The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 183: - Confession


"Master," Cheng Yu walked to Xiao Yi's side, and asked, "I don't know what An Yihou said in the letter?" To make the enraged Master show his face again? Could it be... No plan left, could it be that he has some clever plan

Xiao Yi smiled but didn't answer, just said: "I'll go into the palace." He waved his hand, and regardless of what Cheng Yu had to say, he went to the stable to lead Yue Ying to the palace.

At this time, the sky was already dark, Xiao Yi showed his token, entered the imperial city, and went directly to the imperial study.

Outside the imperial study room, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old servant saw Xiao Yi, and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face: "Your servant greets Prince Xiao."

Xiao Yi casually tipped Jin Nuanzi, and asked, "Xiao Xia, does the Emperor have time to see me?"

"Your Majesty Xiao, you came at the right time." Xiao Xia stuffed the golden nude into her sleeves with a smile, and said in a low voice, "However, the emperor is not in a good mood right now. Just a few adults left. That's what dog food day is all about. Look, would you like to..."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said, "It's okay, report it for me."

Xiao Xia responded, went in to report, and after a while, came out to welcome Xiao Yi in, "Master, please come inside, the emperor is waiting for you."

Xiao Yi lifted his robe and strode into the imperial study.

"See the emperor!"

"Get up." The emperor's face was gloomy, showing a trace of suppressed anger, but he didn't take his anger out on Xiao Yi, he just said a little lightly, "Brother Yi, why are you here?"

Xiao Yi thought about it quickly in his heart, and said: "The minister is going back and forth to report the matter of today's dog eating the sun."

"It's the day of the dog's eclipse again." The emperor snorted softly, "Speak."

Xiao Yi replied solemnly: "There are some young people in the capital who are using the dog's eclipse to confuse the serious, and commit killing, burning, and looting. I ask the emperor to allow the five city soldiers and horses to implement martial law throughout the city."

"Martial law in the whole city?" The emperor raised his eyebrows and said displeasedly, "Brother Yi, do you know what you are talking about?"

The city-wide martial law order, as its name implies, is to impose martial law on the royal capital. During this period, the daily curfew time is advanced, and the officers and soldiers of the five cities have the power to kill first and then play.

"Uncle Emperor." Xiao Yi said indignantly, "Those people have nothing to hide, but they say that the Heavenly Dog's eclipse of the sun is sent by heaven, it is a warning from heaven, and they say you..." He didn't say anything, but the emperor could imagine Yes, I heard Xiao Yi seriously say, "Uncle Emperor, I think that at an extraordinary moment, extraordinary means should be used to suppress the rumors! This will save them from having nothing to do all day long and only thinking about deceiving the public and deceiving the hearts of the people! "

The emperor's expression couldn't help but softened. Since the day of Tiangou's eclipse, those courtiers have come to see him and forced him to issue an imperial edict, as if he had committed some huge mistake. Now we should put the people at ease first, brother Yi is the most caring.

"The martial law of the whole city is of great importance. But..." the emperor thought for a while and said, "If there are rumors in the royal capital to confuse the people and disrupt the people's livelihood, I promise you that you can kill them first and then play it."

Xiao Yi clasped his fists in salute and said, "I obey the order."

After receiving the decree, Xiao Yi did not leave immediately, but looked at the emperor with some worry and said: "Uncle Emperor, it's actually nothing serious, don't worry too much, if you feel unwell, please remember to call the imperial physician immediately Come and see... During the New Year, you really scared the minister."

Xiao Yi's handsome face revealed a touch of melancholy and endless concern. The emperor's heart warmed even more, and he said gently: "I just took the medicine, and I'm much better now." He really made those courtiers angry just now, and thanks to Yue girl, he prepared the pills for him to take with him. Otherwise, he might have to fall down again now.

Xiao Yi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and told Eunuch Liu beside him: "Eunuch Liu, you must remind the emperor to take the medicine on time, so don't be negligent."

"I remember it, old slave." Eunuch Liu also said with a smile when he saw the emperor's face was good, "Don't tell me, my son, the emperor really had something wrong just now, but after drinking the pill made by Lord Yaoguang himself, his face will look better." The child will be fine."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction and said: "Yue girl's medical skills are really good... Drinking her special herbal tea these days, my spirit is much better than it was during the New Year."

