The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 168: -wind and rain



A loud female voice came from outside the screen.

Everyone couldn't help but followed the sound, and saw an old woman with gray hair striding towards this side, she exuded a kind of awe-inspiring spirit that had been experienced in the battlefield for many years, her face was upright and awe-inspiring. When everyone saw her, they all backed away consciously to make way for her.

The palace people saluted one after another, "I have seen Princess Yongyang!"

There is a little girl beside Princess Yongyang, who is Yunyan, the sixth mother of the Fu family. On this occasion, Fu Yunyan was naturally not qualified to speak, so she could only wink at Nangong Yue as a greeting.

When Nangong Yue saw Yong Yang, she felt warm in her heart and smiled back. On weekdays, Princess Yong Yang dressed like an ordinary old woman, but today she is completely different, wearing a princess phoenix crown and princess make-up, she looks extravagant, those timid court ladies hardly Dare to look directly at it.

Nangong Yue saluted respectfully and said, "I have seen Her Royal Highness the eldest princess."

"Excuse me, sister Yue." Facing Nangong Yue, Yong Yang smiled slightly, and his expression became much more kind.

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager looked even more ugly, and said coldly: "Yong Yang, is it possible that you and the Empress should also protect this little girl who murdered the Emperor!"

Ever since the late emperor was around, the queen mother didn't like Princess Yongyang very much. Although she was the late emperor's younger sister, the queen mother felt that she didn't take herself seriously as a sister-in-law because of her military achievements! And she just won the title of queen, She thought she could overwhelm Yong Yang, but she didn't expect that Yong Yang was conferred by the late emperor as a high-ranking princess protecting the country, and she was in the limelight for a while, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Yong Yang did not directly respond to the Queen Mother's words, but turned to Nangong Yue, "Sister Yue, did you murder the Emperor?"

Nangong Yue smiled slightly, she didn't seem to be frightened by the danger just now, her eyes were bright, and she replied confidently: "Go back to Your Highness, Yaoguang never did."

The bold girl is what Princess Yongyang likes, she nodded with satisfaction.

But obviously, the queen mother didn't like it, she immediately reprimanded angrily: "Presumptuous! You..."

Before the words fell, Eunuch Liu's surprised voice sounded: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty has woken up!"

One sentence made everyone no longer remember Nangong Yue, and their eyes were all cast on the dragon couch.


The emperor's eyelashes trembled slightly, and a soft moan sounded from his dark purple lips...

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

Everyone looked ecstatic, rushing over one after another, crying with joy.

The queen finally breathed a sigh of relief, she was so exhausted that she almost couldn't stand still, her back was soaked in cold sweat, but she didn't care at all, she just said in her heart: Fortunately, I won the bet! It's half a cup of tea, but it's really half a cup of tea The emperor really woke up! Girl Yue's medical skills are really extraordinary! That's great...

Amid the calls from the surroundings, the emperor finally opened his eyes. His eyes were cloudy and confused, as if he didn't know where he was and what happened, let alone why there were so many people around him.

Nangong Yue's unhurried voice spread to everyone's ears, "The emperor needs fresh air, ladies and lords, spread out."

At this moment, when they looked at Nangong Yue again, there was no longer the contempt just now in their eyes, but a kind of scrutiny.

Imperial Physician Wu took a step forward, and said solemnly: "Empress Dowager, Lord Yaoguang is right. The emperor needs to rest at this moment, and he cannot stand the noise and stimulation... If he gets sick again, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The Empress Dowager immediately showed a nervous look, and before she gave an order, Concubine Zhang said in a timely manner: "Empress Dowager, since the emperor needs to rest, the concubines and concubines will retire first." Concubine Zhang adjusted her mentality very quickly Although he was a little unwilling to let the Queen and Nangong Yue escape like this today, he also knew the truth of adapting to the situation. Just now she was against the queen, but with the authority of the queen mother, even the queen can't catch her fault!

