The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 167: -stroke


At this time, the Nangong Mansion didn't know that a major event had happened in the capital.

Zhu Luncar entered the mansion from the corner gate, and drove towards the second gate, the bloodstains on Zhu Luncar and Xiao Si who was driving the car made the servants and maidservants along the way feel shocked.

Nangong Yue ordered Baihui, who was stained with blood, to go back and change her clothes, while she and Yimei went to Rong'an Hall first.

At this time, all the houses in the mansion got the news, and when Nangong Yue arrived at Rong'an Hall, most of the people had already arrived.

As soon as Lin saw Nangong Yue, she rushed up first. After looking up and down, she was relieved to confirm that she was not injured.

Nangong Yue smiled at Lin Shi, indicating that she was fine, and then went forward to greet Su Shi.

Huang couldn't wait to ask with a sharp voice: "Sister Yue, what's going on? Didn't you get left to talk by the Empress? Why..." The servant girl who heard the message said that Zhu Luncart was stained. Half a car full of blood! The groom is also covered in blood, as if crawling back from the gate of hell. Why does this sister Yue seem to be in decline in the past, and she is unlucky wherever she goes? Huang thought gloatingly, maybe the status of the county lord is too noble for her, and she can't bear it as a little girl Bar!

"Grandmother." Nangong Yue said calmly after finishing the salute: "The granddaughter was attacked by a masked man with a sword after leaving the palace today. Thanks to the arrival of the officers and soldiers of the Wucheng soldiers and carriages, she was spared." Disaster."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, but Nangong Yue continued: "The granddaughter heard that many of the carriages returning from Chaohe were attacked, and the current situation is unknown... I implore grandma to allow you to close the door of the house so as not to What's going on?"

The bandit rebellion a few months ago was still fresh in their memory, but that time it was outside the capital city, but this time it happened in the capital city, and it was a group of well-trained thieves. It's like a robber lives next door to my house, it's really hard to sleep and eat!

Su's face was gloomy, and after asking Nangong Yue a few more words, she immediately ordered Lin to order people to close the gate of the house, and no one could enter or leave without authorization. After explaining this, she kindly told Nangong Yue to go back and rest first, and she didn't have to come over to say hello at night.

"Thank you grandma! The granddaughter will leave first."

Nangong Yue saluted and returned to Mozhuyuan.

Yimei and Baihe hurriedly waited for Nangong Yue to take a bath and change clothes. After everything was ready, Baihui who had changed her clothes came and whispered something in Nangong Yue's ear.

For a moment, Nangong Yue was stunned, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time, she looked at Baihui in disbelief.

How is it possible?! The eldest prince was kidnapped by thieves!

Baihui seemed to see Nangong Yue's shock, and said again: "Third Miss, this is the news sent by Prince Xiao just now, so it should not be wrong. Prince Xiao said that the eldest prince was sent to Huaibei by the emperor a month ago. Today came the news that he was hijacked." When Baihui first heard it, she couldn't believe her ears, that there were thieves who dared to hijack the prince.

"You go down first."

Nangong Yue waved her hands and ordered Baihui to retreat, followed by walking back and forth in the room a little anxiously. At this moment, the horror in her heart can hardly be described in words. , but if such a major event really happened, it would always be more or less heard in her ears, but she had never heard that there would be such an uproar on the first day of the new year this year.

Her rebirth is like a stone falling into the water, which has caused a large ripple, and many things are no longer on the original track.

The eldest prince was kidnapped in Huaibei. Is it related to the chaos that happened in the capital today? Nangong Yue subconsciously felt that it should not be a coincidence.

Nangong Yue walked slowly to the beauty's couch and sat down, thinking of Guan Yubai. Nangong Yue had thought a long time ago that Guan Yubai sent Xiao Si to her side, there must be his intentions, maybe it was for this matter!

Since Guan Yubai didn't warn him in advance, there must be something inconvenient to tell him...

To Nangong Yue, Guan Yubai sent Xiao Si here on purpose as a friend, and since he didn't want to say anything, he had no right to press him.

Today, I survived because of Xiao Yi, and I don't know how other people are.

A storm is probably coming!

