The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 208: - not leave


"Your Majesty, isolation is only the first step, and the source of the disease must be confirmed as soon as possible!" Nangong Yue said seriously, "Yue'er suspects that the disease may be transmitted from horses..."

"Horse!?" The emperor was stunned, remembering that not long ago, these children came to him because of the possible outbreak of horse plague in the Hunting Palace. A disease that spreads among horses and then spreads from horses to humans?!

The emperor was frightened for a while, this guess was simply too terrible, for a while, he didn't even know what to say.

Nangong Yue straightened her thoughts and continued: "Your Majesty, although all the horses in the Hunting Palace have been inspected a few days ago, it was because of the horse plague at that time, and now there is an epidemic, and this epidemic It may be because of the horse, so Yue'er implored the emperor to issue an order to isolate all the owners of the sick horse, as well as those who had been in contact with the sick horse, including the stewards and servants of the palace stables. The rules were buried deep, but Yueer felt that it needed to be dug out and then burned."

The emperor said in a deep voice: "Girl Yue, it's all according to your wishes. If you have any suggestions, you can speak up boldly."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Nangong Yuening said in awe, "Please ask the Emperor to order someone to assist the imperial physician to find out where those patients have been since they arrived in the Hunting Palace. The commonality of these people may be the source of this epidemic." She paused After a pause, he added, "For the time being, Yue'er doesn't know what the transmission route of this epidemic is, so for the time being, I ask the emperor to issue an order to isolate all people who have had contact with the disease, and we will decide later What to do next."

The emperor couldn't help thinking of Si Tianjian who suddenly fainted in the morning, his eyes widened slightly.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, he had a close contact with the Si Tianjian.

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on the emperor's back, and he was terrified.

Nangong Yue's eyes were calm, and she said in an orderly manner: "Emperor doctors should cover their mouth, nose and hands when they are in contact with patients with epidemic diseases. Hot water must be used for washing hands and bathing; raw ashes and moxa must be sprinkled all over the hunting palace. The grass is sterilized; and..." Speaking of this, Nangong Yue hesitated for a moment, knowing that her next words might be shocking, but considering the current situation, she had to mention it!

"Your Majesty, if a patient dies due to an epidemic, the corpse must be burned immediately along with all his belongings." Nangong Yue said solemnly and decisively.

What? Cremation?! Physician Wu couldn't help looking at Nangong Yue in horror, and said in a voiceless voice: "Princess, this... I'm afraid this is inappropriate. Horse corpses can be burned, but people... the family members of the deceased will not agree, or Dig a deep pit and bury it?"

The emperor also frowned, wondering and uncertain.

The so-called: Parents who suffer from body, hair, skin, and skin have always emphasized that death is the most important thing since ancient times. Only those who have committed serious crimes will be punished by being split by a car and quartered by horses. Cremation will leave people with no bones. How about a good tire

Although there have been acts of burning villages and towns to eradicate epidemics since ancient times, but after all, they only targeted ordinary civilians, but now the entire Hunting Palace is full of important ministers and their families...

Nangong Yue saw the emperor's thoughts, but still said: "Yue'er knows the emperor's concerns, but if you don't cremate, but just bury it deeply, the corpse will rot underground for a long time, and it may pollute the soil and groundwater. This water is circulating. , Maybe the groundwater will flow into the river one day, and both people and animals may drink the river water, or indirectly, people may eat the animals that have drunk the polluted water by mistake... At that time, it is very likely that there will be another catastrophe A catastrophe." Nangong Yue raised her eyes boldly to look at the emperor, and said firmly, "Your Majesty, cremation is to prevent future troubles forever!"

The emperor didn't speak for a while, his face sank like water, "Yue girl, can I really only have to be cremated?"

Nangong Yue nodded solemnly, "Please also ask the emperor to issue an order."

"Imperial Physician Wu," the emperor looked at Imperial Physician Wu with complicated and deep eyes, and there was still a trace of hesitation in his eyes, "Will the situation like the princess said really happen if it is buried deep?"

