The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 173: -intimate


With a whistle, Yueying came at a gallop, Xiao Yifei got on the horse, and rode Yueying along the path and galloped wildly.

By the time Zhuzi led the horse out of the mansion, Xiao Yi had disappeared. But Zhuzi still galloped after him, knowing Xiao Yi's destination clearly in his heart.

Where can the eldest son go? Isn't it the former Great General's Mansion and the current An Yihou Mansion.

This Anyihou's mansion is not a place where the son of the world can mess around. The official and general have just been wronged, and the people are still angry, and their mood is still not calm. If at this time, the son of the world came to the door to find trouble for Guan Yu, wouldn't he become the target of public criticism for nothing

Thinking of this, Zhu Zi was very worried, the whip whipped faster, and the horse's hooves flew... Finally, before Xiao Yi knocked on the gate, he arrived panting.

At this time, the Anyihou Mansion had taken on a completely new look. The old gate was torn down and replaced with a new one. The plaque of "Anyihou Mansion" bestowed by the emperor was hung up, and even a stone lion was added to the entrance of the mansion. It's a world of difference.

"Shi... Master Shi..." Zhuzi jumped off the horse and cried out of breath.

But Xiao Yi ignored him at all, and knocked on the door without hesitation. The person who came to answer the door was a middle-aged man in a coarse cloth jacket, with one leg slightly lame, but his eyes were bright. .

Xiao Yi only glanced at it, and knew that the opponent had retreated from the battlefield, had seen blood, and had killed the enemy. It should be the old department of the official army.

Xiao Yi cupped his hands and said, "I'm here to pay homage to the official and general!"

The middle-aged man took a quick look at Xiao Yi, then opened the door to welcome him and Bamboo in, and walked through a straight bluestone brick road, the end of which was the mourning hall.

Xiaosi, who was guarding the entrance of the mourning hall, saw Xiao Yi from a distance, narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought: Why is Prince Xiao here

The two looked at each other, sparks were almost everywhere where their eyes met.

The middle-aged man naturally felt the weird atmosphere between the two, but he still said: "Little Si, this son is here to pay homage to the general."

"Your Majesty Xiao welcomes you." Xiao Si greeted Xiao Yi indifferently.

Xiao Yi didn't care about his attitude, and followed him into the mourning hall.

The moment he crossed the threshold, Xiao Yi's expression also became serious. Guan Yubai's father, General Ruyan, Xiao Yi not only heard of his name, but also met several times intermittently a few years ago. Although he had never talked to him, his grandfather's evaluation of this person still left a deep impression on him.

Official Ruyan, a generation of famous generals!

It is indeed embarrassing that a generation of famous generals has come to such an end.

Xiao Yi concentrated his eyes solemnly, respectfully offered incense and saluted, and the respect emanating from his movements and manners made Xiao Si's expression slightly relaxed.

After Xiao Yi finished offering sacrifices and walked out of the mourning hall, Guan Yubai, who had taken a nap in the study, also came after hearing the news.

"Elder Xiao!"

"Lord Hou!"

After the two bowed to each other, they both looked at each other with complicated emotions. And the bamboo behind Xiao Yi is already nervous and ready to save the situation at any time, he must not let the elder son do it!

Although Xiao Yi does not know medical skills, he is a martial arts practitioner after all. It's just that Guan Yubai's lower body is unstable, his footsteps are weak, his wrists are weak, and his breathing is short and heavy... This is definitely not the weak crown General An Yi, who had already fought on the battlefield, said Bai. It seems that Guan Yubai lost not only his family, but also more...

Not only Xiao Yi has heard of Guan Yubai, but Guan Yubai also knows about Xiao Yi. Xiao Si sent a message to Guan Yubai a long time ago, mentioning that Princess Yaoguang and Prince Xiao of Zhennan Palace seem to have a very close friendship.

Why Xiao Yi came today, Guan Yubai probably guessed a thing or two, he smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Shizi Xiao, for coming to express condolences for my father. Guan did not know that Shizi Xiao also knew his late father."

