The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 196: - confrontation


"Chen Nangong Qin sees my emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live."

In the imperial study room, Nangong Qin respectfully knelt down and kowtowed to the emperor, feeling a little puzzled by the emperor's sudden summons.

The emperor asked Nangong Qin to get up, and said calmly: "Nangong Aiqing, Ling Ai outshone everyone at the flower viewing feast. The painting "Dragonfly Spotting Lotus" is really amazing. It really deserves to come from a century-old Nangong family! Betrothed to the third prince as a concubine, I don't know what Ai Qing wants?" While speaking, she was also looking at him.

Nangong Qin broke out in a cold sweat, what happened to the third prince and concubine

He glanced at the emperor carefully, and saw that there was no expression on the emperor's face, only deep inquiry. He immediately understood that the emperor didn't want Nangong Cheng to be the third prince's concubine, he simply had a tentative heart.

Nangong Qin calmed down and tried to calmly say: "Since the emperor asked, then I dare to speak out. If I follow my heart, I really don't want my little girl to marry into the royal family." Nangong Qin's words not only meant that he I don't want my daughter to marry the third prince, nor do I want to marry other princes, or even the clan.

The emperor slowly turned the jade finger on his thumb, with no expression of joy or anger, and said again: "Oh, why is this?"

The emperor specially recruited Nangong Qin this time because Concubine Zhang came to ask him and the empress yesterday, saying that she wanted to ask for an order for the third prince to marry Nangong Cheng as the concubine. At that time, the emperor became suspicious, doubting whether the Nangong family and Concubine Zhang had reached any agreement...

However, listening to Nangong Qin's tone now, it doesn't seem to have such intentions...

Could it be that I really misunderstood, Nangong Mansion has no intention of fighting for the heir apparent, let alone fighting for the riches and honors

The emperor looked at him thoughtfully.

"Your Majesty Long En, the Nangong Mansion has already produced a future Zhennan Prince Concubine, so there should be no more unreasonable thoughts..." Nangong Qin said respectfully, "I only hope that the remaining girls in the mansion will choose a concubine." It’s good to have the right family. At that time, I also want to ask the emperor to hold the eyes for my ministers.”

Nangong Qin's understanding of current affairs made the emperor feel a little bit satisfied. It seems that he thought too much. After all, Nangong Cheng is only a fifteen-year-old girl, and it is inevitable that she has a competitive heart. I think it was her performance that day. The performance is too good, which made Concubine Zhang feel that way...

The emperor felt relieved, and the aura released by this also restrained a lot.

Nangong Qin secretly heaved a sigh of relief, this test has finally passed.

It seems that the marriage of Sister Cheng still needs to be settled quickly, lest there will be further disturbances...

Until the time when he exited the imperial study, Nangong Qin still had some lingering fears. The Ministry of Rites has been really busy with the affairs of the Xirong envoys in the past few days. He leaves early and returns late every day, and he doesn't know that there are such mistakes in the mansion.

After leaving the palace, Nangong Qin didn't go to the yamen, but hurried back to the mansion. After asking the housekeeper carefully, he found out that Concubine Zhang even sent two nuns!

Nangong Qin couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and immediately ordered someone to call Nangong Cheng to the outer study.

"Meet daddy." Nangong Cheng saluted dignifiedly.

Nangong Qin looked at the eldest daughter who was already standing tall with complicated eyes, and asked straight to the point: "Sister Cheng, do you want to marry into the royal family?" His tone was cold and hard, revealing a hint of anger. Before the flower viewing party that day, he repeatedly told Nangong Cheng not to perform too well, but now it seems that she has ignored his words.

Nangong Qin never imagined that this eldest daughter, who had always been well-behaved and obedient and never bothered him, would have such thoughts and dare to make a stand on such an important matter...

Nangong Cheng's pretty face turned pale, and she knelt down in front of Nangong Qin with a "plop", biting her lower lip tightly, and remained silent.

Nangong Qin asked in a deep voice: "Do you want to marry the third prince?!"

Nangong Cheng hurriedly shook her head and said, "Daddy, daughter..." She couldn't tell how she deliberately behaved so deliberately at the flower viewing banquet, not for the prince, but for the king.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Qin knew that she was guilty, and couldn't help sighing: "Sister Cheng, you have let my father down so much."

