The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 205: -paralysis


King Qi was in a good mood, and he was happy all day long. Although he didn't know why the emperor suddenly gave him the niece of Princess Zhennan, Miss Fang Si was also a rare beauty, and to him, it was just too much. It's just a beautiful concubine, anyway, he hasn't had a newcomer in his backyard for a long time.

And Princess Qi has never shown a smile since the day she received Yi's decree, and even the maids who waited on her were so tired that she didn't dare to say a word, for fear of being beaten for nothing. But even if she didn't want to, she could only make arrangements for Fang Ziteng to enter the door after Yi's decree had been issued.

When the day came, at noon, a small pink sedan chair carried Fang Ziteng into the Tengyun Pavilion. Although she was a concubine, she had the queen's order and the name of the second concubine, so Princess Qi had to do it in Tengyun Pavilion. A small banquet is counted as a celebration.

The men congratulated King Qi in the front yard, and when they mentioned Miss Fang Si's good looks, they all envied King Qi's good luck. Hearing this, King Qi became more cheerful and drank several glasses of wine in a row. And the ladies were in the inner courtyard, accompanied by Princess Qi, but the atmosphere was much more dull than that in the front courtyard.

The banquet had just begun, and the gloomy Princess Qi was notified by the maid: "Princess, Princess Yaoguang and Miss Jiang are here!"

As soon as she heard that Jiang Yixi was coming, Princess Qi's complexion became even worse, but she immediately returned to normal, thinking: Why are they here

If this is Princess Yiqi's intention, she doesn't want to see these two people now, but now that there are so many wives present in a large audience, if she refuses to see her, it will not be a joke for people to see, but it is also a positive confrontation with the Queen and Duke En Guo The government turned its face.

After weighing the pros and cons, Princess Qi could only hold back her anger for a while, and ordered calmly: "Don't invite the Princess and Miss Jiang to come in!"

Not long after, Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi walked into the flower hall side by side. Because they were concubines, high-status wives would not surrender their status to come here. Except for Princess Qi, all of them were ordered by second or third rank, so they met Nangong Yue, all stood up to salute.

Nangong Yue smiled and asked them to be exempt from the ceremony, and then greeted Princess Qi with Jiang Yixi.

Princess Qi sat on the main seat and accepted the ceremony from the two with a sullen face. Her face turned green and white, and she was really depressed.

Although she wasn't there for what happened in Fenglin Palace that day, naturally a wife later told her what happened at that time vividly. Prince Qi's Mansion got involved in the grievances between them! It was as if they were bullied by Prince Qi's Mansion!

As for Jiang Yixi...

Concubine Qi's eyes flashed a look of complexity, if it wasn't for Jiang Yixi's willingness to be lowly, and actually fell in love with that concubine, why would she have resorted to such dirty methods. But she was lucky and didn't get caught. However, she will come today, could it be that she knows

Princess Qi's hand clenched into a fist at an angle that no one else could see.

Nangong Yue didn't care about Princess Qi's look at them at all, and said with a smile: "Princess, Yaoguang and Miss Jiang heard that there is a happy event in your mansion today, so they came here specially to ask for a cup of wedding wine, and I hope the princess will not be offended." The word "Xi" is accentuated, and the meaning of irony is beyond words.

Concubine Qi's face was blue and white, and she smiled stiffly: "The Princess is here, so naturally I can't wait to welcome you."

The lady present didn't seem to care, but her ears were actually pricked up. Recently, the Fourth Miss Fang wanted to be a concubine for the King of Qi, which made everyone have another topic after dinner, and it was also heard that she was the one who framed Yaoguang County. The master failed, and the queen was offended, which led to disaster. It seems that today is not in vain, there is a good show to watch!

Jiang Yixi looked at Princess Qi with a half-smile, and said: "Princess, I specially prepared a small gift with the Princess." As she spoke, she gave the maid a wink, and the maid hurriedly handed the gift box to her.

Jiang Yixi took a step forward, personally handed the gift box to Princess Qi, and said meaningfully: "Princess, this is a box of special 'medicinal tea', please don't dislike it." Normally, Jiang Yixi can order the maid to give it to you. If the present is presented, Princess Qi can order her maid to accept the gift as a matter of course, but now that Jiang Yixi handed over the gift in person, if Princess Qi doesn't accept it in person, it will be an insult to Jiang Yixi.