Xiao Yi was also very calm, and said: "I have only met General Guan for a few times, so it's not easy to say that I knew each other. It's just that my grandfather who passed away had some old friends with your father. Today, I'm here to pay homage to the old man on behalf of my grandfather." Xiao Yi smiled suddenly, "With my grandfather's temper, I guess I should be blamed for being nosy. Maybe tonight my grandfather will tell me in a dream that he has long met the official general in the underworld, drinking, playing chess, and talking about ancient theories. Today, how can I, my unfilial grandson, be needed to make a scene for him."

Guan Yubai was stunned, looked at Xiao Yi with some surprise, and said as if touched: "I also heard my late father mention the old Zhennan King, saying that he was rough on the outside and delicate on the inside, not only loved the people like a son, but also used soldiers like a son. God, what my late father admired the most was that the old Zhennan king used to guard the southern border with 30,000 troops from the south to resist the hundreds of thousands of troops from the Nanman. Don’t dare to commit a crime for ten years!”

Xiao Yi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he praised: "General Guan has a unique vision." After a pause, he continued, "Grandfather told me about it when he was alive, and people in this world say that he fought in the battlefield for more than thirty years In 2000, he wiped out millions of enemies without defeat. He was nicknamed "Rentu", but he didn't know that the previous government was corrupt and the building would collapse. It was not a single tree. He killed hundreds of thousands of troops in the previous dynasty, but he saved the people of the Central Plains from fire and water. Even if his notoriety is recorded in the annals of history, it’s fine for him to have a clear conscience! I still remember my grandfather saying that the most proud achievement in his life was not the annihilation of 400,000 troops from the former dynasty’s army in the Huaibei War, but the victory in the Southern Xinjiang War with the least loss Defend the gates of southern Xinjiang and defeat the southern barbarians."

Guan Yubai seemed to have thought of something, and a hint of interest flashed in his eyes. Old Zhennan Wang was nicknamed "Ren Tu". He was a character who would scare children into tears more than ten years ago, but few people knew what kind of character he really was. Now this Prince Xiao, in the eyes of everyone, is a well-known playboy in the capital, but in fact, Guan Yubai knows that this is not the real Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Shizi," Guan Yu suggested with a slight twitch of his lips, "the king of Zhennan had outstanding achievements back then, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance to meet you. I am honored to meet you today. There is a sand table in my study. How about we practice it? "

This Guan Yubai is a young general with outstanding military achievements in recent years. When he first entered the battlefield, the old Zhennan King was still alive. It's time to go to the battlefield again, but it's also good to have a sand table battle.

He stretched his brows and eyes, and responded with high spirits: "Okay!"

The two strode away, leaving Zhu Zi staring blankly at their backs, shocked by this unexpected development. 世子爷和安逸侯不是情敌吗?情敌相见,不是应该分外眼红吗?以世子爷天不怕地不怕的性格,不是应该二话不说先揍一顿吗?怎么他们俩好像是一见如故,越谈More speculative

Bamboo really felt a bit suffocated, but when he turned his head to see Xiaosi's expressionless cold face, he suddenly felt a kind of sadness that was full of things and no one could talk about it...

Xiaosi glanced at Zhuzi indifferently, and chased after him.

Guan Yubai had just returned to Beijing not long ago, and the study hadn't been tidied up yet, so it looked a bit disorganized, but the extremely delicate map hanging on the wall of the study still caught Xiao Yi's attention right away.

Xiao Yi walked over directly, stared at it for a while, and said with admiration: "Xiaobai, where did you get this?"



The corners of Guan Yubai's lips twitched involuntarily, and a gentle smile appeared on Ruyu's face, and he said, "I drew this with my own hands."

Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and he said in amazement: "Did you draw it?" Guan Yubai also walked up to the map, stroked it with his hands nostalgicly, and said: "Because the official army is guarding the western border of Dayu, Therefore, before going out with my father for the first time, I spent a full two years traveling all over the west of Feixia Mountain and every corner to the east of the West Tanya River in Xirong, and drew this map by myself. He raised his lips and said with a smile, "This map helped us a lot back then."

