The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 199: -sweet


The so-called: Spring hunting is searching, autumn hunting is hunting!

Dayu's autumn hunting is held every two years, and it can be said that it is the largest hunting event carried out by the royal family and the powerful families.

September 20th was the day to go to Shenlong Mountain for autumn hunting.

In the early morning, the genius showed his belly white, and the Rong'an hall was already full of people, except for Nangong Qinxian who went to the palace to see the emperor off with all the officials, almost everyone else in the mansion was there.

Su Shi is telling Nangong Yue, Nangong Cheng and Bai Muxiao carefully:

"The hunting ground is dangerous, don't go if you can."

"Sister Cheng, Sister Xiao, you don't know how to ride a horse, so don't ride if no one is watching!"

"The people who are going to participate in the autumn hunting are mostly noble people. Remember to be cautious in your words and deeds, and you must not offend others at will; but if others really bully you too much, don't swallow your anger too much, thinking that people in Nangong Mansion are easy to bully gone."


Su Shi said one after another impatiently, Nangong Yue, Nangong Cheng and Bai Muxiao all listened respectfully and responded from time to time.

After talking for almost an incense stick, Su Shi finally felt that he had said enough, and turned his head to Nangong Yue and asked: "Sister Yue, you went to the spring hunting with your car last year, and you have experience. This time Qiu Lie needs to take care of your big sister and cousin..."

Before Mrs. Su could finish speaking, she saw a little girl entering the main hall beaming with joy, reporting: "Old lady, the third uncle is here!" While saluting, the little girl took a quick look at Nangong Yue, thinking that the third girl is really nice It's fate, the emperor gave her a marriage, and the future third son-in-law still cares about her so much.

Third son-in-law? Isn't that Xiao Yi, the eldest son of the Prince of Zhennan? Everyone in the room showed surprise, and their eyes swished on Nangong Yue, both joyful and envious.

Xiao Yi is here to pick him up! According to the rules, Princess Zhennan is in the capital, and she also wants to drive Qiuhun. As a "son", Xiao Yi should protect Princess Zhennan in front of the car, but he ran away. Come to pick me up... Nangong Yue couldn't help showing a faint smile on her face, and a soft light flashed in her dark almond eyes.

Lin looked at her daughter and couldn't help smiling. The future son-in-law specially came to the mansion to pick up his daughter and go on the road together, because he really cares about his daughter.

Su's smile was even brighter, and she said to Nangong Mu: "Second brother, it's rare that the third son-in-law is so caring, you should go and entertain him first."

"Yes, mother." After Nangong Mu cupped his hands, he went to the front yard, thinking about seeing his future son-in-law soon, and felt a sense of unexplainable sadness in his heart...

Afterwards, Su Shi said to Nangong Cheng, Nangong Yue and Bai Muxiao: "Sister Cheng, Sister Yue, Sister Xiao, it's getting late, you all should prepare quickly and set off quickly, so as not to delay the hours. "And let everyone disperse.

Everyone agreed in unison and withdrew from Rong'an Hall one after another.

"Mother," Nangong Yue said to Lin with a smile on her face, "I'll go back to the Black Bamboo Garden and change into my riding uniform, and I'll ride with Ayi on the road later." Looking forward to the next autumn hunt.

Riding on the road? Lin's first feeling was that it was inappropriate, but seeing her daughter's bright smile and red face in the morning light, the words that seemed to be dissuading were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say anything.

My daughter is so happy, why should I speak out to spoil her happiness

Besides, Prince Zhennan came here to pick up his daughter, and the two of them talked and laughed while riding horses, which also helped increase their relationship. The two of them are engaged now, it is time to cultivate and cultivate their relationship, and then they will be able to sing harmoniously after they get married!

In this way, Mrs. Lin didn't speak to dissuade her, but said with concern: "Sister Yue, if you want to ride a horse, you can, and you must pay attention to safety."

"Mother, don't worry." Nangong Yue responded with a smile, and then quickly returned to the Black Bamboo Courtyard with Lily.

