The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 184: - happy and sad


The sandalwood in the emerald incense burner seems to be there, but the elegant fragrance that stretches like silk floats in the room, and floats gracefully out of the window.

As soon as Nangong Cheng returned to Wanqing Courtyard, Mrs. Lin came to find her, and the two sat on the beauty couch by the window in the house and talked.

"Sister Cheng, I came here to ask you..." Lin asked softly, "You also met Prince Pei in the Yaowang Temple, what do you think?"

Nangong Cheng lowered her head, revealing her beautiful snow-white neck, her trembling hands gripped her dress tightly, and remained silent.

Lin waited for a while but did not see Nangong Cheng's answer, and asked again in a gentle tone: "Sister Cheng, if you have any thoughts in your heart, just say so, and we can discuss it."

Nangong Cheng pursed his lips, as if he had finally made a decision, raised his head and said, "Second Aunt, I want to think again, can you give me three days?"

Lin naturally agreed, and said: "Sister Cheng, it's about your life, you should be more cautious. It doesn't matter if you are not satisfied, the family will not force you... Think about it carefully, I will go first .”

"Thank you, Second Sister-in-law."

After seeing Mrs. Lin away, Nangong Cheng sat back on the beauty couch, a complex and tangled look flashed in his eyes, and he thought silently: He already knew that he was in the Yaowang Temple that day to see each other. If he really cared about himself, then It should be serious to find someone to come to propose marriage.

Three days, then give him three days. If he doesn't come to propose marriage during these three days, it means that his love for him is nothing more than that!

You can give up on yourself too.

But if he comes...

For a moment, Nangong Cheng's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes shone with a burning brilliance, clear and bright.


Even if he goes to heaven and earth, he must follow him!

Now that he had figured it out, Nangong Cheng no longer hesitated and waited patiently.

On the first day, Nangong Cheng was shy, expectant and apprehensive, like a peony in spring, tender and tender. She almost firmly believed that her sweetheart would definitely come, just like what the third sister said, she walked in front of her openly!

On the second day, Nangong Cheng's bright eyes were already filled with worry, and her fiery heart gradually cooled down, and a voice sounded from the bottom of her heart from time to time: He will not come! He will definitely not come! She tried in embarrassment Get rid of this thought, and weakly convince yourself, over and over again... This night, she tossed and turned until dawn.

On the third day, the expectations in Nangong Cheng's heart were completely disillusioned, the look in his eyes completely dimmed, and he returned to silence, like a pool of lifeless stagnant water.

The person she was looking forward to with all her heart did not appear in front of her in the end!

Maybe to him, he is not so important... Then, what difference does it make who she marries

This night, when Mrs. Lin came to ask her again, Nangong Cheng agreed.

Mrs. Lin breathed a sigh of relief. After discussing with Mrs. Su, she asked her uncle Nangong Qin, and finally formally agreed to marry the Pei family with Mrs. Zhong, who was the matchmaker.

Since both Pei and the Nangong family are interested in each other, Mrs. Zhong should send Mr. Pei's gengtie, and Lin will ask her to take away Nangong Cheng's gengtie after accepting it, as a "marriage" for both parties. "Use.

The two families chose an auspicious day to exchange Geng Tie.

When Shuxiang reported the news to Nangong Cheng with a smile on her face, Nangong Cheng's face was pale, she drove Shuxiang and Mo Xiang out, and cried alone in the room until she could no longer cry...

She accepted her fate!

Since there is no fate, it is better to forget it completely!

Her heart was throbbing, but she still decided to completely remove him from her heart!

From now on, she won't miss him any more;

In the future, she will not cry for him;

From now on, she will only have her husband in her heart.

The news that Nangong Cheng was going to marry Prince Pei of Jian'an Bo Mansion naturally reached Nangong Yue's ears, and she couldn't help but feel a ripple in her heart: since Nangong Cheng and King Cheng are destined to be destined to be unrelated, what about Xiao Yi and herself?