Concubine Zhang glanced at her, and Han Lingfu knew what his mother and concubine wanted, and said: "The empress dowager, the empress mother, the ministers there will not disturb the emperor father. The ministers will go to the main hall to wait."

Concubine Zhang's mother and son set an example, and the others had to step back in order to leave a good impression in front of the queen mother and the emperor.

Soon, there were only a few people left in the bedroom, but there were more Queen Mother and Princess Yongyang than before.

Nangong Yue ordered the palace staff to open the window a little bit, and with the cold wind blowing in, the emperor's eyes became clearer again. He saw Nangong Yue beside him clearly, and said vaguely: " are... Yue girl?"

The queen mother couldn't help being shocked, she hadn't been in the palace for more than a year, she didn't expect to have such a favored girl, if it wasn't for the fact that this girl was really young and didn't grow up, the queen mother would almost suspect that the emperor had some special intentions .

Nangong Yue bowed her knees to the emperor, and said softly: "See the emperor, it is Yaoguang."

"Zhen...Zhen..." The emperor seemed to think of something, and frowned slightly.

Nangong Yue hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you have just spit out the blood from your heart, so you must not hurt your mind any more. Just now Yaoguang performed acupuncture for the Emperor, now please Rong Yaoguang remove the silver needle for the Emperor."

After the emperor responded with difficulty, Nangong Yue sat down on the little scorpion again, and neatly removed the silver needles on the emperor's head one by one...

During the whole process, the Empress Dowager did not dare to take a breath, lest Nangong Yue's slippery hand would cause irreparable consequences!

After Nangong Yue put away the last needle, the queen mother cleared her throat in embarrassment, and called out to the emperor, "Yue girl, how is the emperor now?"

"Back to the empress dowager," Nangong Yue said after saluting in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, "the emperor has a sign of stroke..."

The Empress Dowager gasped when she heard the "symptom of apoplexy". This apoplexy is definitely not a minor ailment or pain. If one is not careful, the mouth is crooked and the face is slanted. It is mild, and it is very likely that hemiplegia or even death will occur. The queen mother almost suspected that Nangong Yue was scaremongering, but seeing the worried faces of the imperial doctors, and thinking of the scene where the emperor vomited blood just now, her heart shuddered.

Nangong Yue didn't care what the queen mother was thinking, and continued to speak in a calm manner: "The emperor's liver yang suddenly became hyperactive due to his rage, and his anger and fire were all floating. If he forced the blood to surge up, he was waiting for it. These five If the ambition is too extreme, the heart fire is violent, and the qi and blood are in disorder, then the internal wind will be aroused and a stroke will occur."

"Is there a way to treat it?" The Queen Mother asked impatiently.

Nangong Yue seemed to have already had a plan in mind, and she replied calmly: "Go back to the empress dowager, the emperor has symptoms of cerebral arterial blockage, and needs acupuncture and moxibustion externally every day, combined with oral decoction, and the effect can be seen gradually But during this period, the emperor must not be tired or angry, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable, I am afraid that Hua Tuo and Bian Que will be reborn, and it will be difficult to save!"

Hearing that the emperor was still saved, the Empress Dowager finally calmed down a little, and hurriedly ordered: "Then quickly write a prescription for the emperor." After a pause, she said, "You will stay in the palace for a while, Carefully take care of the emperor's condition! Aijia, Aijia will definitely be rewarded."

Nangong Yue replied calmly: "Yes, Empress Dowager." After she bowed and retreated, Xueqin took her to prescribe the prescription.

When passing by Princess Yongyang, Nangong Yue smiled gratefully at her. Just as she was about to pass by, Nangong Yue suddenly noticed a faint trace of black lines on her lips, which were not considered ruddy at all. Nangong Yue Yue's heart tightened, and she saw Princess Yongyang slightly nodded at herself and said, "Go."

