The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 190: - Hiring



Ming Jing, a maidservant of Xiao Fang's family, hurried in with a worried expression on her face.

"Have you found out what happened in the mansion?" Sitting on the rosewood chair, Xiao Fang took a sip of tea. As soon as she entered the mansion, she felt something was wrong. The mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, red silk hanging high, and everyone was beaming. It looked like it was going to be a wedding.

"My servant inquired about it, and said that the emperor granted the marriage between the son and Princess Yaoguang of Nangong Mansion." Mingjing carefully observed her words, fearing that if she was not careful, the princess would turn her anger on her.

"What?! When did this happen? Why don't I know?" Xiao Fang was stunned. The news was like a bolt from the blue, completely disrupting her original plan.

"Back to the princess, just over a month ago." Mingjing said dully.

Xiao Fang's willow eyebrows lightly frowned, more than a month ago, they were on the road, no wonder they didn't get the news in time. What a pity, it was a step late, I didn't expect the emperor's action to be so fast!

Fang Ziteng, the fourth daughter of the Fang family, felt that her heart had been hit by a heavy hammer. She followed her aunt all the way to the capital just to marry her cousin Xiao Yi, but now...

"Aunt..." She looked at Xiao Fang eagerly, "My cousin has been given a marriage, so what should I do?" She came here to be the princess of Zhennan Prince, but what is the position of the princess now? Princess Yaoguang has been robbed, what should she do

Do you just go back in a daze like this

How can I do that? If we go back like this, wouldn’t we want to make the aunts and sisters in the family laugh out loud

"Sister Teng, don't be in a hurry, wait for me to ask you clearly." Xiao Fang's eyes flashed displeasure, but she still said patiently.

Fang Ziteng had no choice but to hold back.

Xiao Fang asked Ming Jing again: "Have you heard about the identity of Princess Yaoguang?" This is what Xiao Fang is most concerned about. The imperial decree has been issued and cannot be changed, so the woman's family background is still very important. up. She is in the southern border, and she is really smeared-blind to the noble daughter of the king's capital.

Ming Jing hurriedly replied: "Princess Wang, she is the second wife of the Nangong Mansion, and she is the third sister in the mansion. She is twelve this year..."

"Only twelve!" Xiao Fang smiled reassuringly.

Her eyes shone brightly, this is not bad, as a result, Xiao Yi's wedding will last for several years. The later his legitimate son came, the better for her.

Then, Xiao Fang thought of something again, and asked: "Nangong? But that Nangong mansion!" Is there anyone in this world who doesn't know that one of the four famous families used to be famous all over the world, but since the fall of the previous dynasty, this Nangong The family fell... I didn't expect that there would be a princess now. Could it be that the emperor has favored the Nangong family again

Mingjing hurriedly explained the positions of the two masters of Nangong Mansion in the imperial court, and how Nangong Yue got the position of princess.

When Xiao Fang heard that Nangong Yue had cured the fifth prince and the emperor successively, she couldn't help showing surprise: "She is only twelve years old, but she has such amazing medical skills?"

Mingjing said: "Back to the princess, I don't know the specific situation, I only heard that Princess Yaoguang's grandfather is known as the world's number one genius doctor."

"Grandfather of the genius doctor?" Fang Ziteng couldn't help but sneered, "I don't think it's because of his medical skills, but because of his meritorious service in donating medicine."

Xiao Fang nodded in agreement, and she also felt that Fang Ziteng's guess was very reasonable.

Fang Ziteng gritted her teeth and said: "Auntie, she must have taken a fancy to her cousin, and she has the audacity to ask the emperor to marry him by curing the fifth prince and the emperor."

Xiao Fang was thoughtful. If that's the case, then Princess Yaoguang is nothing to be afraid of. The princess with a different surname is not a princess, and her family background has declined. Even if the emperor and the fifth prince were cured, they would be granted the title of princess and married by the emperor, no amount of affection would be used up.

Xiao Fang finally showed her face and ordered: "Ming Jing, go and invite the son here, and say it is for the marriage."

Mingjing responded and left the house.

Fang Ziteng became even more anxious, and went over to shake Xiao Fang's hand affectionately and said: "I don't care, aunt, you must help me, you promised my parents that I would marry my cousin and be the concubine .Now it’s like this, you have to find a way to help me!"