Herbal tea!? Princess Qi almost jumped up from her chair. Jiang Yixi... She really knew?! What about the queen

According to her original plan, as long as Jiang Yixi was tricked, it would be too late to press this matter, and the matter of "herbal tea" would naturally be exposed silently. Even if Jiang Yixi escaped, this herbal tea was given by Mr. Han Huai, even if she dared to admit that she gave and received it privately, it would not be related to herself.

But now...

Looking at the box of herbal tea in Jiang Yixi's hand, Princess Qi seemed to have been poured a pot of ice-cold water on her head, and there was a chill from the bottom of her heart.

The queen should know about it too, right? That's why she gave a concubine to beat her up... And with the queen's attitude, could it be that she has acquiesced in the matter between Jiang Yixi and that little bastard

If Jiang Yixi really married into Prince Qi's Mansion, then that little bitch would be in Duke En's Mansion... How could she bear it?!

Princess Qi suddenly felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at her, which made her very embarrassed. She took a deep breath, swallowed the gift box, and said in a blunt tone: "Thank you Princess and Miss Jiang." She really wanted to throw the medicine box on the ground.

Then, as if taking some hot potato, he immediately handed it over to the nurse next to him.

Jiang Yixi sneered, but her tone was still soft and polite, "Princess, since the congratulatory gift has been delivered, then I won't bother you with the princess anymore, and I will leave."

"Qing'er, see off the guests for this princess." Princess Qi insisted.

Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi turned and left without any hesitation. The look of Princess Qi holding her breath and not being able to let it out made them feel very happy.

Once this "herbal tea" is delivered, Princess Qi will definitely feel uneasy, and the more uneasy, the more likely to make mistakes... The two looked at each other and smiled, thinking: there will be a good show next.

"Princess, Miss Jiang!"

At this time, a familiar voice sounded. Following the sound, I saw a slender blue figure coming out from behind a big tree in the front right. It was Han Huaijun. From the looks of it, he should have been waiting there for a while.

Han Huaijun bowed respectfully and said, "Miss Jiang, can I have a few words with you?"

Jiang Yixi glanced at Nangong Yue, and Nangong Yue nodded to her.

Jiang Yixi followed Han Huaijun to the corner to talk, Baihe looked at the two of them and suddenly said softly: "Miss San, do you feel..." Baihui glared at her, and she finally swallowed back the words and vomited mischievously. Tongue.

After Jiang Yixi spoke a few words with Han Huaijun, she hurried back, her face was reddish, and her eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars.

Nangong Yue couldn't help but glanced at her narrowly, Jiang Yixi hurriedly grabbed her hand and shook it, Nangong Yue chuckled, and walked away with her.

It was just past noon at this time, and it was too early to go back like this, so Jiang Yixi proposed to go hunting with Fu Yunyan and the others.

Jiang Yixi has been in the hunting palace for quite some time, but up to now, he has never even entered the hunting ground, so he can't help feeling a little itchy.

Seeing that she was in a good mood, Nangong Yue naturally agreed. They split up and soon asked Fu Yunyan and Yuan Yuyi out. I knew she was going to learn how to ride a horse, so I let it go.

The four girls entered the lush hunting ground together without bringing their maidservants along. Wisps of sunlight shone through the leaves, casting a mottled light and shadow. .

Fu Yunyan looked around and saw that there were very few people outside the hunting grounds, and said with a satisfied smile: "As expected, the number of people entering the hunting grounds has decreased a lot in the past two days. It seems that we will definitely gain a lot today."

Among the four of them, Fu Yunyan is the best at riding and shooting. Naturally, her words convinced the other girls, and their eyes were full of eagerness to try.

When it comes to hunting, Fu Yunyan said enviously: "Ah Yue, remember to feed your little eagle with bloody raw meat. When it grows up, let my grandmother teach you how to train an eagle. Waiting for next year's spring hunting, we will be able to Look at it showing its glory. My grandmother raised an eagle in the early years, and it was very majestic."

"Okay." Nangong Yue said happily: "I just don't know how to raise it. I'll go find Grandma Yongyang in the evening!"