Since she was reborn, she has obtained a lot, can she really be so greedy

The time passed while Nangong Yue and Nangong Cheng were in a somewhat confused mood, and in a blink of an eye it was the day when the two sides exchanged Geng Tie.

However, on this day, Mrs. Lin prepared pens, inks, papers and inkstones as a thank you, and waited from morning to afternoon, but Mrs. Zhong did not see Mrs. Zhong coming over with the man's Geng Tie.

Whenever the auspicious time passed, Lin became more and more uneasy, and said to Liu Nanny who was standing by her side: "Liu Nanny, do you think something will happen?"

Liu Mama also felt that something was wrong, but she could only comfort her: "Second Madam, I guess not... If there is something wrong, I should send someone to inform me."

This is different from ordinary marriage proposals. The two parties have already made a verbal promise, and the marriage is almost done. Exchanging Geng Tie is just a step, and the auspicious date and time have already been selected. This situation is really not normal!

Lin has never encountered such a difficult situation since she presided over the Central Feed, and she was somewhat out of control.

Lin made up her mind and asked someone to bring her post to Zhongfu, but she was dumbfounded by the news brought back. The doorman of Zhongfu said that their wife had gone back to her hometown to visit relatives, and at least one Will be back in many months!

Mrs. Lin couldn't help but "thump" in her heart, and she couldn't believe her ears. On the day the two families exchanged Geng Tie, Mrs. Zhong, who was a matchmaker, left the capital?!

At this time, Lin also knew that something was wrong, so she couldn't sit still anymore.

This matter is related to Nangong Cheng's life, so it's better not to go wrong!

Mrs. Lin walked back and forth a few times, finally made up her mind, and said, "Mother Liu, I think I'd better go to Jian'anbo Mansion to inquire in person. You can ask someone to prepare the carriage."

Grandma Liu hurriedly responded, and the carriage was ready in a short time. To show her sincerity, Mrs. Lin took Madam Liu to Jian'anbo Mansion in person.

When they arrived at Jian'anbo Mansion, a little maid took the greeting card and went to knock on the door.

After receiving the greeting card, it took a long time before the Jian'anbo mansion opened the corner gate, and entered the second gate to meet Lin's carriage.

Mrs. Lin got off the carriage at the second gate, and a somewhat familiar nanny came with two little maids, Shi Shiran. Mrs. Lin immediately recognized the place as Mrs. Zheng who was with Mrs. Jian Anbo that day. Nanny, and Nanny Zheng still held her greeting card in her hand.

Her greeting card was not sent to the wife in charge, but appeared in the hands of a nanny. Even if she had a gentle temperament like Lin's, she was a little unhappy to see this scene. in the eyes.

But... It is clear that the two of them are negotiating marriage!

"Second Madam Nangong, I don't know why you came to visit suddenly?" Madam Zheng said nonchalantly, "My wife is meeting with guests today, I'm afraid I don't have time to see Second Madam Nangong, please come back."

Lin's face turned pale, the marriage was clearly said to be good, why did the Jian'an House suddenly turn their backs and deny anyone?! Concerned about Nangong Cheng, Lin endured the humiliation and anger, and said politely: "Madam Zheng Mo, my Nangong Mansion and your mansion originally made an appointment to exchange Geng Tie today, but..."

"What gengtie?" The nanny interrupted her with disdain, showing a hint of arrogance on her face. Originally, Mrs. Uncle meant that if the second wife of Nangong Mansion was sensible enough not to entangle, then she would politely dismiss her. I didn't expect the other party to be so shameless, so I don't have to be polite anymore!

"It's a shame that Nangong's family, which claims to pass on poetry and etiquette, spread rumors out of thin air! Your family also has several girls, so don't delay the younger girls for the sake of the eldest girl's marriage!" said Looking at her, she said sarcastically, "It was just a meeting, and your Nangong family has the audacity to spread rumors, saying that the marriage of the two families has been settled! Thinking that this will force our uncle's mansion to be with your Nangong family. Got married? What a daydream."

Lin was stunned.

Her mind went blank.