Doctor Wu looked dignified, and said: "Back to the emperor, after hearing what the princess said, I remembered something. Fifty years ago, there was an epidemic in Beiping town in the former dynasty in one summer. At that time, thousands of people died. It was buried deep. Unexpectedly, in less than ten years, the epidemic would come back again. Afterwards, the investigation suspected that it was caused by the pollution of the water source. Later, Beiping Town became a dead town, and no one lived there anymore."

After Wu Taiyi finished speaking, the hall became quiet again, waiting for the emperor's decision.

The emperor closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and finally made a decision: "Then cremation." The emperor made the final decision with one word.

"The emperor is wise and decisive, and it is the blessing of the people of Dayu!" Nan Gongyue and Wu Taiyi bowed and said in unison.

Seeing the emperor's decision, the queen on the side was still heavy in her heart. On the one hand, she was glad that her fifth son did not come, but on the other hand, she was worried about whether she could leave here safely this time.

"Huiren!" The emperor issued a series of orders to Eunuch Liu in a deep voice.

Afterwards, Nangong Yue and Wu Taiyi went to the side hall to discuss the prescriptions to prevent the epidemic.

After working for nearly an hour, Nangong Yue came out of the Guangming Palace. Baihui was guarding outside the palace, but Xiao Yi who had accompanied her to the Guangming Palace before was no longer there.

Nangong Yue's eyes dimmed, and a complex light flashed in her eyes.

"Third girl," Baihui hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "Third son-in-law said he had to leave earlier."

Nangong Yue responded lightly.

Of course she knew why Xiao Yi left, and the current situation of the epidemic is still unclear, but judging from the words brought by Xiaosi, the sick horses at the Lei Shu Racecourse are very likely to be one of the sources of the epidemic, or even the root cause! Xiao Yi had just been to that Lei Shu racecourse not long ago... He must be worried that if he contracted the epidemic, he would hurt himself.

Nangong Yue calmed down and told herself not to think wildly and mess herself up.

The source of this illness comes from Lei Shumachang, which is only Guan Yubai's guess at present. The most urgent thing now is to do everything that can be done in advance, and then wait for the news from Wu Taiyi.

Baihui glanced at Nangong Yue worriedly, and said, "Third Miss..."

"I'm fine." Nangong Yue forced a smile, "Let's go back to Qing Xia Zhai first."

Nangong Yue returned to Qing Xia Zhai, and at the same time, the emperor's will spread throughout the hunting palace, and the whole hunting palace was shaken.

The Imperial Forest Army dispatched together to seal the Hunting Palace as quickly as possible. No one could enter or leave the Hunting Palace at will without the badge bestowed by the emperor. In the Hunting Palace, there are Imperial Forest Army patrolling and guarding, and all the palaces are closed. Once suspicious people are found, they will be killed without mercy!

At the same time, the entire Hunting Palace implemented a series of countermeasures according to the suggestions of Nangong Yue and the imperial physicians:

First, those who were sick were temporarily isolated in the Muyuan Hall, the most remote corner of the Hunting Palace, and those who had been in contact with the sick were also isolated in the Xinyi Hall next to the Muyuan Hall;

Second, all the clothes worn by the patient and the fabrics that have been in contact with the patient shall be burned;

Third, everyone bathes, changes clothes, and cleans the room;

Fourth, the entire hunting palace was smoked three times with wormwood, and the ashes were scattered widely;

Fifth, the imperial physician ordered people to fry thick wormwood water and medicinal soup to prevent epidemics, and distributed them to the whole hunting palace for consumption;

This epidemic is a life-threatening thing, and it cannot be sloppy at all. The whole hunting palace is in a panic, and everyone is in danger. Whether it is the master or the slaves, I am afraid that they have never been so united in doing things.

The same is true for Qingxia Zhai... When Nangong Yue finished her work and was free to sit down in the study, Lily came to report that it was Biao girl.

Nangong Yue raised her eyebrows, as if she had thought of something, she said, "Please come in."

"Cousin Yue," Bai Muxiao said apologetically as soon as she entered the door, "the epidemic is sudden, and I know Cousin Yue must be very busy. It's meager strength, so I took the liberty to come here."

"Cousin Xiao, why should you be so polite? Please sit down." Nangong Yue said seriously, "If Cousin has any ideas, please let me know."