On the other side, Xiao Yi was led to Nangong Mu's outer study.

"I've met my father-in-law!" Xiao Yi bowed respectfully, trying to impress Nangong Yue's father.

"Sit down." Nangong Mu said seemingly casually, but in fact carefully scrutinized Xiao Yi's every move with somewhat critical eyes.

In Nangong Mu's heart, Xiao Yi ran to Nangong Mansion to pick up his daughter in such a big way. Strictly speaking, it was a bit against the rules, but he also had to admit that it was a good thing that Xiao Yi cared about his daughter so much. It would be even more inappropriate to dampen his enthusiasm.

However, Nangong Mu felt uncomfortable when he thought that the baby girl he had raised would be snatched away by this brat, and he didn't pick it himself. But when the daughter grows up, she must be betrothed...

Nangong Mu sighed inwardly, he also heard Lin's story about what happened that day in Xia Xiaoding, so he slightly changed his view of Xiao Yi. Although Xiao Shizi's reputation outside the world is not very good, judging from Xiaoding's performance on that day and today, he is not a fool. The most important point is that he has a heart!

If this person has no intentions, no matter how good or outstanding he is, he will definitely not be a good son-in-law.

If you have the heart, even if you are stubborn, you can teach it slowly...

While Xiao Yi sat down, he looked around the study room. He has long heard that his future father-in-law Nangong Mu is a great talent who is good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and now he sees that it is indeed the case. Nangong Mu's study room is very elegant, with several landscape calligraphy and paintings hanging on the three walls, rows of bookshelves filled with various books, a guqin and a pot of green asparagus bamboo placed on the window case... It seems that both Elegant and full of strong book flavor.

Xiao Yi's eyes fell on a cursive script on the opposite wall, and he asked with a smile: "I have heard for a long time that my father-in-law's calligraphy is majestic, powerful, and stippling. I saw it today, and it really impressed my son-in-law! If I have a chance, I will invite you My father-in-law will give some advice to my son-in-law."

Hearing what he said, it seems that he also has a little understanding of writing. He is not the kind of reckless man who only likes to wield knives and guns. Nangong Mu looked at Xiao Yi with a more relaxed gaze, and said with a smile: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Come and write a word, let me see."

"Okay." Xiao Yi stood up quickly and walked towards the desk.

The waiter in the study immediately helped grind the ink and spread the paper. Xiao Yi picked up a wolf brush, dipped it in the ink, and wrote down the word "town" regularly.

Nangong Mu took a closer look and his eyes lit up. Of course, Xiao Yi's handwriting is incomparable to his own, but considering his age, he is quite good, full of muscles and bones, and also has a sharp edge.

Look at the words, you can see the person!

This Xiao Yi seems to be a little bit better than I expected... Sister Yue marrying him should not be a bright pearl.

Although Nangong Mu was somewhat satisfied with Xiao Yi in his heart, he didn't show it on his face, and said indifferently: "Xiao Shizi's handwriting is not bad, what books have you been reading recently?"

"My father-in-law calls me A Yi." Xiao Yi said warmly, "My son-in-law is reading "Zuo Zhuan" recently."

"Zuo Zhuan"? Nangong Mu was a little surprised. Xiao Yinai was born in a military general's family, and he would definitely not take the imperial examination. "is not only a chronicle with detailed narrative, but also involves the long-term and short-term causes of each battle in the Spring and Autumn Period, the changes in the combination of national relations, pre-war planning, the process of confrontation, the impact of war, etc. For generals, You should really read "Zuo Zhuan"!

""Zuo Zhuan" is good, if you don't understand anything, feel free to ask me." Nangong Mu Han said with a smile, the eyes that looked at Xiao Yi finally softened a lot.

Xiao Yi, who is as intelligent as he is, naturally sensed the changes in Nangong Mu, and immediately said with a stick: "My lord father-in-law, if there is anything my son-in-law doesn't understand, I will definitely come to ask you." Like, coax the father-in-law, so that he can come to Nangong Mansion more openly... Father-in-law, you are so considerate!