On the day of exchanging Geng posts, Mrs. Zhong, who was a matchmaker, did not show up without warning. It was very strange, and she had expected some changes, but... She never expected that the Jian'anbo Mansion would turn their faces and deny people in such a way!

Obviously they were the ones who came to propose marriage in the first place...

And when did the Nangong family ever hear rumors about their marriage negotiation with the Jian'anbo Mansion? Before the marriage is concluded, she naturally knows what can be said and what can't be said!

"Am I talking nonsense, Madam knows it well!" the nanny said coldly, "Now most of the kings know about the marriage between the Nangong family and our mansion! Our wife has clearly rejected Mrs. Zhong, your Nangong mansion Still spreading rumors about creatures outside, such a strong and unreasonable style, wherever we go, our uncle's house is justified!"

Being so humiliated by a nanny, Lin turned pale with anger.

Although I don't know why things turned out like this, but Jian'anbo Mansion's behavior is chilling.

She is a housewife and a nanny arguing here, no matter how you say it is a shameless thing, and today it is clear that Mrs. Jian Anbo will not see her, it is useless to say more, Lin took a deep breath, She straightened her back and said to Mother Liu, "Let's go."

Nanny Liu spat on that nanny, and helped Mrs. Lin into the carriage.

The carriage left Jian'anbo Mansion, but Lin's mood was even heavier than when he came.

Nanny Liu looked at Mrs. Lin worriedly from the side, and said, "Second Madam, I'm afraid this matter has something to do with that Mrs. Zhong! And this Jian'anbo mansion, it's too deceitful!"

Mrs. Lin didn't speak. No matter who the culprit of this matter is, Nangong Cheng's marriage will definitely fail...

Lin leaned against the wall of the car with a tired expression, why did things turn out like this

As soon as Mrs. Lin returned to the mansion, Madam Liu quickly asked Yanniang to tell Nangong Yue about the matter.

When the news came, Nangong Yue was leaning on the beauty's couch, looking at the scenery outside the window in a trance, when she heard the words, she suddenly woke up as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on her.

At this time in the previous life, she avoided living in her ancestral home, and did not return to Nangong Mansion until it was almost time. At that time, Nangong Cheng, the former king's capital pearl, had already lived deep in the family temple, with a green lamp and ancient Buddha.

Could it be that the previous life was also because of the destruction of the Pei family's marriage

Thinking of this, Nangong Yue immediately denied this guess. Based on her understanding of her uncle Nangong Qin, he would never give up on her eldest sister because of this kind of thing, so what is it for

Nangong Yue didn't have time to think about it, so she got up quickly and asked, "Is my mother okay now?" She knew Lin's temperament too well, and Lin must feel extremely guilty and self-blame when something like this happened.

Yan Niang said angrily: "Third Miss, the Second Madam is angry and sad now, and she doesn't know how to explain to Eldest Master and Eldest Miss."

"I'm going to see my mother." Nangong Yue adjusted her clothes slightly, and followed Yanniang to Qianyunyuan.

Lin looked as if she hadn't slept for several nights, her skin was dull, her lips, which were always delicate and plump like petals, looked dry and pale, and she looked very haggard.

Nangong Yue walked over worriedly, and called softly, "Mother..."

Seeing her daughter, Lin cheered up and said: "... Mom is fine, you don't have to worry."

How could it be all right? After returning, Mrs. Lin specially ordered someone to inquire about it, and what Madam Zheng said was right, almost everyone knew that the eldest girl in Nangong Mansion wanted to marry Jian'anbo Mansion...

So far, if the marriage fails, it may be nothing to the man, but the damage to the woman's reputation is really too great!

If Nangong Cheng is still young, he can wait for two more years, and then choose carefully when things calm down, but now Nangong Cheng is almost fifteen years old, if he wants to have a close relationship, he must not delay.

Nangong Yue didn't know what to say, so she could only comfort her: "Mother, you are already cautious about this marriage, and you don't want it to happen like this. It's useless to feel guilty now, you have to think of a proper way It's a good idea...”

While talking, Nanny Liu came in hurriedly and reported worriedly: "Second madam, third miss, the old madam just sent someone to ask the second madam to go to Rong'an hall."