"Knowing yourself and the enemy can lead you to a hundred battles..." Xiao Yi read this sentence silently, patted him on the shoulder happily and said, "It's still Xiaobai who thinks clearly, although it took two years, you can still win battles on the battlefield." Take the lead! I am not as good as you in this!"

Guan Yubai was a little surprised. No matter what the outside world thinks of the Prince of Zhennan, his unpretentious and straightforward temperament makes him feel very congenial. He can't help but smile. The smile at this time is more polite than just now. A little sincerely, and said: "Xiao Shizi, the sand table is here."

"We are so familiar, you can call me A Yi. Xiao Shizi is so strange." Xiao Yi said casually, and Zhu Zi beside him thought weakly: Isn't this the first time you two met

Xiao Yi walked into the inner room of the study together with him, and saw a huge sand table placed in the center at a glance. The level of sophistication of this sand table is no less than the map outside. Not only are there mountains and rivers, but rivers and rivers are simulated with mercury, and even the distribution of mountains and forests is clearly produced.

Xiao Yi couldn't move his eyes, and asked without turning his head: "Xiaobai, did you make this yourself?"

Guan Yubai really wanted to correct his address, so he said helplessly, "Yes..."

His map and sand table back then were all destroyed unfortunately, and this sand table and the outside map were recreated by him according to his memory when he had nothing to do this year. In terms of details, it may not be as good as back then. .

Guan Yubai pressed the sadness in his heart, and said with a smile: "This is a sand table with a radius of hundreds of miles around Feixia Mountain, and every plant and tree in it has been highly restored. I believe that in Dayu, there is absolutely no other sand table that is better than this one. More detailed Feixia Mountain sand table... Xiao Shizi, can you fight with me?"

A bright light flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes, "Of course!"

The battlefield is bounded by Feixia Mountain, each occupying one side, Guan Yubai is defending, and Xiao Yi is attacking.

As they entered the battlefield, the momentum of the two suddenly changed...

This battle lasted until dusk. From the very beginning, Xiao Yi had the momentum of a fierce attack. The official language, Bai Jianbi cleared the field, waited for work with ease, and continued to harass with a small group of troops on the premise of sticking to Feixia Mountain.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi first used a vanguard to entangle Guan Yubai's scout troops, and then assembled the elite to take a small path from Feixia Mountain to raid the rear.

This was the first head-to-head confrontation between the two sides, and at the cost of all the elites of Xiao Yi being killed in battle, Guan Baiyu lost a quarter of his troops and half of his food.

Afterwards, Xiao Yi's offensive was fierce and his soldiers made strange moves, which once made Guan Yubai feel quite difficult. However, in Guan Yubai's words, he was too eager for success, so that he lacked stamina. Guan Yubai used defense instead of attack, exhausting a large number of Xiao Yi's troops. The two sides finally fought a decisive battle at the western foot of Feixia Mountain.

Xiao Yi was not at all frustrated by the defeat. On the contrary, when the defeat was decided, he said with bright eyes: "Xiao Bai, did you create the last battle formation?"

"Yes." Guan Yubai said while tidying up the small flags on the sand table slowly, "This is an evolution based on the ten-sided ambush formation. I have designed a total of seven formations. Interested?" Unknowingly, Guan Yubai also changed his address.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Naturally."

Guan Yubai took ten small flags of different colors, demonstrated them one by one on the sand table, and talked eloquently: "The ten-sided ambush formation usually relies on the terrain of mountains and rivers, but this kind of formation is too well-known. It is difficult to achieve the effect of surprise attack, so, on this basis, I... "

Guan Yubai spoke carefully, Xiao Yi listened carefully, the two of them almost forgot the time, immersed in the mystery of the formation, until Xiaosi took the medicine and knocked on the door expressionlessly.

Watching Guan Yubai drink the medicine, Xiao Yi realized that his old injury must have not healed, so he hurriedly put away the talk, and went back to the study with him.