After sitting down, Bai Muxiao said: "Cousin Yue, although I don't know much about medicine, I have read a few medical books in my spare time, and saw that the disease came from the mouth and nose, so I made this purposely." She After giving the maid a wink, the maid immediately handed over a small basket.

Bai Muxiao put the bamboo basket on the table, took out a white thing from it, and said, "Cousin Yue, this is called a mask. I made it with six layers of gauze folded together and sewed it on my face to cover my mouth. Nose, so that the germs of the epidemic can enter through the mouth and nose." She pointed to the thin straps on both sides of the mask and said, "This strap can be hung on the ears, which is very convenient. I made more than a dozen masks with the maid. come here."

Bai Muxiao still had so many ideas. Nangong Yue's eyes flashed, she took it over, and said: "Cousin Xiao, your mask is really good, I will discuss with the imperial physician to promote it." Regardless of the various grievances and grievances between the two in their previous lives, Bai Muxiao's idea is indeed helpful for preventing the epidemic. will help.

Seeing that Nangong Yue accepted her opinion, Bai Muxiao felt relieved a little. She was afraid that Cousin Yue would be arrogant and would not accept her opinion, since she could listen to it...

At this moment, Baihui entered the room and announced, "Third Miss, Imperial Physician Wu is here."

Nangong Yue nodded and said, "Hurry up and ask Imperial Physician Wu to come in." Then she looked at Bai Muxiao, "Cousin Xiao, Imperial Physician Wu came here to discuss with me about the epidemic, please forgive me for being negligent."

Nangong Yue's words were actually an order to chase away guests, but Bai Muxiao deliberately pretended not to understand, and said with a smile: "Cousin Yue is too polite, why should you and my sister say anything to be negligent or not?" She raised her eyes and met Nangong Yue's gaze , "Cousin Yue, can I stay? Maybe there is something I can do to help."

Seeing her persistence, Nangong Yue didn't say anything more.

Soon, Lily brought Imperial Physician Wu into the house. Physician Wu didn't expect that there were other people in the study. After being stunned for a while, he saluted Nangong Yue: "I have seen the princess."

"Principal Wu is free." Nangong Yue hurriedly seated Physician Wu, and then introduced Bai Muxiao, "Physician Wu, this is my cousin from the Bai family. She just brought something called a mask. Maybe you can use it here. Play some role in this epidemic... "

Speaking of which, Nangong Yue picked up a mask and quickly explained it to Imperial Physician Wu. After hearing that Imperial Physician Wu nodded again and again, she also picked up one, looked over and over, and was full of praise: "This mask is really good." She even looked at Bai Mu Xiao's gaze changed, "Princess, this mask can be widely promoted. It is much more convenient than we used to wrap the mouth and nose layer by layer with sackcloth soaked in wormwood water. It's a pity that the mask is not detailed enough , I am afraid that the mouth and nose cannot be tightly wrapped, I will take it back later and let someone improve it."

Bai Muxiao was still smiling at first, but when she heard about halfway, her complexion froze unnaturally. It turned out that they had already thought of covering the mouth and nose with cloth to prevent the spread of the epidemic, and they still thought that their masks were not meticulously made?... She quickly calmed down and said to herself, no matter what, her mask is still It is convenient and easy to use. Meticulous or not, what do they know?!

Physician Wu didn't seem to realize that he "said the wrong thing", he stroked his beard and praised: "Miss Bai really deserves to be the princess's cousin, and she is really smart."

"Prince Wu is too much." Bai Muxiao smiled decently. She didn't worry about the mask anymore, but said confidently, "Physician Wu, Cousin Yue, actually I still have some ideas. If I make a mistake, please tell me Cousin, correct me. I just heard that those patients and those who have been in contact with the patients have been specially isolated, but I don’t know if they have investigated the behavior of those patients these days?”

"Behavior trajectory?" Imperial Physician Wu asked suspiciously.

"What I mean is where these patients have been and who they have been in contact with in the past few days, so that they may be able to find the source of the epidemic." Bai Muxiao said eloquently.

Doctor Wu was stunned, and said with a smile: "Miss Bai is really smart, she thought of going with us."

