The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 189: - Substitute marriage


In the garden, Nangong Cheng was sitting quietly by the pool alone, absent-mindedly throwing bait into the water.

Both Shuxiang and Moxiang were sent away by her, although the two maids could see the depression of their girls these days, especially Shuxiang, who knew in her heart that she must be with His Royal Highness Cheng Wang after visiting the master that day, but since then There is no news about it, but apart from empty words of comfort, she has nothing to do for the girl. Thinking that this is the mansion after all, nothing will happen, Shuxiang pulled Mo Xiang back.

Because of the smell of the bait, the koi in the pond gathered together by playing with their tails and scrambling for food.

Nangong Cheng looked at the carp in the pond sadly, and sighed faintly. This pond is like Nangong Mansion, and she is just a carp that cannot be separated from the water.

"Cousin Cheng!" A familiar shout suddenly came from the front.

Nangong Cheng raised his eyes and saw that Bai Muxiao, who was dressed in a plain dress, was walking towards her gracefully. Her fair and pretty face was bare of makeup, and she only wore a pair of pearl flowers on her hair, which looked plain and graceful.

"Cousin Xiao."

Nangong Cheng hurriedly got up to greet her, Bai Muxiao affectionately pulled Nangong Cheng to sit down on the carp-shaped stone bench by the pool together, and asked with concern: "Cousin Cheng, don't blame Xiao'er for being troublesome. Xiao'er just saw you She's frowning, but what's on her mind?" Although Bai Muxiao asked like this, actually seeing Nangong Cheng's gloomy yet cheerful expression, he had guessed in his heart that the other party was trapped by love.

Nangong Cheng forced a smile, "Cousin Xiao, what else can I worry about?"

Bai Muxiao's eyes flashed, and she simply asked straightforwardly: "Cousin Cheng, do you have a sweetheart?"

Nangong Cheng's expression froze immediately, and he looked at Bai Muxiao with a slightly vacillating gaze, and said in an emphatic tone: "Cousin Xiao, please be careful with your words." If even Bai Muxiao could see it, wouldn't the others...

Bai Muxiao wasn't annoyed either, she didn't expect Nangong Cheng to be able to take care of herself all at once, so she would have doubted whether Nangong Cheng had any brains. She smiled silently, looked towards the pool, and asked faintly: "Cousin Cheng, will you look down on me?"

Nangong Cheng was startled, and hurriedly said: "Cousin Xiao, how could it be? Why do you think so?"

Bai Muxiao smiled wryly, her long curled eyelashes trembling slightly, and she lowered her head and said: "When my father was alive, there were groups of wives and concubines, and a bunch of houses, and outside the mansion, he was even more unclean, even his The news of death is just to smear my mother's face... Even in the White Mansion, my cousins are secretly laughing at me and my mother. My grandparents are unkind, so that I, a dignified daughter of the White Mansion, can only I will return to Nangong Mansion with my mother…”

"Cousin Xiao!" Nangong Cheng hurriedly took Bai Muxiao's hand, trying to comfort her, "You can stay in Nangong Mansion with peace of mind in the future, and Nangong Mansion will always be your and aunt's home."

"Cousin Cheng..." With tears in Bai Muxiao's eyes, she took a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes, and then said, "It's fine if you want to treat me as one of my family members. I also knew it was rash when I asked you just now. But I also care about you, Cousin Cheng, so I took the liberty to say more."

Nangong Cheng lowered her head and did not speak, but her earlobes were already flushed.

"Cousin Cheng." Bai Muxiao said with clear eyes, "my mother was ordered by her parents and told by a matchmaker to marry into the Bai family, but what kind of life did she live? If my mother had been brave If you make your own choice, you will definitely be much happier than you are now... And Cousin Yue, everyone saw that she was given a marriage by the emperor to Prince Zhennan, but the name of Prince Xiao is a dude, no one in the capital I don’t know? Is this marriage really good?”

"Cousin Xiao." Nangong Cheng hastily held her back and said, "The third sister was married by the emperor, so you can't say such things..."