Nangong Cheng kowtowed heavily, his forehead turned red immediately, and said regretfully: "Father, my daughter is a demon, and I will never have any wrongdoing in the future. Please forgive my daughter once!" She raised her eyes and looked at Nangong In addition to tears, Qin's pearl-like pupils were filled with remorse.

Nangong Qin Zhengse said: "Sister Cheng, you are the eldest daughter of the Nangong family, your words and deeds outside represent the Nangong family, do you know?"

Thinking of the mistake he almost made, Nangong Cheng regretted it, and said seriously: "My daughter knows."

"The family does not require you to marry into the royal family, do you understand?"

Nangong Cheng's tears finally slid down the corners of her eyes, but she didn't wipe them off, but let them fall, and solemnly replied: "Daughter understands."

Nangong Qin's heart couldn't help softening, but he didn't let it go, and continued to say coldly: "In this case, father will punish you to enter the ancestral hall and copy the family rules a hundred times, and you are not allowed to leave the ancestral hall until you finish copying it! Convincing?"

It would take at least ten days and half a month to copy the family rules one hundred times. Kneeling and copying the books in the ancestral hall every day, it is really not a small punishment. But Nangong Cheng was not dissatisfied at all, and once again kowtowed heavily: "My daughter is convinced."

Seeing that there was no dissatisfaction on her face, Nangong Qin breathed a sigh of relief. He rubbed the center of his brows wearily, and waved: "Go."

"My daughter is leaving."

Nangong Cheng quietly withdrew from the outer study, and went to the ancestral hall without any delay, all the punishments she deserved.

At the same time, Nangong Yue also got the news from Que'er.

She pondered for a while, and took Baihui past quietly.

There were two women guarding the door outside the ancestral hall, but how dare they stop the princess in the mansion, nodding and bowing, they let Nangong Yue in.

Leaving Baihui to stay outside, Nangong Yue pushed open the door alone, and immediately saw Nangong Cheng who was kneeling in front of the small case and copying books seriously.

The sound of pushing the door caught Nangong Cheng's attention. When she turned her head and saw it was Nangong Yue, she quickly put down the pen in her hand and said in surprise, "Third Sister, why are you here?" There were still wet tears on her face, but His eyes were very clear, and he no longer had the confusion and hesitation he had before.

"I came here to see Eldest Sister." Nangong Yue said with concern, "Elder Sister, what happened? Why did Eldest Uncle punish you to kneel in the ancestral hall?"

Thinking of the previous conversation with his father, Nangong Cheng gave a wry smile and said, "Third sister, before the flower viewing party in the palace, my father specifically told me that he didn't want me to marry into the royal family, and that I should behave in a mediocre way. But, but because of the obsession in my heart, I didn't listen to him in the end, which attracted Concubine Zhang's attention..." Nangong Cheng's eyes darkened slightly, and his beautiful face seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, " I dare not tell dad the truth... Now I am only punished for copying the house rules a hundred times, which is too light, and I deserve it."

Seeing her so calm, Nangong Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and comforted her in her mouth: "Eldest sister, Zhang Fei will take a fancy to you, not because of your outstanding performance. Eldest sister, you are the eldest daughter of the family, and there are some things that should be done. To look farther."

"Look farther away?" Nangong Cheng was a little puzzled, "Third sister, what do you mean..."

Nangong Yue analyzed in detail and said: "The Nangong family has always been a role model for scholars since the previous dynasty. After the emperor ascended the throne, he wanted to use the Nangong family while guarding against the Nangong family. That's why we went to Beijing, but Uncle is just taking a job in the Ministry of Rites. Concubine Zhang has taken a fancy to my sister, not because of how well you perform in the palace, but because you are from the Nangong family."

Nangong Cheng's shoulders trembled, and he stared blankly at her.

"Big sister." Nangong Yue sighed secretly, and said, "I have been registered as the concubine of Prince Zhennan by the emperor. No matter which prince gets you as the concubine, not only can he get the support of Shilin, but also Will become a brother-in-law with the future Zhennan King. Do you think that the prince who intends to seize the throne will miss you? Do you think the emperor will let his prince have such a big dependence?"

Nangong Cheng hesitated and said: "...the emperor won't let me marry the third prince?"


"So..." Nangong Cheng smiled bitterly, "He said he went to ask the emperor, and he was lying to me."