While talking, a servant came into the study and reported: "The second master, the third son-in-law, the eldest girl, and the third girl are almost ready."

Nangong Mu hurriedly stood up and said, "Ayi, let's go there."

To Xiao Yi, the word "Ah Yi" was already the great affirmation of his father-in-law. He immediately smiled brighter, and his peach blossom eyes were sparkling, so handsome that it was almost impossible to look directly at him.

Nangong Mu couldn't help shaking his head secretly when he saw it, not to mention anything else, the future son-in-law's growth is really worrying...

When Nangong Mu and Xiao Yi came to Ermen, there were already five carriages parked there. Except for Nangong Yue's Zhulun carriage, the other four carriages were high-quality golden silk nanmu carriages prepared by the mansion, which were durable. , most suitable for traveling.

Nangong Cheng, Shuxiang, and Moxiang took the first carriage, Bai Muxiao and Bihen took the second carriage, the other accompanying maids and wives took another carriage, and the last golden silk nanmu carriage was released. Some food and daily necessities.

At this time, the second gate was very lively, a group of people waited around the carriage, exhorting, saying goodbye, getting ready...

Xiao Yi saw Nangong Yue's Zhulun chariot at a glance, and hurriedly strode forward. Nangong Xin beside Zhulun chariot couldn't wait to wave to him: "Ah Yi!" Lin was still standing beside him.

"Mother-in-law, Ah Xin!" Xiao Yi bowed to Lin Shi and Nangong Xin, stared at Zhu Lunche with burning eyes, and said in his heart: The smelly girl heard his voice, why should she lift the curtain?

But his eyes almost stared at Zhu Lun's car through two holes, and he didn't see any movement from the people in the car.

Lin who was at the side naturally noticed Xiao Yi's gaze, and secretly felt it was funny, but because of this, he felt that the child was a bit cute.

Why didn't the stinky girl respond? Xiao Yi pursed his lips, a little disappointed. At this moment, a clear female voice came from the front like the sound of heaven: "Ah Yi!"

Xiao Yi immediately showed his face, followed the prestige to look around, his head seemed to be empty for a while.

Nangong Yue walked slowly leading a black horse, her face was covered with a white veil, and she wore a riding suit with red sparrow patterns, which made her skin look like snow, and her heroic appearance radiated.

A gust of wind suddenly passed by, blowing up a corner of the veil, revealing her small and white chin, and her bright red mouth looming.

Xiao Yi's heart beat faster for no reason, and his ears felt hot. His stinky girl is indeed the prettiest!

"Ayi!" Nangong Yue didn't realize that someone's youthful heart was ready to move, she smiled slightly, and her almond eyes were also stained with a faint smile, like winter jasmine blooming in spring, "Let's ride to the east gate together. "The number of people participating in the autumn hunt this time is more than before. The accompanying civil and military ministers and nobles will set off from the palace gate together with the emperor's driver, and some people, such as Nangong Yue, will join the rear of the team from near the east gate. , and then head to Shenlong Mountain together.

Xiao Yi couldn't believe his ears, he was almost knocked out by the pie that fell from the sky, he was only planning to escort Nangong Yue outside the Zhulun car, but he didn't expect such a good thing to happen!

Xiao Yi hurriedly responded with a smile: "Okay! Let's ride there together."

Xiao Yi bent his slender index finger between his lips, and blew a clear whistle. Before the bamboo could pull him, Yueying raised his hooves, trotted up to Xiao Yi, and rubbed his head affectionately. Rubbing against Nangong Yue.

"Yueying, long time no see." Nangong Yue gently stroked Yueying's head, and even fed it a piece of malt candy.

Xiao Yi raised his peachy eyes, and said deliberately dissatisfied: "Yue Ying, this guy, he does this every time, so I don't want to be my master after seeing you!"

Nangong Yue glanced at him with a coquettish smile, and Xiao Yi smiled brighter.