Xiao Yi said sincerely: "That's why I said, Uncle Emperor, you are a great fortune!"

"This old slave also thinks the same way." Eunuch Liu jokingly said, "That's why God bestowed on us such a miracle doctor as Princess Yaoguang of Dayu. As long as Princess Yaoguang is around, the emperor will be happy and healthy. Longevity, no disease, no disaster... "

The emperor nodded in agreement and said: "...that's right, girl Yue's medical skills are really amazing. A few days ago, if there was no girl Yue, I would have been really in danger..."

The emperor's voice paused, and when he mentioned Yue girl, he couldn't help but think of the incident when two envoys from Xirong came to ask her to marry her. Instead, I want an ordinary princess. No matter how you think about it, something is wrong...

Regardless of their intentions, if you look back and think about it now, if Yue girl is really far away and married to Xirong, if there is another emergency, who can come to save him

The emperor was not very happy about this matter, and now he feels that it is very inappropriate. He absolutely cannot agree to this matter!

There are so many people who can be married, Yue girl is his lucky star, how can she be sent to Xirong people so easily

Xiao Yi observed his words and expressions, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly inadvertently.

He knew it was too late, so he didn't dare to mention it any more, so he said: "Uncle Emperor, then you have to take care of yourself, I'm going to do my errands first! Don't worry, I will never let those messy things outside disturb Uncle Emperor."

The emperor nodded gratifiedly and said: "Go quickly, brother Yi, if someone makes things difficult for you, you can come to me, and I will make the decision for you."

The more the emperor looked at Xiao Yi, the more he was satisfied. Brother Yi risked his life several times to save him, and he was obviously a lucky star in his life. Thinking about it this way... the matter the queen mentioned seems to be quite good.

"Thank you, Uncle Emperor!"

After Xiao Yi responded, he saluted and left.

Xiao Yi let out a long sigh of relief after he got out of the imperial study room. Based on his understanding of the emperor, this matter should be resolved safely, so let's wait patiently for news.

Xiao Yi rode his horse to the Wucheng Bingma Division. Since he used the name of Tiangou Shiri, he had to do this job well to avoid the emperor's suspicion...

Because of the Tiangou eclipse, the capital of the king was more chaotic than usual, Xiao Yi impatiently tried to appease them one by one with soft policies. Since these people are disobedient, let them be afraid until they are obedient.

Bewitching people, fight!

Take the opportunity to make trouble, fight!

Burn, kill, loot, fight!

They were beaten until their skins were torn apart, and only half of their lives were left before they were thrown into the prison of Wucheng Bingmasi.

At the beginning, it caused a small wave of commotion, but when the commotion was gradually replaced by fear, it completely calmed down.

Under Xiao Yi's resolute and iron fist, Dongcheng was quickly ruled by him, and the order was far more stable than other places.

This is Xiao Yi's most serious errand since he entered Wucheng Bingma Division. When he finished everything and returned to the mansion, it was already the next day. The news from the palace-the emperor ordered people to summon the envoys of Xirong after the early court, and formally rejected their proposal to marry Princess Yaoguang.

Until this moment, the big stone in Xiao Yi's heart finally fell to the ground.

Nangong Yue is fine, Xiao Yi finally has the mood to think about other things, and a thought that has been circling in his mind since yesterday has emerged again - why did the envoy of Xirong suddenly propose to marry Nangong Yue

In terms of status, there is a second princess of the right age in the palace.

In terms of family, there is also a Princess Mingyue in Wangdu.

In terms of status, the queen's mother's house, the prince's mansion, and the princess mansion all wait for the girl in the boudoir.

In terms of appearance... Well, in Xiao Yili's eyes, they are not as good-looking as his stinky girl!

But, no matter what, Nangong Yue is definitely not a logical choice!

He didn't believe that the Xirong envoys suddenly had such thoughts because of the sand table battle at Fang's banquet, someone must have used some tricks secretly!

Who on earth is it

As long as he thinks that someone dared to secretly plan on Nangong Yue, Xiao Yi's teeth itch with hatred.

