The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 200: -provocative


"I've seen my concubine."

Xiao Yi bowed to Xiao Fang without even looking at Fang Ziteng.

"Brother Yi, why are you here?" Xiao Fang smiled reluctantly, thinking that Xiao Yi's news was too well-informed, Nangong Yue had just arrived, and he came here upon hearing the news. Are you still afraid that you will not succeed if you eat her

Xiao Yi said with a half-smile: "Mother Concubine, I'm here to greet Mother Concubine." As he spoke, he looked at Nan Gongyue, pretending to be surprised and said, "Princess, why are you here? You've worked hard, so let's not disturb the concubine's rest."

Xiao Yi obviously came for himself, and Nangong Yue certainly would not waste his heart, nodding his head and saying: "Your Majesty is right."

"Brother Yi, you..." Xiao Fang was almost mad, but Xiao Yi ignored her at all, grabbed Nangong Yue's wrist through his sleeve, turned around and left.

"Cousin!" Fang Ziteng stomped her feet and shouted from behind, but her voice was once again ignored by everyone.

Xiao Yi pulled Nangong Yue all the way out of Yanyuzhai, then slowed down a little, and said with some worry: "Stinky girl, you don't need to pay attention to them from now on!"

At this time, the sky was already dim, and the half-bright afterglow of the setting sun hit Xiao Yi's face, forming a dark and unclear shadow, which made him exude a melancholy temperament that was different from usual.

Nangong Yue felt as if her heart was being grabbed by something, and she couldn't help but think of Xiao Yi in her previous life. In the previous life, she killed her brother and father. Naturally, even her stepmother, Xiao Fang, was not spared. Although he later inherited Zhennan King However, since then, he has also been burdened with a bad reputation that can never be washed away. Hundreds of philanthropists and filial piety are the first, even if in the end Xiao Yi has a lot of power in his hands, but in the hearts of all people in the world, in the future history, he will always be a Sinners in heavy chains!

A flash of heartache flashed in Nangong Yue's eyes. Xiao Fang's family is Xiao Yi's stepmother. This point cannot be changed. This is also destined. Being wronged, I will never give Xiao Fang any chance to ruin Xiao Yi's reputation in this life!

There was a trace of tenderness on Nangong Yue's face, and she said with curved eyebrows, "A Yi, do you believe me?"

Xiao Yi looked at Nangong Yue, his eyes were slightly bright, and the lines of his face softened.

Nangong Yue looked at her own reflection in his eyes, and continued with a smile: "Didn't I say that you can leave all the affairs of the inner house to me!" She pursed her lips on purpose, half-closed her almond eyes and looked at him, smiling lightly Said, "Or do you think I can't even deal with Xiao Fang?"

Xiao Yi was stunned again, couldn't help laughing, and said with a hint of affection in his tone: "Of course my stinky girl is the most powerful!" Yes, his stinky girl! He is the smartest, cutest, and cleverest stinky girl!

Being able to get engaged to her was really the luckiest thing in his life.

Xiao Yi approached her slowly, tentatively tugged at her sleeves first, but took her hand with every inch. Because of many years of martial arts training, his palms were a little rough, and he didn't dare to hold them too tightly for fear of chafing her delicate skin.

Seeing that she didn't break free, Xiao Yi laughed, with a hint of complacency in his smile.

Xiao Yi would never go against his own good luck, and since he was hooked, he would naturally not let go, so he took her for a leisurely walk, and the two servant girls who knew each other fell far behind.

Fortunately, I didn't meet anyone along the way, until the sun was completely setting in the west, Xiao Yi saw that it was almost time, so he sent Nangong Yue outside the courtyard of Hanhui Pavilion, reluctantly let go of her hand, and watched her go .

Nangong Yue walked slowly into the courtyard in a good mood, as if the warmth still remained on her hands.

Hanhui Pavilion is built along the water, with green tiles and vermilion couplets, it is elegant and quiet, and the bamboo in the courtyard rustles when the breeze blows.