"But." Fu Yunyan prolonged his voice deliberately, and said, "It will have to wait until next year. As for this year, with your archery skills, Ah Yue, you will definitely not be able to hit a single prey."

The girls all knew how bad Nangong Yue's archery skills were, so they laughed and teased her.

Nangong Yue obviously had a thicker skin, so she snorted softly and said, "So what if I'm poor at archery, didn't you lose the same way last time?!... Liu Niang, your Pisces ring peke is still in my hand , Do you still want it?" As she spoke, she took out a piece of mutton fat white jade Pisces ring pendant from her bosom, and shook it gently, full of temptation.

Fu Yunyan immediately said coquettishly: "Ayue, good Ayue, your archery skills will definitely improve by leaps and bounds..."

Jiang Yixi heard it interesting, she happened to be away that day, Yuan Yuyi hurriedly told the story, recalling the lottery she had won, she also felt distressed for a while.

Just as they were talking, Yuan Yuyi suddenly saw a pheasant walking slowly in front of them, and she hurriedly called out, "Liu Niang, there is a pheasant."

Fu Yunyan's eyes lit up, he didn't bother to grab the pair of fish rings, he picked up the bow hanging on the horse's back, bent the bow skillfully and shot an arrow, the feathered arrow pierced through the air, killing him with one shot!

"Liu Niang, it's amazing!"

All the girls applauded for her. Like a victorious general, Fu Yunyan got off his horse and picked up the prey, tied it with a rope skillfully, and hung it on the horse's back.

After the success of the master, Fu Yunyan shouted happily: "Let's go!" Clamping the horse's belly, he took the lead and galloped out.

The other three girls also rode their horses to catch up.

They stayed in the hunting ground for a full afternoon, and seeing that it was almost dusk, they left for the hunting platform with unfulfilled desires. Except for Nangong Yue, the other three people have harvested, mostly pheasants, badgers and the like, but Fu Yunyan hunted a roe deer, and she was so happy that she gave all the pheasants and hares she hunted to the empty-handed Nangong Yue, excitedly prepared to take the roe deer back to find Yongyang Xianbao, and they even made an appointment for a while to go directly to Huiyi Palace to eat barbecue.

Talking and laughing all the way, they left the hunting ground. When they passed the hunting platform, Nangong Yue looked up and saw Nangong Cheng talking to a girl in pink not far away.

Nangong Yue stopped the horse with a "sigh" and said to the others: "My eldest sister is there, I'll go over and say hello to her..."

"Let your eldest sister come with us to Huiyi Palace." Fu Yunyan said enthusiastically, then paused, and then said, "Ah Yue, I think your eldest sister is not bad, she is your cousin, she is the one who looks at people I don't like the look."

Nangong Yue pursed her lips and chuckled, and said solemnly: "Liu Niang, my cousin's eyes are a bit uncomfortable. Please forgive me." Fu Yunyan's sense is indeed very keen, even if Bai Muxiao pretends to be gentle and docile on weekdays, In fact, there is always a kind of pity and sympathy in her eyes, as if she is a fairy who strayed into the mortal world, and they are a group of ignorant "ordinary people"...

The three girls couldn't help laughing, and they also saw Nangong Yue's attitude towards this cousin.

Nangong Yue said with a smile: "Then I'm going to call Big Sister, please wait for me for a while."

Before she finished speaking, she heard a scream from the direction of Lietai, "Get out of the way!"


"Get out of the way!"


All kinds of panicked shouts became one, continuous.

The girls couldn't help but looked at each other, knowing that something was wrong, they hurriedly looked over, and saw a vigorous white horse galloping out from the crowd in front, the white horse's eyes were red, its breathing was rapid, and it was constantly Hissing, crashing like crazy.

Most of the girls around were pale with fright, screamed, and ran around in panic, causing a mess on the hunting platform.

"Get out of the way, everyone!" A young man in Tsing Yi jumped out from behind riding a steed, holding the rein with his left hand, and swung out a noose with his right hand, firmly wrapping the crazy horse around its neck...

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a sudden change occurred.


The crazy horse neighed for a long time, raised its front hooves high, and then rushed forward even more crazily, just like a rhinoceros out of control. The young man in Tsing Yi who was holding the horse rope was caught off guard, and was pulled off by Crazy Horse, rolled around on the ground a few times, and then passed out.