Xiao Fang's eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at Fang Ziteng with a warning, and said: "Brother Yi will come later, you can hold some for me, so as not to show your crazy girl. If you dare to embarrass me, don't blame me You are being polite, I will throw you back to southern Xinjiang."

Fang Ziteng was taken aback by Xiao Fang's look, and hurriedly responded: "Don't worry, aunt, I will definitely act like a lady, and I won't embarrass you." She smiled flatteringly at Xiao Fang smiled. Even if she can't be the concubine of Prince Zhennan, this concubine's aunt cannot be offended.

Xiao Fang's expression softened a bit. After all, she is her own niece. She has always listened to her own words, and it is still useful to keep her.

"You, don't worry, if you can't be a concubine, can you still be a side concubine?" Xiao Fang looked at Fang Ziteng tenderly. Originally, in Fang Ziteng's capacity, it was indeed a little high to be a concubine, but it was only natural to be a side concubine!

"Side concubine?" Fang Ziteng exclaimed in disbelief, "No, aunt, I don't want to be a concubine." She came here for the concubine, how could she be a concubine

Xiao Fang stretched out Scallion Duanyu and pointed at Fang Wisteria's forehead, hating iron for being weak and said: "Can the side concubine compare with ordinary concubines? Besides, after you become brother Yi's side concubine, can you think about it?" Is there a way to fix it?"

Fang Ziteng looked at Xiao Fang suspiciously, obviously not understanding. The emperor has already bestowed a marriage, and the position of the crown prince is occupied. How can she straighten her upright?... She won't be able to kill Princess Yaoguang, right

"Aunt, do you have a way to keep Princess Yaoguang from entering?" She looked at Xiao Fang expectantly.

Xiao Fang raised his eyebrows coldly: "What nonsense are you talking about? The imperial decree has been issued, how can Princess Yaoguang be prevented from entering the door."

Fang Ziteng immediately showed disappointment.

"But it's not impossible to help the side concubine." Xiao Fang said slowly, "The Princess Yaoguang is still young, and she will have to wait a few more years to enter the door. You can enter the house first and be the side of the prince. Concubine, cage the heart of the son and give birth to a son. And in the past few years, you have tried to firmly control the backyard of the son. After a few years, even if the concubine came in, you have to let her intervene I can’t get started.” A gleam flashed in her eyes, “At that time, I will help you, and you have a son, isn’t the princess concubine useless?”

Fang Ziteng nodded thoughtfully.

"Besides, the son and the concubine will return to southern Xinjiang sooner or later..." Xiao Fang showed a worried look on purpose, and said meaningfully, "I don't know if the concubine is such a delicate and noble daughter of the capital. Get used to the life in southern Xinjiang, don't have any accidents..."

Fang Ziteng's mind immediately became active. That's right, if the imperial concubine couldn't adapt to the southern border, it would be her chance to just disappear! No matter how bad it is, there will always be a way to deal with her!

The corners of Xiaofang's mouth twitched, thinking: The birth of Princess Yaoguang has disrupted her plan.

Hmph, does she want to enter the door? All right! Then I will set up an opponent for her first, an opponent who can't wait to replace her.

At that time, Xiao Yi's backyard will definitely become chaotic, the more chaotic the better, if my niece really does something, it will really kill two birds with one stone!

Xiao Fang picked up the teacup, and the white smoke curled up, blurring her eyebrows and covering up all her calculations.

"Princess," at this time, Mingjing came in to report, "The eldest son is here."

Mrs. Fang put down the teacup in her hand, and took a good look at Fang Ziteng. Fang Ziteng immediately sat upright, looking dignified and dignified, but she couldn't help but look out of the house with her eyes.

Xiao Yi walked in with a spring breeze in a light blue brocade robe embroidered with silver and peach blossoms.

"I've seen Concubine Mother." Xiao Yi saluted, "I haven't seen you for a long time, Concubine Mother looks pretty good."

"Brother Yi," Xiao Fang said pitifully when he saw Xiao Yi, with a loving expression on his face, "I haven't seen you for a while, and you've lost weight! Are you all right in the capital? Are you still used to food and clothing?"