Nangong Yue was about to quickly enter the pavilion, when she suddenly saw two familiar slender figures under a few clusters of green bamboo, she took a closer look, then turned her direction, walked forward, and said with a smile: "Sister Yi, Sister Xia! "

It turned out that it was Yuan Yuyi and Han Qixia, the eldest daughter of King Qi, who were standing under the bamboo and talking.

"Yue'er, come here quickly." When Yuan Yuyi saw Nangong Yue, her eyes lit up, and she quickly waved to her.

Nangong Yue got closer, Yuan Yuyi couldn't wait to hold her hand, and the three of them hid in the corner together.

"Sister Yi, what's the matter?" Nangong Yue felt that Yuan Yuyi looked weird and mysterious.

"Yue'er, it's Cousin Xia who wants to ask you for help." Yuan Yuyi pushed Han Qixia beside her, and Han Qixia gave Nangong Yue a hesitant look.

Han Qixia seemed a little sullen, her expression was very embarrassed, she hesitated to speak, and her brows were frowned.

These days, Han Qixia and Nangong Yue got along quite well because they raced horses and drank tea together from time to time, but this matter... Han Qixia was a little hesitant.

Nangong Yue winked at Baihe and Baihui, and they backed away quietly.

Seeing this, Yuan Yuyi persuaded softly: "Cousin Xia, just tell Yueer about it."

Han Qixia looked at Nangong Yue hesitantly, and finally made up her mind. She took out a paper bag from her sleeve and whispered: "Yue'er, can you help me see what medicine is inside?"

Medicine? Nangong Yue was startled, took the paper bag, opened it, and saw a light yellow powder inside.

Nangong Yue first took out a silver needle from the purse at her waist, picked it up a little, but the silver needle didn't change color, it seems that the medicine powder should not be poisonous. She lowered her head and tasted some with the tip of her tongue, then raised her eyes to look at Han Qixia with her complexion changed drastically.

The medicinal powder in this paper bag turned out to be a love potion! It is also known as an aphrodisiac!

"Sister Xia, where did you get this medicine?" Nangong Yue's expression was solemn, and her voice was slightly condensed.

"I...I..." Han Qixia bit her lower lip, her eyes were flickering, and she didn't reply for a long time.

Seeing this, Nangong Yue couldn't help but frowned slightly, knowing that the origin of this medicine must not be simple.

She pondered for a while, then lowered her voice again, and said bluntly: "Sister Xia, since you don't want to say it, I won't force you. But you have to be careful, it's a love drug, but it's a harmful thing." Having said that, Nangong Yue's brows were furrowed even tighter. Who on earth secretly brought this love potion into the Hunting Palace? Needless to say, this person must have a conspiracy, whether it is for love or for other reasons, there is definitely a problem with this person's character...

"Love drug!?" Han Qixia couldn't believe her ears, her face turned pale with fright, and she looked at Yuan Yuyi in panic, "Cousin Yi, this... I stole it from my concubine mother." How could she I didn't expect it to be such a pickled thing... The question is, what exactly does the concubine want to hide this kind of thing

Han Qixia seemed to have thought of something, her face became even uglier, she nervously grabbed Yuan Yuyi's hand, and said again: "... I overheard what my mother and concubine said to Jian Nanny about 'lessons' and 'resentment in my heart'... "Han Qixia's face became more and more ugly as she spoke, embarrassment appeared in her eyes, she didn't understand why the concubine mother used such shameful means.

She took a deep breath and continued with difficulty: "At that time, I felt that things were weird, so I stole this medicine bag while my concubine was not paying attention... Then, what should I do now?"

Han Qixia looked at Yuan Yuyi and Nangong Yue with a dazed expression, as if she hoped that they could tell her what to do.

Concubine Qi... Nangong Yue's eyes flickered for a moment, and she couldn't help but think of what happened when she met Princess Qi in Fenglin Palace. Could it be that...

Thoughts were spinning in her heart, but she said softly on her face: "Sister Xia, don't worry, no matter what your concubine's plan is, she will find out that the medicine has been stolen soon, so it shouldn't be too late. Will act rashly again."

Han Qixia is still in vain, so she can only use Nangong Yue's words to comfort herself.