"Mr. Li, are you okay?" A young man rushed to the side of Mr. Tsing Yi and shouted.

"Quick, quick, call the imperial physician!" Someone shouted anxiously.

Crazy Horse rushed forward crazily, bringing up countless dust in the rumbling area. In a short while, several people were knocked into the air one after another, and those people knocked down the people behind them one after another. A large area fell on the eighth floor, and the scene became more and more chaotic!

Seeing the crazy horse go out of control and hurt people, Fu Yunyan said decisively: "I'll subdue that crazy horse!"

Fu Yunyan clamped the horse's abdomen and rode away.

"Six mothers!"

Nangong Yue and the others wanted to stop her, but they were a step too late, so they could only watch her rush towards Crazy Horse in fear.

Crazy Horse galloped recklessly, and then rushed towards the girls who were hiding aside. Nangong Yue saw that Nangong Cheng was among them.

Nangong Yue's heart suddenly rose, and she blurted out, "Big Sister!"

At this time, Fu Yunyan was already approaching Crazy Horse. She took her own bow and hitched a feathered arrow. However, the surroundings were too chaotic, and the girls panicked, screaming, shoving, dodging, and running around... Fu Yunyan's bowstring had already been drawn, but she was not sure.

Fu Yunyan was so anxious that sweat oozed from his forehead, and when he was about to take a risk, a girl accidentally pushed Nangong Cheng down.

not good!

Fu Yunyan's pupils shrank suddenly, the distance was too close!

That's right, the distance is too close. At this time, Crazy Horse is only a few feet away from Nangong Cheng who fell to the ground. Even if Nangong Cheng climbs up at the fastest speed, it may be too late.

"Da da… "

Nangong Cheng's eyes were wide open, and he could only watch helplessly as the terrifying crazy horse rushed towards her at lightning speed...

She must hurry up!

Nangong Cheng said to herself that she put her hands on the ground and tried to get up, although she knew in her heart that it might be too late...

Crazy horse whinnied and flew towards it, getting closer, getting closer...

Seeing that the high hooves were about to step on Nangong Cheng's body, a blue figure rushed over like lightning and pushed her away.

Nangong Cheng let out a low cry, and staggered to the side, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar face.

Pei Yuanchen, the eldest son of Jian'an Bo!

Before she could react to what happened, the next scene completely shocked her.

The crazy horse that was supposed to step on her has already stepped heavily on Pei Yuanchen's back--


No! Nangong Cheng's heartbeat seemed to stop at that moment. At this moment, she felt that the surroundings were terribly quiet, as if there were only the two of them left around, and she could almost clearly hear the sound of the heavy horse's hooves stepping on Pei Yuanchen's body. The sound of bones breaking.

Her eyes were wide open, and she looked at Pei Yuanchen with a blank head, only to see that he was holding a dagger in his right hand, and he stabbed the horse's belly with his backhand neatly.

"Hey--" The crazy horse neighed again, and kicked Pei Yuanchen again, causing him to almost fly out, and his body hit a boulder on one side heavily.

At the same time, a feathered arrow pierced through the air and shot at Crazy Horse's neck.

Fu Yunyan's eyes were serious, and he took the arrow again...


A series of two feathered arrows roared like a string of arrows, one arrow missed, while the other arrow stably hit Crazy Horse's hind legs.

When Fu Yunyan was about to make persistent efforts, the rushing crowd once again blocked the crazy horse, and she couldn't help clenching her fists in secret annoyance.

"Pei Shizi!" Nangong Cheng screamed, with his heart in his throat, and rushed towards Pei Yuanchen.

Pei Yuanchen fell to the ground weakly, with a line of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, he forced a smile at Nangong Cheng, and said weakly: "I'm fine, don't worry."

It's all her fault! Nangong Cheng was both sad and blamed himself, his eyes were sour, and tears couldn't stop gushing out.

At this time, more than a dozen imperial guards came after hearing the news. While evacuating the crowd, they attacked Crazy Horse. The dense feather arrows shot at the Crazy Horse like a torrential rain. Surrounded by so many people, Crazy Horse had nowhere to go. He could escape, and was shot like a hedgehog in the blink of an eye.