Nangong Yue stood up abruptly. She had to go to the Lin family. Such a big incident happened in the royal capital, and the situation has not yet stabilized. Even the eldest prince has suffered. People will panic! If anyone has a different heart and links up with the thieves outside, the situation will be unimaginable!

Nangong Yue took Yimei to Qianyun Courtyard in a hurry. When Lin heard that her daughter was coming, she hurriedly greeted her and said worriedly: "Sister Yue, you have been tired for half a day, why don't you take a good rest?"

"Mother, I have something to tell you." Nangong Yue pulled Lin into the room to sit down with a solemn expression, and sent all the servants outside.

Seeing Nangong Yue's expression, Lin's face couldn't help becoming solemn, and asked softly, "Sister Yue, what happened?"

Nangong Yue lowered her voice and said: "Mother, I just got the news that the eldest prince who is on business in Huaibei has been kidnapped."

Lin looked at Nangong Yue in shock, her lips parted slightly, and she was speechless for a moment.

"Mother, this matter will surely spread into the mansion soon, and it will inevitably cause panic." Nangong Yue hurriedly said, "The situation outside is chaotic, and no one knows what will happen next..."

Lin's brows were tightly furrowed, and she couldn't hide her worry and nodded. This fact is too serious!

Nangong Yue tightly grasped Lin's hand, trying to give her strength, "Mother, at this time, the house must not be chaotic, and people's hearts must be stabilized."

Lin's face turned serious, and he said thoughtfully: "Sister Yue, you are right, your father and your uncle have to take care of the affairs of the court, I can't help with external matters, but I can't help you." Don't cause trouble for them, this mansion must not be messed up!" At this point, Mrs. Lin couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately called Liu Mama into the room, "Liu Nanny, go and get all the stewards The nuns called to the flower hall and said that I have something important to say."

"Yes, Second Madam." Nanny Liu responded and took the order to leave, while Mrs. Lin hurried to the flower hall surrounded by the maids.

After burning incense, the nuns in charge gathered in the flower hall, Mrs. Lin sat upright on the main seat, and said with a solemn expression: "Everyone, there are thieves in and out of the royal capital now, and there should be no one in our mansion." It's a big deal, but we still have to take precautions. In case something happens, it's better to be on guard. Don't let the thief arrive, we will mess up and start a fire in the backyard. Take care of yourselves when you go back The wives and maids under your command, give them a good beating, first to guard the second gate and all the side gates, and second, to keep them from going out of the mansion in the near future."

"Yes, Second Madam." The nuns in charge responded with a bow.

Mrs. Lin took a sip of tea, her usually kind eyes were sharp now, and said: "If someone disobeys orders and speaks provocatively, causing panic in the whole house, tie them up and beat 20 people first. If the board is sold again, even if it goes to the old lady, I will be justified."

The nurses in charge were all shocked when they heard this, since the last time the third lady showed her authority, they never dared to underestimate the usually kind second wife, but these days they have never seen how strict the second lady is. , I didn't expect that when my heart hardened today, I didn't need Da Furen at all... Thinking of Da Furen, the nuns in charge have mixed feelings in their hearts. The past ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi, it is not bad at all!

Although the mansion said on the surface that the eldest lady went to Yuanjue Temple to meditate, but no one knows that the eldest lady must have made some mistakes to come here! This is even the case when the eldest lady made a mistake, let alone being a slave to them ... The nuns in charge were so frightened that they hardly dared to think about it.

For this reason, the nuns in charge patted their chests and promised that they would definitely restrain the subordinates and not allow them to gossip. If someone refused to obey the discipline, they would be tied up and sent to the master directly without the master's order.

Seeing that they all put their words in their hearts, Lin felt a little relieved, nodded and said: "Okay, if you have nothing to do, go down and do your errands."

"Yes, Second Madam." After the nuns in charge saluted, they filed out.

When there were only herself and the personal attendants left in the living room, Lin immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She rubbed the center of her brows tiredly, and after a short rest, she returned to Qianyun Courtyard. Hit right.

"Father, mother!"

Nangong Yue, who was waiting in the room, got up and hurriedly greeted her, and saluted with her parents.