Lin sighed and said, "Understood, I'll go over right away."

Nangong Yue stood up holding Lin's arm, and smiled at Lin comfortingly, "I'll go with my mother." Her eyes were calm, as if she had a calming power.

Lin was stunned for a moment, feeling warm in her heart: her daughter is indeed mother's caring little padded jacket, always thinking about herself.

The mother and daughter rushed to Rong'an hall together. At this moment, the east room of Rong'an hall was already in chaos. All the female family members of the Nangong family had arrived, and the younger generation only had Liu Qingqing and Nangong Yue who had entered the door not long ago.

After Mrs. Lin and Nangong Yue saluted Mrs. Su, Mrs. Huang couldn't wait to say: "Mother, my daughter-in-law just heard about Sister Cheng and Jian'anbo Mansion. What's going on? It's very good. Why did the Jian'an Mansion turn their backs and deny anyone?" Huang's mood was extremely tangled, before today, when she thought of Nangong Cheng having such a good marriage, she was almost mad with jealousy, wishing that the marriage would not work out. But now that something is really wrong, she is more anxious than anyone else!

Su's face was gloomy, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Second daughter-in-law, the boss and I entrusted sister Cheng's marriage to you, and we also believed in you. But tell me, how did this happen? ?”

"Exactly!" The more Huang thought about it, the more irritable she became, accusing her loudly, "Second sister-in-law, why didn't you tell me beforehand? What a big mistake! The eldest daughter, her reputation has been damaged, so what about the younger sisters behind her?" As she spoke, she squinted at Nangong Yue, and said in a strange way, "As the saying goes, standing and talking doesn't hurt your back. Of course you have a daughter of a princess. Don't worry, but you can't ignore the other girls in the house!"

It is true that she failed in this marriage. Lin blamed herself in her heart, and she lowered her head lower and lower after being told by Huang, her face was full of shame.

Su's eyes were heavy and she didn't speak.

Nangong Yue spoke in a calm voice, "It turns out that Third Aunt still remembers that I am the princess personally appointed by the emperor."

"Presumptuous." Huang said displeased, "There is no place for you to talk here!"

"In the mansion, I know my age, but Third Aunt, please also remember your dignity." Nangong Yue looked at her, her voice was quiet, but her words were forceful, "Could it be that I am the princess of the first rank, and I am still a princess?" Watching you humiliating my mother in front of me, but also completely silent?"

Nangong Yue has never put on the airs of the princess in the mansion, and she will treat Huang and Gu as juniors when she sees them on weekdays. However, in terms of dignity alone, in this mansion, everyone has to respect her. Bow down.

Mrs. Huang was choked up. Could she say that what Nangong Yue said was wrong? She is just a concubine's daughter-in-law. If she really said such things, even Mrs. Su would not defend her.

Nangong Yue glanced at everyone in Dongci, and said: "My mother is indeed at fault for this matter. I will not deny this, and my mother will naturally not shirk responsibility."

Nangong Yue faced the Su family, blessed Fushen and said: "Grandmother, my mother's mistake is that she went to Jian'anbo mansion rashly today, but she confirmed the rumor that the two families got married, which also made the mansion lose the opportunity .”

Apart from this, Lin was not at fault in the matter of discussing marriage.

On weekdays, Nangong Mansion and Jian'anbo Mansion did not move around, and when discussing relatives, it was a matchmaker who went between the two families. Besides, the matchmaker is from the Zuo Shilang family of the Ministry of Officials, and he also has status. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen! Besides, Nangong Mansion married a girl. After the matchmaker told Jian'an Bo Mansion that Nangong Cheng was very satisfied It is impossible for Mrs. Lin to go to the uncle's mansion by herself and ask them for proof.

Even a small family can't do this kind of shameless thing!

Naturally, Su knew this too, so although she looked ugly, she didn't blame Lin for all the faults.

On the contrary, Mrs. Lin felt guilty and didn't mean to excuse herself: "Sister Yue is right. I should have consulted my mother today and made a decision after careful consideration." Looking at the Nangong family, they had to be scolded by the nanny of the Jian'anbo Mansion today, which really embarrassed the Nangong family.