"Bang!" Crazy Horse fell heavily to the ground, blood so dazzlingly red that it flowed all over the ground.

Everyone watched this scene with lingering fear, and it took a while to come back to their senses, and quickly started to save people.

Those who just fell and were not injured got up by themselves, and those with minor injuries were helped away by servants. As for those who were unconscious, before the imperial doctor came, no one dared to act rashly. But it's troublesome.

"Third sister!" Nangong Cheng panicked and looked at Nangong Yue who was striding towards him, with tears in his eyes, "Pei, Mr. Pei... help him!"

At the moment when the crazy horse fell down, Pei Yuanchen seemed to finally let go of his heart, closed his eyes and passed out, motionless, like, like...

Nangong Cheng felt worried and guilty. If it wasn't for saving her, Prince Pei wouldn't... Her pretty face was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

Nangong Yue didn't care to comfort Nangong Cheng, and stepped forward to check on Pei Yuanchen's injuries.

Pei Yuanchen's breathing was a little weak. Nangong Yue took out a silver needle on the spot and pricked him a few times before his breathing stabilized.

At this time, I heard the servant's shrill voice from behind: "The imperial doctor is here! The imperial doctor is here!"

Several imperial physicians came here one after another. After briefing the Imperial Forest Army about the situation, Imperial Physician Zhang, who is best at trauma, hurried over here. Seeing this, Nangong Yue pulled Nangong Cheng back a step.

When Imperial Physician Zhang saw Nangong Yue, he hurriedly saluted and said, "Master Yaoguang."

"You don't need to be too polite." Nangong Yue hurriedly said, "Pei Shizi must have injured his back, I just used silver needles to protect his heart veins, his life will not be in danger for a while, please ask the imperial doctor to take a look at him quickly. "

"Thank you, princess." Doctor Zhang nodded, and immediately checked Pei Yuanchen. First, he checked his breathing and pulse. Seeing that everything was stable, he breathed a sigh of relief. He gave a few instructions to the little doctor boy beside him, and after a while, a two-wheeled trolley was pushed by a few imperial guards. He directed Pei Yuanchen to be carefully placed on the trolley, and then bid farewell to Nangong Yue. A group of people walked leave in a hurry...

"Big Sister." Seeing Nangong Cheng staring blankly at the direction they were leaving, Nangong Yue couldn't help but comfort her, "Doctor Zhang is very skilled in medicine, and Prince Pei will be fine. Let's go back and wait for news..."

Nangong Cheng nodded blankly, no one was in the mood to go to Huiyi Palace for a while, after Nangong Yue greeted Fu Yunyan and the others, she took Nangong Cheng back to Qingxia Zhai.

On the other side, when a group of people sent the unconscious Pei Yuanchen back to the Qingfeng Pavilion in the Hunting Palace, Jian Anbo and Mrs. Jian Anbo also came anxiously after hearing the news.

For a moment, the atmosphere in this small inner room was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe.

Physician Zhang sat in front of the couch, first felt Pei Yuanchen's bones, and then checked his pulse. He didn't speak for a long time. Jian Anbo and Mrs. Jian Anbo next to him kept looking at him for a moment, noticing that his forehead was gradually oozing out. Thin sweat, brows tangled into balls.

The servants and servants in the room didn't even dare to take a breath, Mrs. Jian'an even covered her mouth with a veil, lest she disturb the doctor Zhang's pulse detection.

I don't know how long it took, but Imperial Physician Zhang finally turned around, his face sank like water, and said: "Jian Anbo, Mrs. Jian Anbo, my son may be in danger of being paralyzed in the lower limbs..."

"What did you say?" Mrs. Jian Amber couldn't believe her ears, her voice was trembling.

Doctor Zhang sighed helplessly: "My son was kicked by a crazy horse and hit a boulder, causing damage to the spine and injuring the Governor Channel. brain, now that the child's qi is blocked, external evils will invade, and the lower limbs may be in danger of being paralyzed."

