side, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Those children are a little impatient when they see that we haven't passed yet."

Just as they were talking, they had already approached and saluted the emperor and Yong Yang one after another, while Xiao Yi winked at her openly.

Nangong Yue pursed her lips and smiled, wondering if she was afraid of her restraint, the people who came were people she knew, except for Xiao Yi, they were all descendants of the clan. There are Fu Yunhe from the Fu residence, Yuan Yuyi and Yuan Lingbai from the Princess Yuncheng residence, and Han Huaijun and Han Qixia from the Prince Qi residence.

After greeting the emperor and Princess Yongyang, the emperor said casually: "They are all my own children, so there is no need to be restrained. I also came out to relax. You can play by yourself."

After the few people saluted again, they were indeed no longer restrained, and sat down in the Yunlan Pavilion.

Nangong Xin was very happy to see someone she knew, and said hello: "A Yi, Xiao Bai, are you here too?"

"Ah Xin." Yuan Lingbai said enthusiastically, "I have already obtained the hound that I promised you last time, and I will send it to your house in a few days... When Xiao Hei is born, you can give me one. "

As long as what Yuan Lingbai wanted was not his Dahei, Nangong Xin was very generous and agreed immediately.

Fu Yunhe has very good eyesight, and in addition, when he was in Zuixianju last time, he saw his eldest brother and County Lord Yaoguang with his own eyes, and this Nangong Xin is the elder brother of County Lord Yaoguang. Is it the elder brother's future brother-in-law? His eyes rolled around, and he stepped forward and said, "Your name is Axin, right? I'm Fu Yunhe, and you call me Xiaohe..."

Xiao Yi's peach blossom eyes were full of smiles, he leaned lazily on the railing, interrupted his self-introduction, and said, "Ah Xin, you can just call him Little Crane."

For Nangong Xin, the name was just a title, and she obediently shouted: "Hello, little crane."

Hearing the muffled laughter from around, Fu Yunhe suddenly wept and mourned, he always felt that the name "Little Crane" would be with him for the rest of his life.

Fu Yunyan made a face to her elder brother, and introduced the others to Nangong Xin with a smile. After learning that this was the elder brother of County Lord Yaoguang, both Han Huaijun and Han Qixia were very polite and did not cast any strange glances at him.

Nangong Xin was very happy to meet them, and it was considered to be an acquaintance. For him who was locked up in the mansion since he was a child, it was really a happy thing to meet a lot of friends these days. His innocent temperament did not make them feel bored, and they chatted quite speculatively for a while.

Nangong Yue sat aside dignifiedly, watching with a smile on her lips.

At some point, Xiao Yi moved to her side and asked, "Smelly girl, is your head still hurting?"

Nangong Yue shook her head, said with a smile, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and said quietly: "Wait a while, I will vent my anger on you."


Nangong Yue was startled, and saw him blinking at her, his eyes full of teasing.

"Brother Yi." Seeing the two talking together, the emperor asked curiously, "What are you and girl Yue talking about?"

"Uncle Emperor." Xiao Yi's eyes are bright, but his sitting posture is extremely carefree, he said with a smile, "Ah Yue and I are talking about the interesting thing about the capital."

Ah Yue? The emperor wondered when the two of them got so close, but he didn't expect that it was Xiao Yi's intention. He didn't want to keep shouting "Master Yaoguang County" in a strange way outside. Sure enough, the atmosphere is so good now, hearing these children calling each other's nicknames very familiarly, the emperor didn't pay too much attention to this, and continued to ask: "What's interesting, let's talk about it. "

Xiao Yiyang said with a smile on his lips: "Isn't it just a matter between Lu Heng and that Juzi surnamed Zhao?" He looked so calm, as if he wasn't the one who planned all this.

The emperor frowned. In the past few days, because of Lu Heng's matter, the imperial censor has often impeached Xuan Pingbo. But Uncle Xuan Ping has already been demoted from "Hou" to "Bo", so he can't be demoted again, and Lu Heng's son's position has also been taken away, which hurts that story again, and he has become no different from an eunuch , Uncle Xuan Ping only has this one son, if you want to punish him, you will not be able to punish him. But those censors didn't give up, which made the emperor really tired.

"Uncle Emperor." Xiao Yi didn't seem to notice that the emperor didn't want to mention these two people, and still said with a smile, "I think you should help them both."

The emperor was stunned, he looked at Xiao Yi blankly, wondering if they were talking about the same thing

But the emperor is the emperor after all, after he coughed twice, he returned to normal, and asked nonchalantly: "Brother Xiao, you said it was perfect, who is it?" He said, taking a sip of tea.

"Of course it's Lu Heng and Juzi Zhao."

The saliva that the emperor just drank immediately spewed out. He didn't know whether to laugh or to be annoyed, so he said with a strange expression: "Brother Xiao, do you know that those two are men."