Nangong Yue had no choice but to bend her knees and followed Xueqin.

After the last time, Mother Tang did not come to her again, but looking at Princess Yongyang's current appearance, there is obviously something wrong with her body, could it be the poison in her body... Nangong Yue dared not think about it anymore, and decided to wait Now that something is going on here, I have to go to the Dachang Princess Mansion again.

Nangong Yue prescribed the medicine, Xueqin hurriedly asked a court lady to fetch the medicine, after that, Nangong Yue decocted the medicine herself.

The emperor drank the decoction that had just been boiled in one gulp. At this moment, his complexion looked much better than when he just woke up. Seeing this, the queen mother and queen were slightly relieved.

Eunuch Liu wanted to help the emperor to lie down and rest, but the emperor raised his hand to stop him: "Huai Ren, wait for me to change my clothes! And Minister Xuan Wenwu is going to Dongci to discuss matters!"

The Empress Dowager frowned when she heard the words, and persuaded: "The emperor is not in good health now, he should rest more to recuperate!"

The emperor gave a wry smile and said, "Queen, in this situation, do you think I can still sleep?"

The queen mother pondered for a while, although what the emperor said was correct, but the queen mother was really scared just now, she almost lost half of her life, if there is something wrong with the emperor, what should be done. She hesitated and said: "Then, the emperor might as well let this girl go with you." It was so dangerous just now, and this girl was rescued. As long as she stays with the emperor, the queen mother should be fine!

On this point, the empress also agreed, and hurriedly said: "Your majesty, what the empress mother said is correct, let Yue girl follow you, so that the concubines can rest assured."

Although the emperor felt that the idea of letting a little girl go with him was a little unreliable, but seeing the anxiety in the eyes of his mother and wife, he nodded and said: "Yue girl, then you can go with me."

It was agreed that women are not allowed to be involved in politics. Is it really okay to let me listen in? Nangong Yue discussed, but said respectfully: "Yes!"

As soon as the emperor's oral order came out, within half an hour, all the civil and military ministers arrived in the east room of the Hall of Eternal Life, and Nan Gongyue, under the arrangement of Eunuch Liu, hid behind a silk screen with a picture of four gentlemen playing chess. .

After a while, the Dongci room became more and more noisy. Nangong Yue couldn't help frowning, this environment was really not good for the emperor's health.

"Your Majesty, my ministers have already sent people to search carefully for the surprise attack on the king's capital against the party. Those masked men were all vicious. Once they were subdued, they immediately swallowed the poison and killed themselves. No one survived." A minister respectfully The ground reported, lowering his head even lower, "It has been confirmed that the thieves who hijacked the First Prince in Huaibei belong to the same party as them, but the whereabouts of the First Prince are still unknown..."

"Bastard!" The emperor slapped the case angrily, his already pale face became even uglier, and Eunuch Liu trembled as he watched from the side.

"The emperor calm down, please take care of the dragon's body." All the civil and military ministers knelt down and kowtowed.

The emperor barely suppressed his anger, got them up, and asked sharply, "What else? Did you find anything on those dead thieves?"

"Report to the emperor." The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment said, "I found this tattoo design from those thieves." After speaking, he presented a roll of paper with both hands.

Eunuch Liu took it and handed it over to the emperor's case with a respectful expression.

The emperor unfolded it, and saw a ferocious tiger's head appearing on the paper, his complexion suddenly changed: "This is..."

"The ministers suspect that this is a dead man raised by the Murong family of the former royal family." The Secretary of the Ministry of punishment said again.

The emperor stroked his chest, and could hardly catch his breath: "The previous court, the previous court..."

The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment took a careful look at the emperor's face, gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, the gang of rebels also threatened to use the Baisha River as the boundary with the emperor, and separate the north and the south."

Although the Baisha River is called the Baisha River, it is actually a salt river. For Dayu, it is a vital river vein, running across Dayu from east to west.

