The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 182: -Eclipse day


Early in the morning, Nangong Yue's Zhulun cart and two carriages set off from Nangong Mansion to the Yaowang Temple in the south of the capital city.

Today is the day when Lin and Zhong agreed to meet each other, and it was at this Yaowang Temple.

For Wangdu, Yaowang Temple is just a small temple, but there are many pilgrims. The temple exudes a strong smell of incense, which makes people feel respectful when they are in it.

Lin Shi and Liu Qingqing took Nangong Cheng, Nangong Yue, Nangong Lin and Bai Muxiao out of the carriage, and a young novice led them to the main hall. Although it was a mutual acquaintance, Lin thought that Nangong Cheng was a girl's family after all, and she was thin-skinned. He was afraid that she would be embarrassed, so he asked the girls from the mansion to come out with him in the name of Shangxiang.

The little novice walked forward and said with a smile: "Several benefactors, the lottery of this temple is famous for its efficacy. Later, everyone, would you like to ask for one to try?"

Lin nodded with a smile and said: "Then I have to try it." She exchanged meaningful glances with Liu Qingqing, and said to Nangong Cheng, "Sister Cheng, you must ask for one later."

Nangong Cheng forced a smile, and before she could speak, Nangong Lin couldn't wait to say: "Second Aunt, I want one too." Before coming, Nangong Lin had already inquired about the marriage agreement of the Yaowang Temple. It's incredible, it's rare to come, so it's natural to ask for it.

During the speech, the crowd had already arrived at the main hall, and the four girls hurriedly took off the veils on their faces to show their respect to the Bodhisattva.

Three futons were placed on the main hall, and Lin Shi, Liu Qingqing and Nangong Cheng stepped forward first, kowtowed reverently to the King of Medicine Bodhisattva, followed by Shuxiang, took a lottery from the little novice monk, and handed it to Nangong Cheng.

Nangong Cheng shook it lightly a few times, and a bamboo stick fell out of it. Shuxiang hurriedly picked up the bamboo stick and handed it to her.

Nangong Cheng took a closer look, and saw four lines on the slender bamboo stick:

"Heroes and heroes are born, and they have to find the rules step by step; everything in the world has its own owner, and no one can take a grain of it."

Nangong Cheng frowned slightly. Although she didn't fully understand the meaning of the signed letter, she always felt that it was not signed. For today's meeting, she was a little unwilling at first, but now her heart sank even more.

"Almsgiver, why don't the little monk take you to unwrap the lottery?" the little novice asked hurriedly.

"Little Master, I'm sorry to trouble you." Lin replied with a smile, and followed the little novice, leading Lin and Nangong Cheng to the right side of the main hall, and stopped in front of an old monk.

The old monk had white eyebrows and beard, he looked at least seventy years old, his eyelids drooped a little, he looked a little thin, but he was kind-hearted, sitting behind a mahogany table, eyes closed, muttering words.

The little novice saluted respectfully: "Master Huizhi, please help this female benefactor to untie the lottery."

The old monk slowly opened his eyes, took the bamboo stick, glanced at Lin and Nangong Cheng, settled on Nangong Cheng, and asked: "The benefactor, are you looking for marriage?" He seemed to be asking, but his tone was But very sure.

Lin's heart moved, and she felt that this might be an eminent monk, so she replied for Nangong Cheng: "Master, it is."

The old monk glanced at the signature casually, shook his head, and said firmly: "This is the signing." After a pause, he said intriguingly, "Female benefactor, everything in the world has its own owner. It is better to force it."

Nangong Cheng's complexion changed, her delicate body became even more stiff as a tree, and Lin's brows were also slightly frowned. Originally, he thought that the son of Jian'an Bo was a good one, could it be that the two missed each other

"Girl..." Shuxiang said cautiously, "how about asking for another one?"

"How can I ask for this lot twice?" Nangong Cheng forced a smile.

"Sister Cheng, it's just a lottery, don't take it too seriously." Lin comforted her softly. At this time, Nangong Yue, Nangong Lin and Bai Muxiao also walked over.