Bai Muxiao smiled, and didn't continue, but changed the subject and said: "Cousin Cheng, you are the eldest daughter of the mansion, and the family will definitely choose a good marriage for you, but are you really willing? Are you willing?" You also have the right to pursue happiness!"

Nangong Cheng's gaze flickered, and he whispered, "Don't you think that would be frivolous and embarrassing?"

"Cousin Cheng, what's there to be ashamed of liking someone!" Bai Muxiao smiled casually, her clear eyes shining brightly, "In my opinion, if you like someone, you have to fight for it, not foolishly Wait. If I don't fight for it now, I will regret it in the future, and I will always think that it would be fine if I took that step at the beginning... "

Nangong Cheng has been silent, but thoughtful.

Maybe, maybe she could give herself and him one last chance!

Bai Muxiao understood that it was impossible for her to figure it out for a while, so she smiled and took her arm and said, "Cousin Cheng, today is Cousin Yue's birthday, let's go to Mozhuyuan to congratulate her together."

That's right, today is the third sister's birthday... Nangong Cheng cheered up and nodded in response: "Okay."

The two went to Mozhuyuan together.

Because of Nangong Yue's reputation as the princess of the princess and her status as the future concubine of Zhennan Prince, the Su family wanted to make a big deal of her birthday, but Nangong Yue used the reason that Nangong Mansion has been too ostentatious recently and she needed to hide her strength and bide her time Refused. However, although the birthday banquet was not held, all the houses still brought birthday gifts. Bai Muxiao even made a wind chime ingeniously, which surprised the sisters in the mansion again and again. want one. Bai Muxiao has always been generous, and she readily agreed.

Nangong Yue accepted the birthday gifts from the sisters, and asked the maid to bring tea and snacks, and greeted them kindly.

In the evening, after going to Su's to greet her, she went back to Qianyun Courtyard with her parents. Mrs. Lin made a table of dishes with her own hands, and the family and He Lele used them before returning to Mozhuyuan.

Nangong Yue was instructing Baihe to register and store the birthday presents she had received one by one, when suddenly a familiar figure appeared at the window, he skilfully opened the window and said with a smile on his face, "Stinky girl!"

Baihui looked helpless, this Xiao Shizi had been sneaking in before when he didn't give her a marriage, and she might be even more unscrupulous in the future, but she was helpless, she still resigned herself to her fate and stood outside the door.

Nangong Yue guessed that he would come over tonight, she looked up at him, the bright moonlight made her smile even sweeter, "Are you here to give me a birthday present?"

This was the first time the two met after the gift of marriage, and she felt both a little joy and a little awkward in her heart.

"This is one of them." Xiao Yi said mysteriously, his eyes couldn't hide his show off.

That is the second. Nangong Yue raised her eyebrows slightly, showing a trace of curiosity.

Without waiting for her to ask, Xiao Yi took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and handed them to Nangong Yue, "Look quickly."

Nangong Yue was startled, each of these silver notes had a denomination of 10,000 taels, and there were ten of them, that is, 100,000 taels of silver. What did Xiao Yi give her one hundred thousand taels of silver inexplicably... Nangong Yue suddenly had a flash of inspiration, one hundred thousand taels of silver was equal to ten thousand taels of gold, their one-year agreement!

Xiao Yi saw Nangong Yue suddenly realized, and happily begged for praise: "Stinky girl, am I amazing? Let me just say, I will definitely earn 10,000 taels of gold within a year! This 10,000 taels of gold is all on my own, I didn't rely on my grandfather!" He was afraid that Nangong Yue would not believe him, so he told Nangong Yue how he raised the principal in Guiyun Pavilion a year ago...

The more Nangong Yue listened, the more amusing she became. She didn't know whether to praise him for his flexibility, or to sympathize with Yuan Lingbai and the others. It turned out that they were usually bullied by Xiao Yi, the big brother.