Nangong Yue didn't know if the emperor would agree if King Cheng sincerely asked, but the reality is that King Cheng didn't even ask for it at all, and he never thought about making any effort for Nangong Cheng! This is the most let She is annoyed!

"Big sister..." Nangong Yue said in a slow voice, "Do you still care?"

Nangong Cheng raised his head to look at her, shook his head slowly, his eyes were dim, but there was a firm determination, "No more. This kind of mistake once in a lifetime is enough."

It seems that the eldest sister has finally let go! Nangong Yue is completely relieved and smiles gratifiedly.

Nangong Cheng also showed a faint smile. As the eldest daughter of the Nangong family, she only knows the deep love between children and daughters all day long. She is not as clear as her 12-year-old sister about the affairs of the court. She I'm really ashamed. Now, not only does the third sister need to wake her up, but she also needs to worry about herself...

"Third sister, don't worry, I'm fine." Nangong Cheng said with half-lidded eyes, relieved, "Someone once told me that happiness must be achieved by oneself. I think this is very reasonable. Desperately wanting to jump over and grab the brilliance that does not belong to me. Now that I think about it, although this is reasonable, it should not be a struggle like mine. There is no one way to get things done in this world, but I have fallen into a magic barrier , instead of picking the Sunshine Avenue, insisting on choosing the dark path, clinging to a relationship that shouldn’t be there, almost destroying myself and even embarrassing the family.”

Nangong Yue frowned. She originally thought that the reason why Nangong Cheng eloped was only because of King Cheng's rhetoric. Could it be that someone was instigating behind him!

Nangong Yue's eyes were a little dignified, and she asked, "Big sister, who said that to you?"

"It's Cousin Xiao," Nangong Cheng said with a hint of embarrassment on his face, "Actually, Cousin Xiao is right. My lifelong happiness is something I have to fight for, and I shouldn't give up lightly. It's just that I was wrong, so I was wrong." Go astray."

It turned out to be her!

A chill flashed across Nangong Yue's eyes, no wonder Nangong Cheng's submissive temperament would end up on the road of elopement, it turned out to be her!

Nangong Yue suppressed the anger in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. She smiled and said to Nangong Cheng: "It's good that big sister can think like this." Only then was he deceived by King Cheng with a few words... Coupled with the instigation of relatives, it was even more difficult to distinguish right from wrong, and the deeper the trap.

Nangong Cheng nodded and said solemnly: "Don't worry, third sister, I will take it as a warning in the future."

After talking with Nangong Cheng, Nangong Yue left the ancestral hall and went to Bai Muxiao's Laurel Court without any hesitation.

Ever since Bai Muxiao returned home with her mother, Nangong Yue had never set foot in Yuegui Courtyard. Seeing her coming, the maid Bihen was a little surprised, and hurried to report. Not long after, she entered the small study.

Seeing Nangong Yue come in, Bai Muxiao put down the brush in her hand, got up and greeted her, "Cousin Yue, please sit down."

"Cousin Xiao." Nangong Yue nodded slightly, her eyes could not help falling on the desk by the window, she saw that there was a large piece of drawing paper on it, on which most of the drawings had already been drawn, "Cousin is painting? I'm bothering my cousin Interested."

Nangong Yue walked to the desk. What Bai Muxiao drew was a picture of a lady... No, it didn't seem to be a picture of a pure lady. There were also some jewelry, sachets, shoes, and handkerchiefs beside it...

"Cousin Yue is too polite, so I don't want to bother you, I just draw casually," Bai Muxiao said with a smile, "My mother gave me a shop to take care of, so I just want to design some pictures. Clothes, sachets, etc., sold in the shop, made my cousin laugh."

Casually? Nangong Yue looked at the drawing paper intently. The clothes painted on it were very chic, and the pattern on the sachet was even more gorgeous and novel, never seen before... It was the same in the previous life, Bai Muxiao could always "casually" Compose poems, compose music, develop new food, etc., to name a few.

She seems to be different...

Nangong Yue's eyes flashed, and she said: "Cousin Xiao's clothes are really beautiful and unique..."

Bai Muxiao curled her lips slightly, and was about to say something modestly, but Nangong Yue's next sentence changed the tone: "Cousin Xiao, you have always been so different." , "I never try to change my cousin, you are different, please don't try to change others, okay?"