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Okay, everything is fine, the emperor even gave me a daughter-in-law." He smiled with brows and eyes shining brightly, looking very satisfied.

Fang Ziteng looked at Xiao Yi and couldn't move his eyes, and he didn't know whether to resent or regret: such a handsome young man should belong to him!

She couldn't help reminding: "Auntie..." Don't be so busy with the deep love between mother and child, it's time to introduce yourself.

"By the way," Xiao Fang said to Xiao Yi with a smile, "Brother Yi, this is the fourth cousin of your Fang family. You met each other when you were young. I wonder if you still remember?"

"I've met my cousin." Fang Ziteng tried her best to look like a lady, facing Xiao Yiying.

Xiao Yi ignored her at all, and said directly to Xiao Fang, "Mother and concubine came just in time, the emperor bestowed a marriage on his son, and Lao's mother and concubine made the decision to go and make a decision for my son."

Seeing that he didn't even glance at him from the corner of his eyes, Fang Ziteng suddenly became angry: he ignored such a beautiful woman in front of him, and actually only wanted to make a deal with a little girl

"Well, should we wait for your father's letter to discuss this matter?" Xiao Fang pretended to be apologetic, "Your father's consent must be obtained."

"Father, I have already sent a letter, and now father should have received the news." Xiao Yi said in a good mood, "What's more, this is the concubine chosen by the emperor for me, how could father be wrong? Agree?" As he said that, he looked at Xiao Fang meaningfully, "Or does the concubine think that the father has other plans and wants to disobey the holy will?"

"How could this happen?" Xiao Fang broke out in a cold sweat, "The marriage bestowed by the emperor, the prince knows that it is too late to be happy, how could he be dissatisfied?"

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and urged: "Since this is the case, Concubine Mu should quickly choose a date and make a decision."

"Brother Yi, Princess Yaoguang is still young, so don't be in such a hurry." Xiao Fang smiled, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. How can it be so easy to get her to do things!

"Yes, cousin, what auntie said is right!" Fang Ziteng couldn't help but screamed, but immediately remembered her image as a lady, and said softly, "Cousin, why rush for a while." She tried to reveal her With the most perfect smile, he flirts secretly at Xiao Yi, but in the end he winks at the blind man.

Xiao Yi responded coldly: "This is a marriage bestowed by the emperor. Our palace did not comply with the holy will and hastened the preparations. Could it be that it is still procrastinating and dragging on for a year and a half. Besides, the concubine mother has just arrived in the capital. If you want to go to the palace to meet the empress, if the empress asks the concubine mother's plan for this marriage, what does the concubine mother say, you don't know anything, you don't have any plans?"

Fang Ziteng was taken aback, and said with some uncertainty: "Auntie just arrived? The empress won't be in such a hurry, will she?"

Xiao Yi sneered: "How can you say that the matter entrusted by the Tian family is forced?" He looked at Xiao Fang with a worried face, "Mother and Concubine, Miss Fang Si arrived in the capital for the first time, so she didn't hold back her words. Yes, it’s easy to get into trouble, so I’d better send it back to southern Xinjiang as soon as possible.”

Fang Ziteng was dumbfounded. She was just in the capital, and her buttocks were not hot yet. How could she be sent away? How could this be possible!

She looked at Xiao Fang as if asking for help, and now only Xiao Fang can make decisions for her.

Xiao Fang thought that Fang Ziteng could not speak, but Fang Ziteng was still useful to her, so naturally she couldn't let Xiao Yi think.

"Your cousin is young and new to the capital, so she doesn't know the rules. I will teach her well..." As she spoke, she glanced at Fang Ziteng.

Fang Ziteng stepped forward, pretending to be weak and pitiful, and said: "Cousin, I will be obedient, don't drive me away, okay?"

Xiao Yi didn't bother to look at her, but said to Xiao Fang: "Mother Concubine, this marriage is bestowed by the Holy One, since Mother Concubine has arrived in the capital, of course she wants to show her attitude, so what is better than starting preparations for this marriage as soon as possible?" Is it more secure?" He looked at Xiao Fang with burning eyes, "Are you right, Concubine Mu?"