After Xiao Yixian finished showing off, he put a handsome face in front of Nangong Yue with a smile and asked: "Stinky girl, I won our bet, what do you want to reward me?"

Nangong Yue asked with crooked eyebrows, "Then what do you want?"

Unexpectedly, Nangong Yue would let go so easily, Xiao Yi was startled instead, followed his eyes, and said, "Write it down first, and then I'll talk about it when I think about it. Today is your birthday, I shouldn't steal the show." He took out a long and flat mahogany box from his sleeve, put it on the desk, and pushed it to Nangong Yue, "This is my birthday present for you. Quick, open it!"

He looked even more impatient than her.

On her tenth birthday, he gave her a jade pendant.

On her eleventh birthday, he gave her a copy of the long-lost "Book of Picking Herbs and Medicine"!

Today is her twelfth birthday...

It turns out that they have known each other for so long... Nangong Yue's eyes were full of smiles, she slowly opened the long mahogany box, and saw that the box was full of paper folded into long strips. She was taken aback for a moment, and after unfolding them one by one...but she was a little dumbfounded for a while.

These papers are really not ordinary "papers". They are full of large-denomination bank notes, land deeds, house deeds, and contracts for farms and shops under Xiao Yi's name...

Before Xiao Yi pressed these papers flat, now that these papers are spread out, there is almost no room for this book case.

Could it be that Xiao Yi took out all his belongings? Nangong Yue was like a wooden figure and didn't recover for a while.

Xiao Yi watched happily from the side, thinking: The stinky girl must be so moved!

He hurriedly stood aside to express his loyalty: "These are all my family property now, including what my grandfather left me, and I will keep it all for you in the future!" He must make the smelly girl feel that marrying him is the most correct thing she has ever done Decide!

Nangong Yue looked at his peach blossom eyes that were full of smiles, and the eyes were full of brilliance.

She suddenly smiled, with a sly smile on the corner of her mouth, and asked, "Are you sure you will give me all these?"

"Of course!" Xiao Yi patted his chest and said as a matter of course.

The smile on Nangong Yue's face was even bigger, her skin seemed to be glowing, and she said: "If you give me all these, then what will you buy me for my birthday next year?"

Xiao Yi was stunned, as if he hadn't thought of this question, but when he rolled his eyes, he immediately smiled and said in a charming voice: "Young master, even the servants are yours, what more do you want?"

The voice he spoke suddenly turned into a soft female voice, which reminded Nangong Yue of that time when Xiao Yinan disguised himself as a woman and pretended to be an actor, and sneaked into Nangong Mansion...

The corner of Nangong Yue's mouth couldn't stop smiling, and with a thought, she deliberately raised Xiao Yi's chin frivolously, pretending to be a swinger, "With a beautiful woman like Miss Xiaoyu, I am really blessed, naturally contented Already!" At the beginning, Xiao Yinan disguised himself as a woman and sang ditties and deliberately teased her, but Nangong Yue kept it firmly in her heart and dared not forget it! Now that she has the opportunity, she will naturally take advantage of it.

"My lord! I'm so moved!" Xiao Yi has always had the temperament of climbing up the pole, and whenever he got the chance, he would flirtatiously lean on Nangong Yue... Nangong Yue finally laughed and said repeatedly: "Don't play No more! Stop playing!"

Under the moonlight, her bright smile added a few rays of brilliance to her pretty face.

Xiao Yi stared at her with a smile for a long time, and he only hoped that she could keep such a smile forever!

Xiao Yi secretly made up his mind in his heart, and then he suddenly straightened his face, and made a firm promise: "I will work hard!" so that she will never regret it! The next sentence became frivolous again, "I will send you more money next year." Precious birthday present!"

But Nangong Yue had already felt his heart, and stared at him.

At this moment, she has no regrets!

Days passed day by day, and the peace talks between Dayu and Xirong finally came to an agreement after repeated trials and tug-of-war.

On the eighth day of June, Xirong agreed to cease fighting and return the prisoners of war, but Bingzhou had to be assigned to Xirong.