The three of them also heard that Nangong Cheng had drawn a lot, and they had different expressions. Nangong Lin looked at the bamboo stick in her hand, and was tangled up for a while. If she also made a lottery with this one, wouldn't she be disappointed today

Nangong Lin looked at Nangong Yue, then at Bai Muxiao, and suddenly found that Bai Muxiao's hands were empty, so she couldn't help asking: "Cousin Xiao, why didn't you ask for a lottery?"

Bai Muxiao smiled faintly, and said, "I wanted to, but I didn't dare."

When she said this, it aroused the curious eyes of several other people. Bai Muxiao continued, "If I want to ask for a lottery to ask if I can be a Jinshi, if I get a lottery, I will be proud and arrogant from now on, and I will stop studying. How can you win the Jinshi? If you get the next lottery, you will be sluggish and sluggish. Weak little girl, it’s better to do what you can and don’t know too much.” Then, she smiled playfully, “Cousin Lin, I’m just talking about myself, I think Cousin Lin’s personality is more confident than mine. Much more decisive."

When she said this, Nangong Lin was embarrassed to say that she was soft-tempered, so she bit the bullet and went to solve the lottery. Fortunately, she won the lottery, so she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Nangong Cheng looked at Bai Muxiao thoughtfully, and smiled gently, "Cousin Xiao, thank you for your explanation." Thinking of Bai Muxiao's rescue of herself at Fang's banquet, and now she kindly relieved herself, Nangong Cheng My impression of Bai Muxiao has improved a lot, and I feel that this cousin has indeed grown up after experiencing a series of changes such as the death of her father, and is a person worthy of friendship.

After everyone read the signatures, Liu Qingqing donated a sum of sesame oil money to the monastery, and then said to the little novice: "Little master, can you take us to the back temple?"

The little novice naturally agreed.

After leaving the main hall, the girls put on their veils again and began to appreciate the scenery in the temple. Everyone was in a good mood, but Nangong Cheng was always frowning. Even with a white gauze covering her face, she could still feel her depressed mood.

Liu Qingqing thought that she was influenced by that signature, so she deliberately walked beside her, talking to her from time to time.

A brocade-clothed woman in her early thirties suddenly appeared on the path in front of her. The woman was wearing an aloes-colored, ten-color brocade makeup and flower-covered gold sleeve jacket, and her crow-blue hair was neatly combed into a bun. Wearing a red gold Guanyin distraction, although the appearance is not beautiful, it is dignified and kind, as quiet as orchid, and it feels very comfortable to look at.

Beside her was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy with a slender figure, wearing a moon-white robe with dark patterns of silver silk and tufted flowers, his face was like a crown jade, his eyes were like stars, and his smile was gentle and polite. These two people seem to have three or four points similar, it seems that they should be mother and son.

It's Mrs. Jian'an and the son of Jian'an! Nangong Yue recognized it at a glance. The son of Jian'an also went to the Fang Banquet, but Nangong Yue didn't talk to him, so he couldn't say they knew each other.

Nangong Yue thought it was just an ordinary encounter, but Mrs. Jian Anbo actually walked up to them and greeted Mrs. Lin affectionately: "Second Mrs. Nangong, I didn't expect to meet by chance in this Yaowang Temple."

"Mrs. Pei!" Mrs. Lin greeted each other with a smile on her face, and introduced to the girls, "This is Mrs. Pei and Prince Pei from Jian'anbo Mansion."

After everyone saluted one by one, Mrs. Pei suggested with a smile: "There is a gazebo over there, why don't we sit there for a while."

Lin naturally complied.

At this point, Nangong Yue has suddenly realized, no wonder the big sister's expression has been a little unnatural, it turns out that the purpose of coming to the Yaowang Temple today is to show her a look.

Nangong Yue quickly cast a glance at Nangong Teng, and at this moment, Bai Muxiao happened to also look at Nangong Teng, knowing it well.

Since the protagonist is Nangong Cheng, the others tactfully did not say anything

Everyone sat in the gazebo for about a stick of incense. After talking, listening to the conversation and watching the manners, both Lin and Liu Qingqing were very satisfied with the son of Jian'an. Looking at Mrs. Jian Anbo's benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes, the other party's eyes looking at Nangong Cheng are also very loving. She should not be some tricky mother-in-law. Lin and Liu Qingqing exchanged a look, thinking that this marriage is quite good.