Seeing that Nangong Yue was safe and sound, Nangong Mu showed a bit of relief on his face, and said, "Ruoyan, let the people below be careful these few days, because there is some chaos outside." He took off the crane feather cloak and handed it to him The maid next to her.

Nangong Yue personally brewed tea for Nangong Mu and asked, "Daddy, how is the situation outside now?"

Nangong Mu took a sip of hot tea and felt a lot more relaxed. Then he said: "Fortunately, sister Yue, you are fine. Those thieves are just waiting for the officials' wives who have returned from the court ceremony. Many people have been stabbed I even heard that several members of the clan were hijacked by thieves, and it was really chaotic."

Nangong Yue thought for a while and asked, "Father, it is said that the eldest prince was also kidnapped, is it the same group of thieves who did it?"

Nangong Mu's expression tightened, and he asked, "How do you know?"

"Daddy, don't ask me that." Nangong Yue avoided answering, "Is it really the same group of people who did it?"

"I don't know..." Nangong Mu replied, "Anyway, don't go out again these days."

Nangong Yue responded obediently, what happened outside the mansion had nothing to do with her, she only hoped that Xiao Yi, who was forced to lead the five city soldiers and horses to patrol everywhere, was safe.

All kinds of things outside the mansion quickly spread throughout the whole mansion as if they had grown wings. For a while, both the master and the servants were in panic, lest the thief would be so bold as to rush into the mansion.

Although everyone in the mansion was in danger, but with Lin's previous beating, nothing happened.

The gate of Nangong Mansion was closed tightly, and they spent the night in fear, and I don't know how many people were tossing and turning sleepless all night.

The long night finally passed, and the next morning, when Nangong Yue was still in Rong'an Hall, Dong'er came to report in a hurry: "I have seen the old lady, and Eunuch Yu is here, saying that there is an order from the empress to the three girl..."

Su's complexion froze, and she was about to let everyone get up and go to the second gate together, when Dong'er took a breath and continued: "The Empress asked the third girl to follow the father-in-law into the palace quickly. Eunuch Yu also said that the situation is urgent, let the third Make sure everything is simple, girl!"

After she said this, Su Shi hurriedly said: "Sister Yue, since the empress has something urgent to announce you, you should hurry up."

"Yes, grandma." After Nangong Yue got up, she took Yimei and left Rong'an Hall.

The queen suddenly came to announce herself at this time, it must not be to let her enter the palace to chat with her, could it be... Could it be that someone is seriously ill? Thinking of this, Nangong Yue gave Yimei a few words, and then rushed to the second gate first.

Waiting at the second gate was an old eunuch with a white face and beardless face, it was Eunuch Yu who had come to Nangong Mansion before to pass on the imperial decree for the queen.

Eunuch Yu and a group of guards had already been waiting impatiently, and walked back and forth restlessly outside the second gate. When he saw Nangong Yue, he impatiently greeted him with the queen's token: "Master Yaoguang, you But it’s finally here! It’s extremely urgent, hurry up and enter the palace with our family!”

It was the first time that Nangong Yue saw Eunuch Yu, who was always calm and relaxed, so nervous, and she didn't dare to neglect her. She comforted and said tentatively: "Eunuch Yu, Yaoguang has already ordered the servant girl to get the medicine box, so don't wait any longer. for a while?"

Eunuch Yu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Nangong Yue to be so intelligent, so he nodded and said politely: "I'm bothering the county master!"

Naturally, Nangong Yue greeted him politely, but seeing that Eunuch Yu had already glanced into the second door absent-mindedly, Nangong Yue felt even more suspicious: Who is it that makes Eunuch Yu act like this because of illness?... Could it be? say emperor...

Nangong Yue couldn't help but think of a certain person in her heart, her mind was slightly shocked, and she stopped thinking about it. In any case, when the soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover it.

After a while, Baihui, who got the message from Yimei, ran over with a medicine box and a cloak.

Under the urging of Eunuch Yu, Zhu Luncar quickly drove out of Nangong Mansion, accompanied by more than a dozen guards with swords on horseback, leaving countless speculations in the hearts of everyone in Nangong Mansion...