On June 17th, Xirong proposed that Shangdang County and Yunzhong County of Bingzhou could be returned to Dayu, but Xihe County must belong to Xirong.

On June 25th, Xirong agreed to withdraw its troops, return the army to Hengshan Pass, and return the prisoners of war, but Dayu had to reopen the "Guan City" of Hengshan Pass for the two countries to trade. Thousands of gold and property, a marriage agreement, and a certain amount of gold, silk, wine, rice, iron and bronze wares, etc. will be presented every year for the next ten years.

So far, the terms of the peace talks between the two countries have finally taken a rough shape, and the rest is to work out the specific details, and then the monarchs of the two countries will affix the imperial seal on the peace agreement.

As for marrying the princess, there are two rumors circulating in the capital: one is that the second princess will marry Xirong, but the other is that the emperor is reluctant to part with the second princess, so he chose Princess Mingyue of Pingyang Hou Mansion to replace her. marry. I don't know when, the second theory has surged like a tide, and almost no one believes that the one who will be married is the second princess.

It is said that Princess Mingyue was furious in the mansion;

It is said that Princess Mingyue went to the palace and had a big fight with the second princess;

It is said that Princess Mingyue's outspokenness was disgusted by the emperor;

All kinds of rumors became the topic of conversation in the royal capital for a while, and even the oolong marriage between the eldest girl of Nangong Mansion and Jian'anbo Mansion not long ago was gradually forgotten because of this.

These news came to Nangong Yue's ears continuously, which put her in a good mood.

Lily has been delivering news to Nangong Yue from outside the mansion these days. Thinking of the recent rumors, she found it very interesting, and said, "Third Miss. It seems that Princess Mingyue and the Second Princess have completely fallen out."

Nangong Yue smiled and said: "Princess Mingyue has a savage temper, and the second princess is not a kind-tempered person. It is only natural that she would make trouble like this. According to my guess, at least the second princess is the emperor's preferred marriage partner at present, so This post will only be sent from the palace." She raised the big red sprinkled gold post in her hand, and said, "I am afraid that many noble ladies in the capital will receive this post, whether it is Zhonghongmen banquet or farewell banquet, after tomorrow , most likely the palace will issue a decree."

Lily was stunned, and blurted out: "Hongmen Banquet?"

Nangong Yue nodded slightly, and said: "If the second princess doesn't want to get married, she can only ask the emperor to change her mind before the decree. Tomorrow's banquet may be her last and only chance."

Lily's eyes widened, and she said worriedly: "The third girl, then you should not go."

Nangong Yue said with a smile: "Since the scene has already started, how can I not see the end?... The second princess and Princess Mingyue, I don't know who can compete with the other."

It sounds very interesting! Lily said with bright eyes: "Miss San, I will accompany you into the palace tomorrow!"

Nangong Yue responded with a smile.

So, early in the morning of the second day, Nangong Yue had already dressed, took Lily, and got on the Zhulun carriage.

After entering the palace, Nangong Yue first went to Fengluan Palace to greet the Queen, and then went to Xuehe Palace where the second princess lived.

When walking to the imperial garden, Nangong Yue asked the servant to put down her shoulders and planned to walk there by herself.

She walked around, walking very leisurely, until a familiar voice came from behind her.

"Sister Yue."

Nangong Yue looked back and saw Jiang Yixi getting off her shoulders and walking towards her. The two greeted each other affectionately, Jiang Yixi smiled and said: "Congratulations to sister Yue for being married by the emperor."

Nangong Yue's cheeks flushed slightly, and she took Jiang Yixi's arm shyly, "Sister Xi, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Don't sit on the shoulders, let's walk over together."

Jiang Yixi naturally agreed, she waved away the servant who raised her shoulders, arm in arm with Nangong Yue, and walked towards Xuehe Palace.