Yuan Yuyi patted Han Qixia's back reassuringly, and said: "Cousin Xia, don't think too much, just pay more attention to your mother and concubine's behavior in the future. As for this thing..." She looked at Nangong Yue's hand Medicine powder, some embarrassment how to deal with it.

Nangong Yue said solemnly: "Sister Xia, Sister Yi, if you believe in me, leave it to me to deal with it. You can't keep this thing."

Han Qixia nodded hastily, "Yue'er, I will trouble you."

Yuan Yuyi also breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the sky and said, "It's almost time, let's go in first."

Both Nangong Yue and Han Qixia nodded, and the three of them walked towards the entrance of Hanhui Pavilion.

Soon, they arrived at Hanhui Pavilion, and immediately several maids greeted them, and saluted the three of them: "I have seen Lord Yaoguang, Lord Liushuang, Miss Han, please come to the table with your servants."

The hall of Hanhui Pavilion is very large, with carved beams and painted buildings, magnificent, the walls are covered with golden cloud pattern wallpaper, and glazed lotus palace lanterns are placed around, and the whole hall is brightly lit.

Nangong Yue looked around half a circle. At this moment, most of the noble ladies had already arrived, and each of them sat on a table, leaving a large open space in the middle, and the seat of the queen and the two concubines was at the top.

The maids took Nangong Yue and the three of them to their seats one after another. The seats in today's banquet are arranged according to their status.

Among the noble ladies, Nangong Yue is the only princess of the first rank, the one with the highest status, so she is arranged below the left head of the empress, which is also the seat closest to the empress, while Yuan Yuyi is the county of the second rank. Lord, so the seat was arranged on Nangong Yue's right hand side.

Not long after the three of them sat down, a servant shouted in a sharp voice: "The empress is here! The concubine Zhang and the concubine Li are here!"

All the ladies at the banquet stood up hurriedly. At the same time, the queen, Concubine Zhang and Concubine Li walked in surrounded by the maids of honor.

Nangong Yue took the lead and bowed her knees: "See Empress Empress, Concubine Zhang, and Concubine Li!"

The queen waved her hand and said: "Excuse me, please sit down." After speaking, the queen sat down with Concubine Zhang and Concubine Li, and then ordered Xueqin beside her to start the banquet.

At the queen's order, court ladies in uniform dresses came with all kinds of dishes, melons, fruits, snacks, etc., and served the queen and the noble ladies one by one.

"Girls, don't be too restrained, just eat as you like." The queen said loudly.

"Thank you, empress!" All the girls owed their thanks, sat down again, and ate the delicious food on the table with restraint.

The queen gave Xueqin a wink, and Xueqin went down to give an order. Afterwards, the pavilion resounded with the joy of silk and bamboo. At the same time, the dancers in fiery red dance clothes were graceful like butterflies. Generally flew into the hall, dancing lightly...

Although the dancers danced beautifully, there were not many noble ladies who really appreciated it; although the food was delicious, few seriously tasted it. The same is true.

A complex light flashed in Yuan Yuyi's eyes, and she whispered to Nangong Yue on the left: "Yue'er, I didn't dare to tell cousin Xia just now, but I probably guessed about Princess Qi's obsession..." She really couldn't bear to speak , said vigorously, "Who do you want to use that medicine on..."

She hesitated for a moment and said, "Mr. Han Huai!"

Another voice overlapped with her own, Yuan Yuyi looked at Nangong Yue in surprise, and blurted out, "Yue'er, how did you know?"

Nangong Yue hurriedly told Yuan Yuyi one by one that she met Princess Qi in Fenglin Palace, and then heard the conversation between the Queen and Nanny Wen.

"You mean, Princess Qi arranged a marriage for Mr. Han Huai, and she is the daughter of a merchant?" Yuan Yuyi whispered in disbelief, feeling that Princess Qi's mind was too narrow-minded, and she didn't know what happened to the former emperor. Will order such a princess for King Qi!

Nangong Yue nodded slightly, and said: "I heard what the empress said. But obviously the empress did not agree." Even though he is the eldest son of a concubine, the marriage must go through the clan mansion and be reported to the empress. As long as the empress does not agree, This marriage is impossible.