Hearing this, Mrs. Jian Anbo couldn't stand anymore, she felt her eyes darkened, her body shook twice, and she almost fainted. At this moment, Mrs. Jian'an really hated Nangong Cheng in her heart! She secretly said that this is really a bad fate, the last marriage failed, and there was a lot of trouble in the city, but now it is a good thing, because that Nangong Cheng, her excellent eldest son may be paralyzed

"Ma'am!" The servant girls on both sides shouted nervously, supporting Mrs. Jian'an from left to right. The cleverer mother-in-law hurriedly brought chairs, and the maids hurriedly helped Mrs. Jian'an to sit down.

Even Jian Anbo couldn't hide his grief. His eldest son has always been his pride, and he is better than blue. How could this disaster come suddenly...

Jian Anbo took a deep breath and asked with difficulty: "Could it be that it can't be cured?"

Doctor Zhang shook his head, "Uncle, I am afraid there is nothing I can do. This spine is the backbone of the human body. Once it is damaged, it is extremely difficult to heal itself. I am afraid that the hope of your son's recovery is not even 10%, no, not even half of it..."

For a moment, the maids and women in the house gasped and became more afraid to speak out, while Mrs. Jian Anbo was already sobbing silently with her handkerchief in her hand, muttering in her mouth: "How could this happen? How could this happen? ... How could this happen to my Brother Chen?"

She clenched her fists and looked at Imperial Physician Zhang with a glimmer of hope: "Doctor Zhang, there are so many imperial physicians in this hospital, don't the other imperial physicians..."

Imperial Physician Zhang was not displeased by Madam Jian'an's questioning, he also knew Jian'an Bo's son, and felt sorry for this outstanding young man, and said in a good-tempered manner: "Madam Uncle, I can invite Imperial Physician Wu and the others to come over for consultation, I'm afraid there is little hope..." He shook his head helplessly, and suddenly thought of something, "Indeed..." He looked at Mrs. Jian Amber hesitantly, and hesitated to speak.

Mrs. Jian'an seemed to have grasped at straws, and hurriedly asked: "What is it?"

Jian Anbo also said: "Physician Zhang please speak clearly!"

Imperial Physician Zhang thought for a while, and finally said: "Princess Yaoguang's medical skills are extraordinary, even the imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital like me are not as good. Maybe you can invite the princess to come over and take a look for the son, maybe there is a chance of survival." Speaking of this, Imperial Doctor Zhang coughed awkwardly. A few months ago, the news that the marriage between Nangong Mansion and Jian'anbo Mansion failed spread throughout the entire capital, causing embarrassing relations between the two mansions. He thought for a while, and then added: "When I was in the hunting platform just now, thanks to Princess Yaoguang's needles, he stabilized Shizi's heart, otherwise I'm afraid it would be even more dangerous now."

For a while, the whole hall was silent.

Mrs. Jian'an twisted her handkerchief and didn't know what to say anymore. The eldest girl in Nangong Mansion caused her son to become like this, but now the third girl in Nangong Mansion is probably his son's last hope. too much discord...

Mrs. Jian Anbo gritted her teeth, and said resolutely: "Take my post to ask Princess Yaoguang."

While speaking, Mrs. Jian Anbo frowned slightly, and the original scene quickly flashed through her mind, but it finally turned into a decisive one. For the sake of her son, why can't she bow her head! Even if Princess Yaoguang wants her to kneel down, she can do it!

The servant girl hurried away with the post, leaving the room silent and the atmosphere even more dignified.

Time seems to have become so slow at this moment, Mrs. Jian Amber is almost restless, thinking in her heart: Will Princess Yaoguang come

Shouldn't she be asking for it herself

Time passed little by little while waiting, until a servant girl hurriedly came to report: "Uncle, madam, Princess Yaoguang is here!"

Mrs. Jian Amber stood up abruptly, unable to hide the shock on her face.

Lord Yaoguang really came, didn't make things difficult, didn't take Joe?!

Only Doctor Zhang stroked his beard, and a smile flashed in his eyes. Although he didn't have much contact with Princess Yaoguang, he also knew that this little girl was definitely not a mean and heartless person!

"I have seen the princess, and I ask the princess to help the child."

Jian Anbo and Mrs. Jian Anbo went forward to greet her in person. Jian Anbo bowed to Nangong Yue solemnly, while Mrs. Jian Anbo remained silent, unable to hide the embarrassment on her face.