Lin looked at the two of them, and pursed her lips in satisfaction. The future son-in-law and daughter stood together like a pair of people, and they seemed to be a perfect match.

At this time, Nangong Mu coughed and reminded: "I think it's getting late, and it's time for you to leave."

It was indeed getting late, and it was almost time, Nangong Yun gave Bai Muxiao another word, and stepped aside. Xiao Yi and Nangong Yue got on their horses neatly and rode side by side. The two looked heroic and energetic.

"Ayi, you have to take good care of my sister." Nangong Xin reluctantly told Xiao Yi, thinking that he would not see his sister for two months, his dark eyes couldn't hide the sadness color.

"Of course." Xiao Yi said as a matter of course, "I can't lose her even if I lose her."

"Father, mother, brother, we're leaving now!" Nangong Yue bid farewell to Nangong Mu and Lin.

Nangong Mu nodded slightly implicitly, Lin's face showed reluctance, but he didn't say anything more after all.

The coachmen all got into the carriages, waved their whips, and drove forward. Nangong Yue and Xiao Yi followed behind, letting the carriage go first.

The wheels rolled, and several carriages drove slowly towards the gate one by one. In the second carriage, Bai Muxiao slightly opened the curtains, waved her hand to bid farewell to her mother Nangong Yun, and glanced at Nangong Yue and Xiao Yi inadvertently. After passing by, he finally paused on Xiao Yi's handsome face, his eyes flashed, revealing a look of astonishment.

It turns out that Xiao Yi, the heir of Zhennan Prince, looks like this!

She didn't pay much attention to Xiao Yi at the flower viewing party in the palace last time. Looking at it now, this Xiao Yi's appearance is indeed exceptional. His sculpture-like facial features are almost perfect, male and female, almost gorgeous, but There is no trace of femininity!

Looking at Nangong Yue next to him, she has a pretty figure, her brows are calm and introverted somewhat different from her peers, her temperament is as noble as orchid, and she stands side by side with the magnificent Xiao Yi, like the bright moon and the stars, exuding indistinctness Zhongbo's brilliance.

Looking at it this way, these two people really match each other very well... It's a pity that this Xiao Yi is a well-known dude in Wangdu. What a pity that a flower was stuck in cow dung.

However, the marriage between the two of them was bestowed by the emperor's imperial decree. With Nangong Yue's pedantic and outdated thinking, maybe Xiao Yi is regarded as her husband and heaven now!

Thinking of this, Bai Muxiao's eyes showed a trace of pity and compassion. She could almost imagine that after Nangong Yue married in the future, it was doomed not to be happy.

It's a pity that such a talented woman will be submerged in an inch of the back house from now on. It's really pitiful and pitiful!

In Bai Muxiao's thoughts of emotion, a group of chariots and horses slowly left Nangong Mansion, headed for the east gate, passed a street outside Nangong Mansion, and turned into the main street of Wangdu. , Today, because the holy driver was going to pass by here, the usually noisy street became silent. On both sides of the street, a row of soldiers with red tasseled guns stood at three steps.

There was no one on the street, but a lot of onlookers gathered in the shops and restaurants on both sides, in order to see the majesty of the holy driver.

Nangong Yue and his party accelerated on the empty street, and they arrived at the East City Gate in less than half an hour. Xiao Yi led the charge, and with a flick of their waist cards, they were let out of the East City Gate.

On both sides of the official road outside the city gate, there were already many carriages waiting for the mansions, and many of the noble ladies also traveled on horseback like Nangong Yue. Those noble ladies on horseback saw Nangong Yue from a distance and nodded in greeting.

"Ah Yue!" A familiar female voice suddenly came from the front.

Nangong Yue followed the sound and saw Fu Yunyan and Fu Yunhe wearing veils riding on two black horses, waving whips with their right hands, greeting them.

"It's Liu Niang and the others." Nangong Yue showed a bright smile on her face, clamped the horse's belly, and drove the horse to trot towards them.