Of course, Xiao Fang couldn't say she was wrong, so she could only say against her will: "Brother Yi is right." She was depressed, feeling like being led by the nose, this feeling was uncomfortable, and made her vomit in her heart It's about to bleed.

"Since mother and concubine think it's right, let's go to Nangong Mansion tomorrow."

"Why don't you have to wait until I have an audience with the empress..."

"What the concubine mother said is that it will be three days later."

Three days later?! Xiao Fang still felt that it was too urgent, and after some bargaining, the date was set at ten days later.

"Then listen to my concubine." Xiao Yi was finally satisfied, beaming and authentic, "I have to worry about my concubine."

Xiao Fang felt even more nauseated, she didn't listen to her, although it was impossible to refuse the marriage, but according to her plan, it would have to be delayed for another three to five months, to give Nangong who hadn't entered the house a Dismount!

Xiao Yi's wish was fulfilled, so naturally he didn't want to stay for a moment, and left contentedly.

Seeing Xiao Yi leaving, Fang Ziteng immediately bid farewell to Xiao Fang, and hurriedly chased him out with her skirt lifted.

"Cousin, cousin..." Fang Ziteng chased forward in three steps and made two steps, ran in front of Xiao Yi vigorously, and then handed him a plain purse embroidered with wisteria flowers, with white jade-like cheeks It was covered with red clouds, "Cousin, this is for you. It contains mint, which refreshes your mind. Cousin will definitely need it."

She pretended to be soft and soft, but in Xiao Yi's ears, goose bumps arose all over her body. His footsteps did not slow down by half a minute, but sped up a little, like avoiding the plague.

Fang Ziteng grasped the purse in her hand, feeling angry and annoyed: Cousin really didn't give her face too much, even if he didn't accept it, what if he said something nice

In southern Xinjiang, she would not bother with how many men begged her to take a look at him. Now that she has lowered her figure so much, this Xiao Yi actually...

Fang Ziteng hated her so much, but when she thought of Xiao Yizhen's status as the son of the Southern Prince, she felt that it would be a pity to give up...Besides, before she left Southern Border, she had given up on her mother's rhetoric!

Hmph! She couldn't believe that she couldn't take down Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi left the inner courtyard in high spirits, came to his study, and immediately asked someone to call Cheng Yu.

Not long after, Cheng Yu came here sweating profusely, thinking in his heart: Today the concubine is here, and the Shizi called him here at this time, and he doesn't know what is important.

"Cheng Yu," Xiao Yi ordered solemnly, "find a few more people to keep a close watch on the inner courtyard, and don't let those blind people wander around!" , basically no one will go. But now that Mrs. Fang is here, he has to keep a close eye on the inner courtyard for the stinky girl, lest someone who doesn't understand will turn the inner courtyard into a mess.

The black line on Cheng Yu's face made him a little speechless: the son of the world called him in a hurry, just for this matter? When will he, a counselor, even manage the inner courtyard of the palace, he is really pitiful and wants to complain I can't find it anywhere!

Because the other brothers will definitely tell him in an envious tone, the son of the world really thinks highly of you!

Besides, Xiao Fang, as soon as she arrived in the capital, she handed over the sign to the palace, and waited for another day before receiving the news from the palace. After dressing up properly, she entered the palace in a canopy and Zhulun carriage.

As soon as Xiao Fang entered the main hall of Fengluan Palace, he saw the queen wearing a big red phoenix robe sitting at the top, and sitting below was a girl in pink who was about twelve or thirteen years old.

Xiao Fang didn't dare to look too much, and respectfully bowed down to the queen first.

The queen asked Xiao Fang to get up and sit down, and then said with a smile: "What a coincidence, Princess Zhennan entered the palace to greet me, and it just so happened that Miss Yue came here today." Turning her head to the little girl beside her, she said, "Young lady Yue , this is your future mother-in-law, hurry up and go to greet her."

Xiao Fang's eyes flickered slightly, and only then did she realize that the person sitting there was the owner of Yaoguang County, Nangong Yue.

Nangong Yue stood up and bowed to Xiao Fang, "Yaoguang has seen the concubine." The reason why she is in the palace today is that it is time to ask the emperor for his pulse. After taking the pulse, she will take care of Fengluan Palace Greetings to the Queen. He didn't expect to meet Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fang looked at Nangong Yue carefully, she was wearing a carmine red dress, the skirt was embroidered with fluttering butterflies, and the embroidered shoes under her feet were inlaid with pearls the size of rice grains, forming a delicate magnolia flower shape. Lively yet elegant.

