The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 198: -secret


At the end of August, the cicadas could no longer be heard in the yard, but the weather was still unbearably hot.

In the black bamboo courtyard, Nangong Yue was reclined on the cool couch, her blue hair was lightly pulled, only a few strands were scattered on her white jade-like cheeks, her almond eyes were half-closed, and she was leisurely flipping through the book.

"Third Miss," Huamei opened the curtain and walked in excitedly, holding a tray in her hand, and said, "Just now Miss Cousin ordered someone to deliver a bowl of ice fruit, which looks very rare..." After a pause, He added, "I heard that Cousin's shop opened today, and Cousin gave this ice fruit to all the masters in the house for joy."

On the tray is a celadon bowl, which is filled with soft and delicate frost like white snow, and rich mung beans, red beans, lotus seeds, crushed candied dates, etc. are sprinkled on it, which are colorful and very beautiful.

Nangong Yue turned a page of the book in her hand, and said casually without raising her head, "I'll reward you."

Thrush thanked her with a happy smile.

At this time, Que'er happened to come in, and said with a smile: "Humei, there is a share for those who see it, so you have to save some for me."

Naturally, Huamei responded with all her mouth, and retreated holding the Bingguo.

Que'er stepped forward to fan Nangong Yue, and at the same time told: "Third Miss, I have inquired about it. Cousin's shop sells both clothes and jewelry. I heard that Cousin designed them herself. No matter the style of clothes, , it still looks like jewelry, they are all very fresh and beautiful, and on the first day of opening today, it attracted many noble ladies and noble ladies from the capital, and the business is quite good."

Nangong Yue bent the corners of her lips and said, "Cousin Xiao is good at making money." In her previous life, Bai Muxiao owned several shops with excellent business, so Nangong Yue was not surprised by this.

Que'er thought of something, but stopped talking.

"Just say what you have to say." Nangong Yue put down the book in her hand, and said with a small yawn.

Que'er said worriedly: "Miss San, Miss Cousin's shop also sells some rouge, perfume and so on, and her shop is on the same street as the girl's shop, will it..." Steal our business

Nangong Yue laughed and said, "Could it be that you think the ointment I developed for you girls will not be as good as Biao girl?"

The ointments sold in Huayanli are all made by her own recipes, which are excellent for the skin. Nangong Yue is very confident that the ointments in her shop are no match for tributes. Taking a step back, she doesn't care even if the business is not good. After all, this shop was not opened for making money from the beginning, and she is really not short of money now.

While talking and joking, Huamei hurried in from the outside again, reporting, "Girl, Miss Fu Liu is here."

Liu Niang? Nangong Yue was stunned. Although Fu Yunyan would come here often, she would always send invitations one day in advance. Why today...

Nangong Yue had an ominous premonition in her heart, and hurriedly got up to greet her.

She just walked to the gate of the courtyard, Fu Yunyan ran towards her like a gust of wind.

"Ah Yue!" Fu Yunyan's expression was terrified, and his voice had a hint of crying. This is the first time Nangong Yue sees Fu Yunyan, who is always cheerful and loves to laugh, and her heart sinks: Could it be that...

Fu Yunyan's eyes were red, and he hurriedly grabbed Nangong Yue's hand, and wanted to walk back while pulling her, "Ah Yue, hurry up, my grandmother has passed out! Those imperial doctors are so useless, and they haven't recovered yet. Her, go and have a look! Grandma said your medical skills are very good." The tears in Fu Yunyan's eyes were already rolling, as if she was about to cry at any time.

Princess Yong Yang passed out!

The news was like a thunder that exploded on the ground, making Nangong Yue's mind buzzing, and she couldn't recover for a long time.

How is this possible? Obviously after her treatment for a period of time, Princess Yong Yang's body has recovered a lot, and nearly 70% of the poison in her body has been pulled out, why did her condition deteriorate suddenly and she fainted

Nangong Yue managed to calm down, and said, "Liu Niang, I'll let you go." As she spoke, she quickly ordered, "Baihui, go and get my medicine box! Que'er, report to the second lady, and I'll let you go." Say I'm going to Yongyang Dachang Princess Mansion..."