They were all very clear about the purpose of entering the palace today, and they couldn't help but change the topic. They heard Jiang Yixi say with some regret: "It seems that the second princess is really going to get married this time. It's a pity that I, Dayu, have my own. It's really lamentable that a good general has ended up in the situation where he sent off the princess for marriage. If General Guan Ruyan was still around, how could Xirong be so arrogant..."

"The dead are gone." Nangong Yue said with dim eyes, "it's useless to talk..."

Whether it is regret, regret, or annoyance, it is impossible to bring General Guan Ruyan back, it is impossible to return Guan Yubai's healthy body, and it is even more impossible to save the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers who died innocently. That being the case, what more can be said.

Nangong Yue deliberately slowed down her pace, as if she was leisurely admiring the scenery, but she kept her eyes carefully around until she saw the familiar figure in the flowing colorful dark flower cloud brocade palace dress passing behind the rockery, she Slightly lowering her eyes, she changed the subject and said, "Sister Xi, do you really think it will be the second princess who will go to marry you?"

Jiang Yixi was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Why did Sister Yue say that?"

Nangong Yue said bluntly: "As far as I know, the second princess is not willing to get married, so in the end, it will be married by other noble girls?"

"Are you referring to Princess Yue?" Jiang Yixi was slightly surprised, "But these are just rumors. I heard from my mother that the emperor had already ordered the second princess to marry."

Nangong Yue smiled, and said meaningfully: "Sister Xi also recognizes the second princess. With her personality, will she accept her fate like this?... Maybe she has already prepared for it. For example, we all know the rumors about the capital. It's a rumor, but other people don't know, at that time, even if the princess is temporarily changed, everyone will take it for granted."

Jiang Yixi was startled, and said: "Sister Yue thinks that the second princess will..."

"If the second princess wants to find someone to marry, today is probably the best opportunity." Nangong Yue seriously reminded, "Sister Xi, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case..."

"I understand. Sister Yue." Jiang Yixi's palm was covered with sweat, and he nodded solemnly.

Nangong Yue glanced at the direction of the rockery, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Qu Jiayue's appearance here was not accidental, nor was it accidental.

As Qu Jiayue, she will definitely receive the post, and most of the girls who receive the post will also arrive at this time. This road is the only way to Xuehe Palace, Qu Jiayue will definitely appear, just wait for the right time, and then change according to the opportunity.

Waiting for the next good show to be staged!

The goal has been achieved, Nangong Yue didn't delay any longer, she quickened her pace and arrived at Xuehe Palace together with Jiang Yixi.

After saluting to the second princess, the two sat down respectively. Not long after, Qu Jiayue also arrived. Wuli stood up on his own, and sat opposite Nangong Yue.

The second princess's face froze, and she stared at her fiercely, but at least she had a sense of proportion, knowing that she must not make a fuss today, so she reluctantly held back.

This time, the invited ones were all noble ladies in the royal capital, and including her and Jiang Yixi, there were only seven or eight of them.

When everyone has arrived, the second princess said with a smile: "I invite you here today because I got a new playbook a few days ago, and I just finished rehearsing the play. I'm bored, so I want you to watch it with me."

"The princess is very kind, and my daughter is very grateful." It was Lu Zhen from Xuanpingbo's mansion who spoke. Her appearance was much more haggard than a few months ago, and there was a clear gloomy color carved between her brows.

Han Qixia also asked with interest: "I don't know what the name of the play by the second cousin is?"

The second princess made a fool of herself and said: "You will know after a while, let's go to the theater first."

While speaking, the second princess stood up first, and the other girls got up one after another when they saw this. Under the guidance of the maids, they went to the theater building located in the north of the imperial garden. This is the smallest and exquisite theater building among the several theater buildings in the imperial palace, and it is also the closest to Xuehe Palace. Because the second princess likes to go to the theater, it has been renovated several times in the past few years, although it is small, it has all internal organs.

Everyone sat down one by one, and the maids brought tea and snacks, and then quietly retreated.