Bai Muxiao was startled, and frowned slightly: "Cousin Yue, do you misunderstand me?"

"Cousin Xiao, there is no misunderstanding between us." Nangong Yue said with certainty that she might have a misunderstanding with anyone in this world, but it is absolutely impossible for Bai Muxiao.

Nangong Yue looked at Bai Muxiao's eyes and became darker, "I came today to persuade my cousin Xiao. Please be careful in the future and don't talk nonsense in front of big sister!" Her tone was light, But there was a sharp aura.

Since Nangong Yue was so impolite, Bai Muxiao didn't want to humbly smile at her again, and said, "What does Cousin Yue mean by that? When did I start talking nonsense in front of Cousin Cheng?" She looked at her without flinching. Looking at Nangong Yue.

"Cousin Xiao, Eldest Sister is the eldest daughter of the Nangong Mansion, her marriage and future are arranged by her uncle." Nangong Yue looked at Bai Muxiao sharply, and said slowly, "Cousin Xiao, If you have someone you like, don’t give up lightly, you should work hard to fight for it, you can just say it to yourself in the future, please don’t say these things to the girls in Nangong Mansion. Do you know what you said These words, once Big Sister takes it seriously, will harm her for the rest of her life!"

In an instant, Nangong Yue's eyes shot out a sharp light, making it almost impossible to look directly at.

But Bai Muxiao did not show weakness because of this, his eyes were burning, and sparks flew everywhere where the two eyes met.

"Cousin Yue, I let Cousin Cheng fight for her own happiness and be with the person I like, what's wrong?" Bai Muxiao argued disapprovingly, "Do I want me to watch Cousin Cheng's life Are you all stuck in an unhappy marriage?"

She said in a dignified manner, "Your parents' orders, your matchmaker's words, should you rely on a stranger who has never met you for cousin Yue's happiness? Cousin Yue, don't you think your ideas are too pedantic and too rigid? We As a woman, she may be born weaker than a man, but she should not be so self-deprecating, and she should be self-improving, courageously pursuing her own happiness, and getting out of this backyard... "

Nangong Yue took a deep look at Bai Muxiao, Bai Muxiao's words were indeed very provocative, no wonder Nangong Yue was moved by her and acted so impulsively!

Nangong Yue hooked the corners of her mouth with a half-smile, and said unmoved: "Cousin Xiao, your idea is very novel, and it seems to have some truth, but I still advise you, if you want to act on your idea , you have to do what you can, and do what you can. If you don't have the ability to break that rule, it's better to abide by the rules in peace."

"Cousin Yue, your idea is wrong." Bai Muxiao argued with disapproval on her face, "How can you give up lightly because you are afraid of rules and regulations? If you don't try, how do you know you can't succeed? One can't give up because of choking. "She spoke eloquently, her eyes sparkled, and her small face seemed to be shining.

Nangong Yue pursed her lips, and suddenly felt that she was so stupid that she would be so stupid as to try to persuade Bai Muxiao.

She blinked, her heart calmed down again, and she said coldly: "Cousin Xiao, you and I don't agree with each other, I won't impose my thoughts on you, and please don't impose yours on you." Big Sister Yu, talking nonsense, disrupting her supposedly peaceful life. I'm done with this, and I'm leaving!" After speaking, she turned and left regardless of Bai Muxiao's reaction. Anyway, there is no point in arguing with Bai Muxiao any longer.

Bai Muxiao didn't stop Nangong Yue, but looked at Nangong Yue's leaving back and couldn't help shaking her head.

She originally thought that Cousin Yue, as a woman, had acquired excellent medical skills, served the world with a pot, earned the status of a first-rank princess by herself, and liked to ride and shoot on weekdays. Unlike ordinary girls, she was an independent, special, A strange woman with thoughts and opinions, but she doesn't want to, in fact, she is just a person with pedantic and outdated ideas. The most lamentable thing is not listening to other people's advice...

Bai Muxiao couldn't help showing disappointment, it seemed that in this life, it was very difficult for him to find someone who matched his thoughts. Thinking about it, she revealed a sad expression, and sighed softly: "It's really not my time!"