The two maidservants responded and parted ways.

Nangong Yue hurriedly followed Fu Yunyan to the second gate, and pulled her into the Zhulun carriage. At this time, Baihui also came with a medicine box. Fu Yunyan came here on horseback, so Baihui just rode Fu Yunyan's horse and followed closely.

A horse and a cart drove out of Nangong Mansion quickly, and the horses' hoofs stepped on the bluestone slabs and made a "clack" sound. Fu Yunyan lifted the curtain to look out from time to time, really wishing to fly back the next moment.

At this time, Nangong Yue had gradually calmed down, and softly persuaded Fu Yunyan: "Liu Niang, don't worry, Grandma Yongyang will be fine."

Nangong Yue's words seemed to have an inexplicable calming power, which gradually calmed Fu Yunyan's originally flustered heart, and she murmured to herself: "Yes, grandma will be fine, with Ah Yue here, She will definitely get better." Tears glistened in her eyes, and there was a trace of weakness on her always strong little face.

"Well, I will definitely cure Grandma Yongyang." Nangong Yue promised with confidence, and then asked, "Liu Niang, what happened? It stands to reason that I asked Grandma Yongyang to be safe ten days ago." She was in good health when she was taking a pulse, why did she suddenly pass out?" According to what Nangong Yue had seen about the poisoning of Princess Yongyang, the juniors in the mansion probably didn't know about it, so she also Not going to break it.

"Speaking of this..." Fu Yunyan sighed for a long time, with a touch of melancholy on his face, "Today is my little aunt's birthday, every year at this time, grandma will be seriously ill, but this time it is particularly serious... It's all gone."

"Little aunt?" Nangong Yue looked at Fu Yunyan in surprise, "Liu Niang, do you still have a little aunt?" Princess Yongyang seems to have only two sons and no daughter

Fu Yunyan nodded and said, "Not many people know about this matter..." She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "When my little aunt was five years old, my grandmother took her to a spring outing, and then there was an urgent report that my grandmother So I hurried to the barracks and asked the nanny to take the little aunt back to the house... Who would have thought that the little aunt was met by bandits on the way back to the capital, and her whereabouts have been unknown since then."

Nangong Yue couldn't help but blurted out: "Did you never find it again?"

"No." Fu Yunyan said with a gloomy expression: "Of course I couldn't see the situation at that time with my own eyes, but I also heard from my father that my grandmother led troops to turn inside and outside several times around a hundred miles away, only to find My little aunt's bloody shoes. Everyone thought that my little aunt could not escape this catastrophe and died young, but my grandmother never gave up. As long as I can remember, I know that she will go to the place where my little aunt disappeared every year visit…”

Fu Yunyan sighed and said: "I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune, until ten years ago, I finally got an idea. It turns out that my little aunt was lucky to survive, but she was too young to find her home, and later she was sold by kidnappers." I went to a family surnamed Yang, and later married the eldest daughter of the Yang family to the Wen family."

Nangong Yue couldn't help but "thump" in her heart, her voice was a little trembling, and she said, "And then?"

Fu Yunyan was silent for a while, and asked instead: "Ah Yue, do you know the Wen family?"

"Wen family?" A name flashed in Nangong Yue's mind, and said, "The Wen family you are talking about is the Wen family of the former emperor Wen Yuanqing?"

"That's right..." Fu Yunyan said sadly, "It was Wen Yuanqing who brought his whole family to die for the country when I established the dynasty. My little aunt was the dowry maid of the young lady of the Wen family, in order not to be treated as a military prostitute. The official slave also hanged himself at that time..."

Nangong Yue was so shocked that she could hardly speak.