After Nangong Yue, who was wrapped in a cloak, got off the Zhulun carriage in front of the palace gate, there were already soft sedan chairs and maids waiting there.

Except for saluting, everyone was speechless all the way, and the soft sedan bumped and carried Nangong Yue to the Hall of Longevity. The Palace of Eternal Life is the emperor's bedroom, and Nangong Yue has basically confirmed that her analysis is good...

Eunuch Yu urged, "Master, quickly come with our house."

Nangong Yue regained her composure and continued to walk forward with Eunuch Yu. The maid Xueqin beside the empress has been ordered to wait at the gate of the hall. When she saw Nangong Yue, she quickly stepped forward to salute: "I have seen Lord Yaoguang. Your majesty and empress have been waiting for a long time. Please come with your slaves."

"Also ask the girl to lead the way!"

Under the guidance of Xueqin and Eunuch Yu, Nangong Yue entered the main hall, and almost all the nobles were present: the prince, the princess, and the concubines in the harem, each of them described as anxious, with slightly red eyes.

It's just that there seems to be one person missing... Nangong Yue couldn't help but take a look, and then followed Xueqin to a bead curtain, and saw two eunuchs guarding one left and one right beside the bead curtain.

Xueqin was about to lift the curtain, Li Pin excitedly stepped forward and said angrily: "Eunuch Yu, why can she go in? We can't?"

Concubine Zhou also echoed, "How can the Empress prevent us from going to see Your Majesty!"

The second prince and the third prince Han Lingfu looked at Nangong Yue with complicated expressions. They had seen Nangong Yue treating him in the bedroom of the fifth prince with their own eyes, so they could roughly guess the queen's intentions.

The other concubines, princesses and princes also had different expressions.

Xueqin hurriedly led Nangong Yue in, leaving only Eunuch Yu outside to explain: "Your Majesty, Lord Yaoguang is here to treat His Majesty..."

As soon as Nangong Yue walked into the emperor's bedroom, she saw a screen embroidered with a picture of Nine Dragons blocking the dragon couch, and a few hazy figures faintly revealed behind the screen.

Xueqin asked Nangong Yue to stay here later, and she turned to the screen to report to the queen. After a while, the queen came out accompanied by Nanny Gui.

"See empress empress!" Nangong Yue hurriedly saluted respectfully.

It's just that I haven't seen her for a whole night, and the queen has already haggarded a lot. She raised her hand and said, "Girl Yue, you're here, get up quickly."

"Thank you, empress!" After Nangong Yue got up, she still kept her eyes closed slightly respectfully, without squinting.

The queen took a deep breath, and said to Nangong Yue: "Yue girl, you come with me." After speaking, the queen took Nangong Yue to the back of the screen. His eyes were tightly closed, his face was pale, and his lips were purple... At this moment, he was no longer the emperor whose eyes could make all his officials tremble with fear, but just a patient.

In front of the dragon couch, Eunuch Liu was waiting on his body, the judges of the Imperial Hospital, Imperial Physician Wu, Imperial Physician Zhang, and five or six other imperial physicians stood beside him sweating profusely, and there were some court ladies standing by.

The queen looked at the emperor without blinking, and explained: "Girl Yue, your majesty was so angry last night that he vomited blood and fell into a coma. I summoned all the imperial doctors from the imperial hospital for treatment all night, but not only did your majesty show no signs of waking up, even It hasn't gotten any better."

Speaking of this, the empress shot Nangong Yue with solemn eyes, and asked slowly: "Yue girl, do you dare to try?" Saving the emperor is both a great risk and a great opportunity, so the choice depends on Nangong Yue own up.

Nangong Yue was not in a hurry to promise the queen, but just bowed and said: "Empress, please allow Yaoguang to diagnose your majesty's pulse."

The queen nodded slightly, and a court lady brought a handful of bamboo sticks and placed them in front of the dragon couch.

Nangong Yue sat dignifiedly. Eunuch Liu carefully removed the emperor's left wrist from under the quilt. Nangong Yue put three slender jade fingers on the emperor's wrist, and did not make a sound for a long time...