This anti-party tone is so loud, and he is going to directly take down half of Dayu's land, how can he agree to this?!

"This gang of rebels!" The emperor was frightened and angry, his eyebrows were erected, "Do you have a good plan to catch the rebels?"

For a while, Dongci fell into silence, and the atmosphere was particularly dignified.

This matter is not easy to handle! The rebellious party has hostages such as the eldest prince and the wives and children of other princes and ministers. If one accidentally fails to rescue the hostages, or if someone is injured, they will be hated mind. Maybe if you don't get things done, you won't get credit for it, but you'll make a fuss instead!

"Your Majesty!" Marquis Weiyuan took a step forward and begged for orders, "If the Emperor grants his permission, I am willing to wipe out the rebellious party for the Emperor!"

Everyone looked at Marquis Weiyuan with complicated expressions, and thought to themselves: For such a hot potato, others should think about it carefully, but they didn't expect Marquis Weiyuan to be so desperate.

"Your Majesty... this matter needs to be carefully considered. If this happens, the First Prince and the others will have an emergency..." A minister jumped out to object, "The safety of the hostages is the most important thing!"

As soon as the words were uttered, there were immediately second opinions, and everyone said that what Mr. He said was very true. Most of these people are ministers whose government has been captured by the rebellious party. They think that now is not the time to send troops, and they can talk to the leader of the rebel party about conditions.

Afterwards, the ministers during this period were divided into two factions, one side was in charge of fighting, and the other side was in charge of peace, and the quarrel was endless, until the emperor's mind was buzzing.

"Give me peace!" The emperor shouted loudly.

All the ministers waited with bated breath.

The emperor cast his eyes on Nangong Qin and asked, "Nangong Aiqing, what do you think?"

All the ministers immediately looked at Nangong Qin with unclear meaning, guessing in their hearts: The Nangong family has a very close relationship with the previous dynasty. The emperor asked his opinion, so it might be because he wanted Nangong Qin to come forward, right

"Report to the emperor." Nangong Qin bowed and replied, "I think that the conditions proposed by the rebellious party should not be agreed to, but now you must not reject them outright, lest the rebels attack the eldest prince and the others. This group of rebels are cruel and merciless. It is better to rescue everyone as soon as possible, if the matter drags on for a long time, I am afraid that rebels will hurt the hostages."

The previous Lord He said again: "Lord Nangong's words are wrong. Before the rebellious party has not received the answer from the emperor, they should not attack the hostages." He looked at Nangong Qin unkindly, and said ironically , "No one in Mr. Nangong's house is intercepted by the rebels, so don't stand up and talk without feeling pain in your back!"

At this time, Marquis Weiyuan said: "Lord He, Lord Nangong's concerns are correct, the rebels have many hostages in their hands, if they fail to do so, they will kill others to make an example of them!"

The emperor's eyes sank, and he looked at a middle-aged man beside him, and asked, "Uncle Emperor, what do you think?"

The man was about fifty years old, wearing a black eagle embroidered brocade robe, he was the late emperor's younger brother Rui Wang Han Xu. As soon as Han Xu heard the emperor's question, he immediately said: "Your Majesty, I think it's definitely not a long-term solution."

The emperor was thoughtful when he heard the words, and did not speak for a while.

At this moment, a young eunuch hurried in, held up a black box with both hands and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, this is just sent by Lord Zou, the military commander of the five cities, please take a look at it."

The emperor immediately said: "Submit it quickly."

Eunuch Liu hurriedly took the box from the little eunuch, handed it to the emperor's case, then opened the black box, his expression changed.

This is…

"Emperor!" The emperor cried out in pain, and took out a unicorn jade pendant from the box with trembling hands.

It was given to him by the emperor himself when the first prince was twelve years old, but now the jade pendant is stained with blood, which is shocking to see.

Presenting this blood-stained unicorn jade pendant in front of the emperor in such a way is definitely a threat and provocation to the emperor by the former rebel party.