As far as she knew, the Red Feather Army led by Princess Yongyang was the first to break into the royal capital. At the moment when the wall was breached, Wen Yuanqing took the whole family to stand on the city wall and jumped down. Die from death. Princess Yongyang, who was cheering for the victory at that time, probably never imagined that her long-lost daughter also died at that moment, it was as if she "killed" her own hands!

It's no wonder that Princess Yongyang wants to die. I'm afraid that for her, every day of her life is a kind of torture, right?... But I don't know whether the poison on her body was killed by others, or she wanted to kill herself. Due to the break.

Nangong Yue's heart was a little sour. The youngest daughter of Princess Yongyang, who was supposed to be like a golden branch and jade leaf, ended up like this in the end.

Any comfort was useless at this time, she simply didn't say anything more, and Fu Yunyan also fell silent, the atmosphere in Zhu Lun's car seemed a little heavy.

Zhu Luncar soon arrived at Princess Yongyang's mansion, and after stopping at the second gate, Fu Yunyan immediately led her to Wufu Hall.

At this moment, in Wufu Hall, almost all of Yong Yang's sons, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren and grandchildren had arrived. When they saw Fu Yunyan leading Nangong Yue over, everyone couldn't help being stunned. Afterwards, Yong Yang's eldest son greeted him overjoyed. Said: "Princess Yaoguang, my mother will trouble you."

"Uncle Fu." Nangong Yuefu saluted and said, "Yaoguang will definitely do his best."

"Daddy, don't talk too much, I'll take Ah Yue in first." Fu Yunyan was impatient, and hurriedly dragged Nangong Yue into the inner room.

It was early autumn at this time, the temperature was not so hot, and there were several ice basins in the room, but the imperial physicians around Yongyang's bed were still sweating profusely. Leading all the imperial physicians to salute, and said: "Princess, Her Royal Highness is suffering from qi stagnation and blood stasis, and she has been rescued, but for some reason, she has not been able to wake up."

"Thank you, Doctor Wu, please allow me to take a look first." Nangong Yue walked quickly to Yong Yang's bed, and sat down on the bedside chair.

Lying on the bed, Yong Yang's eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, his lips were slightly purple, and his breathing was so weak that it seemed that it would disappear at any moment...

Yong Yang has always been energetic and clear-eyed, seeing her so weak now, Nangong Yue felt very uncomfortable, so she calmed down and carefully checked Yong Yang's pulse.

Soon, she withdrew her hand and gave Baihui a look, and Baihui quickly handed over the silver needle bag she had prepared.

Nangong Yue took out the silver needle, first used the short needle to pierce her ten consecutive needles, then took out a long silver needle, quenched it in the candle flame, and pierced Yong Yang's left and right eartips once. Needle, squeeze out a few drops of blood with your hands, wipe it clean with a clean cotton cloth, and finally take out a small jade bottle, open the lid and put it in front of Yong Yang's nose...

"Hmm..." Yong Yang moaned softly, his eyelids trembled slightly, and he woke up and turned around.

"Grandmother!" Fu Yunyan was ecstatic, and rushed up, shouting, "It's great that you finally woke up."

At this moment, the imperial physicians finally breathed a sigh of relief, they all retreated to the outside room, planning to discuss a prescription first, and then argue with Princess Yaoguang later.

Yong Yang blinked slowly, her chaotic eyes gradually became clearer, but her face was still lifeless, so she smiled lightly and said: "It's sister Yue, I'm sorry to trouble you again."

Nangong Yue took her hand and said softly: "Grandmother Yong Yang is too polite, Yue'er only hopes that you will get well soon."

"It's an old problem." Yong Yang said indifferently, "It's only Liu Niang and her father who made a fuss, and even called you over."

"Grandmother Yongyang, it's okay for you to be out of breath for a while, just take a good rest." Nangong Yue said with a smile, "I'll prescribe some prescriptions for you in a while, you should use them well, I promise You were a majestic general before the autumn hunt!"

Yong Yang couldn't help laughing, "I'm already at this age, how can I be majestic."