At this time, it seemed that time passed many times slower than usual, those imperial physicians and maids almost felt their heartbeats echoing in their ears, and there were signs of getting faster and faster.

Finally, Nangong Yue retracted her fingers, got up and walked to the queen, and said in a deep voice: "I am reporting to the empress, your majesty's situation is probably not good." After a pause, she continued, "According to Yaoguang See, Your Majesty may have a sign of stroke!" Stroke is a stroke, but it is a life-threatening disease.

The queen's body shook violently, but she didn't show any surprise expression. All the imperial physicians of the imperial hospital came to the same conclusion after consultation. They also said that stroke is dangerous and dangerous. This day and night are very critical. The later you wake up, the more serious the sequelae may be. If it is within three days, Still awake, maybe all my life...

The Queen hardly dared to think about it anymore. Not to mention the relationship between the emperor and empress, for the empress, the emperor must not fall at this time. Now that the court is in turmoil, although her Xiao Wu is a legitimate son, but she is still young, she may not be able to become a great treasure. Not a good day!

"Your Majesty, you must guarantee your phoenix body." Nanny Gui was busy comforting the Queen.

The queen is the queen after all, she calmed down in an instant, and asked, "Yue girl, can you cure your majesty?"

"Your Majesty, there is a solution." Nangong Yue nodded firmly and said, "The stroke is caused by blood stagnation in the head, and it is necessary for His Majesty to inject needles in the acupuncture points of the head for dredging."

The imperial physicians and maids around all gasped, and even the queen's pupils shrunk, wondering if it should be said that Nangong Yue was daring. Acupuncture on the head has been practiced since ancient times, but most of the acupuncture points on the head are critical to life. Needle.

When the patient is the emperor, those imperial physicians dare not even think about it. This imperial doctor generally takes a safe route in treating diseases, not seeking merit but seeking no faults. This emperor is the real dragon emperor, and the emperor's head can be given a needle casually. In ancient times, there was Hua Tuo who proposed to open the skull of Cao Cao, but he was beheaded by Cao Cao in the end; now there is Nan Gongyue, who dares to propose such a treatment plan because a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!

Nangong Yue stood still on the spot, waiting for the Queen's reply.

In just the blink of an eye, the Queen's mind was already changing. After comparing the pros and cons, she finally gritted her teeth and said, "Yue girl, you can do it."

This sentence made everyone gasp again, and they couldn't help but wonder in their hearts, if the county master Yaoguang didn't treat him properly, would they even lose their lives because of this! It was Wu Taiyi and Zhang Taiyi who treated Nangong Yue Knowing about medical skills, she is full of confidence in her.

Nangong Yue ordered Baihui to open the medicine box, took out the purse containing the silver needles, and said: "Empress, please find two people to help me sit up Your Majesty."

"Master, let us come." Eunuch Liu called a young eunuch over, and the two of them worked together to help the emperor sit up.

Nangong Yue opened the silver needle bag, and said: "Eunuch Liu, don't let your majesty's body shake, this needle is just a hair's breadth away, it's a thousand miles away!"

Eunuch Liu responded in a hurry, Nangong Yue hadn't started yet, a thin layer of sweat had already overflowed from his forehead.

Nangong Yue first injected three needles in a row at Dazhui, Neifu, and Baihe, and then aimed at Baihui, Fengchi, and Fengfu on the head one by one... The needles were all at the main points!

Even if the palace people around here don't understand medical skills, they can tell that the acupoints that Nangong Yue pierced are all important points on the head. I am afraid that if there is a slight mistake, it will kill people, and it is the emperor's life. !

For a moment, the bedroom was extremely quiet, all the palace people, even the empress gasped for breath, and looked in the direction of the dragon couch without a moment's notice.

Nangong Yue continued to stab the silver needle into the emperor's head skillfully, and the speed of the needle was so fast that she almost didn't even glance at it. When her finger stroked it, the silver needle fell down and pierced the acupuncture point precisely. In just one breath, more than a dozen silver needles have been pierced.

Physician Wu knew that Nangong Yue was extremely skilled in acupuncture and moxibustion when she was treating the fifth prince. There is not necessarily such a technology.