Xiao Yi clenched his fist, he must find out the poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, otherwise, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Cheng Yu," Xiao Yi's eyes flashed coldly, he looked at Cheng Yu, who was separated from him by the case, and said slowly, "You send someone to investigate secretly, why did the envoy of Xirong suddenly ask for Yaoguang The princess went to make a marriage. Check carefully to see who has had contact with the envoys of Xirong, and has secretly communicated with them!" After speaking, Xiao Yi almost gritted his teeth, "If you let me know who is behind the scenes... "

It doesn't matter if you offend him, but if you offend his stinky girl, then he will definitely take revenge.

The cold light in Xiao Yi's eyes gradually condensed, as cold as a thousand-year-old iceberg.

"Yes, Master." Cheng Yu was secretly startled, and hurriedly replied solemnly, and then hurriedly retreated.

Zhuzi said cautiously: "My lord, do you want to say hello to the princess about this matter, so that she can be on guard."

As soon as Nangong Yue was mentioned, Xiao Yi immediately melted the ice like a spring day, and the cold air all over his body receded.

He pondered for a while, and said decisively: "No, you don't need to tell her about this, lest she worry... I won't let anyone have a chance to hurt her, so it's better for her not to know about this kind of thing."

As Xiao Yi said, he waved his hand and let the bamboo back down, then he took out the letter from Guan Yubai from his bosom, put it on the candle and lit it.

To Guan Yubai, it doesn't matter whether it is conspiracy or conspiracy, he can always find the only breakthrough. Just like this time, whether or not Nangong Yue gets married depends on the emperor's thought, so only when the emperor deeply realizes that Nangong Yue is related to his own life, he will never agree to get married...

Whether it's a princess, a daughter of a clan or a minister's daughter, for the emperor, he actually has many choices, but Nangong Yue, he can't choose, because he cherishes his life... In front of life, the rest is actually not important.

Xiao Yi looked at the burnt ashes on the desk, lowered his eyes slightly, and once again truly realized Guan Yubai's foresight.

As Guan Yubai said, he is still too radical in his actions...

Xiao Yi sat down in front of the desk, at this moment, he missed his stinky girl very much... The feeling of almost losing made him eager to see her!

Do it when you think of it! Xiao Yi immediately got up, jumped out of the window, and rode his horse towards Nangong Mansion.

Xiao Yi is already very experienced in sneaking into Nangong Mansion, even with his eyes closed, he can accurately touch Nangong Yue's boudoir.

The room was deserted, filled with an elegant atmosphere, just like the smell of his stinky girl, Xiao Yi didn't feel bored, so he sat down casually, poured himself another glass of water, looked at the Western wall clock, the corners of the lips are slightly curved.

About half an hour later, he heard the familiar footsteps coming from outside, getting closer...

The door opened.

Today's Nangong Yue is wearing a chic bun with pink pompoms on it, and a few chic glass beads on the rest of her bun. It was a silvery white moon dress, and when she stepped into the threshold, the hem of the skirt was lightly twisted, and a pair of pink soft satin embroidered shoes loomed.

Xiao Yiyang smiled, with peach blossom eyes rippling, and he greeted happily: "Stinky girl, you are back."

Nangong Yue, who just came back from her boudoir school, looked at Xiao Yi in the room with some helplessness, and didn't even bother to show a trace of surprise.

I don't know when it started, she has long been used to Xiao Yi popping up in her room from time to time.

Baihui and Baihe followed Nangong Yue into the house, and when they saw Xiao Yi, they both smiled wryly and looked at each other, then turned around resignedly and went outside to guard in case someone came over and found out right now.

Xiao Yi stared at Nangong Yue intently, feeling that he hadn't seen her for a few days, and his stinky girl was even more beautiful, so it's no wonder that someone always wanted to attack her! Thinking of the overbearing envoy of Xirong, Xiao Yi's Unconsciously, a hostility emerged from his body.

Although he admits that Guan Yubai's strategy is better, but he is not relieved!

Nangong Yue felt that his mood was a little unstable, so she asked with a smile: "Do you have any errands these two days?"

Xiao Yi nodded, and said aggrievedly: "It was the dog food day, and the capital was in great chaos. I was so busy that I didn't sleep all night."

Nangong Yue still remembered the agreement at Fang's banquet that day, and said with a smile: "Then let me play a piece of music for you."

Xiao Yi's mood cleared up like a sunny day after rain, and he nodded hurriedly.