Mrs. Huang snorted coldly. Her sister Lin has already been implicated. What's the use of these two words of apology?! But even though she was not convinced, she didn't dare to play tricks anymore .

"Although my mother is wrong, but..." Nangong Yue turned to Huang Shi at this time, and said coldly, "Third Aunt, you are also wrong!"

"I'm also at fault?" Huang was stunned, pointing at herself in disbelief, and laughed angrily, "Sister Yue, even if you want to help your mother, you can't wrong me like this!" She didn't dare No matter how presumptuous he was, he suppressed his anger and said, "Tell me, where did I go wrong?"

Nangong Yue looked directly at Huang without hesitation, and said, "Third Aunt, it seems that you haven't read the family training for a long time... There is a saying in the family training: Diligence and thrift are the foundation of family management; , the foundation of protecting the family; poetry and books, the foundation of starting a family; loyalty and filial piety, the foundation of family inheritance! What happened today, my mother’s fault was not being cautious enough, and third aunt’s fault was not being gentle enough. Such a big event happened in the house, third aunt But you only care about criticizing my mother, isn't it a violation of the way of 'peace and obedience'?"

Huang's complexion was extremely ugly after being counted by Nangong Yue. Every bride who married into the Nangong family would be required to copy the family motto a hundred times. It's just, how many years has it been since no one mentioned the word "family instruction" in front of her? She no longer remembers what was said in it! But even if she really forgot, now, in front of Su Shi, she doesn't Dare to admit it!

Su's complexion is not very good, let alone these daughter-in-laws, even she hasn't picked up the family motto for a long time, and read it carefully. This also made her feel that Nangong Yue's words were alluding to her.

"A husband who is virtuous is one who acts from the top to the bottom, and from the first to the latter. Therefore, if the father is not kind, the son will be unfilial; if the brother is not friendly, the younger brother will be disrespectful; if the husband is unrighteous, the wife will be disobedient. Father A son is rebellious when he is kind, a brother is proud when a brother is a friend, and a husband is righteous when his wife is mausoleum, then the evil people of heaven are caught by punishment, not by instruction." She looked around at the people present as she spoke, Her beautiful jade-like face shone brightly in the dim light of the room, and she said solemnly, "As the saying goes, 'Going up and down down to effect, quicker than influence', third sister-in-law, you have a son and two daughters under your knees, You have to think about them too."

What he said was silent for a while.

Although the inner house is only a small square, but if the inner house is not correct, it will also affect the outer courtyard and affect the favor and disgrace of the whole family.

In a century-old family, family tradition comes first.

I don't know when, the Nangong family's family style has gradually turned to the side door, thinking about everything in a hurry, and it has long lost the character that a century-old family should have. If this continues, even if she can protect the family from the disaster in the previous life, the Nangong family will gradually fade away with the passage of time, and will never regain the style of aristocratic family.

"Crack! Crack!"

There was a burst of strong applause followed by a loud and powerful voice, "Okay! Sister Yue really spoke well!"

Everyone followed the sound, only to find that Nangong Qin and Nangong Mu didn't know when they came back, and they didn't know how long they had been listening outside the bead curtain, so they picked up the curtain and came in at this time.

Nangong Qin looked at Nangong Yue with eyes full of admiration, while Nangong Mu was more proud. His little girl has really grown up!

"Sister Yue is right," said Nangong Qin, while giving Su a meaningful glance, "This Nangong Mansion really should rectify the family style."

Su was depressed for a while, but the eldest son was her reliance, and the eldest son's stubborn temper made people dare not provoke her at will. If he had a seizure and wanted to resign and go back to his hometown, there would be no place for Su to cry. The only thing she found fortunate was that she didn't make things difficult for Mrs. Lin today.