Yuan Yuyi shook her head disapprovingly: "I heard from my mother before that because Cousin Jun is more and more used by the emperor, Princess Qi has always been very dissatisfied. She always thinks that he will take away her son's title. I tried my best to suppress Cousin Jun, but I didn't expect that she would actually want to suppress Cousin Jun in terms of marriage, is it true that the emperor will not speak out?"

After a pause, Yuan Yuyi seemed to have thought of something, and said again, "Yue'er, you said that Princess Qi chose a merchant's daughter for Cousin Jun, did that on purpose?" Han Huaijun's biological mother was a merchant's daughter, and Qi The concubine chose a merchant woman for Mr. Han Huai, she really has a sinister heart!

Nangong Yue said with a half-smile, "That incident was an indelible shame in King Qi's heart. I think Princess Qi probably wanted to remind King Qi on purpose so that King Qi wouldn't feel guilty towards Mr. Han!" It's a pity that Han Huaijun's biological mother, If it hadn't been for saving King Qi who lost his memory, he wouldn't have fallen to the point where his wife is not his wife, and his concubine is not his concubine.

Yuan Yuyi nodded in agreement. Originally, she didn't have much confidence in her suspicion, but after talking with Nangong Yue, she already felt that the suspicion was probably out of ten.

"Yue'er, should we remind Cousin Jun?" Yuan Yuyi said hesitantly.

Nangong Yue nodded and thought to herself: Although she told Han Qixia that Princess Qi might not act rashly, that was actually just to comfort the other party. In fact, there is another possibility that Princess Qi was forced to jump the wall because of this...

Nangong Yue winked at Baihe behind her, and Baihe leaned over, and Nangong Yue whispered to her, asking her to find a way to tell Xiao Yi their guess. He quietly gave her the medicine bag again, and told her to take it out and find a place to bury it deep, so that no one would find out.

Lily immediately took the order and went.

At this time, the music in the hall stopped suddenly, and the singers stood in three rows, bowing neatly and respectfully to the queen, Concubine Zhang and Concubine Li.

Li Pin smiled and clapped her hands and praised: "Not bad, you dance well, graceful, light and soft."

The queen also smiled and nodded: "It's really good." After speaking, the queen's eyes scanned the hall for half a circle, and fell on the face of Bai Muxiao who was seated at the end, and suddenly said unexpectedly, "This is Miss Bai, right? ?”

The queen's words immediately focused the surprised, envious or jealous eyes of all the girls on Bai Muxiao, and the audience fell silent.

Bai Muxiao was still calm and composed, stood up neither humble nor overbearing, bowed her knees and said: "Return to the empress, she is a woman of the people."

The queen looked at Bai Muxiao with admiration, and said: "I remember that at the Fang Banquet, Miss Bai's sword dance was very good. I was very impressed. I think Miss Bai has a lot of research on singing and dancing, why don't I also comment on it?" How about you mention them a bit?"

Bai Muxiao smiled slightly, straightened her waist, and replied unhurriedly: "The empress has won the prize, and I dare not be a civil girl." After a pause, she commented generously, "The dancers just now are really good. Skilled, the cardamom girl walks gracefully, gracefully, gracefully, beautiful is beautiful!" As she spoke, she changed her tone, "It's just that the dances of the twelve people are all in the same style, there is no change, no innovation, so there are so many dancers. , but I couldn't find the focus, I didn't know who to look at... I suggest that a lead dancer should be arranged, with some emphasis, it should be better."

She tilted her head slightly, and said meaningfully, "Let's put it this way, although there are so many of them dancing together, I see loneliness!"

Although so many of them are dancing together in a group of beautiful flowers, but I see loneliness!

This sentence attracted the thoughtful eyes of many girls present. Those girls who had not participated in this year's Fang banquet all whispered to other girls beside them, asking who is this white girl? Girl, why did you come to participate in the autumn hunting, and even left an impression on the queen.

Concubine Zhang echoed with a smile: "Miss Bai's words are justified, what does the Empress think?"