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and an explosive news suddenly spread throughout the capital: Xirong envoys were attacked on their way home, and the married Princess Mingyue was sent back to Pingyang Marquis Mansion by bandits. ... The entire imperial court was shocked by this, and the peace negotiation that was finally negotiated also caused waves.

Is Dayu and Xirong going to fight again

But for a few days, people in the capital were already in panic.

On August 14th, the Xirong envoys returned to the capital again, and Qibi Shamen swaggered up to the Golden Luan Hall again. Without even saluting, he yelled at the emperor in front of all civil and military officials: "Emperor Dayu, What kind of tricks are you playing?"

This Khibi Samana is really too rude. The emperor frowned, but he said with patience: "General Qibi, I have already sent people to investigate the robbery of the envoys, and..."

"Investigation?" Qibi Salmon interrupted the emperor with disdain, and said in awkward Dayu official language, "It has been more than half a month since Mr. Cha went missing, but have your Dayu officials found any results in the investigation? It is clearly you Dayu is playing tricks!"

The emperor's face became darker. At this time, Uncle Xuan Ping hurriedly came out and said: "General Qibi, please be careful. The emperor was also shocked by the fact that you were ambushed by bandits. Once the investigation is clear, he will definitely report to Qibi as soon as possible. An explanation from the general!"

"Confession?" Qibi Salmon snorted coldly with disdain, "With your Dayu's efficiency, when will you be able to give an explanation to this general? This general needs an explanation now!"

He spoke louder and louder, and arrogantly made a series of demands, "Emperor Dayu, I don't care whether you ordered the banditry or not, since this happened in the territory of Dayu, you Emperor Dayu will bear the responsibility! As compensation to our Xiye, in addition to those previously agreed upon, Dayu must also cede Xihe County and Shangdang County to Xiye, as well as compensation of 10,000 taels of gold, 10,000 pieces of cloth, an iron mine, and the immediate release of police officers. My lord! Otherwise... Humph! The army of General Tuoba of Xiye is still waiting at Feixia Mountain!"

Qibi Samana is aggressive, and his words are threatening, and the implication is clearly that if Dayu does not meet his request, he will start another war!

The emperor's complexion became ugly, and this Qibi monk was like a lion's mouth. If he really compromised now, what would be the face of Dayu! What's more troublesome is that if he really agreed to Qibi monk's conditions, would he not agree? He will push forward and put forward more conditions! But if he does not agree, what if Xi Rong really goes to war again

The emperor was caught in a dilemma, and Qibi Shamen naturally saw it, and his attitude became even more arrogant: "Emperor Dayu, now this general gives you an hour, you can think about it carefully!" He deliberately said "cautious" Increased the volume, and then shouted at the top of the voice, "Don't bring a chair for General Ben to do it!"

The little servant in the hall took a careful look at the emperor, and hurriedly moved the grand master's chair into the hall.

Qibi Shamen just sat down in such a swaggering manner, obviously, he wanted to force the emperor to make a choice as soon as possible!

Although the emperor looked calm on the surface, in fact he was already in a state of disarray. This hour is not short, and it is definitely not long. Originally, the emperor and several important officials planned to practice Tai Chi with Qibi Shamen first. Like the previous peace talks, they dragged it back and forth for some time. Unexpectedly, this Khibi Samana played his cards completely unreasonably, and even directly put the knife on the emperor's neck!

Either fight or fight!

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on the emperor's back, and the atmosphere in the Golden Temple became more and more dignified. The civil and military officials were already dripping with cold sweat, but no one stood up to speak.

At this time, whoever is the first to speak, if Qibi Shamen grabs the talk and makes the peace talks one-sided, wouldn't he become Dayu's sinner? Maybe even...

Seeing this, Qibi Shamen felt triumphant, and said proudly: "Emperor Dayu, have you thought it through? You are really excellent..."

At this moment, Yue Ze walked out from among the military officers. He was originally the commander-in-chief of the Xishan Army Battalion. Because of his rescue work last time, he was transferred to the Royal Capital as the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies. Samana clasped his fists and said, "General Qibi, Xiye really thought that he could fight against me, Dayu? That day, at the Fang Banquet held by His Royal Highness the Princess, General Qibi was defeated by Princess Yaoguang who was not yet in his golden hairpin age. hands."

The defeat in that sand table battle was simply the greatest shame in Qibi's life, his face turned green and then pale, and his voice sank a bit and he said: "It seems that Emperor Dayu really wants to go to war?"