Xiao Fang hurriedly said softly: "Princess Yaoguang is free."

Nangong Yue took advantage of the moment when she got up to look at Xiaofang, the second concubine of Zhennan Wang.

In her previous life, she had never met Xiao Fang, and in this life, at most, at the New Year's Palace banquet more than a year ago, she had seen her from a distance, and she had no impression of her.

Xiao Fang is well-maintained. She looks like she is only in her early twenties. She doesn't look like a son in her teens at all. She has red eyebrows, red lips, a ruddy complexion, and a charming look in her eyes. No wonder King Zhennan I love and love this concubine so much.

"Sure enough, she is pretty and lovely. No wonder the emperor betrothed the princess to our brother Yi. She is truly a man of talent!" Xiao Fang's eyes softened as she looked at Nangong Yue, "I didn't expect to meet Shake here today. Princess Guang..." As she spoke, she took off a red agate bracelet from her hand, "Come on, sister Yue, this is a gift for you."

Nangong Yue looked up at Xiao Fang timidly, then turned her head to look at the queen shyly, looking at a loss.

The contempt in Xiaofang's eyes flashed past, Nangong Mansion was nothing more than that, the majestic daughter, Princess Yufeng acted as if she had never seen a big scene since she came out of a small family.

The queen didn't think too much about it, she only thought that Nangong Yue was nervous and shy after seeing her future mother-in-law, and she showed a loving smile on her face, and said: "Girl Yue, since the princess gave it to you, you just accept it. "

Nangong Yue thanked her softly, accepted the red agate bracelet, and put it on her hand.

Xiao Fang took the opportunity to praise her a few words, then took Nangong Yue's hand and asked her how old she is this year, whether she has read the female commandments, and what she likes to do on weekdays... Nangong Yue blushed and answered Xiao Fang Shi's series of questions, either nodding or shaking his head, or making a soft "um" sound, and there are only a handful of answers that exceed three words.

Xiao Fang's heart became more and more satisfied, such a soft and shy princess is really too good, she can't support the family of Zhennan Prince's Mansion at all. It is really a "blessing" for Xiao Yi to have such a concubine!

The emperor and empress must have their intentions in choosing such a concubine for Xiao Yi.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Xiao Fang's heart, and he thought: Could it be that because he was afraid of the power of the Zhennan Palace, he deliberately found such a girl to ration Xiao Yi

The more Xiao Fang thought about it, the more reasonable it became, and the more she thought about it, the happier she felt. She kept holding Nangong Yue's hand and said a word of gratitude to the queen, thanking them for choosing such a well-educated son for Xiao Yi. The concubine showed no tears of gratitude.

Seeing the happy appearance of the future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the empress also smiled. Naturally, she would not take Xiao Fang's words seriously, who would not be acting like this!

Nangong Yue spent nearly an hour with Xiao Fang in the palace, and was finally able to return home exhausted. She didn't bother to go back to the Black Bamboo Courtyard to rest, and went to the study to find Nangong Mu.

There were only their father and daughter in the study room. After Nangong Yue saluted Nangong Mu, she said straight to the point: "Daddy, the palace may soon choose concubines for the princes."

Nangong Mu was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Sister Yue, are you sure? Your uncle is in the Ministry of Rites, so I didn't hear him talk about it."

"Father, when I went to the empress's place today, the empress was looking at a roster. I glanced at it quietly, and it was basically the names of ministers above the third rank in the imperial court and the daughters of noble families." Nangong Yue frowned lightly. He speculated, "The princes in the palace are about the same age, so the possibility of choosing a concubine for them is relatively high. Dad had better tell the uncle that no matter whether the family is willing or unwilling, they need to make plans as soon as possible. "

Nangong Mu nodded solemnly: "I see."

"The daughter will leave first."

After Nangong Yue saluted, she left the study and went directly to Qianyun Courtyard.