The dinner had already been prepared in the study, and because they were still keeping their filial piety, the meal was quite simple, and the two of them sat facing each other. Although there is a saying that "you don't talk when you eat, you don't talk when you sleep", but Guan Yubai grew up in the military camp, so there is no There are not so many rules, but Xiao Yi... since he was a child, he didn't know what rules are, so he heard the official saying Bai Bian said, "A Yi, just now I wanted to say that you are too radical."

"Grandpa said that too." Xiao Yi shrugged his shoulders and said, "But, I don't think there is anything wrong. If you are not the one defending, I will definitely win this battle!"

"A Yi has never been on the battlefield, has he?" Before he could answer, Guan Yubai smiled and said, "The battlefield is different from the sand table, even if your strategy can bring you victory most of the time, but on the battlefield It is often ever-changing, and one wrong move is the whole game. So, instead of pursuing this short-term victory, why not take a long-term view."

Xiao Yi thought for a while.

"... Ayi, your situation is the same." Guan Yubai said in a gentle voice, "These days, you seem to have caused Zhennan Wang a lot of trouble."

Xiao Yi laughed, and said without feeling annoyed: "Xiao Bai, your source of information is really wide."

Ever since the news came from the spies that King Zhennan planned to take Zhezi out of Xiao Yi's position as the eldest son, Xiao Yi secretly attacked Nanjiang. Although with his current hole cards, he still can't make Zhennan Wang hurt to the bone, but it has indeed made him perfect.

Guan Yubai said, "Actually, you don't have to worry about it."

Xiao Yi shrugged his shoulders, "I just can't be bothered."

"Ayi, it's really not easy for you to be a hostage in the royal capital without being feared by our emperor." Guan Yubai analyzed slowly, "Deposing the son requires the emperor's permission, but obviously, The emperor will not agree to Zhennan Wang doing this, so why are you angry?"

"I don't care about the position of the son of the world." Xiao Yi's smile showed a trace of bitterness, "What I care about is that he never cared about me!"

He was obviously his biological father, but his eyes never fell on him, even if he was raised in the past, he never said a word; In the past year, the occasional letters were all reproaches, and there was never a single word of concern... Sometimes Xiao Yi even felt that the only thing in him worthy of his father's concern was the position of the son of the world.

"Do you care?"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and a smile appeared in his mind. When he almost stepped into the abyss of hatred and madness, she pulled him up... Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, and said: "I used to care, It doesn't matter now."

"In this case, why not ignore it." Guan Yubai said softly, "The king of Zhennan with a different surname and independent military power in southern Xinjiang are things that any emperor would be afraid of. Given your current situation, you actually have only two ways to go. One is to stay in the royal capital comfortably, and trade military power in exchange for freedom after inheriting the title of King of Zhennan in the future. The trouble is that you can't predict whether the new emperor's temperament will tolerate you. "

"What about two?"

"As for the second, go back to the southern border, seize the military power, occupy the land and become king."

These words were sonorous and powerful, and Xiao Yi couldn't help but moved his heart, so he heard Guan Yubai continue to say: "But you are still fledgling, even if you seize the military power, you will not be able to hold the military power, so now is not a good time. At last The best time is when the new emperor ascends the throne... Once you can control the southern border and get rid of the imperial court's control, you will have a brighter future... "

"... Xiaobai. I think you are right." Xiao Yi nodded seriously and said, "I don't want to be controlled by others for the rest of my life, so..."

Guan Yubai interjected, and the two said almost in unison: "Take time for opportunity."

The two looked at each other and smiled, Guan Yubai continued: "On the surface, you only need to stay in the capital in peace and security, and don't care about anything in the southern border. For all the obstacles brought by the King of Zhennan, the one above will definitely I will clean it up for you. As for what you need to do in the dark, let alone me... "

These days, Xiao Yi is no longer as empty-handed as he was when he was left in the capital. However, he is still at a loss as to what to do in the future. cheerful.