After bidding farewell to Mrs. Jian'anbo and the eldest son of Jian'anbo, the people of Nangong Mansion went down to a room in the West Wing to have a rest under the leadership of the little novice monk. They planned to have some vegetarian food for lunch in the temple before heading back home.

After serving tea and snacks to everyone, the little novice was about to step back, when Nan Gonglin, who was sitting by the side, asked, "Little master, is there anything interesting in your temple?"

The little novice froze for a moment, and suggested with a smile on his face: "Benefactors, there is a temple fair at the east gate of this temple today. Although it is not big, it is quite lively. If benefactors are interested, I can take you to the temple fair." Go shopping."

"Temple fair?!" Nangong Lin's eyes lit up, and she said enthusiastically, "I've never been to a temple fair in Wangdu." She looked at Lin with anticipation, "Second aunt, it's rare to have a chance Let me go to the temple fair with my two elder sisters and cousin Xiao."

Lin hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but glance at Nangong Cheng.

Ever since he drew the lottery today, Nangong Cheng has been in a gloomy mood.

Mrs. Lin sighed in her heart, thinking of the son of Bo Jian'an whom she had just met, that son of Pei seemed to be a good-looking talent, and Nangong Cheng could be described as a man and a woman, very suitable. I hope that Nangong Cheng will not be preconceived because of that signature, and reject this marriage... Maybe it's good to go to the temple fair to relax.

Thinking of this, Lin nodded and agreed, and said to the four girls: "Since this is a rare temple fair, you four should go out and have fun together. Be careful, don't get separated!"

All the girls thanked Mrs. Lin in unison. Although Nangong Cheng was in a low mood, seeing the sisters were in high spirits, it was not good to be a spoiler and spoil everyone's spirits.

After the four girls bid farewell to Mrs. Lin and Liu Qingqing, they followed the little monk out of the west chamber and headed for the east gate. Along the way, Nangong Lin was very excited and asked one after another about the temple fair, and the little novice also answered them one by one. The two chattered non-stop, which made the atmosphere a lot more lively.

Gradually, they found that there were more pilgrims around them. These people should also go to the temple fair. From time to time, they could hear the word "temple fair".

After walking for a while, they saw a door in front of them, and bursts of noise came from outside the door, getting louder and louder.

They continued to move forward along the flow of people, and after exiting the east side door, they saw that the outside was extremely lively, like a market, with stalls selling goods densely packed on both sides of the road, crowds of people coming and going, all kinds of The goods attracted pilgrims to stop and watch and buy curiously from time to time, and the atmosphere was very lively.

The hawkers are shouting hard, and the aroma of various snacks is tangy.

The little novice tried his best to introduce the history and characteristics of this temple fair, but the four girls were too dazzled to see what the little novice was saying at all. It is alive and well, fishing for goldfish on the opposite side seems to be quite fun, and the fans and bronze mirrors sold at the back are also exquisite in workmanship...

Only Nangong Cheng's face under the veil was still blank, as if he was not interested in anything.

Shuxiang followed closely behind Nangong Cheng, always paying attention to her girl's expression, worried in her heart. She has been with the girl since she was a child, and she thinks she knows the girl very well, but these two days, she doesn't understand the girl... The son of Jian'an seems to be a good-looking talent, and he has a good reputation in the capital. Such a good son-in-law, what is wrong with the girl? Satisfied? Is it because of that signature...

Shuxiang was thinking that after returning home, she must take care of her daughter, when suddenly she felt a strange wind blowing, and the originally bright and clear sky began to turn cloudy and dark, as if a heavy rain was coming, and the surrounding temperature also dropped sharply Many, like a sudden transition from warm early summer to cool late autumn.

The sky is getting darker and darker, as if the night is coming!