As soon as Mrs. Lin saw her, she smiled and pulled her to sit down, "Sister Yue, are you exhausted? Go back and take a good nap later." As she spoke, her eyes fell on Nangong Yue's wrist. On the red agate bracelet, Lin's daughter's jewelry is very clear, seeing that the bracelet is unfamiliar, he asked: "The empress has rewarded you again?"

Who knew that Nangong Yue shook her head, and then told Lin about meeting Xiao Fang in the palace.

Lin's eyes darkened slightly, and after a moment of pondering, she said solemnly: "Sister Yue, you are already betrothed, and you are not allowed to wander around these days. Since Princess Zhennan has arrived in the capital, she will definitely behave Return to Nanjiang after the small ceremony. You just stay in the yard for me, and drive out the two sets of clothes of Prince Xiao first, and I will ask An Niang to go to Zhennan Palace to get the size in a while."

I chatted with Mrs. Lin for a while, and soon after she returned to Mozhuyuan, An Niang came back with the size given by the Zhennan Palace.

Nangong Yue just glanced casually, but frowned slightly.

While looking at the size carefully, she recalled Xiao Yi's figure, and couldn't help sighing: If she did it according to this size, she would have to make a fool of herself by then!

It is impossible for Xiao Yi's people to give her a wrong size, needless to say, that Xiao Fang must have done it on purpose.

As for the intention, it was nothing more than trying to make her look ugly in public and take the opportunity to give him a bad reputation.

However, sorry, Xiao Fang is doomed to be disappointed.

A faint smile appeared on Nangong Yue's face. The sun shone through the hollowed-out window lattice and shone on her white jade-like side face, as if a layer of broken gold had been sprinkled on her, making those moist almond eyes look like glass. Ambilight.

Nangong Yue told Baihui: "Baihui, go to Xiao Shizi and tell him that I want to make two sets of clothes for him, and ask him for the size."

Baihui frowned, and nodded understandingly.

Not long after, Baihui came back, and soon after, Nangong Yue also started to make clothes for Xiao Yi.

For a while, the Mozhu Courtyard was extremely lively, and the maids helped Nangong Yue choose clothes, one said that the color of Shi Qing was good, and the other said that the color of bright red was festive, you came and I argued for a long time.

Later, it was Nangong Yue who took care of it herself, chose moon white and crimson purple, and cut the clothes by herself.

From then on, Nangong Yue did not easily step out of the courtyard except for morning and evening meditation and boudoir study.

Just when Nangong Yue was detained in her own room and sweetly made the first dress for Xiao Yi, there was a great commotion in Nangong's mansion because of the queen's flower post.

At that time, Nangong Yue happened to be receiving the last needle, and after hearing Que'er's report, she couldn't help but look surprised, "You mean cousin Xiao also received the flower post?"

"Yes, Miss." Que'er was also puzzled, "For this matter, the third wife made a big fuss, thinking that the people in the palace must have made a mistake, and this post should be for the fourth girl."

The queen issued a flower post, and invited ministers of the third rank and above, the unmarried daughters of the Xungui mansion and some concubine daughters to participate in the flower viewing party on the first day of August.

Although it was not stated clearly, everyone could guess that its intention was to help the princes choose concubines. Naturally, a concubine would have a chance to become a concubine. As for a concubine, if she was chosen, she would only be a concubine.

Nangong Cheng and Bai Muxiao received flower posts in Nangong Mansion.

Even Bai Muxiao has it, but Nangong Lin puts it as nameless, so it's no wonder Huang is anxious.

Nangong Yue raised her eyebrows. She guessed that the palace would choose concubines for the princes, but she didn't expect that it would be held in the form of a flower viewing party.

I asked my father to bring a message to my uncle earlier, but I don't know what the uncle has in mind

The hustle and bustle outside the mansion did not stir up too much ripples in Nangong Yue's heart, and soon she was distracted by her lifelong events.

Although Nangong Yue and Xiao Yi's marriage was bestowed by the emperor's imperial pen, the six rituals cannot be avoided, and they need to be completed step by step according to the rules. Considering that the marriage will have to wait until Nangong Yue and Ji, the three ceremonies of Nacai, Wenming, and Naji are for Xiaoding first. Nacai and Wenming are just a formality. It's very suitable, otherwise wouldn't it be slapping the face of the emperor

In the blink of an eye, it was Najib's day. Early in the morning, after dressing up meticulously, Mrs. Fang visited Nangong Mansion in person and prepared a carload of rich gifts.