But this time, Nangong Yue opened his eyes again. After all, this is injecting needles on the emperor's head. The test is not only the technique of injecting needles, but also your mentality. mentality. I'm afraid that most doctors would not be able to perform like Nangong Yue under such circumstances.

Dr. Zhang had only heard that Nangong Yue's acupuncture skills were superb. Now that he finally had the opportunity to verify it with his own eyes, he was already dumbfounded. It was the first time he saw a girl at such an age who could practice acupuncture so proficiently.

At this moment, Nangong Yue couldn't feel the commotion outside at all. She seemed to be very easy to give the needle, but in fact it required absolute attention. In fact, this state was extremely exhausting, mentally exhausting and even physical. Before she knew it, she was already sweating profusely .

Seeing this, Baihui hurriedly took out a white scarf, and helped Nangong Yue wipe off the sweat from her forehead from time to time. From the beginning to the end, Nangong Yue was concentrating all her attention on the silver needle on her fingertips, and she couldn't even move her head. Didn't move.

Another three or four silver needles sank into the acupuncture points on the emperor's head. The clothes on Nangong Yue's back were already wet, and the emperor's head was densely covered with silver needles, which looked terrifying.

Although the other people around here were just watching, they were all covered in cold sweat, especially the little eunuch who was helping the emperor with Eunuch Liu. It was already two battles, and his whole body was soaked, but he still gritted his teeth. Hold on.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the door, followed by a neat and respectful greeting: "See the Empress Dowager!"

In an instant, the queen's complexion suddenly changed, and the originally unattractive complexion became even uglier. She turned her head to look at the emperor, and her eyes became firm again.

Afterwards, a very majestic voice reprimanded in a cold voice: "I don't believe there is any slave who dares to stop Aijia!"

"I dare not!" The eunuchs knelt down and begged for mercy.

Among the kneeling and prostrate figures, the Empress Dowager walked in with a group of people who were originally in the main hall in a mighty and aggressive manner.

The Empress Dowager is over fifty years old, but she is well maintained, but she looks like she is in her early forties. She is wearing a stone blue Xinglongzhuang satin jacket and a skirt of mountains and rivers. Preserved, and with an aura of calm and prestige, a look can make people bow their heads involuntarily.

The queen got up, bowed her knees and said: "I have seen the empress dowager." The queen's heart was extremely complicated, and she didn't know whether she should be shocked or think that her luck was not good. The empress dowager believes in Buddhism, and has been out to worship the Buddha for nearly a year. There was news that she would rush back to the palace a year ago, but halfway through, the empress dowager was delayed for some time because of her poor health. She did not expect to come at this time !

The Empress Dowager looked at the Empress with cold eyes, and without even telling the Empress to get up, she walked towards the back of the screen, and at the same time called: "The Emperor..."

"Empress Dowager, wait a moment!" The queen gritted her teeth and stood up by herself. She has already achieved this step, and she must not fall short.

At this time, the queen mother had strode to the edge of the screen, and she saw Nangong Yue holding a silver needle in her hand, stabbing towards the emperor's temple without hesitation...

"Bold!" The queen mother almost fainted, but Nangong Yue remained as still as a mountain, submerging a needle into the acupuncture point as if she had never heard of it.

Only then did the queen mother see that the emperor's head had been pierced with silver needles like candy thorns. Eunuch Liu and a young eunuch were carefully supporting the emperor from left to right.

"Don't let the Ai family take down this man who daringly murdered the emperor!" The queen mother ordered sharply to the maid.

"Empress Dowager, calm down!" The Empress stepped forward quickly, walked up to the Empress Dowager and said, "Master Yaoguang is treating Your Majesty!"

"Empress, since it's medical treatment, why did you block the princes and concubines from the door?" A female voice questioned, but it was Concubine Zhang.

The Empress Dowager was also deeply convinced, her brows were furrowed, and she pointed at the Empress's nose and said angrily, "Empress, do you have bad intentions?" The fury of thunder erupted at this moment, making people almost dare not look directly at it.

Seeing those palace maids standing there frightened into silence and motionless, the Empress Dowager was furious, and said again: "This is really the opposite! The Ai family can't order you anymore? Why don't the Ai family stop this traitor!" She said " Rebel" naturally refers to Nangong Yue.