"Of course you are majestic!" Nangong Yue looked at her with burning eyes, her eyes full of admiration, "Yue'er would also like to ask you to point out the riding and shooting during the autumn hunting."

"Grandmother, don't promise her." Fu Yunyan pouted deliberately, "Ah Yue's archery is hopeless. Last time, when we were comparing arrows, she didn't hit the target with a few arrows. Cousin Bai who was in her group almost cried! If you teach her, you will definitely be angry."

"Grandmother Yongyang, don't trust Liu Niang." Nangong Yue pouted slightly, and said coquettishly, "As the saying goes, a famous teacher produces a good apprentice, I just haven't met a famous teacher, as long as there is a famous teacher like you to give me advice, I will His riding and shooting will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

"Just brag." Fu Yunyan nodded her nose and teased her, "If you brag, grandma won't believe it."

"Who said that?" Nangong Yue gently held Yong Yang's hand and said coquettishly, "Grandma Yong Yang, you said, I'm so smart, how could I not learn well?"

Yong Yang naturally knew that the two children were trying to make him happy, with a faint smile on his face, he said: "Sister Yue, don't listen to Liu Niang, riding a bow and arrow is the same as you study medicine, talent is only part of it, The more important thing is to work hard. If you want to learn, I will naturally teach you."

"Then it's a deal." Nangong Yue said with crooked eyebrows, "You must take medicine well! Yue'er's autumn hunting this time depends entirely on you." She said to Fu Yunyan with a smile, "Let's compete again at that time, it will definitely impress you all!"

"Okay, okay!" Fu Yunyan responded hastily, "Let Brother Yi take the Lingxiao bow that he won last time as a lottery. If you lose, the Lingxiao bow will belong to me!"

Although she and Xiao Yi are already engaged, Nangong Yue couldn't help but blushed because of her blatant teasing, and said in disbelief: "Grandma Yongyang, look at Liu Niang bullying me! Yue'er depends entirely on you! "

"Okay, okay." Yong Yang smiled and nodded in response, and said with a more gentle expression, "Brother Yi is a good boy, but sometimes his temper is a little bit out of control, and he doesn't have a sense of propriety when doing things, you have to take care of it from now on." he."

Nangong Yue's face turned even redder all of a sudden, she was so hot that she didn't dare to raise her head, but Fu Yunyan was still smiling and looking at her.

"Grandmother Yongyang, I, I'll prescribe a prescription for you." Nangong Yue said quickly, turned around and ran out.

When Nangong Yue walked to the outer room, there was still Xia Fei on her cheeks. At this time, the imperial physicians had already discussed a prescription, which was handed over by Imperial Physician Wu. After Nangong Yue looked at it carefully, she added two more medicines and handed them back to him.

Imperial Physician Wu thought about it carefully, and called "Miao Ji", hurriedly passed on the prescriptions one by one, and then said: "I really bother Princess Yaoguang."

Nangong Yue smiled and said, "It's okay. I would also like to ask Imperial Physician Wu and Uncle Fu to explain His Highness's condition in detail."

Physician Wu responded, "It's only natural..."

The imperial physicians performed their duties and got busy. Nangong Yue finally waited until her cheeks were no longer hot, and then returned to the inner room. She gave Fu Yunyan a fierce look at Fu Yunyan, who was winking at her, and secretly decided in her heart that she would wait until later Fu Yunyan is engaged, she must "revenge" her back!

After talking with Yong Yang for a while, after being teased again, Nangong Yue left angrily and said goodbye to Yong Yang's son and daughter-in-law, Fuli. Fu Yunyan sent her all the way to the second gate, pulling her He said with his hand: "Ah Yue, this time is really thanks to you."

"I have already called Yong Yang's grandmother. Of course, I am the same as my own grandmother. There is no need to thank me." Nangong Yue said with a smile, "Don't worry, as long as you take medicine properly, don't hurt your mind and mind, rest for a few days and you will be fine." never mind."

Fu Yunyan nodded hurriedly, keeping all her words in mind.