"Of course I know." Xiao Yi said with an innocent face, "But Uncle Emperor, don't you think they just love each other? It's also a good deed for you to help them."

The emperor had a headache, but he knew that Xiao Yi was unreliable, but he didn't expect it to be so unreliable.

"Uncle Huang." Fu Yunhe also came over, and said coherently, "I also feel that elder brother is right."

The emperor naturally knew about Xiao Yi's dominance among the boys in the capital, and he thought it was nothing. It's normal for children of this age to have a temper together, and to recognize a boss and mess around together. He himself had a similar experience. It's just that Xiao Yi is unreliable, so why is even Brother He unreliable now

The emperor's head hurt even more, he rubbed his forehead and said, "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"Uncle Huang." Fu Yunhe sat down a little closer, and said with a playful smile, "It is rumored in the streets and alleys that Lu Heng and Juzi Zhao are a married couple, just because Uncle Xuan Ping does not agree with them. He also insisted on marrying a wife to Lu Heng, so that the two of them worked together. Later, after experiencing the pain of lovesickness, the two finally decided to die for love. Uncle, why don't you fulfill the bitter relationship between the two of them."

"Nonsense!" The emperor shook his head dumbfoundedly, and patted him on the head, "You all get together all day and don't do anything serious, just make nonsense!"

"I'm wronged, Uncle Huang." Fu Yunhe exaggeratedly shouted, "This is really a good idea, why don't you think about it?"

"I'm not messing around with you."

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, he couldn't help thinking, although it was nonsense, it might be a good way to solve this troublesome matter.

Declare the murder case as martyrdom, tie the two people together in the open, and turn the public case into a private matter, so that the censors will not impeach Xuan Ping Bo Zongzi for murder all day long, and the surname When Zhao's arrived at Uncle Xuan Ping's mansion, as long as he didn't kill him, Uncle Xuan Ping could take revenge any way he wanted... It seemed perfect.

The more the emperor thought about this idea, the more he realized that Xiao Yi was winking at Nangong Yue triumphantly.

Nangong Yue was a little dumbfounded, this kind of idea, only Xiao Yi could come up with it. But, it seems really good!

This side is talking about this weird topic, and the people on the other side have reached an agreement on horseback riding. Fu Yunyan said lively: "Uncle Huang, grandma, we want to go horseback riding."

"Okay." The emperor readily agreed, "Go and play, I'm here to talk to your grandmother."

"Thank you, Uncle Huang!"

Fu Yunyan cheered, and greeted Nangong Xin, "Ah Xin, let's go! I have a good Wuya horse, which was given to me by my grandmother, and I will lend it to you..."

Nangong Xin replied with crooked eyebrows: "Yes, yes! My sister also has a Dawan BMW, which was given by the emperor!"

Seeing the innocent appearance of the two of them, the emperor said happily, "I will give you a horse next time, brother Xin."

Nangong Xin responded excitedly: "Uncle Xie Huang...ah, no, it's Xie Huangshang!"

The emperor couldn't help laughing loudly, and said: "Go, go, I will come and judge who has the best riding skills in a while."

The boys and girls responded with a smile, and walked happily towards the racetrack.

"Little aunt, these children are all good." The emperor said to Yong Yang with satisfaction, "Brother Yi is also a good boy, I want to give him a marriage in the capital, little aunt, what do you think?"

Yong Yang asked indifferently: "Who does the Emperor take a fancy to?"

The emperor tentatively said, "I wonder if little aunt is interested?" He had always respected this little aunt, but he also knew that little aunt had a good personal relationship with the old Zhennan Wang, and he also regarded Xiao Yi as his own grandson, so he was also afraid of her. He would want Xiao Yi to return to southern Xinjiang because of his old relationship.

"I've been away from the capital for a few years, so I still don't know any ladies." Yong Yang said with a smile, "However, you are right, it's better for Brother Yi to stay in the capital. As for his marriage, we still have to wait." Choose carefully, he must also like it..." She paused and added, "It depends on whether the emperor wants him to get close to you, or just wants to tie him up with marriage."

The emperor was thoughtful, Yong Yang saw this and said again: "A man is ruthless, and he cannot be tied down by a wife he is not satisfied with. The emperor's princesses, I don't think they are suitable for brother Yi."

The emperor thought about it for a while and said: "What my little aunt said is very true... Why don't my little aunt help me to pay attention."

Yong Yang smiled, "If the Emperor trusts me, it's natural. After a few days, I'll take a good look at Brother Yi personally."

-off topic-


1. The prototype of the painting in this chapter comes from "A Thousand Miles of Hungry Death".

2. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, county examinations, government examinations, and hospital examinations were collectively referred to as Tongsheng Examinations, but here, I separate Tongsheng Examinations. Do not delve into the inconsistencies with history.


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