The queen smiled and said nothing, and the twelve dancers hurriedly saluted and said in unison: "Xie Bai for your guidance!"

After that, Xueqin signaled the dancers to retreat, and the center of the hall became empty again, and Bai Muxiao sat down again.

Almost at the next moment, opposite to Bai Muxiao, a girl in a lavender dress stood up and saluted the queen: "Empress, my servant heard that Princess Yaoguang is versatile and is a role model for girls. I also want to ask the princess for advice!"

The person who spoke was Xiaofang's niece, Fang Ziteng.

She spoke nicely, and every sentence was commendatory, but the noble lady present was not a fool, and she knew that her words were thorny and intended to provoke. The ladies all knew that a good show was about to take place, so they secretly exchanged a look and waited and watched.

The queen cast a glance at Fang Ziteng, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, but she didn't show it on her face, only the corners of her mouth were slightly curled up, and she didn't express her opinion.

However, Fang Ziteng is still not very knowledgeable. Even if the queen did not answer, she still continued to say: "My daughter and my cousin are childhood sweethearts and have a deep relationship. After my daughter learned that Princess Yaoguang is my daughter's future cousin I really want to get close to the princess, but unfortunately the princess is busy with affairs, and the courtiers have visited several times, but the princess refused to see her..."

When she said this, the girls had already revealed their expressions, and said in their hearts: Sure enough, I know that the queen loves Princess Yaoguang, but she still sues the princess in front of the queen. I don’t know if it’s stupid or something rely on

Fang Ziteng doesn't care what other people think at all, she just wants to save Nangong Yue's face, and she wants to take this opportunity to let Xiao Yi know that she is the best and the best match for him!

Thinking about it, Fang Ziteng gave Nangong Yue a provocative look, "I really have no choice but to take this rare opportunity to ask the princess for advice! Princess, why not let the wisteria dance sing and ask the princess to accompany you?" , is the princess willing?"

She raised her small chin and looked at Nangong Yue proudly.

Nangong Yue pinched her sleeves calmly, wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, and said leisurely: "Since Miss Fang has repeatedly 'begged', then Yaoguang will be disrespectful." She stood up and faced the queen She saluted and said, "I'm afraid Yue'er will borrow the piano from the empress." Her tone was familiar, with a hint of coquettishness, and she seemed to be very close to the empress.

Seeing that Nangong Yue didn't pay much attention to Fang Ziteng, the queen also smiled and said: "Young girl Yue, why be polite, it's just a piano, so why not give it to you!"

The queen's tone was obviously to support Nangong Yue, Fang Ziteng's pretty face froze, but her heart became more determined. Today, she must make this Princess Yaoguang make a fool of herself!

Xueqin hurriedly retreated to pick up the piano from the luthier who had just accompanied her.

"Miss Fang," Nangong Yue looked at Fang Ziteng again, and smiled slightly, "I don't know what song Miss Fang wants to play?"

Fang Ziteng smiled proudly, and said confidently: "The princess can do whatever she wants!"

Since she was six years old, after her mother discovered that she was very talented in dancing, she ordered someone to guide her carefully.

She did not let her mother down, she has been practicing her dance skills for many years, and now, even the most famous dancer in southern Xinjiang is willing to bow down to her, but she is a famous lady, and ordinary people are naturally not worthy of seeing her dance. If it wasn't for her cousin, she wouldn't dance in public like this to lose her worth. But now that her aunt refuses to help her, she can only rely on her own ability!

Nangong Yue's face did not change, and she still maintained a smile on the corner of her mouth. This Fang Ziteng is a bit interesting. Once she chooses the song herself, if Fang Ziteng's dance can match the song perfectly, then she is already superior; and if she throws the question back now, she will just pick up on others' wisdom. She seemed out of style.

The smile on the corner of Nangong Yue's mouth deepened, and she didn't take Fang Ziteng in her heart. Again, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is futile!

Nangong Yue looked straight at Fang Ziteng without flinching, and responded to her provocation: ""Guangling San", then I will play "Guangling San", what does Miss Fang think?"

"Guangling San"!? The eyes of all the girls couldn't hide their shock.