What do you mean? Bai Muxiao was also stunned for a moment, this time the embarrassment on her face couldn't be concealed. Did she do it again

Physician Wu opened the medicine box with him, took out a stack of papers from it through the handkerchief and put it on the table, and said to Nangong Yue: "Princess, this is the list of all patients, and it is listed in detail in chronological order. Where have they been and what have they done since they came to Hunting Palace?"

Really... Bai Muxiao bit her lower lip, fidgeting, wishing she could disappear here immediately.

Nangong Yue didn't pay attention to Bai Muxiao at all. She didn't expect the Tai Hospital to be so efficient, and it took less than two hours to investigate clearly.

Nangong Yue put on a glove, eagerly took the stack of papers, flipped through one after another, the first one made her notice the four words that made her shudder.

Her heart felt cold, as if she had been poured a bucket of ice water. Nervously, she flipped through several sheets of paper in a row, and under the list of the first few people who got sick, the same location was written——

Thunderbolt Racecourse!

For a moment, Nangong Yue could hardly breathe, feeling as if her heart was being grabbed by something, and the hand holding one of the papers trembled slightly.

Is it really Thunderbolt Racecourse

Nangong Yue's last trace of luck was gone at this moment.

Why is it Thunderbolt Racecourse?!

Xiao Yi, Fu Yunhe, Yuan Lingbai, Han Huaijun, Yuan Yuyi and Jiang Yixi have just gone to the Leizhu Racecourse!

Even if any one of them got the disease...

Nangong Yue hardly dared to think about it.

Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi...

Nangong Yue's heart seemed to be stabbed again, and she was in pain.

Nangong Yue took a deep breath, and looked through the list several times carefully, then put it down, and said to Physician Wu: "At present, the first few people who got sick have all had contact with sick horses. Those who have just become ill and have a mild condition have had contact with the patient after the onset of the illness. Among the people who had contact with them before the onset of the illness, no one had symptoms. Is this possible? Judging that the patient is only contagious after the onset of the disease?"

"This is indeed the case at the moment." Imperial Physician Wu also agreed, "But the epidemic will often change with the passage of time, so we should not take it lightly for the time being."

Nangong Yue nodded and stood up abruptly, "Mr. Wu, this matter is very important. We will go to the Guangming Hall to report to the Emperor immediately."

"Yes, princess!"

Nan Gongyue and Imperial Physician Wu could no longer take care of Bai Muxiao, and left Qing Xia Zhai in a hurry, rushing to the Guangming Hall to see the emperor.

The servants led the two into the palace, and before they could salute, the emperor hurriedly called out "Exemption" and was even more eager than them, "Girl Yue, Imperial Physician Wu, what progress have you made?"

Nangong Yue resisted the turbulent waves in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "Returning to the emperor, after the analysis of Yue'er and Wu Taiyi, the source of the epidemic is indeed horses, and it should have come from the nearby Thunderbolt Racecourse at the foot of Jiugong Mountain. The few people who got sick have all been to Leipu Racecourse, and the first sick horse in the stable also came from Leipu Racecourse."

"Thunderbolt the racecourse?" An anxious look flashed in the emperor's eyes, and he ordered decisively, "I will immediately send someone to seal that racecourse!"

"Your Majesty, other people in the Hunting Palace who have been to Leizhu Racecourse, regardless of whether they have contracted the disease or not, all need to be quarantined. As for how many days they need to be quarantined, it will be determined after Yue'er has seen everyone's illnesses later. "Nan Gongyue said solemnly, "Please ask the emperor to order someone to collect the list of people who have been to Lei Chu Racecourse immediately."

"Come here!" The emperor didn't dare to neglect, and immediately summoned Lu Huaining, the commander of Jinyiwei, to investigate.

Jin Yiwei's attack was indeed swift and resolute, and Lu Huaining returned to his command after only half an hour.

Eunuch Liu personally took the list from Lu Huaining, and sent it to the emperor's imperial case with a respectful expression.

The emperor stared at the list, and the more he looked down, the tighter his brows became.

There are quite a lot of people who have been to Leichu Racecourse, including officials, clans, female family members, and children from various families... When the emperor saw the series of names in the middle, his head buzzed as if it exploded, and his expression changed suddenly. Standing up, the voice trembled: "Why did they go too!?"

All the names that shocked the emperor were among them, Xiao Yi, Fu Yunhe, Yuan Lingbai, Han Huaijun, Yuan Yuyi, and Jiang Yixi!