While chatting and laughing, the two had dinner, and then they went back to the inner room of the study under Xiao Si's icy cold eyes that wanted to freeze to death.

Guan Yubai impromptuly set up a simple sand table, and the two of them started to deduce the recent Xi Rong's aggressive attack...

This deduction took a full night, if it wasn't for seeing that his young master was not in a state of depression, it would have been better, Xiao Si really wanted to throw that Prince Xiao out.

When Xiao Yi came out from the residence of Marquis An Yi, the sky was already bright, and Zhu Zi, who had been holding back for a long time, finally asked: "My lord, why are you with that Marquis of An Yi..." Suddenly he thought of a certain possibility, "My lord, you Wouldn't it be that you deliberately made friends with Marquis An Yi, so that you can know yourself and your enemy, and win a hundred battles... Ah!"

Zhuzi clutched his forehead and let out a cry of headache, just now Xiao Yi flicked his forehead heavily with his index finger.

Xiao Yi looked at Zhuzi angrily: "Is my son this kind of person?"

"Master, of course you are not this kind of person." Zhu Zi hurriedly echoed, but felt a little guilty. He really can't vouch for the character of their family's son.

Xiao Yi didn't bother to pay attention to the bamboo, and walked forward. In fact, he was also extremely contradictory. Originally, he really went to the Anyihou Mansion with the intention of giving the other party a little prestige, but he didn't want to accidentally hit it off with Guan Yubai...

Uh... alright! As long as Xiaobai is obedient, don't come to snatch the stinking girl, I will protect him as a big brother from now on!

Xiao Yi instinctively ignored the fact that Guan Yubai was older than him, and decided happily!

He jumped onto Yueying, pulled the reins, and headed towards a completely different direction from Zhennan Palace.

"Ah!" Zhuzi couldn't help shouting, "Master Shizi, you are going in the wrong direction..." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly realized that Master Shizi was going in the wrong direction, he was obviously going in the right direction... Nangong Mansion!

"Go back by yourself." Xiao Yi waved his hand casually, and when he was about to gallop away on his horse, he saw Zhu Xing galloping towards him quickly, and as soon as he saw Xiao Yi, he immediately shouted: "My lord. "

Xiao Yi lightly pulled the rein, stopped, turned his head and asked: "What's the matter?"

Zhu Xing hurriedly said: "The emperor announces you."

Xiao Yi didn't want to go... Ever since that "rescue", the emperor's trust in him has grown day by day. Not only did his deputy commander remove the word "deputy", but he would also announce him into the palace from time to time and assign him errands .

It seemed that he couldn't go to find the stinky girl today, Xiao Yi regretted a bit, then turned around and walked slowly towards the palace.

What the emperor gave him was indeed a good job - ransacking the house!

As we all know, ransacking a house is a good job, as long as it is not too much, the emperor will acquiesce in this, and to share this good job with him, there is naturally Han Huaijun who also has the same meritorious service. Both of them knew very well that this was a reward specially given to them by the emperor, and because it was not a big reward on the bright side, there was no need to worry about being verbose by the censor.

Yanwang Mansion and Yongding Hou Mansion have already been copied, but the roster confiscated from Yongding Hou Mansion, the names, all became the targets of the emperor's liquidation after the three divisions interrogated and the evidence of the crime was conclusive.

So, Xiao Yi started to get busy, and in just a few days, his small private treasury was full, and it was just a stinky girl who hadn't seen him for a long time...

"When will I finish my work..." Xiao Yi said to himself boringly.

"Master Commander." The subordinates of Wucheng Bingmasi brought out several boxes, " you see?"

Xiao Yi randomly ordered two things, and said: "This box is divided among you. Let me record the other things honestly, and no one is allowed to move."

Everyone agreed, and they went to get busy.

Although most of the soldiers and horses in the five cities are the youngest sons or concubine sons of various dignitaries, their monthly cases are limited. After this fat job, everyone is overjoyed, but no matter what No matter how greedy the things were, they didn't dare to disobey Xiao Yi's words. After honestly leaving a box, they were busy registering it.