Xiao Yi had no choice but to keep up, and gave them a dissatisfied look by the way. He originally wanted to talk to the stinky girl for a while, but these two guys really don't look at each other!

Fu Yunhe shuddered inexplicably, and noticed Xiao Yi's dissatisfaction with keen eyesight, he couldn't help but thumped in his heart, and said with a dry smile: "Brother... Uh, sister-in-law, you guys arrived really early!"

When Nangong Yue heard the word "sister-in-law", her pretty face couldn't help but feel slightly hot.

Xiao Yi was immediately elated, and gave Fu Yunhe a glance of admiration, the "sister-in-law" really won his heart. Well, for the time being, let the adults forgive the brothers and sisters for their ignorance.

Fu Yunhe breathed a sigh of relief at last, and thought to himself: It's okay, it's okay... Xiaobai is right, as a young boy, the most important thing is to know how to read words and expressions!

"I thought you guys would come out together with the driver." Nangong Yue pursed her lips and smiled, glanced at the direction of their carriage, and there was no Zhulun carriage, so she asked, "Isn't Grandma Yongyang with you?"

Fu Yunyan smiled and said: "Grandmother entered the palace early in the morning. There are too many red tapes before going out in the palace, so we just came out of the mansion. Grandmother said that when we get to Hunting Palace, I will teach you how to ride horses." Shoot, my grandmother is very strict, Ayue, you just wait to suffer." Then she said to Xiao Yi, "Brother Yi, have you brought out your Lingxiao bow yet? Wait until Ayue loses to Xiao Yi in the competition." After me, don't be reckless!"

Xiao Yi responded very readily, "No problem!"

Nangong Yue's cheeks were slightly red, and she said angrily, "I also have a bow that can be used as a prize!"

Fu Yunyan joked and said, "Who told you to get engaged. If you lose, brother Yi should be the winner."

Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right."

This guy actually didn't help her! Nangong Yue glared at Xiao Yi, staring until his heart was numb, and he just wanted to drag his stinky girl aside to have a good talk.

Xiao Yi looked at the unsightly pair of brothers and sisters in front of him, and said kindly: "Little Crane, I think the holy driver is coming soon, you should hurry back to your car and wait." He still had a smile on his face, his eyes There is a strong warning smell in it.

"Brother is right." Fu Yunhe hurriedly responded, "Looking at the time, Sheng Jia should be here soon. Liu Niang, let's go back first."

How could Fu Yunyan not know Xiao Yi's careful thinking, winked at Nangong Yue playfully, and said, "Well, Ah Yue, see you later."

After dismissing the Fu brothers and sisters away, Xiao Yi looked at Nangong Yue with a smile on his face, and was about to speak when he heard a shout coming from the direction of the city gate: "The holy driver is here! The holy driver is here!"

Xiao Yi's face turned dark immediately, and he felt like a crow's mouth.

In the distance, a banner embroidered with a nine-clawed golden dragon could be seen waving, and everyone waiting outside the east city knelt down and saluted, shouting long live... until the holy car left, those accompanying carriages and horses were still alive. The earth followed like the stars and the moon, and finally only those ministers who stayed behind stayed at the gate of the city to pay homage to the emperor.

On this day, Nangong Yue accompanied Xiao Yi to ride a horse for a whole day, and when they left the boundary of the royal capital, the noble ladies who rode the horses all took off their veils one after another.

In this way, riding all the way, although she felt a little tired that day, it was not unbearable. Baihui also specially helped her massage to relax her stiff muscles... Unexpectedly, Nangong Yue really felt it the next morning. When it came to the sequelae of horse riding, she was suffering from back pain all over her body, and she felt as if her bones were about to fall apart when she moved a little.

With the help of Baihui and Baihe, she massaged and applied medicated oil, which made Nangong Yue feel better.

In this way, it is naturally impossible for Nangong Yue to accompany Xiao Yi on horseback riding, so she can only abandon the horse and get on her Zhulun carriage.