Before Shuxiang could figure out what was going on, someone around shouted in horror: "The heavenly dog is eclipsing the sun! The heavenly dog is eclipsing the sun!" With that shout, a gap appeared in the sky that was originally as round as a full moon, as if It was greedily bitten off by some monster, and the sky became darker because of it.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, panic seemed to be contagious, more and more people shouted heart-piercingly: "It's Tiangou Shiri!"

"Everyone run away!"


The countless shouts overlapped together, as if the earth was shaking, the sky was falling apart, and the surrounding area was chaotic, tumbling like boiling hot water.

Then, the whole temple fair became a mess. Some people knelt down and kowtowed in fright; …

In front of this huge flow of people, individuals seemed so insignificant, but in the blink of an eye, Nangong Yue, Nangong Cheng and others even had no time to explain to each other, they were instantly dispersed by the torrent of people.

At the same time, the sun in the sky was only half left, and people became more and more excited because of this. Those kneeling kowtowed and murmured: "Please the Medicine King Bodhisattva to appear! Please the Medicine King Bodhisattva!" Buddha bless!"

The sound of gongs and drums roared like waves of thunder resounding through the sky.

And the panicked crowd is still growing, people are running wildly, pushing, even trampling... It seems that the devil in their hearts is being released little by little with the disappearance of the sun.

Nangong Cheng walked forward with the flow of people with difficulty, while looking around, his face had faded under the veil. She found that she was not only separated from her sisters, but also Shuxiang, who was still closely beside her, was squeezed away.

"Scholarly, Second Younger Sister, Third Younger Sister..." She called out to everyone repeatedly, but her delicate voice was like the moaning of mosquitoes at this moment, unable to stir up any waves at all, and was immediately swallowed up by other voices around her.

Nangong Cheng could only move forward passively, and there were people pushing and shoving her around from time to time, the strong body odor came to her nostrils, making her want to vomit, her body was squeezed to this side, and her steps staggered a little.

At this moment, a chubby woman suddenly ran past Nangong Cheng, her thick shoulder slammed into Nangong Cheng's left arm, causing her to fall forward.

Seeing that the ground was getting closer and closer to her, and there were more people on both sides of her crazily pushing towards her, Nangong Cheng's face paled and waited for the pain to come, but he felt a tightness around his waist, and his body was firmly held by someone. Holding it up, at the same time, a familiar haunting voice rang in her ears:

"Miss Nangong, are you okay?"

At the same time as the words fell, the sun was completely darkened, the sky was also completely darkened, and the night suddenly fell, and the surrounding area was shady and cool, even the gentle breeze at this time seemed like a dark wind.

"The sun is eaten up by the tengu!"

"It's over! Dayu is over!"


Countless people screamed like ghosts and wolves, and their ears were filled with screams, cries, gongs and drums, and kowtows...

But none of these seemed to reach Nangong Cheng's ears, her heartbeat seemed to stop at this moment.

It's him! Nangong Cheng looked at the handsome man who supported her in disbelief, his pink lips trembled slightly under the veil, and his eyes were like spring water. When the eyes of the two met, time seemed to stand still, and everyone around them disappeared, leaving only the two of them in the world.

bang bang bang!

She felt her heart beating louder and louder in her ears, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

"Miss Nangong, are you okay?" Seeing that Nangong Cheng was standing still, King Cheng immediately stepped back politely, and said, "There are too many people here and it's dangerous, let's go to the side to avoid it?"

Nangong Cheng looked at King Cheng with a blushing face, and nodded silently.

She didn't say anything, but those bright black eyes seemed to be able to speak, and the bright light in them had revealed her inner voice.

"Come with me." Cheng Wang's thin lips curled slightly, and he walked beside Nangong Cheng, carefully separating her from the rushing crowd with his tall body and a pair of long arms. As if he was the most loyal guard, he quickly blocked everyone who almost touched Nangong Cheng.

Nangong Cheng, who was protected by him, naturally noticed this, from time to time, he looked up at Cheng Wang Junlang's profound facial features secretly, feeling sweet in his heart, almost suspecting that this moment was another dream of hers.

King Cheng took Nangong Cheng back to the Yaowang Temple through a small gate, and Nangong Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the sky became brighter again, and the originally black sun revealed a thin sickle-like light, like a bright crescent moon.