Nangong Yue got on the Zhulun car, waved to Fu Yunyan, and then put down the curtain.

Zhu Lunche slowly moved out of Yongyang Dachang Princess's Mansion, Nangong Yue rubbed the center of her brows tiredly. Yong Yang's illness is indeed not serious, but she is old after all, plus she has been tortured by severe poison for many years, after all, she still hurts her vitality. She added two new medicines on the basis of the prescription prescribed by the imperial physician. , It is also to consolidate the foundation and cultivate the yuan. Nangong Yue secretly planned that after a few days, she still needs to come to see a Ping An pulse.

Not long after, Zhu Lunche took her back to Nangong Mansion.

As soon as Nangong Yue returned to the room and changed her clothes, An Niang walked in with a smile, followed by a little maid holding a new rose-colored riding suit. I heard An Niang say: "Girl, Qiuhun's riding outfit is ready, do you want to try it first? If there is something wrong, it's better to modify it earlier."

Nangong Yue nodded, and Bai Hui took care of her and put on the newly made riding clothes.

This is a set of narrow-sleeved riding clothes with a rose cardinal pattern, double breastplate, narrow sleeves, a short jacket, and a belt. I also made a pair of black boots embroidered with a rose cardinal pattern to match the riding clothes. It looks heroic and valiant. There is no lack of coquettishness of the daughter's family.

"Miss San has really grown up!" An Niang looked at Nangong Yue with satisfaction and said with emotion. It seems that the third girl was just a little baby waiting to be fed yesterday, but in the blink of an eye, she has become a girl who is about the same size as herself, and her marriage is even settled. Anniang was overjoyed, and felt a sense of "my family has a girl who is just growing up".

"The third girl looks really good in her riding clothes." Que'er clapped her hands and praised.

An Niang also nodded: "Well, the size is not bad, but the waist seems a little too big. Miss San, you are too thin, you should eat more."

An Niang couldn't help talking, but Nangong Yue not only didn't find it annoying, but also felt very warm. All she wanted in this life was this kind of plain and warm life.

"The waist has to be half an inch smaller." An Niang pondered and made a decision, "Then make two more sets according to this size, Miss San, what do you think?"

Nangong Yue nodded with a smile and said, "Anniang, you can be the master."

"Third Miss, it's almost time, do you want to go to Qingzhiyuan?" Baihui reminded after looking at the sky. During this time, Nangong Yue continued to go to Qingzhi Hospital twice a day, morning and evening, to diagnose Liu Qingqing's pulse and prescribe prescriptions.

Nangong Yue changed out of her riding clothes, and An Niang took them to the sewing room for revision, and then took Baihui to Qingzhiyuan. When she arrived, she saw Nangong Cheng talking with Liu Qingqing in the room to relieve boredom.

At the same time as Nangong Yue greeted them, she sized up Nangong Cheng without a trace. She was smiling, her complexion was ruddy, and she was full of energy. There was no previous haze in her bright eyes. It seemed that she was really sincere. Wang came out of the haze brought by him.

That's good! Nangong Yue was also happy for Nangong Cheng in her heart, and asked Liu Qingqing with a smile: "Sister-in-law, do you feel okay today? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Liu Qingqing sat on the bed leaning on the big welcoming pillow, nodded and smiled at Nangong Yue: "Third sister, I am fine, and the baby in my stomach is also very good."

Nangong Yue sat on the edge of the bed and checked Liu Qingqing's pulse as usual, her brows were completely relaxed, and she said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, I have some good news for you."

Liu Qingqing's eyes lit up immediately, but she was a little panicked, and said cautiously: "Third sister, you mean..." Is she alright? Is the baby alright? She hardly dared to breathe, fearing that she was dreaming.

Nangong Yue nodded vigorously to her: "Sister-in-law, you are all healed! You and the baby in your belly are fine. From now on, you don't have to lie on the bed like this every day. Although you can't do strenuous exercise, you can still get out of bed. The bed moved around." She said with a bright smile, "My little nephew will definitely be born smoothly."