Xiao Yi's heart ached unceasingly, and he only felt that he was too sloppy. He is thick-skinned and rough-skinned, and he is used to riding horses, but the stinky girl is spoiled and pampered, but she is different from me! I blame myself for not being careful enough! Xiao Yi blamed himself in his heart, so he could only accompany Nangong Yue's Zhulun cart every day, with her Chat to relieve boredom.

In this way, after a long journey of ten days or so, this group of mighty troops finally arrived at the foot of Shenlong Mountain. Shenlong Mountain is not a mountain, but a large continuous mountain range, of which only two mountains have been designated as royal hunting grounds. At the foot of the mountain is a huge Hunting Palace, which is almost like a miniature version of the imperial palace. There are not only many sleeping palaces for the emperor, ministers, and female relatives, but also the Guangming Hall, the Qinzheng Hall, and the Cabinet for the emperor to handle government affairs. There are various value rooms for the six departments and military aircraft, and there are gardens, pavilions, corridors, curved bridges, rockeries, lakes and meandering rivers dotted among them...

The Qifeng Garden in the Hunting Palace is the residence of the queen and her family members. The queen lived in the largest Fenglin Palace, and Nangong Yue was arranged by the queen to Qingxiazhai not far from Fenglin Palace. Bai Muxiao also took advantage of it, and lived in Qingxia Zhai together.

After spending more than an hour settling in Qingxiazhai, Nangong Yue washed up, changed her clothes and went to the Queen's Fenglin Palace under the wait of Baihui and Baihe.

The maid guarding outside the palace saluted Nangong Yue respectfully, and said: "Princess, please wait here, the Empress is waiting inside."

In fact, even if the maid didn't say anything, Nangong Yue guessed that there was someone else in the palace, and the queen's displeased reprimand even Nangong Yue could faintly hear a few words when she was standing outside the palace, like "don't go too far" and "shabby" , "style" and so on.

Nangong Yue smiled at the maid, "Since the empress has guests, I will wait here."

Nangong Yue waited outside the hall for a while, and saw a slightly plump woman in her thirties coming out of the hall angrily. The ruby butterfly walks, gorgeous and rich, but its face is full of resentment, unwillingness and resentment.

It turned out to be Princess Qi! Han Huaijun's aunt.

A strange light flashed in Nangong Yue's eyes, and she was about to go forward to salute the other party, but she saw the other party snorted angrily, her face couldn't hide the look of embarrassment, she lightly brushed her temples, without even looking at Nangong Yue , and strode away.

After the palace maid informed Nangong Yue, she led her into the palace.

The queen seemed to be in a bad mood, and complained displeasedly to Nanny Wen next to her: "... this Princess Qi is getting more and more outrageous! She used to force Brother Jun not to allow him to stand out, although this palace is in the heart There are quite a few, but this is the family affairs of Prince Qi's mansion, and this palace has never interfered with anything! Now it is rare for Brother Jun to be so upbeat and highly valued by the emperor, which is also the glory of Prince Qi's mansion! King Qi ignored the inner court and wanted to arrange such a dilapidated marriage for Lord Huai, how could a merchant's daughter be worthy of Lord Huai!" The queen became more and more angry, "She is not just like a aunt, How does she look like a majestic first-rank princess!"

Thinking of Mr. Han Huai's background, Sister Wen sighed in disbelief: "...if His Royal Highness Qi Wang hadn't entered the Zhang family when he lost his memory, but Zhang's status was really too low, Mr. Huai Jun should have been the dignified eldest son of the Qi Wang. How could this Princess Qi act like this!"

At this moment, Nanny Wen saw Nangong Yue, and hurriedly said, "Ma'am, the princess is here."

The queen raised her eyes to look at Nangong Yue, the original anger on her face dissipated, she waved to Nangong Yue with a smile, "Yue girl, come quickly."

After Nangong Yue stepped forward to salute the queen, she walked up to the queen.