The loud shouts of the crowd came from outside again: "Tengu is scared away! Everyone keep knocking! Don't let Tengu eat the sun..."

For a while, the gongs and drums shook the sky, the sky became brighter and brighter, and the sun gradually recovered... The people became more excited because of this, thinking that their gongs and drums scared away the tengu.

"Boom, boom, clang..."

There was a commotion outside the temple, and it became more and more intense, but the surroundings in the temple were quiet, only the bamboo leaves rustled under the breeze.

The man under Takeshita was like a bright moon and a breeze, calm and calm, just looking at him, Nangong Cheng's heart became peaceful, as if even the dog eating the sun was not to be feared.

After a while, Nangong Cheng came back to his senses, turned to King Cheng and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, King Cheng just now!"

"Why do you and I need to thank you!" Cheng Wang said pointedly, looking at Nangong Cheng with burning eyes.

What he meant was... Nangong Cheng's heart skipped a beat, his face was almost on fire, his eyes were half-closed, and his hands were twisted together.

"Miss Nangong," Cheng Dynasty Nangong Cheng approached half a step, and said bluntly, "Actually, I have seen you in this temple a long time ago... I followed you all the way to the temple fair."

Nangong Cheng was startled, and raised his eyes to look at King Cheng, only to see that his gaze was as deep as a bottomless pool, as if he wanted to suck her into it.

Nangong Cheng's eyelashes trembled, like a frightened fawn, slightly lowered his head, not daring to look at him again.

King Cheng continued: "Miss Nangong, can you tell me if your family wants to marry you?"

How could he know? Nangong Cheng reflexively met King Shangcheng's eyes again, his pupils shrinking slightly, but he remained silent.

"Our Changdi people have always been straightforward, and we don't understand those twists and turns..." King Cheng took Nangong Cheng's hand without warning, and affectionately called her boudoir name, "Tell me, please tell me, what do you want?" Marry me?" As if afraid that she would not believe him, he hastily added, "Please believe my whole heart."

His "Teng'er" made Nangong Cheng's face flush, but her senses returned quickly, and she pushed King Cheng away abruptly, her pink lips trembling slightly: "No, it's not possible..." She took a step back , said very lightly, "In Dayu, only the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers are right..."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Cheng picked up the skirt slightly, and trotted away.


King Cheng's voice came from behind, but Nangong Cheng could only pretend that she couldn't hear anything. Passing through the bamboo forest, she saw Shuxiang's anxious figure appearing in front of her. Girl! Miss... the servant finally found you."

Scholar looked at Nangong Cheng anxiously, and saw that her clothes were neat and tidy, and even her hair was neat and uncluttered, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking: Fortunately, the girl was not bumped into.

At this time, the sky was completely bright again, the scorching sun hung high in the sky again, and the outside of the temple also calmed down, not as chaotic as before.

Nangong Cheng and Shuxiang returned to the temple fair, reunited with Nangong Yue and the others, and went back to the wing where Lin Shi and Liu Qingqing were staying.

"Buddha blesses you, as long as you are fine." Seeing that all the girls were safe, Lin finally let go of her long-suspended heart, and sighed, "It's really not a good omen." Thinking about Nangong Cheng today The lottery was drawn, and Lin's feeling of discomfort became more and more intense. This marriage was obviously suitable for everything, but it made her feel inexplicably uneasy. Is she thinking too much

Everyone felt a little heavy, but Bai Muxiao said with a smile: "Second Aunt, don't worry too much. I once read in a book from the West that the eclipse of the dog is just a natural phenomenon. What kind of dog, it doesn't matter what is inauspicious."

All the girls were stunned, and Nangonglin "kindly" persuaded: "Cousin Xiao, I don't know what book you read, but I advise you not to talk nonsense, so as not to be misled by others. good."

Bai Muxiao smiled lightly, but she didn't argue with Nangong Lin, "Thank you, Cousin Lin, for your guidance."

Everyone else was still immersed in the shock of Tiangou's eclipse, except for Nangong Yue, no one noticed the pity and contempt in Bai Muxiao's eyes.