The eyes of the emperor sitting on the dragon chair brightened. When Yue Ze mentioned the sand table battle at the Fang Banquet, a name instantly appeared in his mind--Guan Yubai! The official army guarded the western region for decades, In terms of familiarity with Xirong, nothing beats the official language!

The emperor immediately gave Eunuch Liu a look, and Eunuch Liu immediately understood his intentions, nodded slightly, and went down quietly.

Next, the Golden Luan Hall was silent again, only Qibi Shamen shouted from time to time...

Unknowingly, Eunuch Liu returned to the emperor's side and nodded to the emperor.

The emperor did not speak, his eyes were deep and complicated.

Half an hour later, a small servant hurriedly went up to the hall to report: "Report to the emperor, Lord Guanhou, please see me!"

Lord Guanhou? Marquis Anyi... Guan Yubai

Hearing this name, all the civil and military officials at the top were moved in their hearts. Guan Yubai went to war when he was young. He had never lost a battle in the battlefield for ten years, and the opponent of the official army was Xirong. The heart couldn't help but let go, even the emperor showed joy, raised his hand and said: "Xuan!"

Qibi Shamen's complexion changed drastically, Guan, the official with the surname of the Dayu Dynasty, could it be him

Official language white?!

Although the monk Qibi heard that Guan Yubai was lucky enough to survive, and was given an idle official position by Emperor Dayu at will and abandoned, he never expected that at this time he would...

A turbulent sea arose in Qibi Salmonella's heart.

At this moment, a slender but slightly thin figure strode towards the Golden Luan Hall. In the gentle breeze, the white robe fluttered, looking like an exiled immortal.

Guanyubai! Really Guanyubai!

Qibi Salamander was so shocked that he almost jumped up on the spot. The vanguard army he led had once fought against Guan Yubai, and was suppressed as soon as the confrontation was over. They were defeated all the way, and almost the entire army was wiped out. He also narrowly escaped death. The disastrous defeat that time caused a surge of fear from the bottom of my heart when I saw Guan Yubai now!

Qibi Sanmen stared at Guan Yubai with a little panic, and watched him walk into the Golden Luan Hall without squinting, and respectfully saluted: "I see the emperor!"

"Excuse me!" the emperor said almost impatiently.

Qibi monk tried his best to calm down, and said to himself, don't panic, the current Guan Yubai is just a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

"Young General, I haven't seen you for a long time! Are you okay?" Qibi Samana laughed and stood up, but anyone could see that his smile didn't have the same arrogance as before, but it was a bit more forced. Just the appearance of Guan Yubai, even before he even said a word, his aura has undergone an astonishing change.

Guan Yubai's complexion remained unchanged, he smiled faintly, bowed his head and said: "General Qibi, I haven't seen you for a few years, the general seems to be undiminished! I think the two armies will fight in the future, and I will be able to fight the general again!"

What do you mean? Qibi Shamen was stunned. Could it be that Dayu really wanted to go to war? Or was he just bluffing

Before he could react, Guan Yubai had already respectfully pleaded with the emperor: "Your Majesty, since Xiye has no faith and intends to tear up the peace agreement documents, I wish to send troops to Feixia Mountain to fight Xiye!"

Qibi Shamen was almost dumbfounded. Could it be possible that this official language really wants to challenge the fire again? But it is indeed not impossible. In the territory of Dayu, the emperor certainly does not want to fight, and most officials are also greedy for comfort and just want to fight. Using money to send Xi Ye away, but the official family is different. The official family and Xi Ye have a great hatred for exterminating the family. Guan Yubai can't seek revenge from the emperor who made the order, but he can justifiably seek revenge from Xi Ye on the battlefield! The entire Dayu , I am afraid that the official language is Bai Bai who wants the two countries to continue fighting!

But, facing Guan Yubai, can they win at Xiye? Qibi couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The ministers looked at each other, secretly feeling that Guan Yubai was so bold that he dared to provoke the war again. Fang Jingzhi, Minister of the Household Department, took the lead and said: "Master Guan, the two countries have finally put out the flames of war. Personal grievances, and easily go to war again!"