The emperor held the unicorn jade pendant tightly in his hand, and the veins on his forehead protruded, and he didn't know whether it was anger or worry.

He took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "Apart from this, does Zou Dahai have other things to play?"

The little eunuch hurriedly replied respectfully: "Returning to the emperor, Mr. Zou also said that a female corpse was found near the gate of the east city of the royal capital, and it has been confirmed that it is the wife of Sun Shilang..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Shilang interrupted him sharply: "What are you talking about, who are you talking about?" Sun Shilang stared at the little eunuch with wide eyes, his face pale.

The little eunuch seemed unbearable, but he said it again: "It's Mrs. Sun Shilang..."

"Madam!" Sun Shilang cried out in grief, rolled his eyes, and fainted on the spot.

"Damn it!" The emperor never expected that those rebels would really kill the hostages.

Sun Shilang's wife is the emperor's distant cousin, a daughter of the imperial family, and has royal blood. Although she is not related to the emperor, she still has royal blood, so she was captured by the rebel party, and she was killed and dumped in Dongcheng Door.

Killing a clan girl with royal blood is undoubtedly a warning and reminds the emperor to make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise, the next person to die is likely to be the eldest son of the emperor!

These rebels are really lawless!

The more the emperor thought about it, the more angry he became, his breath stuck in his chest, and at the same time, a rush of blood rushed to his forehead... In an instant, the emperor's body trembled violently, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow", which stained the imperial case red, which was shocking. And the emperor's face was like gold paper, and he looked like he was dying, which immediately frightened all the ministers and servants in Dongci's room.

"County Master, Yaoguang County Master!" Eunuch Liu shouted out of his wits, almost bewildered with fright, "Quick, Your Majesty..."

Although Nangong Yue couldn't see clearly from behind the screen, she knew what was going on even after hearing the sound, so she quickly walked out from behind the screen.

All the ministers looked at Nangong Yue with surprise on their faces. The thin screen couldn't hide the figure. They had already discovered that there was someone hiding behind the screen, but they only thought it was the queen mother or queen, but they didn't expect it to be this Yaoguang County host.

Nangong Qin was so surprised that he couldn't move his eyes away, he was a little worried: Half of the current honors in Nangong Mansion are earned by this niece, but accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger, and he doesn't ask her to bring any glory for the mansion, but nothing. However, saving lives is the most important thing.

Most of the ministers didn't know Nangong Yue, but after hearing Eunuch Liu's name, they naturally knew her identity. Although they had heard rumors before they came to Dongci Room that it was Lord Yaoguang who woke up the emperor who had been in a coma overnight, they still had some doubts in their hearts. Seeing that she had the emperor's permission to hide behind the screen, she naturally knew That rumor is probably true.

Thinking of this, all the ministers looked at Nangong Yue expectantly, hoping that she would wake up the emperor soon.

If something happened to the emperor, the court and the harem would be in chaos. Now there are rebels in the royal capital, and there are barbarians from all directions outside Dayu, waiting for the opportunity. If this happens, the world will be in chaos!

Only when the emperor wakes up can he continue to preside over the overall situation and rescue the eldest prince and other hostages taken by the rebels.

Nangong Yue walked quickly to the side of the emperor, immediately took out the silver needle bag she had prepared earlier, took out three silver needles and pierced the three big acupuncture points of Baihui, Fengchi, and Fengfu in succession at the emperor, and almost instantly, the emperor issued a slight gasp With a groan, Youyou woke up, but her breathing was still very weak.

Nangong Yue hurriedly took back the silver needle, and reminded the emperor in a low voice: "Your Majesty, please listen to Yaoguang's words. Your Majesty is not recovering from his illness. You must not get angry again, or the consequences will be disastrous." Then she said to Eunuch Liu, "Eunuch Liu , bothering you to make a portion of the medicinal tea I prepared for the emperor, and let the emperor drink it."