Nangong Yuexuan glanced at Bai Muxiao, then lowered her eyes in deep thought. It was the same in her previous life, Bai Muxiao often looked at them with such superior eyes, as if she was born to be nobler than them, as if she knew many things that others didn't know, as if everyone should bow down to her …

Because of the Tiangou eclipse, Lin decided to return home early, and even the playful Nangong Lin had no objection.

When everyone reached the gate of the temple, the maids and wives had already prepared the carriage.

Lin Shi and Nangong Yue boarded the Zhulun carriage, Nangong Lin and Bai Muxiao rode in the carriage, while Nangong Cheng and Liu Qingqing rode together.

After letting Liu Qingqing get into the carriage first, Nangong Cheng, supported by Shuxiang, was about to follow him into the carriage, but suddenly felt a burning gaze keenly.

It's him, it must be him!

Nangong Cheng's movement of getting on the carriage paused for a moment, Shuxiang cast a questioning look, Nangong Cheng endured without looking back, and got on the carriage stiffly.

The wheels of the car rolled "da da" and gradually drifted away.

Is he still there? This question has been echoing in Nangong Cheng's heart. She clenched and opened her fist, opened and clenched, clenched and opened again, and finally she couldn't help but opened the curtain by the window and looked behind, and saw the familiar tall figure at a glance.

The carriage had already driven several tens of feet away, and his face could not be seen clearly, but Nangong Cheng knew that he was looking at her, his eyes were so hot that they seemed to set her on fire.

Nangong Cheng's heart tightened, and he drew the curtains again abruptly, his eyes slightly hazy.

The carriage drove slowly on the way back to the mansion. Because of the Tiangou eclipse, the entire king was in chaos. Even Xiao Yi, who was in charge of the soldiers and horses in the five cities, was called out, and led his men to patrol around the east city. After tossing all afternoon, he returned to the mansion.

Xiao Yi had just stepped into the study, before he had time to drink a sip of water, Cheng Yu knocked on the door and walked in.

"My lord," Cheng Yu cupped his hands and saluted Xiao Yi, "Just now there is news from the palace..."

Xiao Yi untied the light armor on his body, and asked lazily, "What news?"

With a faint smile on the corner of Cheng Yu's mouth, he reported: "The empress mentioned the marriage between the son and Princess Yaoguang in front of the emperor, and the emperor seems to be interested."

As soon as Cheng Yu mentioned "Princess Yaoguang", Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and he immediately stopped what he was doing, staring at Cheng Yu intently, and waited until Cheng Yu said, "The emperor has something to do." At that time, Xiao Yi was already smiling brightly, his brows and eyes were full of joy.

Cheng Yu couldn't help secretly amused when he looked at Xiao Yi, but he didn't show it on his face.

Zhuzi silently lowered his head, couldn't bear to look directly at him, and said in his heart: Sir, you are smiling so stupidly, are you sure Princess Yaoguang won't despise you

Xiao Yi didn't care what Cheng Yu and Zhuzi thought at all, he stroked his palms and said with a smile: "Okay, okay... As long as this seed is planted in the emperor's heart, the first step will be considered a success." It seems that a broad avenue is already in front of us.

"That's really congratulations to the son, congratulations to the son." Zhu Zi said auspicious words with wit.

Xiao Yi was in a good mood, and said casually: "Don't worry, when the future concubine comes in, I will definitely help you choose a beautiful wife."

"The little one is waiting for the concubine Shizi to come in quickly." Zhuzi was overjoyed when he heard that, thinking that he would soon be able to live a happy life like his wife and son on the kang.

Seeing that the master and servant were getting more and more out of tune, Cheng Yu couldn't help pouring a bucket of cold water: "I haven't written anything about this matter yet."

Zhuzi immediately looked at Xiao Yi, and asked, "My lord, when do you think the emperor will decree the marriage?"

Xiao Yi put a smile on his face, tapped the purple purlin table with his right index finger, and said solemnly: "This matter still needs to be carefully planned, and it is not enough for the emperor to put so much thought into it."

Cheng Yu nodded and said: "My son is right. Since ancient times, the king's heart is unpredictable. Before the decree is issued, accidents may occur at any time."