Listening to the piano, the most tragic and tragic is "Guangling San"!

Playing the piano, the complexity is "Guangling San"!

"Guangling San" is not considered the highest in terms of technical difficulty or artistic conception, but it is regarded as one of the most difficult piano pieces. The most famous qin master in the previous dynasty once sighed: It is not difficult to play "Guangling San", but it is difficult to play "Guangling San". It's so hard to play well!

Nangong Yue chose such a difficult "Guangling San", obviously, to show off her superb piano skills, which can be regarded as a powerful counterattack from the opponent Wisteria!

Sure enough, there was a good show to watch! The other noble ladies in the hall could hardly suppress the joy in their hearts. Regardless of the outcome of today's duel, I am afraid that there will be a topic of chatting after dinner for a long time.

And Nangong Cheng couldn't hide his worry. Looking at Fang Ziteng's full confidence, it was obvious that those who came were not kind, and those who were kind would not come... Can the third sister handle it

Nangong Cheng exchanged glances with Bai Muxiao who was on the right, and Bai Muxiao patted the back of her hand reassuringly, meaning that since Cousin Yue dared to fight, she must be confident.

At this time, Xueqin came over with a Jiaoweiqin in her arms, followed by two servants who brought the piano stand.

"Princess, the time is a bit rushed, so I chose a piano at random, please bear with me." Xueqin respectfully saluted Nangong Yue, and put the piano stand on it after the servant put it down. Her words were just polite, this Jiaoweiqin looked like a good piano, and it was a peerless one.

After Nangong Yue burned incense and cleaned her hands, she plucked the strings a few times, tested the sound of the piano, and said to Wisteria, "Miss Fang, I'm ready, where is the girl?"

Fang Ziteng strode to the open space in the middle, and raised the corners of her mouth confidently: "Princess, please go ahead!"

Nangong Yue nodded, and flicked the strings gracefully with her fingers. The sound of the qin, like a trickle of streams, slowly overflowed from the strings, and the story unfolded slowly in this brisk rhythm. In the story of revenge, there is sadness in the lightness of the beginning, the sad thing is the misfortune of the assassin's father, and the sympathy is the sad state of mind of the assassin who lost his father.

The sound of the piano can be said to be so sweet that in the blink of an eye, the listener's mind seems to have come to the side of the assassin following the fluctuating sound of the piano.

Princess Yaoguang's piano skills are really good... Fang Ziteng curled her lips mockingly, but it's a pity that she was out of luck and met herself!

The mind comes from the heart, the body moves freely, and the next moment, Fang Ziteng also begins to dance. Her figure is as light as a swallow. When she leaps up, she seems to be floating in mid-air. Flying out like waves, softly and slowly, the faint waves are mournful, which just fits the artistic conception of the piano sound...

I didn't expect it to be a ribbon dance!

Fang Ziteng attracted everyone's attention as soon as he made a move, including Bai Muxiao. She originally thought that Fang Ziteng was just a spoiled and unreasonable person, but it seems that he still has some skills. The ribbon dance alone is eye-catching Quite a few, it might not be easy for her cousin Yue to overwhelm Fang Wisteria.

Of course, Fang Ziteng also felt that the admiring eyes of the women were focused on him, and she was secretly proud. She learned this ribbon dance from an alien dancer in southern Xinjiang. In addition, she has a little knowledge of martial arts, so that the ribbon can be rigid or flexible, and it is ever-changing. No matter how the piano music changes, she can change her dancing posture as she wants.

Nangong Yue may have miscalculated this time!

Fang Ziteng thought proudly...Suddenly, the sound of the zither clanged and faltered a few times, and then gradually rose. The original briskness suddenly became a little more determined and powerful, as if you could see the assassin standing up suddenly, holding the sword tightly, and taking revenge. Thoughts linger in my mind...

A curb and a raise and a pause, a curb and a raise and a pause, a curb and a raise and a pause.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the sound of the piano gradually became chaotic. It seemed to be a true portrayal of the assassin's flustered heart. The internal organs of the patient, let them empathize.

I don't know when, low sobs sounded, and the eyes of several girls in the hall were red, with tears in their eye sockets, staring at the front blankly, but nothing was reflected in their eyes...