Xiao Yi yawned boredly, and muttered to himself, "I don't know if the stinky girl will miss me..."

"Ah Choo!"

Nangong Yue sneezed inexplicably, she touched her nose, and then continued: "...Yimei, do you think, among the current second-class maids, which one can take your place?"

Yimei is going to get married in a month, and her cousin is also born in the same family and works in the Nangong Mansion's office.

Years ago, Nangong Yue called him into the flower hall, met him behind the screen, and asked him some questions. He was a very clever person. After returning, she asked An Niang to find someone to inquire about it, and then agreed to Yimei's marriage.

Yimei's cousin was overjoyed upon hearing the news, and hurriedly went to Yimei's house to ask for a kiss. The marriage of the family's children cannot be decided by themselves, so Yimei's parents came to ask for Lin's grace. After Lin asked about Nangong Yue's intentions, she officially set a date for Yimei's marriage.

When Yimei got married, there was a shortage of first-class maids. Although the maids in the mansion had two places for first-class maids, Nangong Yue was already the Princess of the princess. After returning this time, the Su family will make decisions for her. Mentioning the rules in the mansion, there are as many as four first-class maids alone.

Nangong Yue promoted both Baihe and Baihui to the first class, and Que'er added another place.

"Third Miss." Yimei seemed to have considered this issue carefully, and said, "I think Yinger is good."


Nangong Yue directly complied, since she has a lot of people who can be used anyway, it would be great if this Yinger is available, and if she can't afford it, then it's okay to change people.

Nangong Yue took out a small box and gave it to Yimei together with a brass key, and said: "This is for you to press the bottom of the box."

"Third Miss..." Yimei was surprised and hurriedly said, "Second Madam has already given you a reward..."

"What Mother gave is Mother's. It's mine." Nangong Yue said with a smile, "I haven't opened it yet and have a look."

Yimei stared at her blankly, opened the small box with slightly trembling hands, inside were two hundred taels of silver bills, the land deed of ten mu of land, a two-entry house, two pure gold hairpins and a gold bracelet.

"Third Miss..." Yimei held the box, tears streaming down her face.

If the value of these things is converted into a dowry, even if it is a girl from a wealthy family, it is more than enough to get married. And she is just a son of a family, just a slave...

"You are kind to me, I remember." Nangong Yue said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's not just you, Lily, Baihui, and Que'er. When they get married, I will also prepare such a dowry , so you can keep it with peace of mind. Your third daughter, I have money now!" She is indeed rich, and those things that were rewarded by the palace have been piled up in two or three warehouses. public property, but her private property.

Yimei accepted it solemnly, "Thank you, Miss San."

"From tomorrow onwards, you don't have to serve me anymore, just stay in the house and make your wedding dress. I will let you go back ten days before your wedding date." Nangong Yue said with a smile, "After getting married, I will let you go." You have a month's leave, and then you and your cousin will go to my shop. The shopkeeper over there will take you for three months. After three months, he will return to mother's place, and the whole shop will be handed over to you Come call the shots."

Yimei blushed and replied: "Yes..."

"You have to remember that making money is small, and the real purpose of this shop is news."

"Slaves understand!"

Nangong Yue gave her a few more words of advice, and then let her go down. In the next few days, apart from handing over to Yinger and teaching some precautions for personal service, Yimei will stay in the room for the rest of the time. Yi, there is no need to stay with Nangong Yue to wait on her anymore.

When Yimei opened the door to go out, she saw Lily waiting at the door for some time.

Seeing Yimei coming out, Lily smiled and congratulated her, Yimei couldn't help but blushed, and hurried away shyly.

Lily walked into the room with a smile, and said, "Miss San, there is a post from Miss Fu's sixth, inviting you to play with the Second Young Master."

Nangong Yue nodded slightly and took it.

When she was in the palace that day, Nangong Yue noticed that Princess Yongyang's complexion was not very good. After she came back from the palace, she sent a message to the princess' mansion, but there was still no news. So, she had no choice but to save the country with curves, implying that Fu Yunyan asked her to come to the house.