"Second brother and sister." Nangong Qin looked at Lin with a guilty expression, "I can't blame the second brother and sister for this matter. I agreed to this marriage. Besides the rumors, the second brother and sister have always been in the inner house and rarely go out. How can I hear it?" That's all." Speaking of this, a trace of shame flashed in his eyes, "I was walking outside the mansion, and I clearly heard the news that the two families were going to get married, so I was so careless, I didn't realize that there was something strange about this matter, but it was mine. wrong."

Generally speaking, unless the marriage between these two families is firmly established, it will not be known to everyone. Otherwise, if the marriage fails, it will not end well, and if it fails, the two families will even become enemies.

"Uncle, Daddy, and Yue'er think this matter is very strange. The Jian'an Mansion said that they had already rejected the marriage with Eldest Sister, and slandered us for spreading rumors in the capital and wanting to get married. Qiu's attitude. The marriage is for the good of the Qin and Jin families, even if the Jian'anbo Mansion is not satisfied with the Nangong family, it should never refuse in this way."

Su narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Nangong Qin and Nangong Mu, and asked, "Have any of you guys who built the Anbo Mansion started a quarrel?" She also felt that it was unlikely, if there was a quarrel, Nangong Qin would have started a dispute at first. would not agree to this marriage.

Sure enough, both brothers shook their heads. Nangong Qin said: "We have never had any dealings with Jian Anbo."

Su's face darkened, and he said: "Boss, we have to figure this out."

"What mother said is true." Nangong Qin said, "Son will check it out in private."

Su Shi nodded: "I'll leave the outside affairs to you." She sighed and said, "It's just that this sister's future marriage..."

"Sister Cheng's marriage, let's see each other slowly in the future." Nangong Qin Zheng said, "Sister Cheng is the eldest daughter of our Nangong Mansion, and she will not be wronged... But, mother seems to have forgotten one thing thing."

Su choked for a moment, she really hoped to avoid the topic, but obviously her son didn't want to, so she could only cough lightly and said: "Mr Huang, after you go back, you copy the family motto three hundred times, before you finish copying, Just don’t leave your yard. Lin, Gu, and Liu, each of you copied the family motto three hundred times, but you don’t need to be grounded. As for the younger ones, let’s each copy the family motto a hundred times,” she said. Then he added, "Sister Yue, although you memorize the family motto perfectly, you still have to copy it."

Everyone responded one after another, only Huang's face turned green and white, wishing to swallow Nangong Yue alive.

Nangong Qin nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied with this. He originally thought that the inner house would be handled by his own house, but now it seems that if he wants to revive the Nangong family's family style, he may not be able to rely solely on his mother to balance it. Yes... It seems that he also has to intervene in the affairs of the inner house. The most important thing now is to let the third brother take Brother Hao to the outer courtyard for education, so as not to make Huang's support crooked.

While Nangong Qin was thinking secretly in his heart, Su Shi said to Lin's mother and daughter and Liu Qingqing: "Sister Cheng must be very sad when something like this happened, you will go over in a while to comfort her and let her not be sad , the family will decide for her."

The three naturally agreed.

After leaving Rong'an Hall, they went to Wanqingyuan together.

When they arrived, Nangong Cheng was in his small study room, and saw a few celebrity postcards on the desk, a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and the rice paper spread out on the table was half written.

She put away her pen, and said a little embarrassedly: "I was practicing calligraphy just now, and the room is a bit messy. Please don't take it seriously by my second aunt, sister-in-law and third sister."

Liu Qingqing's eyes showed pity, Nangong Cheng's appearance clearly knew the whole story, and he was practicing calligraphy to relieve his worries.

"Sister Cheng." Lin's guilt was so overwhelming that she could hardly look directly at Nangong Cheng, "Second Aunt is really sorry for you. If it wasn't for Second Aunt's carelessness, it wouldn't have happened."

"Second Aunt," Nangong Cheng smiled slightly, without a trace of grudge on his white jade-like face, and said with relief, "Don't blame yourself anymore, you can't blame you for this matter. Maybe you agreed to sign the lottery."

Nangong Chengrang, who was actually wronged, comforted herself, and the guilt in Lin's heart grew even stronger.