Eunuch Liu hurriedly stepped forward boldly, glanced at it, and was also shocked. Xiao Yi, Han Huaijun and the six of them are inextricably close to the emperor and empress, if they all... Eunuch Liu dare not think about it.

The emperor took a deep breath, and said in disbelief: "The prince of Zhennan, the prince of Qi, how many of them have been to the Leizhu horse farm?"

Naturally, Lu Huaining knew the weight of these people, and he also knew that what he was doing now was thankless, but this matter was really important, and he must not be sloppy.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lu Huaining bowed and bowed in response.

Upon hearing Xiao Yi's name, Imperial Physician Wu couldn't help looking at Nangong Yue, and saw that her face was half down, her expression was calm, but her hands were clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of her hands were slightly raised , obviously her heart is not as calm as she showed.

Imperial Physician Wu couldn't help worrying about her, fearing that she would not be able to accept this blow. Prince Zhennan's son is Nangong Yue's fiancé, and the emperor gave him a marriage. If he had an accident... Imperial Physician Wu didn't dare to think about it anymore.

The hall was quiet, waiting for the emperor's verdict. In other words, everyone already knew how the emperor would choose. Since ancient times, emperors have always put the overall situation first. It is already clear at a glance which is more important.

After an unknown amount of time, the emperor closed his eyes, finally hardened his heart, and ordered: "Lu Huaining, first isolate all the people on the list."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lu Huaining responded respectfully, and then quickly exited the Guangming Palace.

When the emperor made his decision, Nangong Yue's mood calmed down instead.

"Doctor Wu," in the blink of an eye, the emperor seemed to be ten years older, looking very tired. He rubbed the center of his brows, turned his gaze to Imperial Physician Wu, and said in a difficult tone, "In any case, we must study the right prescription for the treatment of the epidemic as soon as possible."

Imperial Physician Wu was not surprised to name himself alone. After all, Princess Yaoguang has a noble status. Although he is good at medicine, he is not a practitioner of medicine.

Doctor Wu's eyes were firm, and he replied respectfully: "Yes!"

The emperor then ordered: "Huai Ren, order people to get ready to drive back to the palace immediately!"

Eunuch Liu responded in a hurry, and hurried down to prepare.

"Yue girl, you should go back and prepare, we will start tomorrow."

"Your Majesty." Nangong Yue took a step forward and said seriously, "I beg your Majesty to let Yue'er stay."

As soon as these words came out, several people present looked at her in amazement, the epidemic was rampant in this place, and it was too late for others to leave, yet she wanted to stay of her own accord

"Yue girl." The emperor said disapprovingly, "Although you are good at medicine, you are not a doctor. You don't need to stay here."

Nangong Yue's tone was gentle but powerful, "Nangong's family has never had a remarried daughter."

The emperor was a little moved, obviously he understood what Nangong Yue meant, Xiao Yi was destined to be left in the Hunting Palace, even if it was confirmed that he was not infected with the epidemic after isolation, it would be difficult to return to the capital until the epidemic was brought under control. But now that the epidemic is so dangerous, staying here for one more day is a risk for one more day, and no one knows whether he can save his life.

And once something happened, even though Nangong Yue had a marriage contract with him, he hadn't gotten married. According to the rules, he could remarry after three years. However, she said that she would not remarry...

"Your Majesty, please let Yue'er stay." Nangong Yue said calmly, "Yue'er understands medical skills and can help Wu Tai heal them. Yue'er believes that the epidemic can be controlled. We can return to the capital alive. .”

The emperor looked at her deeply, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Yue girl, you can think about it, if something happens..."

"If there is an emergency, Yue'er is not willing to guard the widow." Nangong Yue said without hesitation, and at the same time said in her heart: If there is an emergency, she is also willing to be with Xiao Yi in the last days Together, no regrets.

A soft light flashed in her eyes, in this life, she will be with him, always with him, no matter what happens...

"Yue girl, you are a good boy..." The emperor nodded gently, this little girl was so affectionate and righteous, he really did not misunderstand the person. He paused and said, "Then you can stay... Brother Yi and the others, I will entrust them to you."