"This play is specially arranged by the palace." The second princess said in a good mood, "Today is the first time to perform..." She said, and lightly clapped her hands twice, and there was a burst of string music on the stage , Then, an actor lightly raised his water sleeves and appeared from behind the stage in pink and ink, twirled and danced slowly, gently opened his red lips, and sang "Yi Yi Ya Ya Ya".

After listening to it for a short time, Nangong Yue guessed that the content of this play was similar to those rumors in the market. Scholars, and all their wealth for the scholars to continue their studies and go to Beijing to catch the exam. Later, the scholar won the first prize in the examination, and the girl knew that she was born with a low-ranking "Shang" nationality, and she asked to come down from the hall while feeling ashamed, and she became a scholar and a girl from the prime minister's family.

Nangong Yue looked at it inexplicably, and soon lost interest, and besides her, Qu Jiayue also seemed a little absent-minded.

At this time, Nangong Yue saw the second princess quietly leaving the theater.

Not long after, a court lady came over and whispered in her ear, "Princess Yaoguang, Second Princess, please go to Xuehe Palace with Miss Jiang to talk."

Nangong Yue looked at her suspiciously, and asked puzzledly: "Ask me? But I just heard that the second princess said that she would invite Princess Mingyue to come over."

"Ah?" The maid was a little stunned, she seemed to recall it seriously, and then said, "It is indeed you and Miss Jiang."

"Girl, let's go back and confirm with the second princess first." Nangong Yue looked sincerely thinking about her, "If you make a mistake, you will be scolded by the second princess."

Jiang Yixi raised her head at this moment and asked, "Sister Yue, what happened?"

"It's nothing." Nangong Yue replied with a smile, "The Second Princess asked Princess Mingyue to go to Xuehe Palace. This maid made a mistake for a while."

Jiang Yixi nodded, didn't say anything more, and continued to look at the stage.

Qu Jiayue heard the words and said, "Let me go there?"

"No, it's not..." The maid was still very sure that the second princess was looking for Princess Yaoguang and Miss Jiang, but before she could explain clearly, Qu Jiayue had already stood up with a "thump" and charged aggressively. After going out, he said: "Okay! Then the princess will go and see what she wants to say to the princess!"

Qu Jiayue's footsteps were heavy, and her fists were clenched tightly, as if she could no longer suppress her anger.

"Princess..." The maid was about to chase her out, but Nangong Yue grabbed her and said shyly, "Girl, can you lead me to clean the room?"

At the moment when the court lady was being held back, Qu Jiayue had already left the theater.

Qu Jiayue was full of anger at this moment.

These days, there have been rumors that she wants to marry Xirong from nowhere. Qu Jiayue has a very close relationship with the second princess, so she naturally knows that the second princess is unwilling to marry. She still remembers that the second princess told her quietly that she would find someone At that time, Qu Jiayue thought it was a good idea to get married, but she never thought that the second princess would actually make the idea on her!

She was annoyed at the time, and rushed to the palace to verify, but was denied by the second princess.

However, within a few days after she returned to the mansion, the rumors became more and more popular, and it was even rumored that the second princess was unwilling to get married. One, two princesses highly recommend her...

Such rumors kept reaching her ears day by day, making her more and more panicked.

Although my mother always reassures me that this is just a rumor, there is a good saying, "It is not necessarily silent"...

She and the second princess have played together since they were young, and no one knows the second princess better than her. If she is sacrificed to prevent the second princess from going to make a kiss, then the second princess will definitely not hesitate.

She entered the palace again and confronted the second princess, but in the end it ended in a big fight, and she was even scolded by the emperor for it.

But even so, the trend of rumors has not slowed down. It was not until today that Qu Jiayue understood the purpose of the rumors after overhearing the conversation between Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi.

The second princess's intentions turned out to be sinister!

She wants to see what the second princess wants to do by calling her there!

Qu Jiayue entered Xuehe Palace angrily, and rushed to the inner hall regardless of the obstruction of the maids.

As soon as the second princess saw Qu Jiayue, she immediately became angry and asked angrily, "What are you doing here?!"