"There is nothing to fight." Chen Yuanzhou, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, followed up and said, "Your Majesty, since Xi Ye is so aggressive, it is obvious that he has no intention of seeking peace. If this is the case, why should I, Dayu, blindly seek favor? I'm afraid Qi General Bi thought that Dayu was afraid of them Xiye."

"My lord, this statement is wrong." Lu Wenzhuo, the chief assistant of the cabinet, said disapprovingly, "Once the war resumes, how many people will suffer in the dawn. The emperor is kind, how can he rashly go to war because of his temporary likes and dislikes."

"Lord Fang." Wei Yanghou snorted coldly and said, "It's you civil servants who babble all day long, that make Xiye think that I'm hopeless! This is how presumptuous I am!"

Uncle Xuan Ping hurriedly said: "You can't say that. Whether to fight or not to fight is very important, how can you decide arbitrarily."

General Jianwei joined in and said: "Uncle Lu's words are very true. Marquis An Yi has been away from the court for a long time, and I am afraid he will be too reckless and act arbitrarily..."

"This statement is wrong..."

Chaos suddenly turned into a mess, but Guan Yubai, who had provoked the controversy, stopped talking at this time, and just watched the scene with a half-smile, his eyes flitting over the ministers one by one , and then fell on a person.

That's him!

The man whose hands were stained with the blood of 100,000 officers and soldiers of the official army has finally been found!

It's not in vain for him to bother to set up this game.

Guan Yubai bowed his head slightly to Yue Ze calmly, and saw Yue Ze stepped forward, cupped his fists and said: "... Your Majesty, I think that whether it is war or peace, we should listen to General Qibi's opinion." , he said to Qibi Samana, "I don't know what General Qibi wants?"

Qibi Samana subconsciously glanced at the calm Guan Yubai, and couldn't help shrinking back.

"General Qibi." Guan Yubai said with a gentle voice like a spring breeze, and said with a smile, "I still remember that I met General Tuoba at the Xitanya River back then, and we haven't seen each other for several years. I wonder if General Tuoba is still in good health?"

Qibi Salamander's face turned pale, and his heart skipped a beat.

He almost forgot that Guan Yubai had somehow found a path that could lead directly to the hinterland of Xiye west of the Xitanya River. The battle between Guan Yubai's army and General Tuoba on the banks of the Xitanya River lasted for a whole day For three days, the Xitanya River was dyed red, and Xiye never dared to cross the river again. In the end, he had to resort to a plan of alienation, so that Emperor Dayu broke his arm and destroyed the official army...

Until now, they have searched inside and out for several times and still haven't found this path. If Guan Yubai really leads the army, there will be another battle on the Xitanya River. I am afraid that the enmity between Guan Yubai and Xiye will be the result of this time. It will drive straight in and destroy the foundation of Xiye.

Guan Yubai's gentle smile made Qibi Salamander feel like a light was shining on his back, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead. Guan Yubai, if this Guan Yubai is not removed for a day, it will definitely become a serious problem for their Xiye!

Qibi Shamen took a deep breath, showed a smile uglier than crying, and saluted the emperor: "...Emperor Dayu, Dayu and Xiye have always been on good terms. I am afraid that we were ambushed by bandits earlier. There was a misunderstanding…”

This situation, which everyone thought would continue to deteriorate, was instantly reversed by Guan Yubai's few words. The Xiye envoys no longer pursued the incident of the bandits' surprise attack, and only asked Dayu to find and rescue Chamuhan as much as possible. For the rest, it is only necessary to fulfill the previous agreement between the two countries.

That is to say, Qibi Salamander still accepts Princess Mingyue's marriage on behalf of Xiye in order to conclude the friendship between the two countries from generation to generation.

The news soon reached the ears of Princess Mingyue, Qu Jiayue, who cried and screamed at Mrs. Pingyang Hou.

"Mother, I don't want to, I don't want to go for a kiss!" Qu Jiayue's eyes showed despair, and she burst into tears, "Why do you want me to go?!"

On the way to Xirong before, she and the envoys were hijacked by bandits and disappeared for several days. Her reputation was completely ruined. Even if she was innocent, everyone would think that she had lost her virginity.

I thought that the king of Xirong would not want to marry her like this. Although she bears the reputation of losing her virginity, at least she doesn't have to get married, but she doesn't want to...

Mrs. Pingyang Hou hugged Qu Jiayue and wept bitterly: "My poor sister Yue!"