Xiao Yi's eyes darkened: "Our emperor is indecisive in doing things, even if he has an idea in his heart, he will not make up his mind quickly, for fear of making mistakes."

"Not bad." Cheng Yu echoed in a deep voice. The emperor's character sounds nice and cautious, but to put it bluntly, he is indecisive and swings from side to side.

Xiao Yi said thoughtfully: "This matter must be done as soon as possible." The seed in the emperor's heart must germinate as soon as possible!

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yi's eyes were as bright as stars, and he told Cheng Yu decisively: "Cheng Yu, you should make arrangements, find some people to blow in the emperor's ears, and mention more about the relationship between me and Princess Yaoguang. thing."

Cheng Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, vaguely understanding Xiao Yi's intentions.

"Our emperor's ears are very soft. If someone keeps telling him that Princess Yaoguang and I are the most suitable, he will really think so." Xiao Yi's eyes darkened like the night Shen Shen said, "Of course, you can't just say that I am good with the Princess. It would be better to add one or two daughters from the military general's family. It would be even better if they could have a little relationship with my father." There was a flash of calculation in his eyes. , "It would be even better if there is more news about my marriage in southern Xinjiang..."

Cheng Yu squinted his eyes: "This subordinate will make arrangements and force the emperor to make a decision early."

Xiao Yi smiled happily, "How can this be forced, Princess Yaoguang and I are a perfect match!"

"What Shizi said is true." Zhuzi salivated and complimented, "No one is more worthy of Princess Yaoguang than Shizi."

Xiao Yi felt extremely relieved when he heard it.

Cheng Yu looked at the pair of master and servant and shook his head, and stepped back to make arrangements.

Xiao Yi stayed in the study, smirked for a while, and suddenly said to Zhuzi overjoyed: "Zhuzi, do you think I should prepare the dowry gift earlier? And the new house also needs to be rebuilt..."

Zhuzi was dumbfounded, if he remembered correctly, Princess Yaoguang was still too early to reach Jiji... Poor old man, he seems to have to stay alone in the vacant house for many years.

But after a while, Cheng Yu came back in a hurry with an anxious expression on his face, and his words were like five thunderbolts, which almost made Xiao Yi recover:

"My lord, I just got the news that the Xirong envoys just went to see the emperor and asked to marry Yaoguang Princess!"


Xiao Yi's original good mood suddenly disappeared, his eyes were full of hostility, and Cheng Yu lowered his head reflexively, feeling as if he saw the old Zhennan King again.

Zhuzi was trembling at the side, and persuaded: "Master, please calm down."

"I'm very calm." Xiao Yi smiled brightly, but it was more terrifying than not smiling, with murderous intent in his eyes, "It seems that these envoys are living a very comfortable life in Dayu. It seems that they need to find some Just let them do the work." He said and rushed out of the room with a murderous look.

"Master." Cheng Yu hurriedly followed out.

But Xiao Yi who had just left the study narrowed his eyes slightly as he stared at the young man who was walking towards him.

Xiao Si was wearing a strong black suit and walked in front of Xiao Yi with a cold expression.

"Here you are." After Xiaosi cupped his hands indifferently and saluted, he handed a plain letterhead to Xiao Yi, "My son told you to read it right away."

Holding the plain letterhead, Xiao Yi's heart moved slightly. He believed that Guan Yubai would not send him the letter for no reason... Could it be for the purpose of getting married? Thinking of this, Xiao Yi didn't talk nonsense, and opened it on the spot to read it.

The clouds receded from his face, and the hostility on his body also dissipated. The corners of his lips curled up, showing a slight smile, and said: "Tell your son, I know what to do."

Xiaosi cupped his hands again as farewell, then he jumped up to the top of the wall and disappeared.

Another one who kept the gate open and insisted on jumping over the wall! Zhu Zhu's face was covered with black lines, and he thought: What's so great about knowing a little light work!

-off topic-

Originally, this chapter ended at "Cheng Yulai Report: The Xirong Envoy Asks to Marry Princess Yaoguang"... But in order to show that I am not abusive, I added 500 more words.

Come and praise me!