The sound of the piano is like a big bead and a small bead, ticking and landing, sometimes rushing and sometimes slowing down, just like the drastic changes before the storm, shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods.

Finally, with a sharp pluck, emotions flowed in Wuxuan, and after the lingering sound circled the piano three times, it dissipated in the air...

In the hall, it was quiet, everyone was sitting blankly, their eyes glazed over, as if their souls had been taken away by some demon.

After an unknown amount of time, Nangong Yue's cold voice suddenly sounded: "Miss Fang, thank you for your advice!"

Everyone's heart trembled, and it was like waking up from a dream for a moment. Many girls didn't feel the wetness on their faces until now, and hurriedly took out their handkerchiefs, trying to stabilize their emotions, and they were shocked in their hearts: I didn't expect Princess Yaoguang His qin skills are so superb, the lingering sound is really lingering, and it makes people feel the same way!

Thinking about it, everyone couldn't help looking at Fang Ziteng, the other protagonist of the song just now. After the sound of the piano stopped, Fang Ziteng naturally stopped, but no one noticed what she danced afterwards, and why? when it ended.

It wasn't even until now that they remembered that Fang Ziteng was still dancing.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Fang Ziteng's forehead, her little face was flushed, and her breathing was a little short due to the dance just now, making her look very embarrassed. The sympathetic eyes of everyone made her wish to disappear immediately.

In this duel, even if no one decides, the answer is already in everyone's heart, Fang Ziteng lost!

The queen smiled faintly, and said: "That's right! Princess Yaoguang's piano is good, and Miss Fang's dance is also good."

Concubine Li said politely: "The empress is right, the concubine is not only a feast for the ears, but also a feast for the eyes."

"Thank you, Empress, for your compliment." Fang Ziteng bowed stiffly to the empress, and then retreated to her seat. She lowered her head halfway, hiding the resentment in her eyes. She will definitely remember the shame Nangong Yue gave her today!

Sitting opposite Fang Ziteng, Bai Muxiao glanced at Fang Ziteng with a half-smile, and retracted her preface in her heart. This girl Fang is so unbearable to lose, even if she has a little skill, she may not be able to achieve great things in the future. but...

She looked at Nangong Yue in surprise. She thought that this cousin Yue was mediocre except for her superb medical skills. She did not expect her piano skills to be so good. Today's song alone is already called a master.

At this time, Nangong Yue also slowly retreated to her seat, and only then did she notice that when she was playing the piano just now, Lily had come back at some point.

Bai He hurriedly stepped forward, and whispered in Nangong Yue's ear: "Third Miss, the slave has already told the Elder Master, but..." She frowned, "But the Elder Master has not found Mr. Han after searching for a long time... The son of the world said that he will continue to look for it, and if there is news, he will send someone to inform the girl immediately, so that the servant girl will come back first."

This hunting ground is not small or big, but Han Huaijun can't be found

Nangong Yue's heart sank, and she couldn't help wondering: Could it be that she really guessed that Princess Qi was stolen because of the love potion, so she jumped the wall in a hurry and did it directly

Then Mr. Han Huai... If he was really tricked and did something that would mean nothing, his reputation would be lost and his future would be ruined!

At this moment, Nangong Yue caught a glimpse of a somewhat familiar figure from the corner of her eyes, walking towards the queen in a hurry.

She was startled, and immediately recognized that it was Qingmei, the maid serving in the empress's palace. Seeing the anxious and terrified look on her face, it was obvious that something terrible had happened.

Nangong Yue had an ominous premonition in her heart, but she could only watch as Qingmei respectfully leaned over and whispered something next to the Queen's ear. Stand up.

The queen was the focus of all eyes, so her sudden big movement naturally attracted the attention of everyone present. Concubine Zhang's heart moved, and she was about to speak, but she saw the queen's body shaking slightly, and then several court ladies and queens With an exclamation, he fell softly to the side.

"Empress Empress!"

There was an uproar in the hall, not only the maids, but even the noble ladies in the hall stood up in surprise and worry.

-off topic-

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