Nangong Yue took down her dayinqin and placed it on the piano stand, and plucked the strings with both hands a few times. After trying the sound, after thinking for a while, she played a song "Yangchun Baixue".

The sound of the piano fluttered out of her fingertips, and the relaxed and lively rhythm brought a kind of artistic conception that winter is coming and spring is coming. The lively melody is like spring coming with the sun, awakening all things and being full of vitality.

Xiao Yi's dark eyes were as gentle as water, staring intently at Nangong Yue's side face.

This is the song that the stinky girl played specially for him! She knew he was in a bad mood...

At this moment, I just feel that everything is so peaceful and beautiful. The haze that has been suppressed in my heart since yesterday is gradually dissipating in this bright piano music, and the thoughts that arose on the way here have also become a little calm. I can't stand it anymore.

He really likes her for a long time...

After the song was played, Nangong Yue just moved her hands away from the strings when she saw Xiao Yi walking towards her. For some reason, Nangong Yue felt that his appearance was a bit cramped, as if she didn't dare to meet her eyes.

Nangong Yue looked at him suspiciously, but Xiao Yi didn't speak, but stood beside her and plucked the strings.

Xiao Yi's piano skills are not proficient, even to Nangong Yue's ears, it seems a bit jerky, but it can still be heard that he is playing the song "Feng Qiuhuang".

The sound of the piano is melodious and moving, admiration, pursuit, rendezvous, acquaintance, lingering in dreams, in the smooth and bright sound of the piano, the love story between Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun is deduced, passionate and unrestrained but deeply lingering.

Nangong Yue was a little stunned. She has been a human being for two lifetimes, and it's not true that she is under twelve years old. Could it be that the song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix"...

She felt a little confused in her head.

At the last note the room fell silent again.

Before Nangong Yue came to her senses, Xiao Yi's voice rang in her ears: "...I, I want to marry you."

Nangong Yue turned her head away in a daze, with a dazed expression, her lips parted slightly, but she was speechless.

It was the first time in Xiao Yi's life that he was so embarrassed. He stared at Nangong Yue with a pair of peach blossom eyes, and his heart was beating like thunder, echoing in his ears.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One sound is louder than one sound, one sound is faster than one sound!

He stared at Nangong Yue closely, as if she would disappear from his life as long as he looked away a little.

The scorching gaze made Nangong Yue a little uncomfortable, she shrank back reflexively, and her brain replayed Xiao Yi's words just a beat later.

Is he courting himself?!

Nangong Yue couldn't calm down. These days, it would be impossible to say that she didn't know Xiao Yi's feelings for her. However, every time she touched this issue, she would Instinctively avoided, never willing to think about it.

Even though God had mercy on her and gave her a chance to do it all over again, since she was reborn, she never thought about getting married.

Her original plan was to groom herself when she grew up, and then protect her family from the catastrophe, and then travel all over the country by herself. Now that she has the honor of princess, even if she is unwilling to marry, the family will not force her too much.

In this way, a person's life...


Xiao Yi appeared.

All kinds of things in her previous life were like a big cocoon that wrapped her tightly. Although she sometimes panicked because Xiao Yi was different from herself, she never dared to delve into it, didn't dare to think about it...


Xiao Yi asked her to marry him.

This made Nangong Yue have to face up to this problem, what should she do

Nangong Yue's heart was in chaos, and she couldn't sort out her thoughts.

Xiao Yi... Is he really worth letting himself let go of his heart, admiring him wholeheartedly, and spending a lifetime with him? There is a feeling in her heart telling her that it is worth it, but she always thinks of her past life inadvertently, She was... really scared.

Xiao Yi stared at her blankly. Originally, he planned to propose marriage to her after the emperor agreed to marry her. In this way, the stinky girl would not have to bear those inexplicable pressures. He would do everything for her. arrive. But the Xirong envoy's marriage proposal made him a little flustered, making him want to get her promise immediately, making him want to keep her by his side forever.

As time passed, Nangong Yue remained silent...

Nangong Yue sat with the backlight, her expression was not clear in the shadows, her eyes were dark, her mouth was pursed into a straight line, like an orchid in an empty valley, resigned from the world and independent, exuding a faint aura of repelling people thousands of miles away.