Nangong Yue said seriously: "You don't have to be like this, Mr. Pei is a hero, he saved my elder sister's life, and he is useful to the fluttering light, so he is obliged to do so."

"Thank you, princess." Mrs. Jian Anbo said uncomfortably, with a grateful look on her face, and her heart was really entangled. On the one hand, he told himself that this is what Nangong Mansion owed them, but on the other hand, he knew that Nangong Mansion did not take this opportunity to add insult to injury, which was considered benevolence and righteousness.

At this time, Imperial Physician Zhang strode forward and saluted Nangong Yue: "I have seen the princess."

"Doctor Zhang doesn't need to be too polite." Nangong Yue hurriedly said, "I am different from Mr. Pei, so I can't make a diagnosis by touching the bones myself. I would like to ask Mr. Zhang to explain the current situation of Mr. Pei in detail."

"Yes, princess." Doctor Zhang explained his bone groping situation and diagnosis conclusion.

Nangong Yue's heart sank, her face sank like water, and she was already 70% to 80% sure that Pei Yuanchen's situation might be very bad. She pondered for a moment, then calmly said: "Please Rong Yaoguang take the pulse for the son first."

At this time, a maidservant in a green dress suddenly shouted in surprise: "Uncle, madam, the prince is awake! The prince is awake!"

Those words cheered up the whole room, and Jian Amber and Mrs. Jian Amber walked nervously to the side of the couch.

Pei Yuanchen slowly opened his eyes, still a little confused, as if he didn't know where he was: "I..." He rubbed his forehead, moved his body and tried to get up, but was immediately held down by Jian Anbo.

"Brother Chen, you're injured... you can't move." Jian Anbo said in a deep voice, with tears shining in his eyes.

Pei Yuanchen frowned, as if remembering something, and asked hastily: "Nan...that crazy horse..."

Although Pei Yuanchen insisted on turning the words around, Nangong Yue still heard it, her brows twitched slightly, and her heart was a little complicated.

Mrs. Jian'anbo hurriedly said: "Crazy Horse has been subdued, and it's all right now..." It's you who has something to do now! Mrs. Jian'anbo wanted to say this very much, but she held back and clenched her hands tightly at an angle that her son could not see fist.

Pei Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief, and then seemed to feel something was wrong, "Father, mother, my legs..."

Jian'an hurriedly interrupted his son: "Brother Chen, you are injured, Princess Yaoguang came here specially to check your pulse, you should let the princess show you first."

Pei Yuanchen's eyes passed through the crowd and landed on Nangong Yue behind him, his heart sank, and he already felt that something was wrong. He has heard for a long time that Princess Yaoguang has excellent medical skills, and he has treated the fifth prince and the emperor. But Princess Yaoguang is a female generation, and secondly, she is a princess. The relationship between the three and the two houses is not close. Even, there is still some discord, now that his injury has reached the point of asking Princess Yaoguang to come forward, I'm afraid it's something bad, could it be that his leg...

Pei Yuanchen's face turned pale, and he almost didn't dare to think about it.

"Yaoguang is here to thank the eldest son for saving his life." Nangong Yue walked to the bed and respectfully blessed Pei Yuanchen.

Pei Yuanchen forced a smile and said: "The princess is welcome. At that time, the crazy horse was out of control and hurt countless people. How could I just stand by and watch a weak woman suffer?"

Pei Yuanchen is worthy of being a gentleman of Jiyue. At this point, there is no trace of resentment on his face. Nangong Yue couldn't bear it in her heart, and said sternly: "Please allow Rong Yaoguang to take the pulse of the prince."

Nangong Yue sat down on the couch beside the couch, stretched out three fingers to take Pei Yuanchen's pulse, then turned her back again, and asked Imperial Physician Zhang to help touch a few places on Pei Yuanchen's back and asked a few questions, but Zhang The answers from the imperial physician and Pei Yuanchen only made her feel more and more heavy.

Sure enough, as she thought before, Pei Yuanchen's situation...

I'm afraid it will indeed be paralyzed!

-off topic-


Glass cat PS sent 5 diamonds and 10 flowers; Shiwen Yiyeluo gave 5 diamonds; Suiren gave 10 flowers; Coffey's Bao Yueer gave 1 flower;

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