Nangong Yue opened the post and took a look. The time Fu Yunyan invited was three days later, just before the Tong Sheng Exam, so she could take her brother Nangong Xin out to relax.

Nangong Yue replied to the letter, and sent Lily a purse made by herself, and asked Lily to send it to Yongyang Dachang Princess's mansion, which was considered to be a visit in three days.

After finishing all the work, Nangong Yue sat by the window and made up an unfinished five-bat net. This five-bat net was different from the usual ones. She spent a lot of thought and worked on it for a long time...

In this way, three days later, Nangong Yue took Baihe and Baihui and went out with Nangong Xin.

First, I went to Wufutang to greet Princess Yongyang. When she saw Nangong Yue, Madam Tang was overjoyed, but Yongyang looked a little helpless.

After the greeting, Fu Yunyan wanted to take them to the garden, but Nangong Yue didn't move, but looked at Princess Yongyang with a smile. The two looked at each other for a while, Yong Yang shook his head with a smile and said: "You girl, no one has dared to look at me like this for a long time."

"That's why you don't care about your body so much." For some reason, Nangong Yue really couldn't see Yong Yang's appearance, perhaps because Nangong Yue saw another side of the woman in her body, which she yearned for one side.

Yong Yang was silent for a while, and finally ordered: "Liu Niang, you take Brother Xin to play first, I will stay with Sister Yue to talk."

"Yes! Grandmother."

Fu Yunyan had already guessed that Nangong Yue was looking for her grandmother, so she wasn't very surprised at this time. After Fu left Fu, she took Nangong Xin and retreated first. While walking, he also listened to Nangong Xin talking to Fu Yunyan about his new hound - the trophy from the horse race with Yuan Lingbai last time.

Seeing that the waiters around had retreated one by one under the signal of Tang Nanny, Nangong Yue also let Bai He and Bai Hui back down, and she stepped forward and said with a smile: "Grandmother Yongyang, do you mind giving Yue'er a hand?" some blood?"


"Grandmother Yongyang." Nangong Yue pursed her lips slightly and said, "Actually, Yue'er knows that this request is a little too much. Although you may have your reasons, Yue'er doesn't want to see you spoiling yourself like this."

Yong Yang's eyes froze, and he said in a blunt tone: "Little girl, no one has dared to be so bold in front of me for many years. What confidence do you have, you can?"

"Yue'er has no self-confidence." Nangong Yue said honestly, "It's just a trial. Yue'er is very envious of your wanton publicity. Yue'er only has medical skills, so I want to use medical skills to keep this wanton publicity Otherwise, it would be a pity that there would be one less strange woman in the world."

Yong Yang fell silent, and the surroundings were suddenly silent, while Nangong Yue stood quietly on the side, and did not retreat in the slightest because of the tolerable atmosphere. Just when Nanny Tang couldn't help but was about to speak, Yong Yang Suddenly a voice came out and said: "Sister Yue, do you know that some people don't want to live anymore."

"I know." Nangong Yue said seriously. In her previous life, after Nangong's family was ransacked and beheaded, she didn't want to live alone for countless times, but she survived in the end. I heard her say, "But, as long as you still have your wish unfulfilled, no matter how painful it is, you should live on."

"Wish?" Yong Yang muttered to himself.

"Yes." Nangong Yue met her gaze and said, "Grandmother Yong Yang, as long as she is alive, there is a moment when her wish will come true, and once she dies, there will be no more chances."

Yong Yang was silent again, after a while, she let out a long sigh, nodded her head lightly, and muttered to herself in an inaudible voice: "...then live."

On the side, Mother Tang couldn't help but burst into tears. She turned her head away, covering her face and weeping bitterly.

-off topic-

The rewards for grabbing buildings on August 1 have been sent out, and all the comments are included. Please support the genuine version, thank you!

Thank you all for the flowers and monthly tickets!

In order not to affect reading, I moved to the book review area... Thank you very much!