Xiao Yi was a little apprehensive, scenes of the past flashed in his mind:

When we first met in front of a pharmacy in the capital, she was young but confident and decisive; when we met again in the palace, she plotted against the third prince but was cunning and calm; when he was injured, she healed him meticulously; When he was sad, she cared for him; when he was in danger, she not only helped him, but also stood by his side forever... Blowing away the haze in his heart time and time again, let him suddenly see the light.

She is so kind that he can't help but keep his eyes on her, making him think of her all the time.

Fifteen-year-old Xiao Yi is still just a young and sensitive boy, he desperately wants to get the promise of his sweetheart.

Nangong Yue felt that her heart was stabbed by these eyes, a little painful and a little sour.

Those eyes are so young, sincere, and passionate... holding the full sincerity to her.

Nangong Yue looked at Xiao Yi, his obsidian-like eyes were shining brightly, like cold stars hanging from the night, and his whole body seemed to be shining. After all, he is not an ordinary person, he is a figure who can dominate the world! But at this time, there is only his own reflection in his black pupils.

It has been more than two years since we met after rebirth, his body has grown longer, his face has grown, his youthfulness and immaturity have gradually faded, and he has become more and more responsible.

He is always by her side, and she seems to be familiar with him, he will appear from time to time, looking at herself with a bright smile. This feeling was really special and made her reluctant to let go.

Can they really be together

Nangong Yue can no longer remember what Xiao Yi was like in her previous life. Her mind is full of the young man in front of her.

Nangong Yue took a deep breath, and said slowly with almost all the strength in her body: "Xiao Yi, can you decide your marriage?"

Although Nangong Yue didn't agree, Xiao Yi's tense heartstrings loosened when he heard the words, his eyes sparkled instantly, and he thought: So the stinky girl is worried about this? The more Xiao Yi thought about it, the more he felt that he had guessed correctly, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry! The marriage will definitely come true! I will definitely let the emperor personally decree the marriage!"

Xiao Yi never broke his promise to her.

Xiao Yi is a hostage in the capital, and he can't decide his marriage at all. It is conceivable that if Xiao Yi wants to marry her in a legitimate way, he will need to pay a lot of price and effort, but he answered so resolutely.

Maybe I can really put aside all the past lives and start again

This idea came to Nangong Yue's mind, she was silent for a while, and then said: "Let me think again..."

Xiao Yi hurriedly said: "Three days later... no, ten days later, you can give me an answer."

Nangong Yue lowered her eyes slightly, and made up her mind: "Then ten days later..."

Xiao Yi laughed, and those bright eyes made Nangong Yue's uneasy heart calm down.

The two looked at each other, and the whole world was so quiet that they could hear each other's heartbeat and breathing.

After a while, Nangong Yue blushed and said, "You should go back."

"Then I'm leaving... You must agree!" Xiao Yi gave Nangong Yue a reluctant look, and jumped out of the window just like when he came.

Nangong Yue sat in front of the piano case, unconsciously stunned, unable to recover for a long time, without any sense of reality.

Her mind was blank, only two words remained - Xiao Yi.

Nangong Yue didn't know how long she sat there until Bai Hui knocked on the door and reported, "Third Miss, the eldest girl is here."

Nangong Yue reacted suddenly, stood up from the Qin table, and hurriedly said: "Come here, big sister." While speaking, she walked out of the house and personally welcomed Nangong Cheng into the house.

Nangong Cheng's eyes fell on Nangong Yue's Dayinqin, and said: "Is the third sister going to play the piano? Will I be a little disturbed?"

Nangong Yue shook her head, "I've finished practicing the piano, big sister, please sit down." She let out a soft breath, calming down some messy thoughts.

After the two sat down, Baihui served hot tea and snacks, and quietly retreated.

Nangong Cheng babbled and said something, which seemed a bit incoherent, which made Nangong Yue faintly feel that something was wrong.

Finally, Nangong Cheng seemed to be talking more and more boring, and gradually became quiet, and didn't speak again for a long time.

"Big sister?" Nangong Yue hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Is there something on your mind?... I won't tell others."

Nangong Cheng's cheeks blushed, and after being silent for a while, he finally spoke, and said in a low voice: "Sister San, do you know that my family is helping me... to... to..." After all, she was still in her boudoir, and her head lowered lower and lower after talking , "Looking at each other" is really hard to say.