"Big sister, don't worry, uncle and my father will definitely investigate this matter clearly, and no one will just bully you like this." Nangong Yue comforted her softly, while observing Nangong Cheng's expression, but saw Her eyes were clear, without a trace of sadness.

Nangong Yue couldn't help but think of what Nangong Cheng said when she came to see her that day, and she understood a little bit in her heart: I'm afraid that the big sister was also reluctant when she accepted that day.

But Lin and Liu Qingqing always felt that Nangong Cheng was pretending to be strong, especially Nangong Cheng's appearance of not crying or fussing made them more worried.

Liu Qingqing looked at Nangong Cheng worriedly, "Sister Cheng, if you have any unpleasantness in your heart, you can come to us at any time, don't hold it in your heart."

Liu Qingqing's own marriage was not going well, and she finally got what she is today. Seeing that Nangong Cheng's marriage was frustrated, she felt the same, and felt a little sympathetic.

Seeing them comforting him one by one, Nangong Cheng felt a warm current in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Second Aunt, Sister-in-Law, Third Sister, don't worry, I won't do stupid things to my parents who suffer from body and hair."

After hearing what she said, Lin and Liu Qingqing felt a little relieved.

After Mrs. Lin and the others left, Nangong Cheng quietly sat down behind the piano table, and plucked the strings twice casually. The scenes of her playing the piano and him playing the leaf flute that day could not help reappearing in her mind... The corner of her mouth slightly Hook, a bright smile appeared on his face.

When she first heard that the marriage failed, she was also shocked and embarrassed, but after those emotions passed, she felt that it might be fate.

Is she really related to him

This sudden change in the mansion finally brought Nangong Yue back to her senses from the days of trance.

After returning to her Black Bamboo Courtyard, Nangong Yue thought about it carefully, called Baihe, and asked her to go to Yimei's place, and ask Yimei if she knew about the daily interactions between Jian'anbo Mansion and Zhong Shilang Mansion.

Nangong Yue believes that this incident cannot happen for no reason, and she wants to find out who is behind the scenes!

Lily nodded and took the order to leave.

Yimei has been staying in Nangong Yue's shop since she married a few years ago. In the past two years, that shop has made a name for itself among the ladies and gentlemen of the royal capital. You can gain something from the casual conversations of those noble people on weekdays.

Not long after, Lily came back and brought back news of Yimei.

"Third girl, Yimei said that Mrs. Zhong from the Zuo Shilang's mansion of the Ministry of Officials is related to Marquis Pingyang, and Mrs. Zhong's grandmother is very good sisters with Mrs. Qu Tai, the late grandmother of Marquis Pingyang. A few days later, Mrs. Zhong's second son suddenly got a good job and was transferred to the Jianghuai area as the deputy commander-in-chief."

Pingyang Marquis Mansion…

Nangong Yue's expression was slightly cold. The Marquis of Pingyang of the previous generation was conferred the title of Marquis because of the Great Yu Dynasty that he fought with the late Emperor. This Qu family is quite well connected in the army. It is not difficult to get a job as a deputy commander. Could it be that it is Pingyang Hou Qu's family who is swaying behind all this

Nangong Yue's fingers lightly tapped the dressing table. If it was the Qu family, they had an old grievance with Nangong Mansion, especially because of the marriage of her elder brother Nangong Sheng... So, it was the Qu family who secretly hated her. So just retaliate against Nangong Cheng's marriage with an eye for an eye

The more Nangong Yue thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility was extremely high, otherwise how could this matter be so coincidental...

Nangong Yue said in a deep voice: "Let Yimei continue to inquire! Jian'anbo Mansion, Pingyang Hou Mansion, and Zhong Mansion, no matter what news, I want it."

Lily replied: "Yes, Miss San."

If it was really the Qu family who took revenge on the innocent Nangong Cheng because of the old grievances that day, she would never let it go!

Nangong Yue gently rubbed her forehead. Since she was reborn, she has carefully planned every step of the way to today. Whenever she feels exhausted, a boy will always appear in front of her and bring sunshine to her...

Nangong Yue curled her lips and muttered to herself: "There are still five days..."