Nangong Yue knelt down, kowtowed solemnly, and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

"What kind of grace is this?" The emperor said with a wry smile, "I'm pushing you to death."

Nangong Yue raised her head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, please trust Yue'er's medical skills. Maybe we will be back soon after you return to the capital."

"Get up, girl Yue." The emperor raised his hand and said in a heavy tone, "If brother Yi dares to betray you in the future, I will make the decision for you."

Nangong Yue said with a smile: "Thank you, Your Majesty." Her expression was calm, as if she didn't have the slightest fear of this life-and-death calamity.

"Wu Imperial Physician." The emperor said again, "I will leave the matter of the epidemic to the Lord Yaoguang and you to take full responsibility. For this epidemic, I have the right to kill it first and then play it." This also shows that if the epidemic worsens, they may even You can order the burning of nearby villages and towns to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

Imperial Physician Wu was completely shocked. He never imagined that a young girl who was only a golden hairpin would have such courage and determination. You must know that once they stay, they will face a near death! Imperial Physician Wu looked at Nangong Yue's eyes were even more admirable, and she bowed to her orders.

The emperor gave the token, and after Nangong Yue took it, she left the Guangming Palace.

It stands to reason that the emperor is in the epidemic area at the moment, so he should not come and go at will to spread the immune disease, but the emperor is the cornerstone of Dayu, how could he stay in such a dangerous place, so Nangong Yue discussed with Wu Taiyi , Open a prescription for the emperor and all his entourage to take it every day to minimize the danger.

After that, Nangong Yue went directly to Xiao Yi's residence.

Xiao Yi was about to move to the Yonghua Palace near Xinyitang at this time, and the Imperial Forest Army guarding outside were a little surprised to see Nangong Yue approaching from a distance. They wanted to stop her, but when they saw the token in her hand, they retreated one after another. Take a step.

At this time, Zhuzi was arranging Xiao Yi's clothes. When he saw Nangong Yue coming in, he opened his mouth in surprise, and then retreated.

"Ayi, your place is really messy." Nangong Yue looked around with a smile and said, "It's really hard work."

"Stinky girl, why are you here?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a while, then said in a panic, "Get out quickly, what are those imperial guards doing, they let you in."

Nangong Yue took out the token and shook it in front of Xiao Yi, which was exactly the same as when Xiao Yi often showed off in front of her. She pursed her lips and smiled, pretending to be relaxed and said: "The emperor has ordered me to take full responsibility for the epidemic in the Hunting Palace. From now on, even you will listen to me."

Xiao Yi's eyes froze, and he said: "I'm going to see the emperor." His appearance was already a bit murderous.

No matter how good the stinky girl's medical skills are, how could she be in charge of the epidemic, just in case... He didn't dare to think about it. Xiao Yi knew that according to the emperor's temperament, he would definitely return to the capital in these two days, he had to let the emperor bring the stinky girl back with him, and he absolutely couldn't let her stay here!

Nangong Yue pulled his sleeve, "Ah Yi."

Just this action could have made Xiao Yi happy for a long time, but now, he avoided it for fear of being too late, quickly pulled out his sleeves, took a step back and said: "Stinky girl, don't come near me..."

"Ayi." Nangong Yue restrained her smile, looked at him seriously and said, "I asked the emperor to allow me to stay, so I will not leave."

"Stinky girl." Xiao Yi stared blankly at her, and quickly said, "No."

Nangong Yue took a step forward and took his hand actively. Xiao Yi's hands were a bit rough, with calluses on his fingers, but they were very warm. Nangong Yue held them tightly, and said with a smile: "I have considered for nine days before agreeing to marry you. Since the promise From that moment on, I decided that no matter what happens, I will be with you. What's more, it's just a small epidemic."

Xiao Yi wanted to break away, but was afraid of hurting her hand, so he stood still and said disapprovingly: "No, you can't keep it."

"If today I was left behind, and you could go, would you go?"


"me too."

"It's different!"

Nangong Yue pulled him tightly, with a soft light in her eyes, she said, "Ayi, do you believe me?"

"soy Mujer… "

"Do you believe it?"

"… letter."

Nangong Yue's smile deepened, "Then let me stay with you... It's just a small epidemic, we can all survive, don't let me leave alone!"

-off topic-

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