"Yes, the county lord!" Eunuch Liu hurriedly ordered the little eunuch to prepare.

Seeing that Nangong Yue was really skilled in medicine, all the ministers could not help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief when they saw that Nangong Yue had really good medical skills, and he rescued the emperor in a short while.

"Girl Yue, hurry up and take a look for Sun Shilang." The emperor took a breath, and quickly ordered Nangong Yue to treat Sun Shilang.

"Yes, Your Majesty." After Nangong Yue took the order, she walked quickly to Sun Shilang's side, first checked the pulse, and then administered several needles for him.

After a while, Sun Shilang woke up. His condition was obviously much better than that of the emperor, and his breathing was quite calm. At first, his eyes were a little confused, but soon he remembered what happened before he fell into a coma, and he burst into tears Wept bitterly: "Madam, madam, this is called what to do after being a husband!"

The few ministers around had to comfort Sun Shilang, the emperor ordered someone to help Sun Shilang down, and went to the warm pavilion next door to take a rest, and returned to the mansion when he was in better health.

Afterwards, the little eunuch came with a hot herbal tea. After drinking the herbal tea in the company of Eunuch Liu, the emperor seemed to be in much better spirits, and issued another edict: "Immediately summon the commander-in-chief of the five cities' soldiers and horses." Let Zou Dahai enter the palace."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The little eunuch responded, and hastily withdrew from Dongcijian to go out of the palace to call.

Nangong Yue Xiangzheng looked at her uncle Nangong Qin with a worried expression and nodded slightly, expressing that she was all safe, then she retreated behind the screen again, and Dongci fell into silence once again, so quiet that everyone was breathing All the voices could be heard... until the little eunuch's report sounded: "Report to the emperor, Master Zou and Prince Xiao are listening to the announcement outside the palace."

Nangong Yue's heart moved slightly, and she couldn't help but glanced out through the screen.

"Let them in quickly." The emperor said hastily.

Xiao Yi and a tall man in his early thirties walked into Dongci Room and greeted the emperor at the same time.

"Ai Qing is flat." The emperor casually raised his hand and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Xiao Yi and Zou Dahai thanked each other for getting up.

Zou Dahai bowed respectfully and said, "I don't know if the emperor summoned my ministers, what orders do you have?"

The emperor looked gloomy and stern, and said in a deep voice: "Those rebels are really rampant! Zou Aiqing, no matter what method you use, I must find out the whereabouts of those rebels."

Zou Dahai looked solemn, and took the order: "I obey the order."

As he said that, the emperor's eyes fell on Xiao Yi again, and he asked in surprise: "Brother Yi, you... why are you here?"

Xiao Yi naturally heard that his stinky girl was announced into the palace, and worried that he would be bullied if he didn't protect him, so he came here to see if he had a chance to meet her. But in front of the emperor, naturally he couldn't say that, so he could only make an excuse and said: "When the emperor summoned Commander Zou, my nephew happened to be there, so I followed him into the palace to see the emperor's uncle."

The emperor nodded in relief: "My good boy, you have a heart."

Xiao Yi looked at the vaguely familiar figure behind the screen, and a kind of telepathy told him that it must be his stinky girl. In his mouth, he responded with a split mind: "Please relax, Uncle Emperor, don't worry too much."

The emperor exhorted and said: "Brother Yi, now you are also serving as the deputy commander of the East City. You have been following Zou Dahai these few days and studied hard. This rebellious party is cruel and merciless. Be careful, don't let the rebel The party is hurting."

Xiao Yi replied: "Uncle Emperor, don't worry, I'm doing well, and nothing will happen."

Regarding Xiao Yi's truth, the emperor didn't believe it at all, he nodded slightly, rubbed the center of his brows, waved his hands and said: "I'm tired, you all step back."