Seeing this, Nangong Yue said, "Big sister, you just said that your family has chosen a relative for you recently." After a pause, she explained, "Big sister, my mother didn't talk about this with me. It's just that when I was at the Yaowang Temple last time, I vaguely guessed it."

Nangong Chengliu frowned slightly, and she didn't speak for a long time, but the faint worry emanating from her eyebrows and demeanor could be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Nangong Yue sighed inwardly, and asked, "Big Sister, are you unhappy?"

Nangong Cheng remained silent.

Obviously, she wasn't happy.

In other words, she was not happy with the marriage.

Even in Nangong Yue's view, the relatives of Jian'anbo Mansion are excellent, and that Prince Pei is even more talented, with both civil and military skills, and standing with Nangong Cheng is definitely a man of talent. Logically speaking, this should be a perfect marriage.

But Nangong Cheng was not satisfied...why

Is it dissatisfied with Pei Shizi, or is she already in her heart...

A name appeared in front of Nangong Yue.

Sincere king!

Thinking of last year's Fang Banquet, thinking of last year's Fang Banquet under Cuiwei Mountain, and thinking of the Fang Banquet that just passed this year, the more Nan Gongyue thought about it, the more likely she felt, so she asked cautiously: "Big Sister, are you the King of Cheng with Changdi?" Your Highness..."

Nangong Cheng's pupils shrank suddenly, her cherry lips trembled slightly, but she didn't answer.

She was silent for a while, then raised her eyes to look at Nangong Yue, and asked hesitantly, "Third sister, if you don't want to be married to your family, what will you do?"

Nangong Yue was startled, Xiao Yi's face could not help appearing in her mind.

If the family arranges a marriage for her, no matter who it is, Nangong Yue feels that she will never agree.

In other words, if it wasn't Xiao Yi who proposed, she might have refused without hesitation, and she wouldn't be as dazed and at a loss as she is now.

As for Xiao Yi... Nangong Yue couldn't help thinking that if he knew that he might be engaged to someone else, he would definitely try his best to destroy this marriage!

Thinking of this, the corners of Nangong Yue's mouth couldn't help but a smile flashed in her eyes.

Nangong Yue's mood became lighter, she calmed down, looked at Nangong Cheng seriously and said: "Big sister, if it were me, I would go and tell my mother. I believe that if I don't want to, my mother will not force it Mine, she'll help me convince my dad and grandma."

Nangong Cheng didn't speak, but bit her lower lip, lowered her head slightly, her long eyelashes were half drooping, and she couldn't see her thoughts.

"Big sister... You can take the next words as I am talking to myself."

Although Nangong Yue guessed that Nangong Cheng had some admiration for King Cheng, they were still in a boudoir after all. With Nangong Cheng's temperament, she would not say such a thing, and as a younger sister, Nangong Yue couldn't be straightforward to ask.

"If there is someone who truly pleases you..."

Hearing these words, Nangong Cheng blushed and lowered his head even lower.

Nangong Yue continued on her own: "... Then he will definitely not let you worry, worry, or bear pressure alone. He will always stand by your side, and work hard to clear the air in order to be with you. All obstacles will never let you face all difficulties alone."

Obviously she was only talking about Nangong Cheng and Cheng Wang, but for some reason, Xiao Yi's voice echoed in her ears again: "Don't worry! This marriage will definitely come true!"


Xiao Yi never needs to worry about anything by himself, no matter what happens, he will always be by her side...

So, he really likes him, right

Nangong Yue's eyes were in a daze for a moment, and then she came back to her senses, and said to Nangong Cheng nonchalantly: "Big sister, I think if this person can't do this, then he must not be sincere, or in other words, what are you doing here?" The weight in his heart is nothing more than mediocre. If that is the case, how can you dedicate everything? It is better to forget him from now on, follow the arrangement of the family, and marry another person."

Nangong Cheng's eyelashes fluttered slightly, thoughtfully.

Nangong Yue didn't know whether she was talking to her or to herself, she murmured to herself: "Big sister, a woman's life is not easy, no matter what your choice will be, it just depends on whether it is worth your whole life for it."

Nangong Yue sat quietly for a while before getting up to leave.

After Nangong Yue sent her out, she sat alone by the window in a daze.

On this day, it wasn't until the sky darkened that she remembered that she almost forgot her boudoir homework...

-off topic-

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