"This is really great, sister-in-law." Nangong Cheng clapped his hands together happily, "By the way, the baby's clothes have to be prepared quickly."

Nangong Yue pursed her lips and smiled: "Big sister, you'd better ask my mother or Nanny Gui, I heard that the clothes of a newborn baby are also very particular, if the clothes are not chosen properly, it will damage the baby's delicate skin .”

"What the third sister said is true." Nangong Cheng said enthusiastically, "I will ask Nanny Gui carefully when I go back."

The three chatted for a while about the baby's clothes, hats, shoes, etc., before Nangong Yue and Nangong Cheng took their leave and left Qingzhiyuan.

At this time, the sun was slanting to the west, and there was a hazy piece of yellow in the sky.

Nangong Cheng looked at the sky and suggested, "Third sister, why don't we go to Rong'an Hall to pay our respects to grandma together."

Nangong Yue nodded, and the two chatted as they walked, most of the topics they talked about were about the child in Liu Qingqing's womb, and they didn't mention Cheng Wang in a word, as if this person never existed. When they passed a side road, a girl in a white dress and a little maid walked towards them.

"Cousin Xiao..." Nangong Cheng greeted him with a smile, but his expression was somewhat unnatural. Apart from Nangong Yue, only Bai Muxiao knew something about himself and King Cheng.

"Hello, two cousins." Bai Muxiao smiled and blessed her body.

Nangong Cheng said without words: "Cousin Xiao, the ice fruit you sent today is very delicious."

"Cousin Cheng, as long as you like it." Bai Muxiao saw Nangong Cheng's embarrassment, and there was a trace of pity in her eyes. She originally tried to persuade Nangong Cheng with good intentions, but she didn't want her to enter into an unfortunate marriage. Unfortunately, Nangong Cheng was really indecisive, so she was persuaded by Nangong Yue's few words.

I have done what I can do, I hope Nangong Cheng will not regret it in the future.

Bai Muxiao looked at Nangong Cheng and Nangong Yue sympathetically, how could they be happy if they passively let others arrange their marriages!

The faint afterglow of the sunset wine on Bai Muxiao's slender figure gave a feeling that everyone was drunk and the only one sober.

Nangong Yue naturally felt it, and she felt both funny and funny in her heart. She really didn't understand where Bai Muxiao's self-confidence came from, and felt that they needed her to sympathize with them.

"Cousin Xiao is also going to pay her respects to grandma?" Nangong Yue asked deliberately, breaking the original weird and subtle atmosphere.

Bai Muxiao replied with a smile, "Exactly."

While speaking, the three of them walked towards Rong'an Hall together.

When they arrived at Rong'an Hall, Lin's, Huang's and other women's family members were already in Dongci Room. Nangong Yue and the three saluted everyone one by one. For a while, the house was very lively.

After the three of them were seated one by one, Su Shi asked with concern: "Sister Yue, you went to Yongyang Dachang Princess' mansion today, is Your Highness still in good health?"

Nangong Yue replied respectfully: "Back to grandma, Her Royal Highness is fine, but still needs a few days of recuperation."

"That's good." Su nodded gratifiedly, "This man, as he gets older, his body and bones are not as good as before." She sighed and said, "Just take me as an example, now I am full of vigor and vitality. It's not as good as it used to be, it's old!"

"Look at what mother said." Nangong Yun said flatteringly, "Mother is not old. If she goes out, others will definitely think that she and her daughter are sisters."

Su's eyebrows stretched, and he laughed: "You are the only one with a sweet mouth."

For a while, Dongci room was full of laughter and laughter, until the servant girl's report came from outside: "The elder master and the second master are here."

After a while, Nangong Qin and Nangong Mu strode in one after another, greeted Mrs. Su, and sat on the armchairs at the bottom. Immediately a maid served tea.