Qu Jiayue said angrily, "I still want to ask the second princess what she wants to do. I haven't settled with the second princess for the rumors in the capital. What does the second princess want to play today?"

"you… "

The second princess originally planned well to have someone bring Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi here, but...

These days, the second princess has been annoyed by Qu Jiayue's unreasonable troubles for a long time, but the replacement marriage is related to her life, and she dare not reveal it at all. Unexpectedly, Qu Jiayue ran away repeatedly Come find her trouble!

The marriage decree will be issued tomorrow, and she only has one chance, if someone calls Jiang Yixi now, it may arouse suspicion. Since Qu Jiayue sent it to her door, don't blame her for being unrighteous!

Moreover, this is already the second time that Qu Jiayue has come to her Xuehe Palace to make trouble. Once the next thing happens, it will be much more logical than Jiang Yixi...

The second princess made up her mind in an instant. There was a cold light in her eyes, but the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she said in a soft voice: "Cousin, why bother. The rumors in the capital are really not my fault. Cousin If you think about it calmly, you will know that this is good for me." She stepped forward and took Qu Jiayue's hand, and said, "There are many noble women in the capital, even if I want to choose someone to marry, how can I choose one?" On my cousin's head, don't you think?"

Qu Jiayue looked at her resentfully, and said mockingly: "I also want to ask the second princess, why did you choose me?!"

"Cousin, it seems that you won't believe what I say." The second princess sighed, stepped forward to hold Qu Jiayue's hand, and said, "Cousin... ah!"

The second princess suddenly let out a terrified scream, and she fell backwards. Her back hit the dressing table, a pair of scissors fell from the dressing table, and the blade landed on her forehead.

"pain… "

The second princess covered her forehead with her hands in pain, and the blood flowed from her fingers. Against the backdrop of her snow-white skin, it was truly frightening.

Qu Jiayue was stunned, she was sure that she did not do anything just now.

Qu Jiayue was furious, and rushed over without hesitation, and shouted: "Han Haoxue, you dare to frame me!"

Her appearance like a ghost made the second princess startled, this time she really panicked, and shouted desperately: "Come here! Come here--"

When the girls who were watching the play in the theater learned about what happened in Xuehe Palace, all of them had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Princess Mingyue and the second princess quarreled for some reason, and Princess Mingyue pushed down the second princess in a fit of anger, so that the second princess... was disfigured?!

Jiang Yixi held Nangong Yue's hand in amazement. She still remembered what Nangong Yue said when she first entered the palace in the morning. Could it be that Nangong Yue really expected it? of

Nangong Yue was not surprised. Now that the second princess wants to not get married, she has to pay a price. For a woman, the most important thing is her appearance. If her appearance is damaged, her marriage will naturally be affected, let alone her Marriage is such a big event! Especially because someone hurts her appearance... In this way, the marriage needs to be replaced, and the person who hurt the second princess's appearance is naturally the undoubted candidate.

Judging from the court lady who came to deliver the words just now, the second princess' original goal was indeed Jiang Yixi as in her previous life... Thinking of this, Nangong Yue also held her hand and showed her a comforting smile.

Finally, Sister Xi will not repeat the mistakes of her previous life.

As for the second princess, since she dared to use her appearance as a price, she must have left a retreat for herself, and she would not really get disfigured. It's a pity for Princess Mingyue... When she wantonly ruined the big sister's reputation, did you think Will I also fall to this point because of a small rumor

Several girls were sent out of the palace one by one in surprise, and on the second day, the Pingyang Hou Mansion received the imperial decree-canonize Qu Jiayue, the princess of Mingyue County, as Heshuo Mingyue Princess, marry Xirong, and get married on the same day!

The aftertaste of Princess Mingyue's marriage has not yet completely settled down. On the second day of July, Princess Xiaofang of Zhennan arrived in the capital with her niece Fang Si, Miss Wisteria...

-off topic-

Xiao Yi: Hand in your salary card, meow meow, please praise!