"Who dares!" The queen finally gave it all up, and she only hoped that Nangong Yue would not disappoint her expectations.

The two most honorable women in the palace looked at each other angrily at this moment, and where their eyes met, there seemed to be golden sparks dancing. For a moment, those palace ladies hardly dared to breathe, doubting whether they could still see the sun tomorrow . On the other hand, Concubine Zhang secretly rejoiced, thinking that the Queen might have made a bad move this time, a wrong move, and the whole game would be lost.

Concubine Zhang quickly exchanged glances with the third prince, Han Lingfu, and they both decided to stand still and wait to see how the battle between the empress dowager and the empress progressed...

At this moment, only Nangong Yue seemed to be in another space, separated from the commotion around her. Baihui watched intently from the side, and she really admired her daughter to the extreme. It is said that Guan Yu is not afraid in the face of danger and does not change his face in the midst of thousands of troops.

After Nangong Yue applied the last needle calmly, she stood up and saluted the queen: "Empress, the Yaoguang injection has been completed, and within half a cup of tea, Your Majesty will wake up."

"Really?" There was a hint of joy in the queen's eyes, and at this moment, the emperor suddenly coughed...

"His Majesty!"

Almost everyone focused their eyes on the emperor and shouted in unison.

"Cough, cough cough..." the emperor continued to cough, more and more intensely, as if he was about to cough out his lungs.

"Your Majesty!" Everyone nervously tried to gather around.

The queen mother directly surrendered her sharp eyes to the queen, and scolded: "Queen, this is what you did!"

As soon as the words fell, the emperor's upper body trembled violently, and when he opened his mouth, he vomited out a mouthful of dark black blood. The blood splashed on the quilt and the emperor's white shirt, which seemed shocking. Even the hearts of the Queen and Eunuch Liu trembled violently.

At this moment, even the queen began to doubt her decision, could it be that she really did something wrong.

Among the horrified eyes, only Nangong Yue remained indifferent, looking at the black blood spewed by the emperor on the quilt with clear eyes, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

In the eyes of the Empress Dowager, this is simply a naked provocation! A traitor who murdered the emperor and has not yet repented!

"What are you still doing in a daze?!" The Empress Dowager roared sharply, "If you don't drag this rebellious little girl down, I'll die!"

The Queen's complexion changed drastically when she heard the words, she hesitated again and again, but she was speechless. Now that things have happened, even she can't protect herself...

The current situation is very clear, and the palace people already know how to stand in line. Two young eunuchs stepped forward, one on the left and one on the right, trying to take Nangong Yue down. Who dares to make a mistake? Don't blame me for being rude!"

The queen mother was so angry that she almost got angry: "This is really going to be reversed!?"

"Master Yaoguang, in front of the Empress Dowager, you still don't subdue the law?" Concubine Zhang resigned righteously, sneering inwardly, thinking that the Lord Yaoguang was so reckless that he dared to be so presumptuous in the palace! Back then This Nangong Yue has cured the fifth prince who ruined her, and now it can be regarded as retribution...

Nangong Yue looked at Concubine Zhang coldly. When she first arrived at the Hall of Eternal Life, she found that Concubine Zhang was not there. She felt a little strange at the moment. Now it seems that Concubine Zhang specially invited the Queen Mother to be a rescuer.

"Don't do it yet!" Concubine Zhang said coldly.

Seeing that the situation is tense and imminent...

-off topic-

Thank you all for the flowers and monthly tickets!

Flowers: Little Grasshopper Flying to the Sky gave 2 flowers, Bookworm 9 gave 1 flower;

Monthly ticket: chillyzhao voted 1, 731299114 voted 2, Linger 6656 voted 3, Xiaxia︶ㄣ voted 1, qq86e1b2958edad9 voted 1, tonggang66 voted 1, perfume jasmine voted 3, chloeaa voted 1, lily of the valley Hua Shang from Huashang cast 1 vote, *candy* cast 3 votes, mifeng11 voted 1 vote, Tangtangpox cast 6 votes.

Thank you so much! ( ̄︶ ̄)/