Seeing that the emperor was really in poor health, all the ministers saluted and retired one after another. Dongcijian became quiet again. At this moment, Nangong Yue walked out from behind the screen and checked the emperor's pulse. Seeing that her condition was still stable, she breathed a sigh of relief. She told Eunuch Liu to let the emperor drink flowers on time, and then she walked out of the Palace of Longevity.

Xueqin has been waiting outside, saying that she was ordered by the queen to take Nangong Yue to live temporarily in the side hall of Fengluan Palace.

This is not the first time Nangong Yue has come to live in this side hall of Fengluan Palace. She also lived here when she treated the fifth prince last time, so she is very familiar with many maids of Fengluan Palace.

When Nangong Yue arrived, the residence had already been packed neatly, and the food and clothing expenses were arranged extremely thoughtfully.

Before Nangong Yue sat down, she heard the maid report: "The Fifth Prince is here."

"Sister Yue!" I haven't seen you for a while, the fifth prince has grown a little taller, and when he saw Nangong Yue, his round face turned into a smile, but soon he frowned again, "Sister Yue, I heard that Father is ill... are you here to treat father?"

In this huge imperial palace, Nangong Yue's favorite is probably the innocent fifth prince, and his expression softened.

"I have seen His Royal Highness the fifth prince." Nangong Yue replied after saluting, "I am indeed here to treat the emperor when I enter the palace."

"How is the father's illness?" the fifth prince asked cautiously. He was young, no one explained the emperor's condition to him, even the empress was too busy to talk to him, but from the attitude of the palace people, he had sensed something. In addition, there is also the matter of the elder brother being hijacked by thieves... In the little heart of the fifth prince, he still can't understand why the sky in this palace seems to have changed overnight!

Nangong Yue looked at the Fifth Prince with a smile, and couldn't help but patted his head and said: "As long as the Emperor is like the Fifth Prince, listen to me, take medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, and rest, you will be fine!"

The fifth prince couldn't help showing a bright smile, and nodded vigorously: "Sister Yue, then I will go and tell my father that I must let my father listen to what my sister said..."

While speaking, a court lady walked in quickly and saluted respectfully: "I have met His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince, Lord Yaoguang County."

"Exemption!" The Fifth Prince said in an old-fashioned way like a little adult.

"His Royal Highness, the county lord, the empress invites your highness and the county lord to have lunch together."

"Sister Yue, let's go together."

The Fifth Prince dragged Nangong Yue to the main hall together.

Accompanying the empress and the fifth prince for lunch, Nangong Yue went to the Emperor's Hall of Longevity at the end of the day, taking the emperor's pulse, acupuncture, and decocting medicine... she was busy until dark before returning to the side hall of Fengluan Palace.

After a casual dinner, Nangong Yue was bathed and washed by Baihui and a maid, and changed into pajamas.

When she was the only one around, Nangong Yue stretched out her right hand, and there was a note.

This note was given to Nangong Yue by a young eunuch on the way back to Fengluan Palace just now, saying that it was given by Xiao Shizi.

At this time, the candles in the side hall were still on, and Nangong Yue looked at the content on the note by the dim candlelight, and couldn't help frowning slightly, and her pupils shrank.

On the note sent by Xiao Yi, the first sentence said that Zou Dahai had already received news that the recent case of rebelling against the party in the royal capital was probably related to the fact that all the officials were ransacked and beheaded the year before last.

Guan Yubai... Nangong Yue couldn't help but think of this name. Could it be that Guan Yubai was behind the rebellion against the party this time

But in an instant, Nangong Yue shook her head and denied this possibility. She never doubted Guan Yubai's determination to take revenge, but she believed in his character, and believed that he would not kill innocent people for revenge.