Nangong Qin picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said to Su: "Mother, today the empress has issued an order temporarily, announcing that some noble ladies who participated in the flower viewing party last time will accompany this autumn hunting, Sister Cheng and Sister Xiao are also on the accompanying list." As he spoke, a look of worry flashed across his eyes, and he paused for a moment on Nangong Cheng.

If his predictions were correct, the noble ladies of the Autumn Hunting Xuan were probably accompanying the three princes to choose concubines. The emperor and the empress probably wanted to observe more suitable noble ladies, but they didn't expect that The queen even called Sister Cheng... He thought that after what he said in the imperial study, the emperor would not care about Sister Cheng anymore, it seems that he was still too naive.

I just hope that sister Cheng has really figured it out, and the Nangong family will not be involved in this disturbance again!

Nangong Cheng lowered his head halfway, his eyes dim. Once you drive with me in Autumn Hunting, maybe you will meet that person... She clenched her fist, and soon her eyes became clear again, and she said to herself, so what if she meets him? She and him are already strangers! As long as you Be careful what you say and do.

"This is really great!" Su smiled from ear to ear. Ever since Nangong Qin sent the two nuns sent by Concubine Zhang back to the palace last time, and told her resolutely that she would not let Nangong Cheng marry into the royal family, Su Shi has always felt uncomfortable.

But now, the empress actually recruited Nangong Cheng to accompany her in the autumn hunt, which means that the emperor and empress still treat Nangong Cheng differently.

Su thought happily, as long as the emperor and empress were satisfied with Nangong Cheng and issued an imperial decree to designate Nangong Cheng as the third concubine, even if Nangong Qin didn't want to, would he be able to resist the decree

Thinking of this, Mrs. Su looked at Nangong Cheng and then at Bai Muxiao. The more she looked, the more satisfied she was, and she thought: This sister Xiao is also blessed. She was overjoyed to be summoned by the palace twice. .

Mrs. Su hurriedly told Mrs. Lin: "Second daughter-in-law, hurry up and prepare some riding outfits for Sister Cheng and Sister Xiao."

"Yes, mother." Lin replied with a smile.

"It's really troublesome for the second sister-in-law." Nangong Yun said politely to Mrs. Lin, then turned to look at Bai Muxiao with relief, "Sister Xiao, you have to prepare well." Her sister Xiao really gave her a face, He was summoned by the queen twice in a row.

Bai Muxiao smiled and said nothing, her heart moved slightly, and her eyes flickered. Last time at the flower viewing party, she deliberately behaved mediocrely, but this time she was able to accompany the autumn hunting party. Could it be because of "him" again

Hey! Bai Muxiao sighed in her heart, she had rejected him clearly, why did he bother!

Since there is no chance, why insist on it again and again

Bai Muxiao's brows seemed to be frowning but not frowning, and her eyes were like a deep pool, bottomless.

In the whole room, the most unhappy people were probably Huang Shi and Nangong Lin. The eyes of the mother and daughter were like countless needles piercing Bai Muxiao densely, wishing to make her into a hedgehog.

Bai Muxiao, it's Bai Muxiao again! Nangong Lin gritted her teeth and thought, since Bai Muxiao came, all the posts that belonged to her have been flying away.

Huang couldn't help but said sharply: "Uncle, why is there no sister Lin? Since uncle helped Sister Xiao to win, how could he forget his own niece?" Even Nangong Qin dared to raise doubts.

Before Nangong Qin could speak, Su's eyes shot at Huang's like a knife. The eldest son, Nangong Qin, is the head of the family in Nangong Mansion, how could Huang, a concubine and daughter-in-law, arrange things at will.

"Huang Shi, this is the Queen's order, how can you allow you to question it!" Su Shi reprimanded coldly, Huang Shi's face paled three points in fright, Huang Shi was shocked and frightened, and regretted that he had a hot head , acting too impulsively.

The days are full of joy and jealousy, and in the blink of an eye, September 20th, the day of autumn hunting has finally arrived...

-off topic-

Yong Yang's daughter will be a very important role, so the title of this chapter is not random...

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