The queen affectionately pulled Nangong Yue's little hand and said, "Girl Yue, have you been exhausted by the exhaustion of the day and night? Look at you, you have lost a lot of weight."

"Thank you for your love. Yue'er is fine." Nangong Yue blessed Fushen with a smile, "My lady should also pay attention to her body."

The queen sighed, and said again: "I'm alright, it's your sister Xi..."

"What's wrong with Sister Xi?" Nangong Yue asked nervously.

Knowing that Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi have a good relationship, the queen hurriedly said: "Your sister Xi is probably tired, so her body is a little weak, and she is not acclimatized. She vomited several times today. I have asked the imperial doctor to see her. It's nothing serious. Just need to lie down a bit more."

Nangong Yue heaved a sigh of relief, "As long as sister Xi is fine, then Yue'er will come to see her when she gets better."

The queen patted her hand with a smile, and said: "Yue girl, you should go back to Qing Xia Zhai and have a good rest first. I will hold a banquet in Hanhui Pavilion at Youshi tonight, and invite all the girls. Remember to bring Call your big sister and cousin."

"Yes, ma'am." Nangong Yue nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, then you go back to rest first..." The queen seemed to think of something suddenly, and reminded, "Yue girl, don't forget to pay your respects to Princess Zhennan later." Although the queen didn't like it either That Zhennan Wang Jiwangfei, Xiao Fang, but since Nangong Yue and Xiao Yi have made a marriage, then Xiao Fang is her future mother-in-law, if she doesn't go to salute Xiao Fang, it is inevitable that she will be left behind and even accused Nangong Yue didn't understand the rules.

Nangong Yue naturally understood the empress's kindness, a grateful smile appeared on her fair face, and she responded docilely: "Yue Er, thank you for your reminder, and I will go over to say hello to the princess in a while."

The queen nodded in relief, and let Nangong Yue go down.

After Nangongyue left Fenglin Palace, she asked Baihui to go back to Qingxiazhai to get a box of refreshing tea, and then went to Yanyuzhai where Xiaofang lived. The maid led Nangongyue into the hall. At this time, not only Xiaofangshi Here, Fang Wisteria is also there.

As soon as she saw Nangong Yue, Fang Ziteng's picky and unkind eyes pierced over quietly. Just such a little girl who hadn't grown up robbed her of the seat of the concubine. Every time she saw her, Fang Ziteng couldn't get angry Call one.

Nangong Yue didn't look sideways. She didn't need to talk to such a person who didn't know the so-called.

"I've seen the princess." Nangong Yue saluted Xiao Fang with impeccable etiquette. Thinking of the last time Xiao Fang took Joe in Nangong's mansion, everyone stood on their knees for a while, so this time, Xiao Fang didn't wait. Saying excuse me, she straightened up by herself.

Xiao Fang felt displeased. If Nangong Yue was just an ordinary weak woman, she would naturally use this as an excuse to teach her a lesson, but Nangong Yue is a princess who is deeply loved by the queen, so she can only suppress this tone , smiled nonchalantly: "Princess, please sit down."

"Thank you, princess!" Nangong Yue nodded and sat down, "My concubine has been exhausted all this way, and Yaoguang has some refreshing tea to restore energy, so I specially brought it to the princess." Without winking, Baihui offered refreshing tea , the maid next to Xiao Fang took it immediately.

"Then I would like to thank the princess for her kindness." Xiao Fang said happily, but she secretly thought in her heart that she must remember to let the maid handle the tea. How dare she eat what Nangong Yue sent.

Fang Ziteng looked for the gap and said: "Master, it's been a long time. Last time Teng'er specially went to your residence..."

Fang Ziteng originally took this opportunity to let the Xiaofang family decide for her again, but before she finished speaking, a servant girl's panicked voice came from outside the hall: "My lord, please wait a moment, the princess has a guest... Please, my lord." stay..."

During the speech, a slender and tall figure strode in regardless of the maid's obstruction, a cold light shone in her beautiful eyes.

"Cousin!" Fang Ziteng stood up overjoyed.