Nangong Yue sneered in her heart. This group of rebels brought out the former emperor Murong Wei for a while, and now they are involved in the official family. I don't know what their intentions are

If the rebellion against the party was not instigated by Guan Yubai, but some people wanted to get involved with the officials, with the intention of framing them, then with Guan Yubai's character, he shouldn't just sit back and ignore things like this... I don't know if Guan Yubai will do it or not Will something be done

One question after another appeared in Nangong Yue's mind, but she couldn't get an answer for a while.

Nangong Yue calmed down, stopped thinking about it, then lowered her head and continued to look down. Next, Xiao Yi just let Nangong Yue live in the palace with peace of mind. Don't worry. If there is something wrong, you can find the palace maid Qingmei and the little eunuch Huang in Fengluan Palace. install.

After reading the contents of the note, Nangong Yue threw it into the brazier and burned it.

Looking at the dancing flames in the brazier, Nangong Yue raised the corners of her lips, feeling a lot more relaxed. Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, Xiao Yi had his own manpower and eyeliner in the Queen's Palace... Really worthy of being the last in the previous life the winner!

After a good night's sleep, Nangong Yue got up early the next day, and after a little breakfast, she brought Baihui and was led by the palace staff to diagnose the emperor's pulse and perform acupuncture.

On a winter morning, although there was no wind, it was still very cold. Nangong Yue walked slowly around the cloak.

Seeing the Palace of Eternal Life just ahead, he ran into Han Lingfu walking out of the palace.

Han Lingfu was wearing a big cloak, a moon white brocade dress with golden silk patterns on the cuffs, and a white jade belt around his waist. His face was like a crown jade, and he walked quietly, like an orchid orchid and a jade tree.

Nangong Yue couldn't avoid it, so she had no choice but to go forward and salute, "Yaoguang has seen His Royal Highness the Third Prince."

With a gentle smile on Han Lingfu's face, he said modestly, "You don't need to be too polite, the county magistrate of Yaoguang. It's been almost half a year since we left Cuiwei Mountain. How is the magistrate recently?"

At the beginning, Nangong Yue, Han Lingfu and others encountered refugees in Cuiwei Mountain, and everyone escaped safely by luck, so they can be regarded as friends in need. If it is an ordinary person, hearing Han Lingfu mention it, he will naturally feel close to him, but Nangong Yue only has disgust for him in his heart. No matter how eloquent he is, Nangong Yue cannot be persuaded by him.

Nangong Yue smiled slightly, and replied decently: "Thank you, Your Highness, Third Prince, for your concern, Shaking Light is very good."

Han Lingfu smiled again, cupped his hands and said, "Speaking of which, I offended you in the Hall of Eternal Life yesterday, so please don't be offended by the county magistrate."

Nangong Yue responded unhurriedly: "Yaoguang understands that His Highness and all the empresses are just worried about the emperor's safety, so why would they take offense?"

"My father's illness has improved, thanks to the county magistrate." Han Lingfu was not very grateful, but then frowned again, looking worried, "I heard that my father fainted again in Dongci yesterday. The county lord came to the rescue again. I am really worried about my father's condition... "

Hearing this, Nangong Yue roughly understood why Han Lingfu stopped talking to her so much. Han Lingfu probably wanted to find out from her what the condition of the emperor was.

As a son, it is natural to be worried about his father's illness. If he asked a question openly, Nangong Yue would naturally answer, but if he had to beat around the bush like this, one could not help but doubt his motives.

Nangong Yue was too lazy to be so hypocritical with him, she pretended not to understand, and said apologetically: "Your Highness, it's getting late, and Yaoguang still needs to diagnose the emperor's pulse, so I'm leaving first."

The emperor's body is naturally bigger than the sky. When Nangong Yue said so, Han Lingfu had no choice but to say: "Is it my palace? I'm disturbing the county lord. County lord, please do what you want!" He said and moved aside.

Nangong Yue gave another blessing and walked towards the Hall of Eternal Life.

Han Lingfu did not leave, looking at Nangong Yue's slender back, a glimmer of unknown meaning flashed in his eyes.

-off topic-

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