As soon as they arrived at Nangong Mansion, Xiao Fang was personally welcomed by Liu Qingqing to Rong'an Hall. Everyone in Nangong Mansion was already waiting in the main hall, including today's protagonist Nangong Yue.

When everyone saw Xiao Fang, they were almost blinded. They saw her long hair tied into a flying moon bun, wearing a phoenix walker with gilt filigree dots and emerald beads, and a pair of gourd earrings inlaid with red gold and emeralds. , wearing a palace dress with pine-colored white butterfly and gold embroidery, which is both rich and gorgeous.

"Meet the princess!"

Everyone bowed their knees to salute Xiao Fang, only to see that Xiao Fang paused deliberately, then raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Why do in-laws need to be so polite in the future, let's all be exempt."

Although everyone knew that Xiao Fang was taking Joe, they didn't dare to show their anger on their faces. Only Huang snickered secretly, thinking: It seems that Nangong Yue's marriage is also superficial, and this stepmother is also a mother. I'm afraid the successor princess still has a lot of trouble!

Thinking about it this way, Huang's depressed mood these days finally calmed down a lot.

"Princess, please take your seat!"

Because Princess Zhennan's rank was higher than Su's, Su gave up the seat to Xiao Fang, and Xiao Fang sat down unceremoniously, and everyone took their seats one after another.

Following Xiao Fang's eyes fell on Nangong Yue, and said with a smile: "Master Yaoguang, I haven't seen you for a few days, how are you doing?"

Nangong Yue bowed her body, made a shy look, and slightly bowed her head: "The shaking light is very good, thank you, Princess, for your concern."

Xiao Fang immediately looked away, and said to Ming Jing: "Ming Jing, why don't you hurry up and bring up all the small gifts."

"Yes, Princess." Ming Jing hurriedly walked to the entrance of the hall after saluting, followed by four maidservants, and walked in with four small boxes of gifts. The first box contained gold necklaces, gold bracelets, gold hairpins and other gold ornaments. The second box is filled with Jade Ruyi and other jade jewelry; the third box is filled with scarlet embroidered clothes; the fourth box is filled with various high-quality fabrics, including very rare brocade.

Although this small engagement ceremony cannot be said to be particularly grand, it is complete. Mrs. Lin nodded slightly in her heart, while Mrs. Fang covered her mouth with a handkerchief and said with a smile: "Old Madam Nangong, Second Madam Nangong, it is really impolite to say this. The king was in a bit of a hurry when he came here, and he never thought that the emperor would actually bestow a marriage on Brother Yi, so he made preparations a little hastily, which made his wife laugh."

"Where, the concubine is really too polite." Su Shi hurriedly said with a smile.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a strange maidservant in Tsing Yi hurried in, with a pale face, she saluted and said: "Wang... Wangfei, it's not good!"

Xiao Fang was proud of herself, but she pretended to be sullen: "Ming Mou, how are you talking! How can you say 'not good' on such a happy day?"

Ming Mou saluted again, and said in a panic: "Princess, please forgive me. It's the pair of live geese that are gone!"

Everyone in Nangong Mansion trembled, and Mrs. Lin even had a bad premonition.

"It's gone?" Xiao Fang frowned, but said deliberately, "Why did this lively wild goose disappear?"

"Princess, it's not that she's gone, it's... it's..." Ming Mou thought for a while, but couldn't use the word "dead", so he had to change the word, "I'm out of breath!"

"What?!" Xiao Fang was so "angry" that he burst into flames, "The pair of live geese were specially gifted by the son for today's hunting. How can you say that you are not angry, so you are not angry?"

"The maidservant doesn't know what's going on." Ming Mou said aggrievedly.

The live goose that was used to make the ceremony died! The news was like a thunderstorm, which knocked everyone out of their senses, and the maids present hurriedly covered their mouths to silence their exclamation.

The goose laying ceremony in Najib is usually replaced by wooden geese because geese are rare. However, in order to show respect for the Nangong family, Xiao Yi personally hunted a pair of live geese as a gift.

But when the ding was made, the pair of live geese died, which is really unlucky!

-off topic-

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